The Reynolds Young Writers Workshop at Denison University - Anthology 2014

Page 24

Amelia Berg

Abyss Here I am. Standing on the edge of a cliff, Overlooking the sharpness of the rocks, Not caring about the rushing waters below. Only thinking of How much I want this, How much I need this. This relief, This escape, From this abyss I’ve been living in. The smoke from the fires of hell Is choking me, Caught in my lungs, Suffocating my throat, Making every breath Shorter than the last. But I keep breathing. I want to stop. I can’t stand this torture, Why should I have to? I am already in hell. Just one more step And I’ve saved myself. I never needed anyone’s help, I never had anyone anyways. So just One more stride, One more pace, And I’ll finally be done. After 16 years of this I can finally be done. All I have to do Is Take That One Last Step

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