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Everything Else You Need to Know About Using Issuu What are best What are best practices for uploading my files?

Are there limits on the size of my publication?

It’s best if you upload PDF files, although we accept other text-based file types and Power Points (PPT). Make sure your PDF is using a single page (vs. spreads) layout.

If you are on the Premium plan, your publication can have up to 5,000 pages and be up to 500 MB in size. For the Starter plan, each publication can have up to 500 pages and be up to 100 MB in size.

Our system will automatically convert your document to a 2-page spread. If you upload your publication in a 2-page spread, it will show up on issuu as 4 pages.

How technical is it to embed a publication on my site? Embedding a publication is one of our customers’ favorite features: you can customize the look of the embedde reader according to your brand style guide, and give your readers a distraction-free experience. Embedding is super easy. After you upload your document, you can adjust a few styling options to your liking, and we will generate an embed code that reflects your customizations. After that, you simply copy that code and paste it into your website’s editor. That’s it.

You can upload as many files as you’d like!

Can readers download my publications? Some readers prefer to download publications so they can read them when offline. As a publisher, you get to decide whether your publications can be downloaded or not. If you are on the Free or Starter plan, your readers need to sign up for an Issuu account or log into an existing issuu account in order to download the publication. If you are on the Premium or Optimum plan, your readers can download your publications from your Embed and Shareable Full-Screen Reader without requiring a login.

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.