IDN 100 April 2012

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100 EDITION APRIL 2012 COMMENT: IDN celebrates 100 editions as journal-of-record for 15 years of market change and development ... Page 3-4

Motorcycle manufacturers ask EU legislators for realism in adopting new technical regulations F OLLOWING the European Parliament IMCO committee vote in December (the Committee for Internal Market and Consumer Protection) on the EC proposal “Approval and market surveillance of two- or three-wheeled vehicles and quadricycles”, ACEM (the European Motorcycle Constructors Association) had welcomed the decision to run an Impact Assessment Study (IAS) on the potential effects of the new regulations, while voicing concerns about the complexities of the type approval classifications and timeline for introduction, lack of international testing harmonisation, and plans for mandatory use of ABS. The IAS was to have been aimed at shedding light on the cost-benefit of extending ABS provisions, modifying On Board Diagnostics requirements and changing the timetable for emission standards for


the application of the provisions. However, ACEM says that subsequent committee discussions at the end of February saw IMCO reject the IAS. Given the fundamental importance of the issues at stake, ACEM has called on MEPs to insist on a clarifying Impact Assessment Study before proceeding to a final vote.

EU should actively support domestic manufacturing industries rather than burdening them with disproportionate regulations Jacques Compagne, ACEM Secretary General, says that “Due to the impact of the foreseen measures, in particular for smaller vehicles in a market which is already suffering from an unprecedented crisis, it is of the utmost importance that the quality of the Impact Analysis Study provides the basis for an informed decision in the


European Parliament.” The February IMCO discussions focussed mainly on ABS and cost issues. ACEM had previously argued that total costs to install ABS would result in an average new motorcycle price increase for consumers of at least €500. The original regulation proposal made by the European Commission called for ABS to be mandatory on all new motorcycles above 125cc from 2016, while the IMCO committee tabled amendments aimed at extending mandatory ABS to 125cc vehicles as well. ACEM believes that this is a disproportionate measure in terms of cost/benefit and has also said it regrets that alternatives to ABS, such as Combined Braking Systems, have been scrapped from the list of approved available safety measures, effectively wiping out years of industry investment in research and development. hile there has been some streamlining of the proposed timetable for other aspects of the new

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Industry Extra

Pages 35-43

NEWS ROOM 4-5, 48

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COMMent • COMMent • COMMent • COMMent • COMMent • COMMent •

IDN celebrates 100 editions as journal of record to market change and development HE magazine that became International Dealer News was first unveiled at the old IFMA ‘Cologne Show’ in 1996. It made its debut as International Dealer News two years later when the industry had uprooted from a 60 plus year biennial tradition at Cologne, to re-emerge as the newly branded ‘INTERMOT’ in Munich in 1998. In the time since, everybody involved in the motorcycle industry has witnessed a period of massive change as the growth of the 1990s gave way to steady decline from 2000 onwards a decline that accelerated into recession following the US banking crisis in 2008. IDN first appeared at a time of major change in the market. Following the move to Munich the traditional rotation between the German and Italian shows eventually collapsed, with INTERMOT eventually moving to Cologne in 2006. As the motorcycle industry in Europe eyes market stability and possibly even modest single digit growth in the year ahead, the 99 editions of International Dealer News that preceded this one have served as an international "journal of record" to the change and turmoil that has affected every business in every sector of the industry. ack in the mid 1990s we were only just half way through the long-term impact of the last great revolution in the motorcycle industry - namely the emergence of the superbike in the late 1970s and the subsequent domination of Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki and Kawasaki as their production excellence exposed the frailties of European and American motorcycle design and engineering. As consumers learnt to value the twin virtues of performance and reliability it appeared that the new world order of Japanese motorcycle industry domination could never end. Some 20 or so years later it is an exaggeration to say that


the era of the Japanese manufacturers has ended, but it is certainly true to say that the cycle of innovation that they pioneered had reached its maturity by the time of the recession, and that for a number of years riders have been seeking fresh and alternate riding and ownership experiences in increasing numbers. The change in riding and ownership expectations has found graphic expression in the increased large displacement market share that northern hemisphere manufacturers such as BMW, Ducati, Triumph and HarleyDavidson have been taking. hese ‘new-four’ have successfully challenged the domination of the ‘Jap-four’ not so much in terms of absolute/comparative sales numbers, or primarily on the Japanese manufacturers’ home territory of performance, but instead have exploited riders’ desire to seek greater individuality and character from the nature of their machines at a time when road and traffic conditions have rendered the next additional 1.5bhp breakthrough as a less satisfying return on their ‘leisure-Dollar’ investment than it was when superbike crates first hit Europe’s dealerships. During this time we have also seen the importance and volume of Asian parts, accessory, component, apparel and helmet manufacturing grow exponentially as European and American consumers and vendors alike have embraced the price points that Asian labour rates and productivity have made available. With many of Europe’s motorcycle manufacturers now beating the same path as that trail-blazed by the parts, accessory and components industries, and Asian manufacturers, especially those in China, having shown that they can produce quality and design-led as well as price-point products, this is a genie that will never return to its bottle.

the ‘new-four’ have challenged the Japanesefour domination


CONTENTS NEWS Pages 6-12, 48 SHOWZONE Page 9

CATHCART REPORT Pages 14-17 New models mean Husqvarna growth with scooters to trigger another record year for parent company BMW


Continued on page 4 >>>

Chapman House, Chapman Way, Tunbridge Wells Kent, Tn2 3eF, UK

PRODUCTS Pages 20-28 INDUSTRY EXTRA Pages 30-33

MOTORCYCLE FASHION Pages 35-43 TRADEZONE Page 44-45 IDN comes from the publishers of...

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No part of IDN may be reproduced or used in any way without permission. The views contained in IDN are not necessarily the views of the publishers. Every effort is made to ensure that all material included is as accurate as possible, however the publishers cannot be held responsible for any erroneous statements, facts, figures or mistakes. All trademarks, brand names and other key words are used purely for descriptive purposes. No approval, endorsement of, or involvement in the contents of IDN is implied by the use of these or any other words, names or marks associated with all or any companies. All trademarks acknowledged. IDN (ISSN 1354-4074) is published six times a year by, Chapman House, Chapman Way, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 3EF, Great Britain. Send address corrections to us at the address shown on this page, or e-mail to:






IDN celebrates 100 editions <<< Continued from page 3

When we unveiled the early version of International Dealer News at IFMA in 1996, we also sponsored and organised what still remains a unique industry meeting at the Cologne exhibition centre. We invited the DGIII authors of the then recently enacted first European Motorcycle Multi-Directive to meet the parts and accessories aftermarket and address the concerns that manufacturers and distributors had at that time. hose concerns revolved around issues such as voluntary (or otherwise) performance limits, sound and emissions regulations, and the first generation of what became known as ‘antitampering’ regulations. Just as everything changes, in many respects nothing changes. As we are reporting elsewhere in this 100th edition of International Dealer News, such concerns are still at the top of the European motorcycle industry’s ‘stress list’. Now though, and in no small part due to the European trade association landscape changes whose impacts included the birth of INTERMOT, we are well served through the ‘good-offices’ of organisations such as the IVM in Germany and ACEM and FEMA in Brussels (to name just three). They provide mechanisms through which the motorcycle industry and its consumers can try to have a voice in the regulatory process. However, let nobody be fooled into thinking that structure alone is sufficient. The threats that the industry is currently facing are just as severe as they were 20 years ago and, no doubt, should International Dealer News be around to celebrate its 200th edition, are just as severe as those that the motorcycle industry will be facing then. Despite the decline in annual new model sales since 2000, the primary driver of industry revenues and profits remains now, as it was 20 years ago, the passion for the riding experience that created the market in the first place. Globally more people currently ride more miles on more motorcycles of one kind or another, in one place or another, than was the case 20 years ago, and anybody who underestimates the ability of our industry’s creativity to ensure that this will also be the case 20 years from now does so at their peril. here is no question that the next 20 years will see further dramatic change in the nature of what is ridden and who is doing the riding - but change is a process, not (necessarily) a single dramatic moment or event. Change is constant, and everything surrounding us is constantly changing.



But the speed of that change is often so incremental that it is only with the benefit of decades of hindsight that it can be discerned as change at all. In fact, the changes that consumer expectations, economic conditions, and environmental impacts are forcing on us have been in play throughout the past 20 years. What we see currently as an acceleration of that process of change is merely a reflection of the evolution of international trade itself. The issues that the motorcycle industry faces are becoming increasingly commonplace in many other leisure-spend dependent, technology dependent, and environmentally impacting consumer markets - transport and otherwise. he mantra of consumption has always been “better products at better prices”, and that pressure will always be the driving dynamic of capitalism. To those who predict that the motorcycle industry as such is fast approaching its ‘sell-by date’, the message to be learnt from the history of our industry, from the history of all consumer markets, is not only that change is good, but that it is necessary. Without change, we cannot hope to find new generations of customers, or to excite new generations about the ‘product-offer’ that is motorcycling, and far from being a problem, the continuity of the process of change and its apparent dramatic acceleration are the best driver of opportunity that the revenues of our market could possibly have. ust as the motorcycles themselves that are currently gleaming on dealer showroom floors throughout Europe are radically different machines from those that the market embraced enthusiastically 20 years ago, so too the technology and riding solutions that are being researched and designed now will help guarantee our market’s future in the years ahead. Yes, our industry certainly faces tough challenges, but so too do all consumer markets. While some of those challenges are market-specific, the wider issues dictate opportunity for market-specific solutions within whatever regulatory landscape wriggle-room we are able to negotiate. If general economic stability breaks out for a few years, then the creative genius that is fuelled by the passion of our unique customer base and productoffer will undoubtedly result in new sales opportunities and profits for a parts, accessory, component, performance and apparel industry that has never stood still, and always prospered by embracing change.


mantra of consumption is always “better products at better prices”


Robin Bradley Publisher

news ROOM GERM AN REPO RT Stephan Maderner, editor of German motorcycle trade magazine Bike & BUSINESS, takes a look at the main issues currently affecting the industry in his country

Polo gets chance for second life urprising turn in the drama about an important market player in the German motorcycle industry. The since beginning of December 2011 insolvent motorcycle clothing and accessories chain Polo has found a new owner. An investor consortium under the management of Paragon Partners and Tempus Capital has acquired the newly founded Polo Motorrad und Sportswear GmbH. The company also owns all employees and the main material matters from the insolvent Polo company. After ex-company founder and former head Klaus Esser was dismissed, now Manfred Steffens, formerly responsible for acquisitions, logistics and IT, now runs the business. ll 95 German and six Swiss branches are to be continued without the loss of jobs. The headquarters in Juechen near Cologne will remain there. Thanks to this risk capital, Polo has again a perspective. Astounding about the deal is that there are still investors out there who invest money in order to save a company in the crumbling German two-wheeler industry. More often than not banks in this country look at creditworthiness of motorcycle dealers in the same way that they look at fish and chips stands!



MAG Europe to exhibit at Big Bike Europe THE European office of MAG (the Motorsport Aftermarket Group) has agreed a multi-year commitment to exhibit at Big Bike Europe – the all new ‘headquarters expo’ for the motorcycle parts, accessory, custom, performance, workshop and tuning industry in Europe. The new expo has been widely welcomed by the international motorcycle parts aftermarket, and MAG Europe Managing Director Robert Brinkmark said of the agreement “we are delighted to be able to be in at the start of this exciting new expo project as one of the event’s Founding Exhibitors. By targeting high mileage, large displacement motorcycle riders and the dealers they buy from, we believe that BBE is a powerful and future-facing expo formula.”

Founder Robin Bradley says that “ for the project to have the backing of prestige aftermarket brands such as Vance & Hines, Küryakyn, Performance Machine, RSD, Progressive Suspension and the other businesses in the Motorsport Aftermarket Group says much about the acceptance of the Big Bike Europe concept”. To be staged at Essen, Germany, in May 2013, the first day of the expo (Friday, May 10th 2013) will be an invitation-only trade and VIP visitor day that will feature the first annual International Motorcycle Industry Conference. The weekend (May 11th and 12th) will be open to riders and enthusiasts.

Furygan’s first fully CE-approved collection FRENCH manufacturer Furygan is set to launch the first collection under its new Motion Lab label, a spring/summer 2012 range that will be fully compliant with European protection standards. The label represents Furygan's latest material technology and is said to be the result of intensive research and development at the company's factory in Nimes. The aim was to produce a full Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) CE-approved line at a reasonable price. To achieve this Furygan developed an in-house, state-of-the-art testing facility it has named 'Motion Lab'. This has enabled the company to undergo 18 months of abrasion, tearing, ergonomic and impact testing. As a result every garment in the spring/summer 2012 collection, produced

under the Motion Lab label, is constructed from leather or textile material that not only meets, but in some cases exceeds current European regulations. Furygan is using CEapproved D3O protection in the shoulders, elbows and back. The first collection under the Motion Lab label includes textile and leather racing, urban and touring jackets, trousers and gloves. Part of the range are the Summer vented textile jacket and top of the range garments such as the Sydney and Titan textile jackets, and the Spyder and Hawk leather jackets. FURYGAN Nimes, FRANCE Tel. +33 (0)4 66 38 85 85

COVER STORY <<< Continued from cover

regulations, such as the creation of new vehicle categories, there has so far been no rationalisation of what ACEM describes as a “regulation made more complex due to the creation of … a multitude of different prescriptions”. In December IMCO had also voted against amendments supporting international harmonisation in terms of the durability test procedure, which ACEM says brings unnecessary duplications of tests and costs to the motorcycle industry, and therefore ultimately for consumers too, without any measurable environmental benefit.

Hendrik von Kuenheim, ACEM President and Managing Director of BMW-Motorrad, stated: “A reevaluation of certain aspects of the type-approval regulation is necessary. In our view the concept of moratorium expressed by VicePresident Tajani in its communication of March 8th stresses this need. The introduction of some of the requirements must be adjusted and phased in to prevent PTW manufacturers’ costs from rising beyond consumer acceptance and for the sake of the sustainability of European production plants. We invite legislators to perform a reality-check considering that the size and capabilities of this specific industry may not be up to their proposed goals.”

ACEM has also pointed to what appear to be inconsistencies in the execution of IMCO’s brief to protect consumer interests and the internal market in Europe; especially where presumed economies of scale are concerned in the case of certain manufacturing processes such as the use of catalysts. ACEM says that the higher content of precious metals used in these devices will lead to consumers facing increases in price as a direct consequence of legislative measures.

Harmonisation of technical regulations is of utmost importance At its end of March General Assembly in Vienna (hosted by FFÖ, the Austrian Vehicle Industry Association) Hendrik von Kuenheim, ACEM President and Managing Director of BMW-Motorrad, said that the European Powered Two-Wheeler Industry should be included in the concept of the moratorium on automotive legislation that has been suggested by the European Commission. ACEM says that “in 2011, four years into a relentless economic crisis, the Powered Two-Wheeler sector achieved its lowest performance of the decade with registrations marked by a further 9.5% decline, with only 1.7 million sold units over the last year. The crisis has wiped almost 40% off market volumes since 2007, with provisional data already indicating a further decline of 15% for the first two months of 2012 compared to last year. “As a result, companies have to adapt their production capacity. Due to the impact of the economic crisis – especially in traditionally important PTW markets, such as Spain, Greece, and Italy – it is unclear whether a return to pre-crisis market levels will be possible. “With such strong adverse

conditions affecting its domestic market, the EU Motorcycle Industry could better resist decline and maintain production levels if the EU focussed instead on increased global pressure for the creation of trade opportunities for EU manufacturers in promising foreign markets. “Import duties and non-tariff barriers prevent high-end European motorcycles from accessing Southeast Asian and South American markets, which represent about 80% of the global market for Powered Two-Wheelers”. Mr. von Kuenheim added that “Europe needs to push for equal access to global markets, with the same opportunities for all players involved”. eanwhile, to exploit the potential markets accessible to EU manufacturers, ACEM says that the harmonisation of technical regulations among the regions and countries of the EU is of utmost importance. To this end, Europe should accede as much as possible to the UN ECE framework. This would mean that for new regulations, Europe should first seek adoption at UN level before implementing them on their own territory. “Developing regulations only for Europe does not represent any benefit for EU manufacturers, just additional type-approval burden and costs generated by the fragmentation of the production”, according to ACEM. ACEM says it agrees with the high level objectives pursued by the Commission, and considers that the regulation will offer some opportunities, notably in terms of creating a level playing field for manufacturers and consumers, but believes that some regulatory issues are not proportionate to the size and capabilities of this specific industry. ACEM argues that a strong EU industrial policy should “courageously and objectively evaluate if the envisioned regulation on type-


July vote N October 4th 2010 the European Commission published a long anticipated proposal on new typeapproval of L-category vehicles (COM 2010/542). This proposal makes provisions on many different safety and environmental requirements for a wide range of vehicles such as two- or three-wheel powered cycles, mopeds, motorcycles with and without a side-car, tricycles, on-road quads and mini-cars. The regulation is currently under discussion in the European Parliament and Council. A first Reading vote in the European Parliament is foreseen for the July Plenary Session.


approval of two-wheelers, threewheelers and quadricycles currently under discussion by the co-legislators is proportionate and cost-effective, and if it will benefit the PTW industry in Europe. This regulation will form the backbone of EU type approval for the coming decade, and beyond”, and therefore shape and impact the business opportunities for the motorcycle industry.

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Motodays close with record attendance of 128,400 in Rome BY the time the 4th annual of Motodays show closed after the fourth day, the organisers registered a record visitor attendance. In fact, visitor numbers rose over the years from 108,000 to 128,400 this year. In five pavillions visitors could admire the latest bikes on the market from, amongst others, Honda, Suzuki, KTM, the Piaggio Group (with Aprilia, Derbi, Gilera, Moto Guzzi, Scarabeo and Vespa), Fantic, Husaberg and Lambretta, as well as Yamaha, Ducati, BMW, Husqvarna, H-D, MV Agusta, Peugeot, Garelli and also Norton, CR&S and Sym. Among the themed areas of major success were the "Alternative VillageDekra" with a fully equipped test area for electric vehicles, "Kromature", dedicated to custom bikes with the Bike Show, "Days on the Road", dedicated to US tourism, "Motodays Vintage" with English motorcycles up to 70 years old, and "Market One to One" for second-hand bikes. Further attractions of the show were the outdoor areas and the presence of stunt rider Chris Pfeiffer, as well as famous riders Carlos Checa, Tony Cairoli, Marco Melandri and Michel Fabrizio. The final results on the last day of the Bike Show, organised by magazine Low Ride, were Best in Show for Street Glide by Vallese Garage, a Latin customiser who received a cash prize

Carlos Checa at Motodays

from distributor Zodiac and further prizes from Geronimos and Jack Daniels. From the 50 participants in the BIke Show, first place went to Tronto di Tatanka, second to Dyna Street Bob Racing of H-D Rome, while third place went to 0586 Garage.



news ROOM

Ducati GP race bikes auction DUCATI has announced the exclusive offering of two Ducati Desmosedici GP machines at RM Auctions' highly anticipated Monaco sale at the Grimaldi Forum, 11-12 May. The machines in question are a GP10 raced by Casey Stoner and GP11 raced by Valentino Rossi. Presented directly from the Ducato Corse racing

department within the Ducati factory in Bologna, Italy, and offered under reserve, both machines are said to represent "motorcycle exotica at its most desirable and a genuine chance of a lifetime purchase for international collectors". Built in the Ducati factory in December 2009, Casey Stoner's

Casey Stoner's 2010 Desmosedici GP10 CS1 - being auctioned with 4,232km on the clock

Ducati Desmosedici GP10 "CS1" was first started for bench testing on 14th December 2009 before being track tested by Stoner at Sepang, Malaysia, in February 2010. Stoner first competed with CS1in Qatar in April 2010 and raced it to victory in the Australian GP at Phillip Island in October 2010. Its final GP was in

Valencia in November 2010, having logged a total of 4,232km. Rossi's Desmosedici GP11 "VR2" was built and bench-tested in December 2010. The first track test was in February 2011 and it competed in the Qatar GP the following month. In its last race it competed at the Dutch TT at Assen, having logged a total of 2,342km.

Valentino Rossi's 2011 Desmosedici GP11 VR2 being auctioned with 2,342km on the clock

Sena launches entry-level Bluetooth system SENA announces the release of their entry level motorcycle Bluetooth communication system SMH5. The SMH5 is designd with Bluetooth v3.0 technology and allows riders to wirelessly make mobile calls, listen to stereo or mp3 player music or GPS navigation. Riders can also hold conversations with another motorcyclist or passenger via the SMH5's two-way, multi-pair Bluetooth intercom system. "The SMH5 shares many of the award-winning features our customers love about our flagship SMH10 Bluetooth headset and intercom, and comes in a very accescible price point for all riders," said Tae Kim, President and CEO of Sena Technologies, Inc. "We listened and made sure we addressed the needs of motorcycle and scooter riders

looking for optimal capability in a wireless communication device. We feel the SMH5 offers many features missing from other Bluetooth devices designed for motorcyclists." Thanks to the latest Bluetooth v0.3 and its advanced digital processing technology, riders will find the Sena SMH5 to offer the best audio quality for both incoming and outgoing calls in its class, says Sena. Motorcyclists who wear gloves while riding will appreaciate the easy to access and intuitive button and dial operations. Riders may hold conversations at normal volume with a passenger or another motorcycle up to a distance of one quarter of a mile in open terrain via the multi-pair

intercom capability, it is claimed. The SMH5 is also said to support the Audio Video Remote Control Profile (AVRCP), so one may not only listen to the music wirelessly over Bluetooth, but also remotely control music playback on compatible Bluetooth audio devices. In addition, the integrated audio



booster of the SMH5 provides sufficient sound level for the best sound experience in noisy environments, and the SMH5 may be charged while in use. SENA TECHNOLOGIES INC San Jose (CA), USA Tel. +1 408 448 1997

news ROOM

UK Arai distributor closes BRITISH distributor Phoenix Distribution has closed its doors following a review of the group's motorcycle industry business activities by parent company James Halstead plc. Formed 20 years ago after the closure of Belstaff International, Phoenix had expanded steadily and boasted UK market distribution for Arai helmets as the jewel in its crown. In an end February announcement,

however, Phoenix pointed to the serious effects of the recession and in particular the weakness of sterling pushing up import prices and keeping consumer confidence low. Taken with the continuing decline in motorcycle sales in the UK, Halstead has not sought to sell the business but, instead, simply to close out trading in cooperation with its vendors. Arai Helmet (Europe) B.V. commented on the decision saying

that "for almost 30 years Arai helmets have been distributed in the UK by Phoenix and its predecessor, and we have enjoyed a close cooperation in building a strong reputation for Arai in the UK. "The network of the UK's best retailers, the excellent relationship with the media and the racing community and the hundreds of thousands of satisfied Arai customers offer a very solid basis for the

Sidecar heaven LEGENDARY British sidecar manufacturer Watsonian Squire celebrates it 100th anniversary this year, and to mark the occasion is staging a Watsonian Centenary Rally at Stoneleigh Park, near Coventry in the UK, on 18th and 19th August 2012. Founded by TF Watson in 1912, attractions at the Centenary Rally will include a display of historic sidecars and memorabilia from the company archive, a driving skills test,

continuation of Arai in the UK market." Until a new UK distributor is announced, Phoenix will continue to supply Arai helmets, spare parts and accessories to retailers and consumers.

Modern GP700 sidecar paired with Triumph Rocket III motorcycle

prizes for Best in Show, celebrity guests, trade stands an an opportunity to test ride Royal Enfield motorcycles Watsonian have been UK distributors since 1999. Watsonian say they are keen to hear from owners of interesting or unusual 'outfits' and three-wheelers (Watsonian or other makes) who would like to show their vehicles at the event.

Dainese unveils road-going version of impact triggered airbag system DAINESE launched its D-air Street airbag system in March, at presentations in Germany and the UK. Introduced following the success of the D-air Racing airbag suit launch last year, the D-air Street features the same advantages of the race version's internal airbag and completely wireless set-up (no connection to the motorcycle), but say that beyond this the differences between the two systems is "vast". The company says that "while in the racing version the system is fitted into the hump of the suit, the D-air Street has two components. The airbag and deployment facilities are fitted in the jacket, while the mechanics of the whole system are fitted to the motorcycle. "D-air Street features a fall sensor that is physically connected to a display unit on the bike’s dash. This shows the rider system information, including when the device is connected, the battery life and information about the passenger’s system, if they too are wearing one. Dair Street is designed to protect the


spine in conjunction with a back protector, limit movement of the neck whilst rolling and to protect the upper abdomen and chest. The unit automatically switches on when the ignition is started, and communicates with the airbag via a two-way radio link. Once activated, the M-Kit detects the airbag and the connection is signalled to the rider on the display. The system is said to be able to identify head-on collisions, with up to a 45-degree angle of impact, or a slide. Once triggered it is claimed that the airbag is deployed within 45

milliseconds. Due to be available from the end of May as an outer waistcoat and as a Gore-tex jacket, both garments will include a fitted back protector, removable thermal liners, outside pockets and adjustable waistbands as well as the airbag system, with removable shoulder and elbow protection in the jacket version.

D-air Street waistcoat

D-air Street Gore-tex jacket


Wo rd s b y A l a n C a t h c a r t - c a t h c a r t @ d e a l e r- w o r l d . c o m

Bonami family renews search for a 100 percent Ducati sale deal UCATI is riding high right now, with its new 1199 Panigale earning rave reviews after a glitzy media launch for the radically engineered new 2012-model V-twin Superbike at the Yas Marina Formula 1 circuit in Abu Dhabi. Following Carlos Checa’s 2011 World Superbike Championship title with the 1198, the Italian sportbike brand’s future sales looks assured. Figures revealed recently show sales already to be at near-record levels, denoting the company’s strong recovery from the global downturn. In 2011, Ducati sold 42,233 bikes worldwide, a 17.5% increase over the deflated 36,050 units sold the previous year (though 2009 was even worse, with just 34,606 deliveries), and turnover was up 22% from Euro 392 million in 2010, to a best-ever Euro 480 million in the last calendar year. During that period, Ducati North America saw a 43% percent growth in motorcycle sales compared to 2010, with a record market share in all three of its territories (USA, Canada and Mexico) making the region Ducati’s No.1 market for the first time ever. “2011 was definitely the best year in the company’s history in financial terms,” states Ducati’s Direttore Generale, Claudio Domenicali, “because we made a record turnover and posted record profits, so the company is financially very safe now, after many years of ups and downs.” ith Ducati’s products now sold through 860 dealers in a total of 84 different countries, other export markets did well, too, with Ducati sales in Germany up 31% in 2011, 17% in the UK and 12% in France - although their Italian home market, their strongest in recent years, actually declining by 3% last year, albeit in a




market in which overall motorcycle sales dropped by 19% in total. “Our 2011 sales are just a couple of hundred less than the record sales figure from 2008 [when 42,669 bikes were sold] just before the financial crisis,” says Domenicali. “But it’s far above it in terms of turnover, because the product mix has been much better, we are now selling many more Multistradas and Diavels, and fewer small Monsters. “The Diavel especially was a very big success, because it is so different to typical Ducati products, and is opening up a completely new set of customers for us. It did very well in Germany, the USA, the UK, France, and many other markets.” Indeed so, with 7,550 Diavels sold in the ten months following its launch last spring, a figure which considerably exceeded Ducati’s forecasts, according to Domenicali – as did the 11 million individual visits to the website during 2011. Ducati’s powerful growth has seen its slice of the over-500cc global market jump from 8.8% to 10.7% in the past year – a significant increase from its 4.2% share in 2006, when Ducati sold just 35,307 bikes, and this was achieved during a period when that overall market declined from 716,000 bikes in 2006, down to 350,000 in 2011, says CEO Gabriele


del Torchio, who has now spent five years leading Ducati under the control of Milan-based Investindustrial Holdings/IIH, the Italian private equity finance house controlled by the Bonomi family. ince 2008 Ducati has been a private company, 100% owned by an investment vehicle called Performance Motorcycles, whose makeup is spearheaded by IIH in partnership with its smaller counterpart BS Investimenti, and the Canadian Hospitals of Ontario Pension Plan fund. IIH controls companies in several different industries with a combined annual turnover of Euro 2.2 billion, together employing 32,500 people with a manufacturing presence in 14 different countries and produced a collective profit of Euro 588 million in 2010. The fund was founded in 1990 by chairman Andrea Bonomi, 46, and Bonomi’s younger brother, Carlo Umberto, 45, is also an IIH principal, working out of the firm’s Barcelona office at San Just Desvern – interestingly, just a stone’s throw from MotoGP promoter Dorna’s HQ in the same suburb. However, the real guiding force behind IIH is their father Carlo Campanini Bonomi, 71, a former racewinning offshore powerboat racer and big game hunter, who is the only member of the Bonomi family to sit on


a Ducati board of directors that is headed by del Torchio - the former CEO of the Ferretti luxury yacht company, who was headhunted by the Bonomis in 2008 to lead Ducati. Papa Bonomi has been one of the top figures in Italian financial circles for the past 40 years, with a lifestyle to suit – among his several homes around Europe is the Castello di Paraggi at the entrance to Portofino harbour in Italy, which he leases longterm to former Italian prime minister and billionaire media mogul, Silvio Berlusconi. However, there is no word if any of his notorious bunga-bunga parties were ever held there! t can be no coincidence that it was on February 12, just as the first glowing reports of the February 11 Panigale press launch began to appear on websites around the world, that London’s Financial Times published a thinly veiled For Sale notice for Ducati, sticking a Euro 1.0 billion price tag on the company. It is a mark of Bonomi Snr.’s strength that he could persuade a newspaper of such global significance, known for the independence of its financial reporting, to print a PR piece for his motorcycle business; one that was clearly aimed at alerting prospective buyers for Ducati. “Ducati is now a perfect company, but the further growth it requires needs the support of a world-class industrial partner. This year, we will work towards finding that partner,” Bonomi Jnr. is quoted as telling the Financial Times. Bonomi was also quoted as saying that IIH aims to make three times its initial investment by disposing of Ducati in a deal worth up to Euro 1.0 billion, declaring that a handful of industrial groups in Asia, Europe and the US were interested. People “close to the situation” (i.e. Bonomi!) are quoted by the FT as


CATHCART REPORT saying that “possible buyers could include Indian motorcycle group Mahindra, and German car groups such as Volkswagen and BMW”. ar from being the ‘shocking news’ that the motorcycle press claimed, the fact is that Ducati has been for sale ever since December 19, 2008 when it was delisted from the Milan Stock exchange. The company retreated into private ownership a decade after it was floated on the stock market by TPG, the American equity fund which had acquired it at the end of 1996 and turned it into what it is today. When the three principals in Performance Motorcycle launched a February 2008 bid to buy the 70.1% of publicly traded stock they didn’t already own (via a Euro 390.8 million share offer valuing the stock at a 23% premium over the then market price) ,they did so with one intention. While presented as “a move that’s


necessary to ensure Ducati has a stable and cohesive ownership”, the real reason for the privatisation was, of course, the chance to maximize the trio’s chance to profit from the company’s turnaround based on new models and race track fuelled success. The only remaining question was, when would be the right time to try to cash in on this. After the ‘revelation’ last August that Ducati was going to be floated on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (an operation that was cancelled when Italy’s economic troubles made any Italian company a hard sell to tough-minded Asian investors) the Bonomis changed direction and are now trying to float the idea of a complete ‘trophy brand’ sale to another, much larger, company. While it is true that VW chairman (and, at the age of 75, still a Ducati owner) Ferdinand Piëch has publicly voiced his regret at not opting to buy

Ducati in 1985, when the then stateowned bike company was in deep financial trouble (saying in a 2008 interview with German magazine Stern that “I would still like a small, valuable motorcycle manufacturer”) the notoriously hard-headed Piëch is unlikely to ask his shareholders to fatten the Bonomi family bank account by one billion Euro for the privilege. ikewise BMW or Harley-Davidson. Back in May 2007 the then cashrich Harley had already undertaken the necessary due diligence and agreed a price to purchase 100% of Ducati equity in a deal brokered by Ducati’s then-CEO Federico Minoli, the company doctor brought in from Bain & Co. by TPG in 1997 after they’d acquired the company from the Castiglioni family. Minoli had done an excellent job but had already realised that Ducati needed the ‘world-class industrial


partner’ with bigger buying capital that the Bonomis are now seeking. Harley’s offer price would have given the Bonomis and their partners a 100% profit on their Ducati investment in the space of just a single year (they bought their 15.6% equity from TPG early in 2006) but, much to Minoli’s disgust, the Bonomis/IIH turned down Harley’s offer, presumably in the expectation of making an even greater profit later. In despair Minoli resigned from the company he’d spent the previous decade rebuilding, being replaced by Del Torchio with Harley-Davidson going on to purchase MV Agusta. So, the ‘revelation’ that Ducati is for sale should be taken in context - it has been ever since 2008, and the reason for the current stories have more to do with no ‘suitable’ buyers emerging since then, than with any recent ‘new’ decisions.

KTM’s return to growth fuelled by new Enduro models and 125cc Duke KTM 125 Duke

EUROPE’S second largest motorcycle manufacturer KTM has secured an even more successful financial turn-around than Ducati. In 2009 they reported losses of Euro 84.1 million in their full financial year ended August 31, with President/CEO Stefan Pierer declaring it to have been the “worst of all times”. Turnover fell by 24.9% from Euro 605.7 million to Euro 454.6 million, as sales plummeted from the 2008 high of 92,385 bikes sold to just 64,080 in 2009, forcing the Austrian company to dismiss 450 employees from its 1,857-strong workforce, with 773 working part-time from May until KTM 200 Duke

September. However, little more than two years later, Pierer and his colleagues in KTM management have engineered a remarkable turnaround, posting a 22.4% increase in motorcycle sales in 2011. Announcing its financial results the Austrian firm revealed it had sold 81,200 bikes in 2011, a 14,873 unit increase from 2010 (when it sold 66,327 units), resulting in a 13.4% increase in turnover to Euro 526.8 million. Even more significantly, the company also registered a 30.2% increase in net profit to Euro 20.7 million, with the successful launch of the new generation of Enduro

Competition models said to be a key factor in this remarkable turnaround, along with the successful debut of the Duke 125 (manufactured in India by its partner and 39.30% equity holder Bajaj Auto); 9,550 of which were sold in Europe during the nine months since its launch in April last year. “This was a key factor in KTM increasing its overall market share in Europe by 30%, from Stefan Pierer

4.9% to 6.3% compared to the previous year,” said Pierer, now Chairman of the Executive Board. “Hence, KTM is the most successful brand [in Europe], and outpaced its competitors clearly.” KTM says it is expecting the overall European and American markets to stagnate in 2012, if anything declining slightly still further, and plans to fight this with further development of its global presence by expanding into emerging markets, particularly South America and Asia. KTM has now entered the Indian market for the first time by launching the new 200 Duke (which is also manufactured locally by Bajaj), deliveries of which began in India on January 24, and are forecasting 2012 sales there in excess of 20,000 units. The 200 Duke is the first KTM-model that is available worldwide, and it is also expected to sell well in Europe.




New models mean Husqvarna growth with scooters to trigger another record year for parent company BMW BMW Motorrad’s achievement in creating record sales and profits by posting a best-ever sales performance of 104,286 motorcycles in 2011 means that BMW is now the absolute leader in the plus-500cc market in 16 different countries, having doubled its market share in the past four years. The German manufacturer – Europe’s largest – has started the new year building further momentum, with 5,237 motorcycles sold during January 2012, an 11% increase on the 4,714 delivered in 2011, already a record during this, the quietest month in its sales cycle. Further increases in volume are expected with BMW’s entry into the scooter market for the first time this year, with deliveries of the Spandau, Berlin factory built C600 Sport and C650 GT. BMW Motorrad boss Hendrik von Kuenheim has revealed that he is targeting adding 10,000 units to BMW’s record 2011 production figures this year through scooter sales alone, and also reports a steep growth already in sales at its Italian subsidiary Husqvarna. “I have to admit that our sales team completely underestimated demand for the new Nuda 900

model,” he says. “Rotax are tearing their hair out to find out a way to increase production of the parallel-twin engine which we purchased from them, because the bike has been a huge commercial hit. It’s a crucial pointer to where we have to take Husqvarna in the future as an aggressive, youthful road bike brand. “So next we will launch the Strada single-cylinder road bike later this year, which we showed as a concept bike at the last Paris Show, and then the Moab [another what-if concept single shown at EICMA last November], plus another twin-cylinder model. “But then we’ll show we haven’t forgotten Husqvarna’s traditional roots, and the next three new models after that will all be offroad bikes, including one really, REALLY radical one that’s sure to get people talking!” Looking further ahead to 2013, when Husqvarna will celebrate its 110th birthday as a motorcycle manufacturer (like Harley-Davidson, it was founded in 1903), von Kuenheim says that this will be recognized by an appropriate anniversary model.

Husqvarna 900 & 900R

Husqvarna Moab

Triumph to mark 110th anniversary with special edition Bonneville and three-day celebration weekend ALREADY racking up a milestone in its history this year is Britain’s Triumph, celebrating its 110th birthday as the oldest existing motorcycle brand in more or less continuous existence since producing its first motorised bicycle, powered by a Belgian Minerva engine, in 1902. One year later, by the time Husqvarna and Harley-Davidson were established, Triumph had already produced and sold over 500 motorcycles in its first year of production, under the ownership of German immigrant Siegfried Betterman. Besides producing bicycles and


motorcycles at Triumph’s Coventry, UK, factory, Betterman established a second factory in Germany, in his home town of Nuremberg, to do the same. Triumph initially prospered using other company’s engines to power its products, but in 1905 produced its first 100 percent in-house built motorcycle. The brand went on to become Britain’s largest and most successful manufacturer, and after its brief closure in the 1970’s, John Bloor acquired the Triumph name and manufacturing rights in 1983. Following on from the runaway success of the limited edition Steve McQueen SE twin-cylinder Bonneville


model launched in November, all 1100 examples of which have immediately been snapped up by eager customers around the world, Triumph will recognize its 110th birthday with a special Anniversary edition of the Bonneville, due to be launched later this year. It will celebrate this landmark at the 2012 edition of the Triumph Live festival to be held just seven miles from its Hinckley HQ at Mallory Park race circuit over the Bank Holiday weekend from August 31 to September 2. Building on the success of the first such occasion, a one-day event held in 2010, Triumph has decided to make the 2012 version much longer and bigger,

as a celebration of its 110th birthday. “We were surprised by the reaction to the 2010 event, and are determined to make 2012 even better,” said Triumph Motorcycles General Manager, Guy Masters. “Extending the event to three days allows us to include much more for customers to see and do, while the proximity of Mallory Park to the factory gives visitors an unrivalled opportunity to see our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities for themselves.” Visitors are expected from all over Europe, and will be able to view the latest range of Triumph motorcycles, together with a selection of some of the company’s best customised bikes and key bikes from its history, as well as ride Triumphs on the Mallory Park track.

Go to for more details.


Triumph singles expected to be built in Thailand within three years; Indian market entry expected soon N March last year I revealed that Triumph was developing a single-cylinder Street 260/350cc model, intended to be wholly manufactured in its factories in Thailand. Intended for sale worldwide as an affordable entry-level bike in developed markets such as the USA and Europe, and as a prestige model in growth markets in Asia, Africa and South America, Triumph refused to confirm or deny the existence of such a project. But now, confirmation of its existence has been forthcoming from Ashish Joshi, MD of Triumph India, a wholly owned subsidiary that the British manufacturer established last year. n an interview with India’s most respected financial newspaper, Business Standard, Joshi, who before taking up his role with Triumph in June 2011, headed Indian manufacturer Royal Enfield’s operations in Europe, confirmed that Triumph would be entering the fastgrowing Indian market in June this year. Initially five dealerships will sell seven existing models, four of which would be assembled in India in order to reduce tax from 115% for fully built-up motorcycles over 800cc, to around 30% for CKD knockeddown kits manufactured overseas, for local assembly. The Indian plant will be



assembling 5-10 bikes a day, while dealerships should increase to 10-14 in number by the end of this year, he declared. But in addition to this, Joshi also confirmed in the interview that Triumph is working on a smaller capacity family of models due to debut three years from now, as part of the company’s six-year plan defining its product strategy. “It (the plan) has got a few bikes,” he is quoted as saying. “They are of a lower capacity...the development time is three years. Every premium bike manufacturer is looking [at] downsizing their products. The way the Indian market is headed - with its people having better spendable income - there will always be space for bigger bikes. I believe the 250cc-500cc engine bikes will always sell in better numbers. The growth in the 180cc [sector] and above is outpacing the growth of the rest of the industry. So there is a clear shift in preference.” News of Triumph’s singlecylinder project bike first emerged at the end of 2010 in the Brazilian magazine Motociclismo, which reported that it will be assembled for sale in Brazil from CKD kits sent from the British company’s three factories in Thailand to a new Triumph assembly plant in Manaus, centre of the country’s motorcycle industry. A similar

operation to the one just revealed for India will take place – seven existing largecapacity Triumph models in Brazil. They will be manufactured in Hinckley, then shipped to Brazil in CKD form for local assembly to reduce import duties. Code-named the Street – but with the iconic Cub name expected to be on the tank when the bike reaches production (the 197cc Tiger Cub sold from 1956 to 1968 and was a much-loved best-seller in Triumph’s classic era) - the projected single-cylinder model will be powered by a liquidcooled four-valve single-cylinder engine measuring anywhere between 267cc and 350cc, depending on the country in which it’s sold, according to sources. f so, this would position the British company’s new single against the Bajaj Auto manufactured KTM 125 Duke that is being sold in 200cc form in India (with Brazil and other developing markets to follow shortly) and the 350cc version that will be launched at INTERMOT in October. Triumph’s new Street 350 project will be a potent rival for the Indo-Austrian bike in developing markets, while also offering the opportunity to rival other successful small capacity models, such as Honda’s


acclaimed new CBR250R single – by no coincidence, also made in Thailand! John Bloor’s inspired decision a decade ago to establish a wholly-owned Triumph manufacturing operation in Thailand, originally as a costeffective supplier of low-tech components over which he would retain quality, price and delivery control, as an alternative to sourcing such parts from third party Indian or Chinese companies, is unquestionably a key factor in the British company’s successful growth in the intervening period. Triumph’s ability to compete on price with the Japanese manufacturers, while delivering a smaller-volume, high-quality, but distinctive product, is due in no small part to the three Asian factories it now has there. All are located 60km southeast of Bangkok at Chonburi, and the first of the three began operations in May 2002, producing frames, fuel tanks, exhausts, swingarms and assorted covers. he second factory was opened in 2006, which has a paint shop and an assembly line producing complete Triumph motorcycles (mainly Bonneville models to begin with) outside Britain for the first time. A third factory opened in 2007 incorporating high pressure diecasting and machining facilities. Triumph currently employs an 800-strong workforce in Thailand under the direction of locally-based British management, as compared to a staff of 600 at its Hinckley HQ in the UK, and aside from now producing complete bikes, its Thai operation manufactures a significant proportion of engine and chassis components for all models. Now, Triumph plans to build a volume production model entirely in Thailand that will be competitive pricewise in Asian export markets - Thailand has free trade agreements with countries throughout the region, including India.




P08 air filter for Ducati 1199 VARIOUS riders' teams have chosen the revolutionary P08 air filter from Sprint Filter for racing, as this air filter is said to be unique in terms of performance and filtering power, according to the company. Sprint Filter is a manufacturer of air filters equipped with a special, patented polyester tissue with calibrated holes of 80 diameter microns. The filter is said not to be subject to loss of pressure, and ensures the best filtering power that has not been seen from any other air filter on the market, says Sprint Filter. Sprint Filter supplies the best Ducati Teams in the world with the same P08 air filters. It is also said to be the only air filter which doesn't require maintenance, and which only needs to be blown with compressed air at the same

maintenance interval as changing the special cotton or sponge air filters. The P08 air filter can also be used on stock bikes without remapping the control unit. The adaptive property allows the adjustment of air-fuel ratio, and the result is said to be a performance improvement and lower consumption.

SPRINT FILTER Arluno/Milan, IATLY Tel. +39 02 9037 7518

Pinasco new cylinder kits PINASCO recently expanded its range of products, developing new models of cylinder kits. New central spark plug heads for all cylinders, now included inside their kits, give a greater choice to all tuning fans.

To optimise the installation of the new central spark plug heads, the iron cylinders have been modified on the head plate with a centering side, which gives a greater precision assembly.

PINASCO Padova, ITALY Tel. +39 049 767472

Leovince X3 Motocross/ Supermoto system NEW from Leovince is the X3 stainless steel-titanium full system for the Kawasaki KX 250 F 2012, for Motocross and Supermoto applications. The header pipe is protected by a carbon fiber heatshield, and the end cap and the bracket are made in carbon fiber as well. The front cap is said to be easy to remove in order to replace the soundproof repacking kit. Development of collectors and silencers is specific for each engine model, and all Motocross/Supermoto full systems comply with the pending FIM regulations.

SITO GRUPPO INDUSTRIALE/LEOVINCE Monticello d'Alba (CN), ITALY Tel. +39 0173 465 111




Touratech adds K 1600 GT luggage options Universal travel bag

GERMAN specialist Touratech has added a range of luggage options for BMWs popular K 1600 GT. The programme includes new styles of tank bag, a luggage rack bag, pillion seat bag option and a universal travel bag. Touring pillion seat bag

Pillion seat bag flat

Touring luggage rack bag

Designed with a range of ergonomic features and conversion options Touratech offers sizes and configurations of luggage to suit a variety of rider requirements. Made in Germany by Kahedo, materials include teflon-coated Cordura, which is both water repellent and dirt resistant. Additional features include 3M reflective panels, waterproof zip fasteners, well-thought out 'intelligent' mounting strap designs, Velcro fasteners and turn-button fasteners. Optional rain covers are also available for some products.

Tank bag flat Tank bag waterproof

TOURATECH Niedereschach, GERMANY Tel: +49 (0)7728/92790, E-mail:




OptiMate 2 from Tecmate THE OptiMate 2 smart charger is a cost-effective solution for long-term maintenance of 12V motorcycle batteries, according to Tecmate. It features the latest in intelligent charging technology and charges and maintains the battery while simultaneously powering the on-board computer, display or anti-theft alarm. Fully automatic and with built-in protection for overcharge, reverse polarity and spark, it can simply be plugged in. It can even be used outdoors thanks to the weatherproof casing and new improved connector. Selling at an entry-level price, and capable of extending battery life up to 400%, the new OptiMate 2 smart charger/maintainer is easy to use and fully automatic and simply attaches to the bike's battery. OptiMate 2's exclusive programme brings the battery to full charge, then switches to a unique

maintenance modem, keeping the battery at 100%. OptiMate 2 includes the '30 min charge, 30 min rest' cycle, which prevents overcharging and the subsequent damage to battery performance this can cause. Accepting any AC supply between 100 and 240V, and weighing just 450 g, OptiMate 2 can easily be carried on trips and tours. Recommended for maintenance of STD, sealed AGM and sealed GEL 12V lead-acid batteries up to 96Ah, it can also maintain larger batteries. Comes with a 3-year warranty and a complete set of new improved accessories including eyelet lead for permanent fitting to the battery and clamps for temporary charge and maintenance.

TECMATE Tienen, BELGIUM Tel. +32 (0)16 805440

Hornig BMW fork crash pads FOUNDED in 2001 and re-located to new, larger 2000m2 premises two years ago, BMW accessory specialist Hornig continues to add to its range of accessories.

The street legal Nautilus Stebel Horn with complete wiring kit

Seen here, Hornig fork end crash pads are made of cnc lathed nylon and mount with cnc milled and anodised aluminium brackets. Available for a wide range of popular BMW models, Hornig also specialises in makeover kits with the full product range detailed in their 2012 multilanguage catalogues. Also shown here is a special stainless steel



mounting and complete wiring kit for Hornig's Nautilus Stebel Horn for BMW models. E-marked and street legal, the Nautilus is said to be three times louder than a stock horn at 139db (10cm, 115 db at 2m). MOTORCYCLEPARTS HORNIG Cham, GERMANY Tel: +49 (0) 9971 996610


Powerbronze add styling fitments BRITISH manufacturer Powerbronze is one of Europe's most prolific new fitment designers with latest additions to their programme including a new light screen and a new headlight protector for the 2012 GSR750. Featuring a good sized screen to reduce wind blast and protection against headlight damage, both of these new items are available in a wide range of colours. Light Screen for the 2012 GSR750

Additional recent Powerbronze headlight protector fitments include the CBR125R 2011. Also shown here are new Flip & Standard screens for the Honda VFR800X Crossrunner 2011. Manufactured from thermoformed acrylic and supplied with 3M Dual Lock fixings for easy removal and cleaning. Powerbronze Flip-Up screens are designed for touring as a slightly wider and 125mm taller OE replacement that redirects air flow and cuts down wind blast. All Powerbronze screens are TĂœV type approved, with their standard screens sold as direct OE replacements. Additional recent Powerbronze screen applications include designs for the GSXR600, the CBR250R and 125R. Powerbronze has also announced that they have developed a new range of curved grills for popular BMW, Ducati, Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki and Yamaha sportsbike models. Made from stainless steel and polished to a rustproof mirror finish, they fit using temperature and rust resistant stainless steel clips without the need to remove the fuel tank.

POWERBRONZE INTERNATIONAL Littlehampton, West Sussex, UK Tel: +44 (0)1903 783222 E-mail:

Flip screen for the Honda VFR800X Crossrunner 2011

Powerbronze screen applications include designs for the CBR250R


Solar panel with built-in charge controller CONVENTIONAL solar panels convert solar energy uncontrolled and produce a heavily fluctuating tension, and often overcharge batteries, according to the company. The new Battery Tender Solar technology now combines the advantages of renewable, netindependent energy with the proven intelligent battery management of America's leading brand in the

powersports industry. Battery Tender Solar stands for complete charging systems for all 12V lead acid batteries (including Gel and AGM types), fully automatic charge and long-term monitoring with overload protection, simple and easy handling for stationary or mobile applications and trendsetting technology. The complete range of Battery Tender Solar chargers is now available in the USA from: DELTRAN CORPORATION, DeLand (FL), USA, Tel. +1877 456 7901 and in Europe from BATTERY TENDER EUROPE, Trippstadt, GERMANY Tel. +49 (0)6306 70170

Polini Evolution 3 Ceramic Speed drive THE new Polini 3 "Ceramic Speed drive" for 50cc scooters equipped with Piaggio and Minarelli-Yamaha engines is now available. It is 100% made in Italy, according to Polini, and machined from aluminium light alloy block and weighs only 500g, is lighter than the steel pulleys and subjected to a special ceramisation treatment. This is an innovative and exclusive feature that brings great advantages: besides more power transmission the working temperature decreases and

consequently the belt grip is better. The performance is said to be very high, and due to the stability of its efficiency helps to avoid any loss of power during a race. Tests demonstrated that the pulleys must have a proper roughness, and for the driven half pulley it is 4 Micron, according to Polini. These values were obtained after different tests, which allowed Polini to exploit the performance limiting belt wear. During the race testing the speed increase is said to be immediately noticeable thanks to the grip improvement with faster acceleration when exiting corners.

POLINI MOTORI Alzano Lombardo (BG), ITALY Tel. +39 035 2275 111 INTERNATIONAL DEALER NEWS - APRIL 2012



Surflex clutch discs for Triumph models NOTED Italian friction material specialist Surflex has added to its extensive range of replacement clutch disc kits with patterns for Triumph Bonneville, Speedmaster and Scrambler models. Surflex discs are machined as model-specific fitments from aluminium with a unique friction material mix that contains fibres and organic resins that deliver excellent resistance to heat and abrasion, delivering improved clutch

efficiency through consistent and reliable power transmission. Surflex clutch kits are interchangeable with the Original Equipment fitments.

SURFLEX Tradate (VA), ITALY Tel: +39 0331 811795 E-mail:

Bagster Starlight backpack THE Starlight backpack has a thermocompressed cover and comfortable carrying straps with light reflective panels. It features Comfort back foam and a rain cover with light reflective Bagster serigraphy, plus a pocket for the rain cover under the bag and two zipped side pockets. Further features are a Bagster lining as well as zip puller and a 1800Ma battery and LED luminous device (red colour) linked to the stop lights on the bike by radio connection.

HOLDING TROPHY/BAGSTER Gennevilliers, FRANCE Tel. +33 (0)1 41 47 37 24 www. INTERNATIONAL DEALER NEWS - APRIL 2012



Arrow’s “Aluminium Revolution” NOTED Italian performance exhaust specialist Arrow Special Parts has updated its range of aluminium sportsbike exhaust designs. Arrow started using aluminium to produce silencers in the 1990s and a couple of years ago showed its line of black anodised “dark” aluminium silencers. Concerned that more advanced materials such as titanium and magnesium alloys are beginning to eclipse the excellent mechanical properties of aluminium, Arrow has introduced carbon endcaps and implemented other

improvements to their look. Identified with the suffix “AK” (transparent anodised silencers) and “AKN” (black anodised silencers) they are available in three street legal versions with removable dBkiller and can be fitted to original pipes as slip-ons or on Arrow collectors as a full system. ARROW SPECIAL PARTS San Giustino (PG), ITALY Tel: +39 0758 61811 E-mail:

Thunder AKN Race-Tech AK

Race-Tech AKN

Maxi Race-Tech AKN

Thunder AK

Maxi Race-Tech AK

T-Max maxi scooter makeover from Barracuda ITALIAN parts and accessories designer Alessandro Giardina of Barrucada in Florence has available a new suite of parts and accessories for the Yamaha T-Max 2012.

Racing grips

Licence plate holder

Aerosport windshield

Parts include a licence plate holder made of anodised aluminium, and assembly is said not to require any modification to the original parts, however, it is not possible to use the origianl LED light and indicators. Wind protection is by an Aerosport windshield, made from e-marked plexiglass in a dark, soft colour. The e-marked T-Version mirror has an aerodynamic shape and is made from anodised aluminium in black and with carbon look inserts. T-version e-marked mirrors

Engine cover

There is also an adapter kit available (plexi windshield caps and handlebar bracket) in aluminium billet to mount all types of mirrors on the handlebar. A engine cover for the T-Max from 2008-2012 with an anodised aluminium housing with black and gold detailing and a wheel stripes adhesive kit, made from 3M material, completes the look. The Barracuda brake/clutch lever kit is made from solid billet aluminium and includes specific attachments for individual motorcycle models. Available in anodised black/gold and sold in pairs. Other universal products available from the company are Manopole racing grips and antivibration dampers.

BARRACUDA MOTO Florence, ITALY Tel.+39 055 412 746



Brake/clutch lever from solid billet aluminium


Forma is one of the brands that has grown significantly in the motorcycle footwear industry. Based in Altivole near Treviso in the north of Italy, the products are distinguished by their high level of safety combined with outstanding comfort. Dedication to style and careful choice of only the best materials have made Forma a brand recognised worldwide for its quality and large range of products. HE Forma boots collection, with 20 years of experience in the motorcycle industry, was first presented at EICMA in Milan in the year 2000, where the market immediately showed interest in the products made by the Italian footwear company, and production capacity was increased in order to be able to process the many orders received from all over the world. Soon the factory in Altivole became too small, and a new production plant in Romania was opened. The existing factory in Romania is presently capable of making approx. 500-600 pairs of boots daily, while the R&D department remains in Italy.


Technology for safety More than 20 years of experience has allowed Forms’a technicians to create comfortable, durable high-performance boots, which above all comply with all the necessary safety standards. Forma, in cooperation with the Italian accredited test center Ricotest, has CE-certified most of its products, and thereby passing the required testing standards EN 13634 for motorcycle footwear. Forma uses many innovative techniques and claim that these make their boots some of the safest currently on the market worldwide. >>>

INDUSTRY EXTRA Some of the different technologies used by Forma are: - Reinforced TPU Protection: safety is further ensured thanks to the TPU moulded plastic protections in all critical shin, ankle, heel and toe areas. - Drytex Tubular Lining: all Forma waterproof boots feature the booty system. The seams in the reinforced and personalised Drytex membrane are thermo-welded to avoid water penetration, while still assuring breathability. The EVA covering on the midsole assures shock absorption and the booty from being damaged. - Win Therm Insulation: was created to guarantee elevated comfort in cold weather conditions and is made up of two essential components in a new and unique technology. Reflecting aluminised fibres reflect body heat infrared rays back to the heat source, while felt lining keeps feet warm and comfortable. Win Therm is laminated directly to the Drytex tubular lining to ensure breathability and waterproofing. - Personalised Racing Sole: exclusive Forma personallised double density sole in aggressive colours and graphics complete their top of the range racing boot - Both top of the range street and off-road boots feature the exclusive F.C.S. (Flex Control System) anti-torsion pivot system that ensures maximum safety for even the most demanding riders. - APS (Air Pump System): an inventive footbed that features a simple ventilation system that pumps air from a central position to the entire sole. Air circulation with the boots is a key feature to keep feet cool and comfortable. - Memory Foam: after only a few minutes of wear, the foot adapts comfortably, ensuring a customised and relaxed fit. - Dual Flex Midsole: a new nylon midsole with elevated front flex for improved gear sensibility and easy walking, while the stiff compound in the back guarantees perfect stability on the foot pedal. Added features in the off-road category are: - Security Lock Buckle: safety is fundamental, and Forma’s adjustable/articulated aluminium buckles ensure safety thanks to the two release points. - Personalised Inner Sock for Dominator Comp: a personalised inner sock with padding in the critical ankle area and air mesh lining ensure safety and breathability. Added features like the easy pull strap and the elastic Neoprene make the sock easy to wear. - I.S.S. (Incorporated Steel Shank): has two important features: the injection of the steel shank directly inside the midsole, and a new, comfortable contoured shape. - Skywalk Sole: elevated grip and durability are characterised by the Skywalk soles. The inserts and/or soles can easily be replaced and our offered in their



Latino Black (For more details see Fashion - page 35)

spare parts programme. The 2012 Forma collection consists of 35 different boots, divided into four categories: racing, off-road, touring and ATV/Quad. The most technical models of seven boots that make up the racing category are ICE and the ventilated version ICE FLOW for use in warmer riding months. Nineteen different models make up the touring line, of which three are for female riders. Eight different boots are offered in the off-road category, the flagship “Dominator Comp” boot being exceptionally well received by both professionals and leisure riders. The Forma “Adventure” boot for adventure riding and ATV/Quad completes the 2012 Forma collection. orma boots are currently distributed to sixty countries worldwide. Main sales are concentrated in Europe, although in recent years market penetration and sales have increased in nonEuropean countries as well, said Mauro Piva, who is responsible for international sales at SDE/Forma. Mauro commented: “Motorcycle riders particularly appreciate the good quality of our footwear, which is obtained by carefully selecting raw materials, and from our exclusive Made in Europe philosophy, together with only Italian design, development and technology. Quality combined with safety is our priority, and this is demonstrated by the fact that most of our boots are CE approved by an Italian test center. Another asset is that we offer a wide range of products that meet the needs of riders in all riding categories. In addition, our customers and riders appreciate the fit of our boots. Forma uses nine different types of lasts to cater for and meet the needs of motorcycle





Dominator Comp white

Adventure black

CapeHorn black


Ice black

riders in all differnt riding classes. When asked which criteria are used to create a range of products, Mauro explains: ”The range must always be able to offer our sales network a renewed and fresh product that transmits the energy of the Forma brand. The most important feedback is furnished by our sales distribution network, which recommends what the market requires, but also our design team and the R&D department, who with their expertise and knowledge are able to come up with innovative and technically advanced products. For some sectors, such as the Urban line, we follow the latest fashion trends.” auro is satiesfied with the results achieved in the last two or three years and confirms:”The Forma brand has always shown a historical growth in sales since the brand was founded, and has continued to do so during the last couple of years, despite the market crisis. The global economic crisis has caused a drop in sales in some countries, but this is more than compensated by excellent sales in other countries. In order to further cope with the economic crisis, we will stick to reasonable pricing, quality and innovative products, which are winning tools to





INDUSTRY EXTRA Davide Giugliano in action

distinguish ourselves in the market and make products successful in the marketplace. Forma’s target for the future is to maintain the quality of their products, and is to strengthen the brand and to increase sales of Forma boots at their points of sale. New products for the future include adding eight new models to the 2012 collection, and they are already working on the 2013 collection, to be presented at EICMA this year. n recent years Forma has increased its commitment to the racing industry, and Mauro thinks that the racing industry is a strategic pillar for the company. The response gathered from their riders during international, worldwide competitions allows them to constantly upgrade their products and make them safer and more technologically advanced. This year they will debut in MotoGP with young

Czech rider Karel Abraham, while 1000 Stock World Champion Davide Giugliano will make his entrance in World Superbike. Other Forma riders are Tanel Leok in MX1 World, Alessandro Lupino and the Husqvarna Ricci Racing in MX2 World, Antti Pyrhonen in MX3 World, Mossini and Melotte in Enduro, Gubian Loris in Trial World and Pal Ander Ullevalseter, who reached sixth place overall in the last Dakar race.


SDE MOTORSPORT/FORMA Altivole (TV), ITALY Tel. +39 0423 915335 Davide Giugliano on the podium

Ivory Black

Ivano Binotto, Product Manager, with MotoGP rider Karel Abraham (center) and Mauro Piva, Sales Manager




Ravenna jacket from Germas THIS is a light coloured jacket, which is said to be wind- and watertight, breathable through Germadura and has a detachable thermal lining with comfortable side mesh inserts. Further features are CEapproved, detachable PU protectors, back protection (replaceable with CE protectors), a short connecting zipper and AirControl system at chest, back, arms and shoulders. Furthermore there are two outer and two inner pockets and a mobile phone pocket, as well as adjustment possibilities at arm, waist and cuff. Reflective stripes at front and back for passive safety further enhance this jacket. The inner is mesh material and the top outer material is abrasion resistant Germadura 600D (100% Polyester), available in grey/black/red in many sizes from XS to a very large 12XL.

ISSN 1476-8747

APRIL 2012


Forma Latino boots

GERMAS Schwabach-Wolkersdorf, GERMANY Tel. +49 (0)911 635 008

THESE low, top of the range boots are suitable for medium and long range excursions and have a full grain oiled leather upper, are externally thermoformed and feature reinforced ankle protection, together with a padded collar for comfort. The double Velcro and zip closure ensures a snug fit, and the Latino is equipped with plastic gear pad protection and rear reflecive inserts. The Forma outsole is made of double density rubber. The Drytex tubular lining is waterproof and breathable and the internal TPU plastic protections are moulded in the ankle area. The boot is said to be extremely comfortable due to the soft polymer padding with memory foam that customises the fit. It also provides exceptional ventilation starting from the center of the insole. When pressure is applied during walking or riding, the channels within the sole expel air uniformly, providing the user air cushioning that absorbs body

weight. The Latino boot also features the TPU Dual Flex midsole with EVA anti-shock covering, with a softer and flexible toe area for elevated gear sensibility and a stiff mid/back for heel protection, and a secure and stable foot contact with the bike pedal and comfort when walking. Latino is CE approved, designed and developed in Italy and manufactured in the EU. Sizes are 36 to 48 in black only. SDE MOTORSPORT/FORMA BOOTS Altivole (TV), ITALY Tel. +39 0423 915335

New Givi jet helmet 20.5 THIS stylish new jet helmet is made of composite materials and has top of the range technology, according to Givi. Givi says that jet helmets do not usually offer the same protection as fullface helmets, but that they are lighter and more ventilated. The 20.5 represents an important design upgrade for riders who travel short distances at low speed in urban areas. The helmet has a shell in composite material and a total weight of only 1,150 g. Another important feature is the internal padding, which is comfortable, completely removable and

made of non-allergenic material. It has a long anti-scratch visor that will be particularly appreciated by women. The ventilation system is almost oversize and consists of two adjustable frontal air intakes and two small vents at the back. The quick-release chin strap is covered with a non-allergenic fabric on the side which is in contact with the face. Available sizes are XS to XL, and the present colour options are shiny black and white shell with silver, black and gold graphics and a matt black shell with light decals.

GIVI Flero, ITALY Tel. +39 030 358 1253




Liverpool from Haveba GT and Spider from Prexport THIS classic wax jacket for men and women is available from German manufacturer Haveba and was awarded a "very good" mark during tests of German magazine Motorrad. It is available in a short and long version, and the wax finish breathable 100% cotton outer is water repellent, windproof and thornproof. The collar is faced in co-ordinated corduroy and features include large pockets, a poacher's pocket and a double zip opening for easy access. The inner lining is 100% cotton tartan. The outer/inner check lining is 100% cotton and the jacket also has a detachable inner liner. In black only and in many sizes.

THE GT boot is a sport-touring boot in black with Air-Tech lining and a Texon insole with steel blade reinforcement and a rubber sole. Liverpool short

GT Boot Spider glove

HAVEBA INDUSTRIES Albstadt, GERMANY Tel. +49 (0)7432 220595 www.haveba.e

Liverpool long

The upper is micro-fiber and the inner features shock-absorbing PU reinforcement on the shins, malleolus and heels, as well as inner padding. Padded flex joints on instep and above the heel make for a superior fit, says Prexport. It has a perforated micro-fiber zone for ventilation and reflective inserts above the heels for high visibility. Fastened by zipper and Velcro it has PU reinforcement in the gear shifter zone and comes in sizes 36-47. The black Spider gloves are for road use and made from full grain leather. They have inner shockabsorbing reinforcement shields on

Dragon Evo from Premier THE new Dragon Evo helmet has a revised shell and a new ventilation system. The shell is made with DCA trycomposite material, a perfect mix of Dyneema, carbon and aramidic fibres, according to Premier, in order to obtain the ideal combination of lightness and resistance. The shell shape is aerodynamic, a result of careful laboratory tests, with the revised shell being available in two different sizes. The internal EPS shell is made with the Multi-Density method to guarantee excellent shockabsorption, and the sanitised inner comfort padding is made from Coolmax Dupont and Outlast to avoid any allergic reactions, which is also completely removable and washable. The retention system has a Double D-ring fastener specific for racing helmets, and the sophisticated ventilation system now has two adjustable air vents, one on the mouth


piece and the other one on the upper part of the shell. They are both integrated in the shell to avoid noise at high speeds. The visor mechanism is based on the Q.R.S. (Quick Release System) in order to permit easy and quick change of the visor. The visor, moulded in polycarbonate by injection moulding, has a thickness of 2.2mm and is both anti-scratch and mist-retardent, ensuring perfect visibility in all weather conditions. The visor is also available as a spare part in smoke, blue and silver. Homologated to ECE 22-05 and available in six different sizes from XS to XXL in five different graphic versions and two mono colour versions. PMR/PREMIER HELMETS Lucca, ITALY Tel. +39 0583 730310


the back and pads on fingers and side areas. Ventilation is through perforated leather zones on fingers and knuckles and they also feature a reinforced palm area. Elastic bands on the wrists and fingers ensure a superior fit, and they are secured by a Velcro strap on the wrist. Sizes are XS to 3XL.

PREXPORT Caerano di San Marco (TV), ITALY Tel. +39 0423 650100


Fastlane air shoes and Octane S-Moto gloves NEW from Alpinestars this spring are the Fastlane air shoes for casual riding. They are purpose-made for city streets, and the ultra-modern design of the shoe combines a number of protective features to match style with safety. The Fastlane's lightweight construction offers high levels of ventilation to ensure cool, comfortable wear.

protected with race-derived PU knuckle protection and reinforced landing zones, says Alpinestars.

The Supermoto/sport riding gloves Octane S-Moto feature a lightweight, full grain leather

chassis with strategically placed perforated zones to help keep the rider cool. The gloves keep the rider well

Sinisalo Streetfighter outfit THE new textile jacket ‘Rival’ and the matching ‘Wire’ pants in a denim design combine a cool styling, great functionality and an affordable price, according to Sinisalo. The ‘King of Spades Skull’ that was incorporated into the design stands for attitude and death defiance and is depicted as a large playing card logo on the back. The textile jacket is available either in black

with stitched logos or with a printed all-around paisley pattern that also picks up the Skull-King theme. The same applies to the matching ‘Wire’ pants in a loose fit, denim style with accents like patch pockets, PU-leather details and heavy duty zippers. Both garments are made of polyester shell fabric with taped seams, protect from the elements and are both waterproof, and the jacket comes with a

detachable thermal lining. Fo r safety there are reinforcements as well as CE certified protectors on shoulders, elbows and knees, while protector pockets in the back and on the hips allow for further upgrading. A mesh lining, reflective details on the sleeves and plenty of pockets make this jacket even more appealing. SINISALO Puolanka, FINLAND Tel. +358 (0)8 7196 600

ALPINESTARS Asolo, ITALY Tel. +39 0423 5286


R-Star high-tech suit from Rukka RUKKA's new flagship textile motorcycling suit is said to set new standards in terms of safety, comfort, equipment and design. This less conventional design represents a slight departure from the more conservative appearance of its predecessors, but still combines all the features that stand for Rukka's exclusive products. The outer material of the R-Star is elastic Gore-Tex three-layer laminate with 500D Cordura, reinforced in exposed areas with the second generation of the highly abrasion and heat resistant SuperFabric laminate, whose extremely hard outer layer of epoxy now has an attractive, smoother surface. The jacket has an integral, detachable kidney belt, waterproof Gore Lockout front closure, a soft Neoprene collar

with a tear-proof magnetic closure and a detachable neck protector as well as water- and windproof cuffs. The R-Star's jacket and trousers feature plenty of pockets, some of them waterproof, as well as two air vents each, detachable thermal lining with temperature-regulated Outlast and connecting zippers. In addition, the R-Star is one of the first of the Rukka garments to protect the back and all the joints with the latest D3O-Air protectors. Certified according to the latest CE standards, these air-permeable protectors combine optimum comfort with efficient protection thanks to their flexible material that instantly multiplies crash damping in case of an impact. The R-Star suit is available in black with blue or yellow graphics as well as white with yellow patterns in various sizes.

L-FASHION GROUP/RUKKA Lahti, FINLAND Tel. +358 (0)3 822 5227




Smarty scooter helmet THE Smarty from Project is part of the company's fiberglass helmets range and is said to offer good value for money. It is an entry level helmet made from thermoplastic resin and combines all the success features of this popular helmet range like top level safety, luxury removable and washable Microfibra interior, micrometric adjustable quick lock fastening and a detachable leather rear

Scott neck brace Street

collar for maximum comfort in cold weather, says Project. The superior detailing is enhanced by upper level details, nine new colour graphics, a modern look and compact size to be stored in almost all scooter models' storage compartments.

THE neck brace has a fiberglass reinforced Polyamide resin construction and is CE certified according to Personal Protective Equipment Directive 89/686/EEC. It has an anatomical design that increases the level of rider safety, according to Scott Sports, and is suitable for all types of street riders. It works with most full-face helmets, including flip-up, and fits most types of riding jackets and leather suits, with or without aero humps. Designed to be worn over the jacket or suit for an optimal riding position and maximum range of movement, it has a unique adjustable scapula wing designed to accommodate an aero hump or back protector. It is foldable for easy storage and features no-tool scapula wing

adjustment as well as a jacket zipper relief area. The collarbone cut-out, red opening hinges for easy access and identification by paramedic staff and an adjustable body strap system for a secure fit are further features, as well as adjustable sizing to fit most riders and comes with all tools for size adjustment. The neck brace weighs 790+/-50 gr and comes in sizes S/M, L/XL and XXL.

SCOTT SPORTS Givisiez, SWITZERLAND Tel. +41 26 4601616

PROJECT Marcignago (PV), ITALY Te;. +39 0382 921772

New colours for Suomy’s 70’s jet helmet NEW colours for the helmet inspired by the 70's are milky white and matt black. It has a retractable sun visor, is light in weight and versatile, designed mainly for scooter riders. The shell is made of composite fiberglass material tricarboco, and Suomy's R&D department made every effort to ensure the use of new materials in order to produce a light shell, but with even more shock-resistant type

approval features. Suomy says every helmet is an exclusive model and that the moulding is completely handmade. The internal polystyrene lining has a variable density, which allows a gradual and progressive absorption of the impact force in case of a crash. The internal part of the helmet is made of elasticized Indianapolis fabric with elastomeric weft and polyester

microfiber, which has high abrasion resistance, moves away body sweat, has antibacterial treatment, which keeps the rider fresh, dry and comfortable, says Suomy. The helmet has been performance tested and certified according to OECO Test Std 100. The cheek pads and the internal comfort shell can be removed, washed and replaced and are both available in different thicknesses to cater for all user sizes. The clip and remove interior uses a new



fixing system patented by Suomy. The retention system is a micrometric buckle with a rapid quick release system. Homologated to ECE 22.05 and also D.O.T. approved. Available in sizes XS to XL.

SUOMY Lurago d'Erba (CO), ITALY Tel. +39 0316 96300


Riviera V2+ from Caberg THE Riviera V2+ is the new jet helmet from Caberg, ideal for every day use in the city. It offers comfort and a good fit thanks to a double shell size, which guarantees the best proportion between the shell volume and the rider's head size. The helmet is equipped with the exclusive Double Visor Tech system that, thanks to an inner sun visor, allows to ride with the perfect light and maximum safety. The visor quick release system does not require any tools for disassembly, and the wide dimensions of the transparent visor allow excellent protection. The micrometric buckle ensures safe and easy adjustments even for less skilled riders. The lining is completely removable and washable. The Riviera V2+ is pre-set for Caberg's JUST SPEAK EASY wireless communication system, which allows to communicate not only with cell phones and the passenger, but also to connect to a GPS system or listening to music through an MP3 player or


mobile phone, is equipped with Bluetooth profile a2dp that allows high quality audio stereo. Riviera V2+ Diva has been conceived for ladies who like a bit of glamour, while the Riviera V2+ Pure is available on a white or black bright base or matt black base. The outer shell is made of impact resistant thermoplastic resin, and both visors are anti-scratch resistant. Homologated to ECE 22.05, the weight is 1,050 +/- 50g and sizes are XXS to XL.

CABERG HELMETS Azzano S. Paolo (BG), ITALY Tel. +39 035 420 3611


Clover jacket and back protector BEING visible through the use of bright colours is a widespread trend amongst riders, and two new garments from Clover offer complete protection by combining active and passive safety, certified by European regulations. The Road WP jacket is classified as PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and complies with both active and passive safety standards, and is one of the very few garments on the market, according to Clover, that passed the safety tests EN13595-1, which guarantees extreme abrasion resistance, cut levels, seam burst, tear and many other requirements. The jacket is made of three layers of DHP 700 and is a four season, 100% waterproof garment with an advanced, high-performance ventilation system with air injectors on front, arms and back. There are several ajustment options, and a complete set of adjustable and removable CE protectors can also be integrated. It has eight pockets, six of which are waterproof, and sizes vary from S to 4XL. Apart from the black and fluorescent yellow colourway it also comes in black/black and black/grey. The Back-Pro 4 back protector also has a fluorescent colour and is said to offer a greater protective area than similar products. Clover says it achieved this by analysing the relation between the waist line and the shoulder, and not just the assessment of the rider's height. This back protector, which has

Level 2 type approval, is based on a sophisticated manufacturing process and does not use any type of rigid plastic. Other features include an adjustable waist with elastic band, adjustable elastic shoulder straps and ventilation pipes. In sizes S, M and L and in black/yellow or black/black.

CLOVER Cornedo, ITALY Tel. +39 0445 446642


4PRO technical underwear from Spyke SPYKE technical underwear has a seamless construction that avoids the formation of air pockets, which could cause a lowering in body temperature. The underwear range is made of ultra-fine microfibres, which is bacteriostatic, odour preventing and hypoallergenic, light and waterrepellent, having high thermal insulation to protect from heat and cold with a special structure that immediately absorbs humidity and sweat, keeping the skin dry. 4PRO is an all-season product range, conceived with the aim to keep the skin dry and allow the body to work at a constantly comfortable temperature. Its specific composition, offering high levels of insulation and directing humidity towards the outer garment, according to Spyke, makes the garment stretch and tighten with the right balance. In the winter version an extremely light fabric, attached to the garment where there is a higher need to retain heat during riding, envelopes invisibly a wind-breaker film, blocking air coming in from the outside, and releasing at the same time the humidity from the body.

4 PRO Long sleeve Winter Tee

4PRO Total Body

4 PRO Winter Pant

4PRO Racing socks

SPYKE Bassano del Grappa (VI), ITALY Tel. +39 0424 513 052 MOTORCYCLE FASHION - APRIL 2012






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ISSUE INDEX THIS MONTH’S EDITORIAL Alpinestars (IT) Fastlane air shoes and Octane S-Moto gloves ..................................38 Arai Helmet (NL) Uk distributor closes ......................................................................12 This INTERNATIONAL DEALER NEWS INDEX is a complete listing of all the items in this edition. It includes all our advertisers and the product, feature and news items published this month. The INDEX will act as a quick reference guide, and will be useful when searching this and other editions either for contact details for a particular company, or for a specific item that has appeared. The INDEX appears in every edition of IDN.

Arrow Special Parts (IT) Aluminium Revolution exhausts ..........................................28 ACEM (BE) New technical regulations debate..........................................................1,7 Bagster (FR) Starlight backpack................................................................................27 Barracuda (IT) T-Max maxi scooter makeover ............................................................28

THIS MONTH’S ADVERTISERS ABM (DE) Parts & accessories ..................................................................................48

Battery Tender Europe (D) See Deltran ......................................................................25 Bettella (IT) Pinasco new cylinder kits ......................................................................20 BMW (DE) Cathcart Report - New Husqvarna models ..............................................16

Barnett Performance Products (US) Clutch kits, distributor network......................23,45 Big Bike Europe (DE) 2013 show information ......................................................37,45 Calzaturificio Antis (IT) Stylmartin boots ..................................................................39 Carat (IT) Wheels, sprockets and chains ......................................................................8

Caberg (IT) Riviera V2+ helmet ................................................................................42 Clover (IT) Road WP jacket and Back-Pro 4 back protector........................................42 Dainese (IT) Unveils road-going version of impact triggered airbag system................12 Deltran Corporation (US) Solar panel with built-in charge controller..........................25

Cellular Italia (IT) Interphone F5, Conference multi-user system ................................41

Ducati Motorcycles (IT) Cathcart Report - Search for 100 percent sale deal continues ......14

DID Europe (IT) 520DZ2 motocross chain ................................................................26

Forma Boots (IT) See SDE Motorsport..................................................................30-33

DNA Filters Ltd (GR) Air filters ..................................................................................29

Forma Boots (IT) Latino boots ..................................................................................35

DP Brakes & Clutches (US) Brakes & clutches............................................................13

Germas (DE) Ravenna jacket ....................................................................................35

Fehling (DE) Parts & accessories ..............................................................................44

GIVI (IT) New Jet helmet 20.5 ..................................................................................35

Free Spirits (IT) Clip on bars......................................................................................27

Haveba Industries (DE) Liverpool jacket ....................................................................36

GIVI (IT) Trekker Aluminium case ..............................................................................23

Holding Trophy (FR) See Bagster ..............................................................................27

Grossewaechter Racing Parts (DE) CP Pistons ..........................................................45 GSG-Mototechnik (DE) Parts & accessories ..............................................................44 Ilmberger Carbon Parts (DE) Carbon parts & exhausts ..............................................22

Köelnmesse (DE) INTERMOT e-motion product area to be expanded ........................48 KTM Sportmotorcycle (AT) Return to growth ............................................................15 L-Fashion Group (FI) Rukka R-Star high-tech suit ......................................................39 MAG Europe (GB) Big Bike Europe exhibitor ..............................................................6

Kappa (IT) Kappa Drypacks ........................................................................................9 Kibblewhite Precision Machining (US) Valvetrain components, distributor network ....44 Koelnmesse (DE) INTERMOT Cologne 2012..............................................................47 Küryakyn (US) Parts & accessories ............................................................................19

Motodays (IT) 4th annual show review ......................................................................9 Motorradzubehoer Hornig (DE) BMW fork crash pads ..............................................22 Pinasco (IT) New cylinder kits ..................................................................................20 Polini Motori (IT) Evolution 3 Ceramic Speed drive ....................................................25

MAG Europe Ltd (GB) Vance & Hines CS One Slip-on..................................................5

Powerbronze (GB) New styling fitments....................................................................24

Motoplastic (ES) Puig Hi-Tech products ......................................................................4

Premier Helmets (IT) Dragon Evo helmet ..................................................................36

Mustang Motorcycle Products (US) New Vaquero Comfort seat ................................45

Prexport (IT) GT boots and Spider gloves ..................................................................36

National Cycle Inc (US) Windshields and accessories ................................................13

Project (IT) Smarty scooter helmet ............................................................................40

Premier Helmets (IT) Jet Touring 2 Allroad helmet ....................................................38

RM Auctions (CA) Ducati GP race bikes auction ........................................................10

Project (IT) Helmets..................................................................................................42

Furygan (FR) First fully CE-approved collection............................................................6

Rick’s Motorsport Electrics (US) Starters, chargers & ignitions......................................7

Scott Sports (CH) Street neck brace ..........................................................................40

Rizoma (IT) Billet accessories....................................................................................11 Scandinavian Brake Systems (DK) SBS brake pads ......................................................2 SDE Motorsport (IT) Forma racing boots ..................................................................43

SDE Motorsport (IT) Forma company feature, Forma Latino boots ..................30-33, 35 SENA Technologies (US) Launches entry-level Bluetooth system ................................10 Sinisalo Sport (FI) Streetfighter outfit ........................................................................38 Sito Gruppo Industriale (IT) Leovince X3 Motocross/Supermoto system ....................20

SENA Technologies (US) Motorcycle Bluetooth headset & intercom ..........................34 Sprint Filter (IT) P08 air filter for Ducati 1199 ..........................................................20 Sito Gruppo Industriale (IT) Leovince exhausts, Fast II ECU, Carbon fiber parts ..........24 Spectro Oils of America (US) Premium-quality lubricants ..........................................26 Stylmartin (IT) See Calzaturificio Antis ......................................................................39

Spyke (IT) 4PRO techincal underwear ......................................................................43 Suomy (IT) New colours for 70's Jet helmet ..............................................................40 Surflex (IT) Clutch discs for Triumph models ..............................................................27

Surflex (IT) Husqvarna 900 Nuda, BMW 800 R and GS model replacement kits ..........6

TecMate (BE) Optimate 2 ........................................................................................22

TecMate (BE) Optimate range, distributor network ................................................8,45

Touratech (DE) K 1600 GT luggage options ..............................................................21

Vrooam Powersports Lubricants International (NL) Lubricants ..................................21

Triumph (GB) Cathcart Report - 100th anniversary, Thail & Indian markets ..........16,17

Wunderlich (DE) BMW motorcycle accessories..........................................................25

Watsonian-Squire (GB) 100th anniversary ................................................................12



news ROOM

INTERMOT e-motion product area to be expanded INTERMOT e-motion, the product area for electrically powered two-wheelers, will be expanded further at the coming INTERMOT Cologne, which will run from 3rd to 7th October 2012. Pedelecs, e-bikes, e-scooters and e-motorcycles will be presented in a compact manner in Hall 5.2. In addition to exhibitors' requests for significantly more stand space, applications have already been received from renowned exhibitors of established brands, such as Vectrix, e-max, Govecs and SFM (Sachs). Among the new exhibitors in the INTERMOT e-motion product area will be e-bility, with the brands Kumpan and E-Tropolis. Also on board will be the cult brand "Schwalbe" with its "e Schwalbe" and Ebretti Borghus. In the e-bike segment the manufacturers Biketec, with the Flyer brand, and Winora Staiger have already confirmed their participation. The international LEV association LEVA will also be attending the Cologne event once again. The topic "electric motors" will also be represented in the


other halls of INTERMOT Cologne. For example, the manufacturer Zero will present its e-motorcycles in Hall 7. This key future trend will be accompanied by an impressive and interesting supporting programme, which will include information events and a large test track. The expansion of INTERMOT Cologne to include the growth market "electric mobility" was already successfully achieved at the previous event in 2010. A total of 126 exhibitors with more than 350 brands from the emotorcycle, e-scooter and e-bicycle segments participated at the premiere of INTERMOT e-motion. According to a survey, over 30,000 trade visitors and more than 75,000 private visitors attended INTERMOT e-motion in Hall 5.2. This means that around 55 per cent of all INTERMOT Cologne visitors included learning more about "electric mobility on two wheels" as a part of their show experience. Electric mobility will also be represented in the INTERMOT


supporting programme. In cooperation with the trade magazine aktiv Radfahren, information and entertainment events will also be staged at INTERMOT e-motion. Furthermore, an 800-metre test track for electrically powered two-wheelers will also be available. INTERMOT emotion will give visitors the opportunity to test all the marketable models, ranging from pedelecs to scooters. INTERMOT is projecting that over 110,000 m² of exhibition space, over 1,000 suppliers with more than 1,500 brands will be present at this year's show. A diverse supporting programme on more than 75.000 m² of space, including shows, racing sports and test courses in the outdoor area of Koelnmesse will invite visitors at INTERMOT to experience the "live and active" fascination of motorcycles for themselves.

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