Culture Night 2013 brochure

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Venue Venue 32. 3.


Bedlam The Nerve Vintage Centre&(Continued) Antique Market

The Nerve Bedlam Vintage Centre & Antique Market

6pm-9pm The Old Convent Pump Street Derry Tel: 07754859064 12 noon – 10pm


Big Tickle Comedy Festival

Big Tickle Comedy Festival

The Playhouse Theatre Derry 028 7126 8027 1 September 2013 - 30 September 2013

Resonate Pop Up Studio

mentors The innerand courtyard get your will be open hands onwith 21stmusic, century performances, workshops technology, music and stalls throughout knowledge and find out the day. what is happenexactly ing as part of the Music Gladragsfor Promise and 2013. handbags new enterprise to proWe’ll have our full set up mote and give a platform for anyone who wants to try local newhand and and upcomto their ing designers will be explore their musical launched on the day. curiosity. So whether youlocal Readings from wanna rock out aAcorns few riffs authors in Little or beats on guitar and Book Store. drums or set the room on fire by droppin the Cooper-Crawley Artperfect mix then this open Exhibition. day will set your creative mind ablaze.

Music Promise



Resonate Pop Up Studio at Audiobooth, ‘Resonate’ is a project which capture the The Bigwill Tickle Comemusical talent, energy dy Festival, Northern and spiritlargest of our comedy city Ireland’s during and record, festival 2013 is getting bigger produce and and better fordistribute 2013. As that as both a well music as its traditional lasting and celehome atlegacy The Playhouse, bration of the the festival willUK beCity be of Culture 2013. hosted in a number of It’s then that the keyfitting arts venues across Nerve Centre’s Resonate the city, bringing the project createfrom a pop cream ofwill comedy up recording studio to across these islands Audiobooth will open it’s The Big Tickle.

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