TCM June 2015

Page 60

A Financial Expert Indeed!

PAUL MEZA, CPA, MBA A common image when one imagines

table and what helps to differentiate his firm

on companies looking to do business in an

the work of a CPA is a number-crunching

from the competition. In fact, his expertise

international climate.

intellectual with a calculator in hand. Meeting

in US taxation and international business has

Paul Meza, CPA, one quickly sees that the

fostered the way to a client base as far and

Right here in our Sun City, Meza is a proud El

mold has been broken. Although highly-

wide as South America including Columbia

Pasoan with an agenda of educating the public

crafted in the art of numbers and extremely

and Peru, and in places like Puerto Rico and

on the myriad of opportunities waiting to be

knowledgeable, the man does just about

the Bahamas.

tapped into. He believes people don’t have to leave El Paso, perpetuating the “brain-drain”

everything BUT sit behind a cubicle. In fact, this Certified Public Accountant is

Businesses looking for guidance on US rules

phenomenon, when the city is fully capable

much more mobile than you’d imagine and

and regulations that pertain to international

of providing a high-quality lifestyle for those

conducts business not only here on the

commerce, especially those that are non-

who seek it out. In fact, his upcoming term

border of El Paso and Juárez, but also in the

English speaking, benefit in particular from

as President of the El Paso Chapter of the

further interior of Mexico and beyond.

the 100% bilingual services that Meza and

Texas Society of CPA’s brings with it a vision

his team of CPA’s provide. In fact, Meza and

for utilizing this platform to build awareness

A true El Pasoan in every sense of the

Associates are actually both US and Mexican

into all the exciting developments in our city.

word, Meza graduated from Hanks High

trained and have been named a ‘Top 500

Meza will be one of the younger faces to

School and earned both a BBA and MBA in

Hispanic Business’ in 2012 and 2013. Aside

offer a fresher perspective when he hosts

Finance from UTEP. Earning a CPA would

from this, Meza has also been recognized

the society in El Paso in January 2016. This

seem a natural progression but unlike most,

by Mexico’s National Association of CPA’s

is important for the city as a whole since he’ll

Meza’s desire to do business on the border

and frequently conducts seminars in Juárez,

be “keeping it local,” and showcasing all of

and hone his skills in this realm is far from

Guadalajara, and Chihuahua related to the

the resources and opportunities that we have

typical. And this is what Meza brings to the

US business environment and the impact

to offer for commerce and growth.


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