2024 DCBC Annual Gathering Book of Reports

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Welcome Letters

Dear Friends in Christ,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! It is my great honor and joy to welcome you to the 148th Annual Gathering of the District of Columbia Baptist Convention. What a privilege it is to come together as the body of Christ, united by our faith and shared purpose in advancing His Kingdom.

This event is not only a time for spiritual renewal and encouragement but also an opportunity to deepen the bonds of fellowship with brothers and sisters from across our network of churches. Whether this is your first time attending or you have been with us for many years, we are confident that you will find this gathering to be a time of meaningful connection, growth, and celebration.

We encourage you to engage deeply with the sessions and discussions led by our gifted presenters. Their wisdom and experience have been prayerfully selected to speak into our collective mission, and we believe there is much to be gleaned for each one of us. May their insights challenge and inspire us to greater faithfulness in our walk with Christ and service to our communities.

More than anything, this gathering is a testament to the unity we have in Christ. In a world often divided by differences, we have the privilege of displaying the love and unity that Jesus prayed for in John 17. As we worship, pray, and fellowship together, let us celebrate the beautiful diversity and strength of our churches, knowing that we are one body, serving one Lord.

We are excited for what God has in store during this time, and we are thankful that you are here with us. May this gathering strengthen your faith, renew your spirit, and encourage you as you return to your own communities to continue the work of the Gospel.

Grace and peace to you all,

Rev. Dr. Essentino A. Lewis, Jr.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

On behalf of the District of Columbia Baptist Convention (DCBC), I am thrilled to welcome you to the 148th Annual Gathering. It is a joy to unite with our faith community as we gather to explore our theme this year: “In God We Trust: Navigating Faith and Politics with Integrity.”

In a time where the intersection of faith and politics presents both challenges and opportunities, our gathering seeks to equip and empower each of us to navigate these complexities with grace and integrity. Through worship, insightful discussions, and enriching workshops, we will delve into how our faith informs our civic engagement and social responsibility.

I encourage you to fully engage in this transformative experience share your insights, connect with fellow attendees, and embrace the spirit of fellowship. Together, we can deepen our understanding of how to live out our faith in the public square and make a meaningful impact in our communities.

Thank you for being a vital part of this gathering. I look forward to seeing you and experiencing the profound ways God will move among us as we seek to honor Him in all aspects of our lives.


148th DCBC Annual Gathering


Greetings from the Executive Director/Minister…

It is good to gather to celebrate 148 years as the District of Columbia Baptist Convention. I am grateful for our Program Committee’s work led by Chair Orlando Bego. Our theme is appropriate for such a time as this. As our nation seems to be divided at every turning point, we, as the people of God, the sisters and brothers of Jesus, have a high calling to be light and salt in a spirit of unity even when we disagree with each other.

Today we will do the business of our Convention under the leadership of our President, Essentino Lewis. Much of our work will be celebratory –welcoming new churches to DCBC, celebrating the work of God in our midst this past year, voting on new board and committee members, and giving thanks for church and individual generosity. Some of it will be challenging as we face our financial realities with determination holding onto the hope of Christ who calls us to our shared ministry. This challenge is a heavy one, but one for which I believe we are collectively up for. With all of us working together, seeking God’s presence, and rising to the occasion, we can in good faith hold onto II Corinthians 9:8 (The Message) "God can pour on the blessings in astonishing ways so that you’re ready for anything and everything, more than just ready to do what needs to be done."

We celebrate our leaders, our staff team, and all our churches who are ready to be astonished by God’s amazing blessings! I hope you’ll be part of the pouring!


| Page Book of Report

Presidential Advisory Council

Name Year

Essentino A. Lewis, Jr. 2024

Patricia Hailes Fears 2023

Patricia Hailes Fears 2022

Donald Kelly 2021

Donald Kelly 2020

Paula Moutsos 2019

Paula Moutsos 2018

Ward Kay 2017

Ward Kay 2016

Larry E. Hentz 2015

Larry E. Hentz 2014

Kendrick Curry 2013

Kendrick Curry 2012

Yvonne S. Lamb 2011

Melvin Doxie* 2010

Ella Redfield 2009

Helen Mays-Jackson 2008

David McElveen* 2007

David Freshour 2006

Annette James 2005

Fred Herring* 2004

Charles Upkike 2003

Carol Wilson 2002

Clarence Barrens* 2001

Lynn Bergfalk 2000

Mattie Robinson 1999

John Munson 1998

Charles Worthy* 1997

Mattie Robinson* 1996

Jerold Williamson* 1995

Ishmael Shaw 1994

Ellen Teague 1993

Kenneth E. Burke 1992

Aldon Nielsen* 1991

Donnell Harris 1990 Jeanette Holt 1989

Gary Javens* 1986

Norman Taylor 1985

Mark Caldwell 1983

Vivian Nielsen* 1982

Robert Hudson 1980

Harold W. Sorrill, Jr. 1977

John Laney* 1975

William Norman* 1974

James A. Langley* 1969

John Firmin* 1960 * Deceased

147th Annual Gathering Business

Session Minutes

147th Annual Gathering

Minutes of the Business Session - October 27, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Call to Order

Minutes Approval Committee

Seating of Church Representatives

President, Rev. Patricia Fears called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The link for downloading the Book of Reports and the Annual Gathering Program was emailed to the church representatives and the Board of Directors the previous night

The President appointed Rev. Cheryl Conaway Henderson, Rev. Danielle Graham and Pastor Daryl Washington to serve as the Minutes Approval Committee for the 147th Annual Gathering.

Secretary Leslie R Harris announced that as of 7 pm there were 48 churches and15 members of the Board of Directors registered. A quorum was established. She moved that all persons who have been properly registered as messengers from member churches and those who will register for the duration of this meeting be seated as church representatives to the 147th Annual Gathering. The motion was approved This and all other votes at this meeting were taken by (onscreen polling on the Whova platform or by voting cards)

Adoption of Program

147th Annual Gathering Minutes

Membership Committee Report

Program Committee Chair Rev. Dr. Orlando Bego moved the adoption of the Program of the147th Annual Gathering as found in the Book of Reports on page seven The motion was adopted

President Rev. Patricia Fears announced the 2022 Minutes Approval Committee had reviewed and approved the 146th Annual Gathering Minutes as found on pages 42-44 in the Book of Reports.

Membership Committee Chair, Rev. Peggy Scott presented the report of the Membership Committee found on pages 23-24 of the Book of Reports. She moved that the Church Representatives ratify the Board of Directors decision to adopt the status of the following churches and organizations as stated in the report:

• Greater St. Paul Baptist Church, Good Ground Ministries Church, McClain Baptist Church, and Parkwood Baptist Church become active members of the DC Baptist Convention.

• Resurrection Baptist Church membership be changed from probationary to active status.

• New American Center for Professional and Skills Development be removed from probationary to removal from DCBC membership.

• Clinton Korean Baptist Church be moved from active to inactive DCBC membership.

Partnership Report

• Gateway Cathedral of Praise and Liberation Temple be removed from membership of DCBC. The motion was adopted.

Dr. Sheryl Brissett-Chapman presented the partnership report from the National Center for Children and Families (NCCF) Highlights: 50,000 children served and nearly 18,000 families Agency revenue increased by 1% to over $50M. A 10% increase in net assets. The research team recently released a book on Black Males Raised in Public Systems: Engagement, Healing and Hope.

President Patricia Fears announced that the partnership report from the DCBC Foundation is located on pages 64-66 in the Book of Reports. Ms. Melody T Yong provided the report. Highlights: The foundation supports member churches of the convention through grants for the elderly as well as innovation. Scholarships for students attending Baptist Schools, and loans to churches. The following active member churches were awarded grants for innovation:

• Centerpointe Baptist Church.

• East Washington Heights for their “Yes We Can” Youth Program.

Board of Directors Report

Proposed 2024 Budget

Secretary Leslie R. Harris announced the report of actions taken by the Board of Directors this year is on page nine (9) in the Book of Reports.

Stewardship Committee Chair, Rev. Dr. Essentino Lewis, Jr.. presented the proposed 2024 Budget as found on pages 28-33 in the Book of Reports. He moved the adoption of the 2024 Budget. Highlights:

• The Committee presented a balanced budget in the amount of $773,278.00. A decrease of $102,856.00 from the previous year.

• Rental income from the Johannine Building was lost during COVID. A new tenant is expected in September 2024 with an annual revenue of $427,578.00

• 2024 proposed budgets cuts are listed on page 29 of the book of reports.

• There are no cuts to staff salaries or core programs of DCBC

• The $94,700.00 budget cuts were taken from the office of administration and stewardship, the office of public relations and outreach and the office of the Executive Director and Minister.

o The Capital Baptist Newsletter will not be published in 2024.

• Of the 163 member churches, 94 churches did not contribute anything to the DCBC.

• The Committee is recommending a $25,000 draw from the investment account in 2024 to balance the budget. The motion was adopted.

Book of Report

Enlistment Committee Report

Dr. Crittle made a financial appeal to the member churches present to make a sacrificial offering to the DCBC. The following pledges were made:

• The following churches pledged to give $1,000.00.

o Rivers of Joy Bible Fellowship

o Clifton Park Baptist Church

o Fellowship Baptist Church

o Purity Baptist Church

o Pathways Baptist Church

o Second Baptist Church, SW

o Broadneck Baptist Church

o First Baptist Church of Camp Springs

o Ft. Washington Baptist Church

• The following churches pledged to give $500.00.

o East Washington Heights

o New Bethal Baptist Church

• The following churches/individuals pledged to give $250.00.

o Dr Chai

o Dr. Zum

Total Pledges: $10,500.00

Enlistment Committee Chair, Rev. Dr. Lisa Banks Williams provided the report as found on pages 38-41 of the Book of Reports. She read the slate of candidates for Board of Directors and Committee members. The slate of officers for 2024-2027 are as follows:

President: Essentino Lewis, Clifton Park Baptist Church

Vice President: Thaum Khai, Chin Baptist Church

Board Members:

Artie Polk, Mt. Gilead Baptist Church

Helen Bearden, Ft. Foote Baptist Church

Larrin Robinson, Word of Life

Vonn Myers, Nations United

Darin Poullard, Ft. Washington

Ellen Parkhurst, First Baptist, Wash, DC

Donald Kelly, Olive Branch Community Church

Peggy Scott joined the Board in 2023 after a member stepped down

Committee Nominees

Bylaws Committee:

Henry Curry, Pennsylvania Ave; Derrick Powell, Montgomery Hills; Rev. Washington, St. Mary’s

Human Resources Committee: Connie David, West Hyattsville; Michael Nettles, New Jericho Baptist Church

Membership Committee:

Lawrence Sandidge, Fort Foote

Emma Tatum, Israel

Executive Director/Minister Report

Allen Millikan, First Baptist Church, DC Program Committee:

Charles Weathers, Committee of God, Courtney Miller, Norbeck Community Church

CJ Redden-Liotta, Vienna Baptist.

Stewardship Committee:

India Patrick, CenterPoint

Mary Smith, Mt. Gilead

Althea Agurs, Zion Baptist Church

Enlistment Committee: Marcietta Washington

Rev. Dr. Banks Williams moved that the slate be approved with the understanding that the Enlistment Committee will review additional nominees and submit names for approval to the Board of Directors to fill the remaining vacancies.

The motion was approved.

Rev. Dr. Trisha Miller Manarin presented the Executive Director/Minister report. There was a video presentation with testimonies from those who joined the Thursday morning prayer group.

Over the past year DCBC:

• Gave away thanksgiving turkeys to families in need.

• Held a Leadership Forum at Montgomery Hills Baptist Church attended by over 80 participants.

• Black History Month Timeline of Black Baptist Churches in DC

• Held an Ordination Council, a clergy retreat, and a Worship Reboot

• Is growing vegetables indoors.

• Held a luncheon with women pastors in the Southern Baptist Convention in the DC, VA, Md area to show support.

• Had a group attend the Baptist Women in Ministry Organization’s 40 Anniversary in Louisville, KY.

• Started a new initiative: the Emergency Response Chaplain Training.

Adjournment President Fears adjourned the meeting at 8:51 pm.

by Leslie R

DCBC Board of Directors

2024 Annual Report

Board of Directors


April 16, 2024

Board of Directors

Electronic Vote:

May 3, 2024

Executive Team

Electronic Vote:

May 24, 2024

Board of Directors Meeting

September 26, 2024

• Approved the date, location and registration cost of the 148th Annual Gathering of Churches on Saturday, October 26, 2024, at Second Baptist Church in District Heights, MD with registration costs as follows:

o Pre-Registration (Jun) – Church (5 Delegates) $250 | Individual $59

o Early Bird Registration (Jul-Aug): Church (5 Delegates) $350 | Individual $79

o Regular Registration (Sept-Oct): Church (5 Delegates) $450 | Individual $99

• Approved the removal of First Baptist Church of Front Royal from DCBC after receiving an official letter requesting removal and confirming there were no outstanding obligations to DCBC.

• Approved the nominations of Rev. Dr. Lisa Banks-Williams and Rev. Anita Crawford to serve on the Enlistment Committee.

• Approved the recommendation of the Stewardship Committee that a 12% administrative fee be retained by DCBC on all funds passed through DCBC for other entities.

• The Board approved by majority vote to list the Johenning Baptist Community Center for sale for $4 million ($252/SF).

• The Executive Team approved the recommendation of the Stewardship Committee to release $88,890 from the restricted funds account to an undesignated account and authorized the Stewardship Committee to make future decisions regarding the release of restricted funds in accordance with the Financial Policy.

• Approved to move forward the proposed amendments to the Bylaws to Sections 5.4.1 (Membership), 6.5 (Membership Meetings), (Officers of the Convention), and 9.3.1 (Groups and Standing Committees) for approval by the Church Representatives at the 2024 Annual Gathering. Board of Directors Meeting

October 17, 2024

Board of Directors

Electronic Vote

October 24, 2024

• Approved the adoption of the 2025 Budget of $597,241 put forward by the Stewardship Committee.

• Approved the authorization of the Stewardship Committee to borrow up to $125,000 from the DCBC Foundation or other source to cover 2024 expenses of the DC Baptist Convention.

• Approved the acceptance of Kensington Baptist Church as an “active” member of the District of Columbia Baptist Convention.

• Reviewed the slate of nominations for Board and Committee members put forward by the Enlistment Committee to be voted on and accepted by the Council of Church Representatives at the Annual Gathering.

• Approved the acceptance of the Baptist Creation Care Initiative as an “affiliate” member of the DCBC

Leslie R Harris, Recording Secretary

Program Committee Annual Report

The year 2024 marked a significant chapter for the District of Columbia Baptist Convention (DCBC) as we prepared and delivered a thought-provoking, unifyingAnnual Gathering under the theme, “In God We Trust: Navigating Faith and Politics with Integrity.” In response to the complex intersection of faith and politics, especially in this critical electoral period, the DCBC Program Committee, led by Rev. Dr. Orlando Bego, crafted an impactful, streamlined one-day event that gathered voices from across our community to engage in a meaningful dialogue on civic engagement and religious freedom.

The DCBC Program Committee assembled with a clear objective: to create a transformative gathering that would empower our attendees with knowledge and discernment on faith-informed political engagement. By consolidating the event into a single day on October 26, we prioritized depth and relevance in our programming. This year's format combined key sessions to focus on three main areas Faith and Civic Engagement, Religious Freedom Today, and The Church's Mission in Political Healing and Unity. This approach allowed us to balance theological principles with actionable insights into modern civic life.

To bring this event to life, the committee initiated a robust marketing campaign to announce the gathering to all Baptist entities. The team continued to reach out to our community through social media, email, and the DCBC website, striving to foster a broader understanding and excitement around the gathering’s potential to unify and educate. These efforts helped drive the participation of member churches and garnered the support of exhibitors and sponsors

Mindful of our financial responsibilities, the committee took a conservative approach with this year’s budget. We aimed to balance quality programming with fiscal prudence, adjusting registration fees to make the gathering accessible while still covering essential costs. The revised format and pricing allowed churches and individuals to attend without compromising the event's value, providing access to all sessions, priority seating, and recognition in our conference materials.

As we reflect on the successes of this gathering, the DCBC Program Committee is already looking toward next year with plans to build on the momentum of 2024. We are grateful for the dedication of our committee members and the participation of churches and supporters who made this event possible. Together, we move forward with a strengthened spirit, embracing the call to live out our faith with integrity and to be agents of positive change.

Dr. Orlando Jermaine Bego Program Committee Chair

Membership Committee Annual Report

The Membership Committee convened its first meeting on Thursday, March 7, 2024, under the leadership of Reverend Peggy Scott. The primary objective was to express gratitude to returning committee members and welcome our new member, Reverend Laurence Sandidge. The committee was also reminded that Pastor Sharita Phillip continues to serve as the Liaison for the Membership Committee.

A subsequent meeting took place on Monday, April 8, 2024, to discuss the distribution of churches to be contacted regarding their membership status with the District of Columbia Baptist Convention (DCBC). During July and August, the committee diligently prepared approximately 52 letters. During this process, we received several new membership applications, including from Courts of Praise Christian Church, Jesus A Las Naciones, and Kensington Baptist Church.

The Membership Committee's responsibilities and goals for the year were as follows:

• Chaired by a member of the Board of Directors.

• Assist staff in planning and promoting membership training events.

• Create new member church packets and arrange orientation sessions for new member churches and organizations.

• Review new membership applications.

• Present membership and affiliation recommendations to the Board of Directors.

• Introduce new members during the Annual Gathering of the Council of Church Representatives.

• Review the membership status of churches and organizations, making status change recommendations to the Board.

• Convene meetings as needed, as called by the Chair or Executive Director/Minister.

Our primary focus this year remained on contacting the 162 churches on record, including preparing letters to 52 churches to confirm their status. Our goal was to ensure communication with as many churches as possible, including visiting them in person to support their events and activities. We aimed to establish and maintain strong relationships with each church.

The next meeting took place on Tuesday, July 15, 2024, focusing on follow-ups with the assigned churches and completing the letters to 52 churches regarding their current status. Each committee member was assigned a number of churches to ensure timely

completion of this task. The Membership Committee successfully sent all 52 letters to the DCBC staff for final review and processing.

On Friday, September 13, 2024, the Membership Committee convened to vote on the new church, Kensington Baptist Church. The vote was unanimous in favor of accepting Kensington Baptist Church, and the recommendation will be presented to the Board. The interview with the church was conducted on Tuesday, September 3, 2024. In August and September, several churches reached out to DCBC with inquiries about membership. After consultations with Rev. Dr. Trisha Miller Manarin, Executive Director/Minister, one church and one organization were interviewed and presented to the Board. The other two churches indicated they needed further discussions with their leadership and will reconnect with DCBC at a later date. Notably, Jesus A Las Naciones plans to follow up again in October.


1. On behalf of the Membership Committee, I move that Kensington Baptist Church be accepted as an “Active” Member Church of the District of Columbia Baptist Convention.

2. On behalf of the Membership Committee, I move that the Baptist Creation Care Initiative be accepted as an “Affiliate” Member of the District of Columbia Baptist Convention.

Membership Committee Members:

• Pastor Ray Hulett, Carmody Hills Baptist Church

• Deacon Abraham Joseph, First Baptist Church of Silver Spring

• Reverend Peggy Scott, St. Mary’s Baptist Church – Chair

• Associate Pastor Angelo Sullivan, Mount Jezreel Baptist Church

• Rev. Dr. Joanne P. Ward, Pastor, Greater Spiritual Fellowship Community Church

• Pastor Sharita Phillip, Allow God Deliverance Ministries, Intl. – Membership Committee Liaison

Respectfully Submitted, Reverend Peggy P. Scott

Membership Committee Chair, DCBC

Bylaws Committee Annual Report

For calendar year 2024, the Bylaws Committee has met in a hybrid format. During the First Quarter 2024 the Committee met and welcomed its members and outlined its role and responsibilities. The highlights of the Committee roles are as follows:

1. Review current bylaws yearly,

2. Receiving amendments proposed by the Board of Directors,

3. Propose revision of the bylaws to the Council of Churches every (5) years, and

4. Ensure that the proposed revisions are disseminated to churches at least one month prior to the Annual Gathering.

The hybrid format allowed its members to engage in reviewing the amendments, provide input, and make recommendations that uplifted God's kingdom, its mission, goals, and the objectives of the District of Columbia Baptist Convention and its member churches. The recommendations are identified on the following page.

On behalf of the Bylaws Committee, I move that the secretary be authorized to correct article and section designations, punctuation, and cross-references and to make other technical and conforming changes as may be necessary to reflect the intent of the Council of Church Representatives in connection with the proposed bylaw amendments.

District of Columbia Baptist Convention

148th Annual Gathering

2024 Proposed Bylaw Amendments

Please note that all language to be struck out of the bylaws will be underlined. All language to be added or inserted to the bylaws will be bolded.

Amend Article 5 – Membership, Section 5.4.1. Amend by striking out ", or an assessed-value volunteer service in one of the ministries of the Convention" CurrentLanguage ProposedAmendment IfAdoptedWouldRead

5.4.1 Contribute to the financial support of the Convention at a responsible level as set forth in the current membership packet. Financial support to the Convention consists of giving through any of these means: a dedicated ongoing and/or periodic giving to the Convention or a specific ministry givingdirectedtothe Convention or an assessed-value volunteer service in one of the ministries oftheConvention.

5.4.1 Contribute to the financial support of the Convention at a responsible level as set forth in the current membership packet. Financialsupporttothe Convention consists of giving through any of these means: a dedicated ongoing and/orperiodicgivingto the Convention or a specific ministry giving directed to the Convention, or an assessed-value volunteerserviceinone of the ministries of the Convention.

5.4.1Contribute to the financialsupportofthe Convention at a responsiblelevelasset forth in the current membership packet. Financial support to the Convention consists of giving through any of these means: a dedicated ongoing and/or periodic giving to the Convention or a specific ministry giving directed to the Convention.

Amend Article 6 – Membership Meetings, Section 6.5. Amend by striking out "2/3 of the Board of Directors plus"

Current Language Proposed Amendment If Adopted Would Read

6.5 The quorum of membersthatmustbe presentatanymeeting of the Council of Church Representatives is 2/3 of the Board of Directors plus 35% of Active member churches either present or able to participate by means of either electronic or digital communication

6.5 The quorum of membersthatmustbe presentatanymeeting of the Council of Church Representatives is 2/3 of the Board of Directors plus 35% of Active member churches either present or able to participate by means of either electronic or digital communication

6.5 The quorum of membersthatmustbe presentatanymeeting of the Council of Church Representatives is 35%of Activemember churches either present or able to participate by means of either electronic or digital communication

Amend Article 7 – Officers of the Convention, Section Amend by adding a new section

Current Language Proposed Amendment If Adopted Would Read


Add In the absence of the President, signs, with the Executive Director/ Minister and/or Chief Operations Officer, all legal documents as instructed by the Council of Church Representatives at the Annual Gathering, the Executive Team, the Stewardship Committee and/or any other authorized agent or partner of the Convention .

7.2.2 The Vice President: the president in his/her absence or inability to fulfill the duties of office. as vice chair of the Executive Team. the absence of the President, signs, with the Executive Director/ Minister and/or Chief Operations Officer, all legal documents as instructed by the Council of Church Representatives at the Annual Gathering, the Executive Team, the Stewardship Committee and/or any other authorized agent or partner of the Convention

Amend Article 9 – Groups and Standing Committees, Section 9.3.1 Amend by substituting the current language for the proposed amendments to 9.3.1,,,,, and (strike out)

CurrentLanguage ProposedAmendment IfAdoptedWouldRead 9.3.1 TheMembership Committeeshall: chairedbya memberofthe Boardof Directors. staffinplanning andpromoting membership trainingevents. new-member churchpackets andarrangefor theorientation ofnewmember churchesand organizations. newchurchand organization membership applications. anymembership oraffiliationsfor approvaltothe Boardof Directors. anynew membersor affiliated membersduring theAnnual Gatheringofthe

Insert who afterBoardof Directorsandinsertnew9. through9.,anddelete

9.3.1 TheMembership Committeeshall: memberoftheBoardof Directors who: Coordinat es meeting dates, agenda development and leads the meetings of the Committee. Reports quarterly to the Board of Directors and Executive Team. Has authority to call any special meetings of the Committee in consultation with the Executive Director/Minister , Chief Operations Officer and/or President of the Board of Directors

9.3.1 TheMembership Committeeshall: memberoftheBoardof Directorswho: Coordinat esmeetingdates, agenda developmentand leadsthemeetings oftheCommittee. Reports quarterlytothe BoardofDirectors andExecutive Team. Has authoritytocallany specialmeetingsof theCommitteein consultationwith theExecutive Director/Minister, Chief Operations Officerand/or Presidentofthe BoardofDirectors planningandpromoting membershiptraining events. andarrangeforthe orientationofnew memberchurchesand organizations.

Page Book of Report

Councilof Church Representatives. membership statusof churchesand organizations andmakeany statuschange recommendatio nstoBoardof Directors. neededatthe calloftheChair orExecutive Director/Minister . thecalloftheChairor Executive Director/Minister. churchandorganization membership applications. membershipor affiliationsforapprovalto theBoardofDirectors. membersoraffiliated membersduringthe AnnualGatheringofthe CouncilofChurch Representatives. membershipstatusof churchesand organizationsandmake anystatuschange recommendationsto BoardofDirectors.

Stewardship Committee Annual Report

The most major responsibility of the Stewardship Committee is to monitor the financial health of the Convention and to present the budget to the Board of Directors for approval. When the Board of Directors has acted on the budget, the budget is then presented to the Council of Church Representatives at the Annual Meeting.

The 2025 proposed balanced budget of $597,241 to the Board of Directors represents a 23% or $176,037 reduction from the 2024 budget. This proposed budget also reflects a reduction in personnel from 5.1 Full-Time Equivalents to 2.6 Full-Time Equivalents.

During the first quarter of this calendar year, the Stewardship Committee made a request to the DCBC Foundation to pay the bi-annual tax bill of $31,310.20. This request was favorably considered by the DCBC Foundation.

Also, during the first quarter of this calendar year, the Stewardship Committee recommended to the DCBC Board of Directors that a 12% administrative fee be retained by the DCBC on all funds passed through the DCBC for other entities. This recommendation was approved by the DCBC Board of Directors.

During the fourth quarter of this calendar year, after a close analysis of the financials of the DCBC, the Stewardship Committee recommended to the DCBC Board of Directors that the Convention request a loan from the Foundation or another source of an amount up to $125,000. The recommendation was approved by the DCBC Board of Directors. The Foundation has agreed to grant the Convention the loan with certain stipulations. The intent of this loan is to help cover all financial obligations for the remainder of 2024.

At the end of the third quarter of this calendar year, some 78 of 163 member churches (47.85%) are recorded as making donations to the Convention. Getting a larger percentage of churches to participate in giving continues to be a formidable challenge. Going forward for 2025, churches will be asked to consider monthly donations rather than waiting until much later in the year. This will enhance our cash flow forecast and enable the Convention to address financial obligations more effectively throughout the year.

The Stewardship Committee is taking an active role in the Fall to End-of-Year Giving Campaign. In addition to encouraging others to give, members of the Stewardship Committee are asked to make personal donations.

Submitted by:

2025 Proposed Budget

The Stewardship Committee presents a proposed budget of $597,241 to the Board of Directors, representing a 23% or $176,037 decrease fromthe 2024 budget.

The absence of ministry line items in the main budget is intentional to ensure a balanced budget. These activities will be financed through grants and designated funds for ministry work. This covers our ministry needs and reduces strain on our operating budget.


Cash in Bank: $113,354: Checking:$22,775; MoneyMarket $90,082 [Grants: $48,759 ($4,576Burma Grant, $5,092 - OAM Sr. Repair Grant, $39,091 - ABC Flourishing Grant); Security Deposits: $17,389, Fdn Support: $20,989, Dividends: $2,945), Savings: $497.

PrepaidExpense: Funds received from member churches for their participation in the group health, dental and vision plans. These funds will be remitted to the appropriate vendor.

Investments: Vanguard: $5,466 The American Baptist Foundation: $371,201 (The account balance at January 1, 2024 was $424,079. Earned dividend income of $15,178. Had a positive valuation market increase of $27,834. Withdrew $95,890.

AccountsPayable: Other APsand audit expense.

AgencyPayable: Funds collected from our member churches to be remitted to our National Partners (e.g., ABC-USA,PNBC,and CBF).


DCBC ChurchSupport:$227,378 is 27% (or $48,947) more than the 2023 YTD receipts of $178,431. We are deeply thankful for the support of the78 churches, out of 155 active and probationary congregations, that have contributed to our financial needs. However, despite their generosity, we still face a shortfall in meeting ouressential and fixed expenses. We encouragethosewho have notyet respondedtoprayerfullyconsiderjoiningus in this critical effort.

Partnerships: Thisreflects the ABCsupport and budget support provided by the DCBCFoundation, which has generously advanced the full $100,000 annual support. Currently, $20,989 remains in the money market account, and funds are transferred to the operating account as needed. Additionally, the Foundation has contributed $42,095 as their share of the Baptist Building expenses. Furthermore, although not included in the figures above, the Foundation also covered the property tax billfor the year $62,620.

JBCC Income: Theincome received is from our two month-to-month tenants that generate $5,185 in revenue monthly.

Miscellaneous Income: Thisrepresents forfeited security deposit and the Brotherhood partnership funds.

Expenses:Due to ongoing cash flow challenges, we are prioritizing essential expenses. However, the lack of sufficient funds has resulted in delays in paying many invoices, and we currentlydo nothave the resourcesto settle the overduebills totalling $94,798 Additionally, we have suspended contributions to staff retirement until further notice, resulting in year-to-date savings of $25,675.

The Convention recognizes that the giving cycles of each church are different. Some give monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually.

Enlistment Committee Report

The Enlistment Committee is pleased to present our recommended slate of Officers for 2025 and Board of Directors and Standing Committee members for the classes of 2026 and 2027. After careful review, consideration, and outreach, we have compiled a list of dedicated individuals who have demonstrated the necessary commitment, experience, and passion for contributing to the ongoing success of our organization.

We would also like to take this opportunity to extend our heartfelt thanks to the current Officers, Board of Directors and Committee members who have faithfully served in various roles. Their hard work, dedication, and invaluable contributions have greatly advanced the mission of the DC Baptist Convention. We especially want to recognize those members who are completing their terms and will be transitioning from their committees at the end of this year.

As we move forward, we kindly request additional nominations for volunteers to serve in the upcoming year. We encourage members to recommend individuals who have demonstrated leadership, initiative, and a strong commitment to values. Your recommendations are invaluable in ensuring that we continue to foster diverse and dynamic leadership teams. Please submit any additional nominations to the Enlistment Committee.

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to welcoming the new volunteers to their roles in the coming year.

I would like to extend my deepest appreciation to the current members of the Enlistment Committee Rev. Dr. Lisa Banks-Williams, Rev. Dr. Marian Criddle, Rev. Anita Crawford, and Rev. Marcietta Washington. Your commitment to the process, thoughtful insights, and leadership have been instrumental in presenting a slate of highly qualified nominees. Thank you for your dedication and service.




Vice President


Essentino Lewis, Jr.

Thuam Khai


Clifton Park

Siyin Chin


Parliamentarian Darlene Allen


Class of 2025

Class of 2026

Jevon Billups

Oscar Broadie

Quentin Farmer

Alton Hayes

Charlotte Peddicord

Peggy Scott

Ernest Trice, Sr.

Artie Polk

Helen Bearden

Larrin Robertson

Vonn Myers

Darin Poullard

Ellen Parkhurst

Donald Kelly

Lisa Banks-Williams

Michelle Nickens

Karen Taylor

Class of 2027


Class of 2025

Class of 2026

Class of 2027

Helen Bearden

Cheryl Coleman

Donald Kelly

Kendrick Curry

Ericc Powell

Daryl Washington

Dominion Life Center

Carmody Hills

Church of the Great Anointing

Faith Shephard

First Baptist, Silver Spring

St. Mary’s

Takoma Park

Mt. Gilead

Ft. Foote

Word of Life Nations United Ft. Washington

First Baptist, DC

Olive Branch CC

National Memorial Washington Plaza

Mt. Airy

Ft. Foote

Nineteenth Street

Olive Branch

The Pennsylvania Avenue

Montgomery Hills

St. Mary’s

William Young Covenant Baptist UCC



Class of 2025

Class of 2026

Class of 2027

Linda Winfrey Shiloh

Lisa Banks-Williams

Marcietta Washington

Anita Crawford

Veronica McAlpine

Robin Williams-Evans

Sierra Toney


Class of 2025

Class of 2026

Class of 2027

Gwen Coleman

Jannie Lindsay

Connie David

Michael Nettles

Smith Banks

Megan Thomas-Hua

Kellie Reynolds


Class of 2025

Class of 2026

Class of 2027

Abraham Joseph

Kayode Opadeji

Joann Ward

Lawrence Sandidge

Emma Talum

Allen Milikan

Linda Brown-Hall

Stephanie Thomas-Gordon

Jonathan Holley

National Memorial

Ft. Foote

Zion of Eastland Gardens


Riverside Pavilion of God

St. Matthew

The Pennsylvania Avenue

West Hyattsville

New Jericho

Zion of Eastland Gardens

McLean Pathways

First Baptist, Silver Spring


Greater Spiritual

Ft. Foote


First Baptist, DC

Nevertheless Outreach

Nineteenth Street




Class of 2025

Class of 2026

Adam Davis

Karen Taylor

Elizabeth Wiggins

Courtenay Miller

CJ Redden-Liotta

East Washington Mt. Airy East Washington

Norbeck CC Vienna

Helen Fisher Pavilion of God

Class of 2027


Class of 2025

Class of 2026

Class of 2027

Respectfully Submitted, Jevon Billups, Chair Enlistment Committee

Cheryl Henderson

Janice Preston

Todd Guise Dayspring Olive Branch

India Patrick

Mary Smith

First Baptist, Silver Spring

Althea Agurs Centerpoint

Randi Drewry

Rachelle Nelson

Mt. Gilead

Zion of Eastland Gardens

Clifton Park Riverside

Staff Report

We give thanks to God for those who called the DCBC into being over 148 years ago. The District of Columbia Baptist Convention (DCBC) is a pan-Baptist movement seeking to live out our call to the Great Commission and Great Commandment as we live out our motto – One Faith. Many Cultures. Endless possibilities, engaging, equipping, and empowering our churches, leaders, and communities.

The Way Forward has grounded our work this year as we have sought to be faithful to the collective call of God on our shared ministry. We have prayed together and we have worked side-by-side.

The excellent staff offers creative responses in challenging times. Our member bodies benefit from each staff member’s ministry among us. While the staff is small, they give their best for our churches.

We give thanks for the DCBC Board and committees who work to ensure we are all able to be about the work set before us. A huge thank you to our president, Essentino Lewis, who has shepherded the Board during a challenging season.

Throughout the year, we have served alongside churches seeking advice, looking for assistance during pastoral transitions, facing crises, and also celebrating milestones! DCBC exits so we might join together during times of trials and rejoicing. What a blessing to be part of the family of god.

The Way Forward seeks to align our building use with our mission. This year, Carmen Gray and Anthony Brown have sacrificed for the improvement of our 16th St. facility. They were both present almost daily this summer as our first and second floors were transformed into beautiful space. We thank God for these two beloved DCBC-ins (termed by Pastor Brown) who are turning visions into realities. There were a number of volunteers who also worked alongside us pulling carpets, painting, providing food, and so much more! A special thanks to those who helped dream, worked, and provided supplies: Mark Baynham, Jevon Billups, Novina Birdsong, Elizabeth Handoe (from Pennsylvania), Joe Handoe ( from Pennsylvania), Erica Heffner (from NYC), Mike Johnson, Nathaniel Manarin, Peter Manarin, Tim Manarin, Skye Hallman McQuillan, Nick McQuillan, Greg Merlo, Denard and Teresa Olds, India Patrick, Melany Pierce, Phillip family, Ryan Phipps, Mark, Ella Redfield, Julian Scott, Marion Shipman, Calvin Van Bik, and Solomon Walker. A huge thank you to the staff who endured dust, painting and displacement during the work. We are grateful to be in partnership with the DCBC

Foundation who shared in the funding of this beautification. It is important to note that the portion of funds from DCBC were funds already designated to our building.


Our 2023 Annual Gathering and Older Adult Convocation were wonderful times of building connections and collaboration as well as gaining new skills and hearing from our mission partners. We give thanks to the Program Committee, led by Orlando Bego, and to Fort Washington Baptist Church for a memorable experience. The Older Adults had a marvelous time thanks to their new staff leader, Robin Apparicio, and the OAM team. The Minister’s Convocation brought about a robust conversation including the presence of art as proclamation alongside preaching. The Annual Gathering provided opportunities to connect with mission partners and explore streams of justice as individuals, congregations and the convention. During the meeting, we launched Friends of DCBC a new means of building friendship and funds from individuals who connect with our mission. We invite you to give to our Convention. The Human Resources Committee commissioned Karen Curry to write poems for each staff member. These framed poems were given during a special time of staff recognition at the Annual Gathering. It was quite meaningful.


In November, the Human Resources Committee hosted a lovely luncheon to thank the DCBC staff for their hard work.

Thanks to Poor Richards Mission, DCBC distributed 100 turkeys to 14 DCBC churches.


During Advent, Prayers for Peace were offered each week for areas around the world with whom our churches have connections. Various pastors offered a video. To pray these payers, if still needed, go to: https://www.dcbaptist.org/adventprayervideos2023


Responding to the request of multiple churches, a three-tiered Bylaws and Constitution Training was provided offered through Video pre-learning, and Zoom in-person engagement. Attorney Rev. David T. Ball did a marvelous job.


At the request of many DCBC churches and members, the Grant Writing Course was offered again. Stephen Broyles continues to lead these courses with great expertise, equipping our churches with skills and know-how to apply and receive grants to live out their mission.

The Justice Forum at Zion Baptist Church of Eastland Gardens was well attended by DCBC churches and community members. We are grateful for those who led sessions challenging our understanding of God’s call to live out Micah 6:8.


Due to popular demand, Clerk Training and Parliamentarian Training were both offered in March. These two events produced a lot of good materials and conversations for leaders to take back to their church leaders.

On International Women’s Day in the Baptist Building Ballroom, Leland Seminary held their Second Annual Celebration of Women in Ministry. DCBC also hosted two Sister Circles in March (4th year in a row). Women from across DCBC and beyond gathered to hear from Baptist women mission leaders.

The Clergy Retreat was for two nights this year and featured our Ministers’ Convocation presenter, Adrienne Reedy, along with DCBC pastor Larrin Robertson. Please mark your calendar for March 31- April 2, 2025.


DCBC was able to join others from American Baptist Churches USA to celebrate and welcome the call of the new General Secretary, Gina Jacobs-Strain in April. We welcomed Baptist leaders from Zimbabwe to the Baptist Builidng in April. Thanks to those who are part of Broadneck Baptist Church for providing the introduction.


On May 2, DCBC hosted an in-person day of Prayer and Fasting. Participants walked a prayer labyrinth and engaged in a variety of prayer stations. It was a meaningful time for those who were able to come in person. Others joined in prayer and fasting from various locations.

This year, DCBC hosted two ordination councils


During Leland Seminary’s graduation, Ella Redfield offered the graduation address and was given an honorary doctorate. Parkwood Baptist Church, a congregation who joined DCBC in 2023, hosted the graduation ceremony.

We welcomed a variety of visitors from our churches and ministry partners to the Baptist Building throughout the summer.

August 11-17 was DCBC’s Week of Jubilee Rest, providing a much-needed time of refreshment for our staff and volunteers.

Missionary Carmella Jones shared her story and ministry with us during a luncheon featuring foods from the two countries where she serves – Hungary and Liberia. A collection of feminine hygiene products was a huge success. In 2025, DCBC will begin to collect items on a quarterly basis for our mission partners.

A group began meeting to create a holiday VBS curriculum. This curriculum will be available during the Annual Gathering and beyond.


FEMA training took place at the Baptist Building and offered training to those exploring hosting overnight guests in their church facilities during weather-related emergencies. Many strategic meetings for financial viability have taken place all year with staff, convention leaders, DCBC Foundation leaders, denominational partners, and beyond. It has been a year of much collaboration for DCBC to explore avenues of income for our ministry to flourish.

Thanks to the Palmer Grant, DCBC’s FLOURISHING has been a real gift to our churches and participants. The theologian in residence, Ann Robbins is a true prophetic voice for our time. Every other month, we gather as cohorts in person and are challenged and trained to explore ways of moving the church into the future while honoring our history. Anyone is welcome to attend these events. Anna coaches church cohorts during the other months. We will continue to engage this process through October 2025.

Metropolitan Baptist Church has welcomed DCBC to their table for their Lily Grant. We are grateful to be included in this work. Prayers are offered every Thursday at 8:25 am, as a group gathers via Zoom. Anyone and everyone is welcome to this powerful time of sharing and intercession. Please share this opportunity with others. As a staff, we regularly pray for our churches, clergy, leaders, and congregants. Prayer is an essential part of our existence.

Pastors’ Chats take place over Zoom on the second Tuesday of most months. Pastors from across our convention gather for a time of reflection, connection, and often resourcing. Recently we have heard from MMBB Cares who offers free counseling and free coaching to clergy. It is a wonderful time to connect with fellow clergy in our region. We take seriously the call to support clergy, equip leaders, and assist in the formation of new ministers.

The DCBC staff is a true gift to our churches, leaders, and communities. These team members go above-and-beyond for the good of our churches as we live out the call to engage, equip, and empower each other, our churches, and our communities. Fulltime

We introduced a number of stewardship initiatives this year, including the Pentecost Birthday gift to DCBC. In the midst of serious financial challenges, for the first time in our history, we have had the largest number of individuals give to our shared ministry. We have a long road ahead of us, though, and need to engage our fellow churches, members, friends, and families to overcome the financial struggles we are facing. Due to the inability to rent office space and lease the Johenning Center, this year our funding shortfall has caused us to cut staff and benefits, along with ministry funding. (The financial report will outline more details.) It has been a very difficult time. We believe God is helping us find a path forward to financial vitality and we invite you to consider how God is leading you to join us. We cling to this verse and ask you to cling to it with us as we affirm: "God can pour on the blessings in astonishing ways so that you’re ready for anything and everything, more than just ready to do what needs to be done." II Corinthians 9:8 (MSG)

Thank you to the DC Baptist Convention Foundation, our strongest partner, for the ongoing support and willingness to explore how we might serve together. Their direct financial support has allowed us to continue empowering, engaging, and equipping. They have also provided grants to many of our churches doing ministry with older adults and trying new innovative projects. They also provide generous scholarships to DCBC members studying for ministry. They have also provided a loan for us this year. Thank you, Executive Director, Melany Pierce, President, Ellen Teague, and the entire Board of Directors.

A heartfelt thank you to President Essentino Lewis, Vice President Thuam Khai, Secretary Leslie Harris and all members of the Board of Directors and committee members for their service to and with the Convention. A special thanks to the Officers and Board Members who have completed their terms on the Board: Orlando Jermaine Bego, Marion Criddle, Gerald Martin, Jim Paraboschi, Kenneth Rioland, Jr., Robin A. Toogood, II, Jesse Wood, Leslie Harris--------- We give thanks to God for your willingness to serve and offer God’s richest blessings upon you.

We give thanks to God for our churches, leaders, clergy, partners, and staff for allowing us to be part of the wonderful Kingdom of God experiment known as DCBC. In 2025, we will focus on Clergy and Disciple Forming and Glocal Mission. We look forward to collaborating with you for the call of the Gospel!

Book of Report staff: Lashanor Doolittle, Loretta Polite-Shipman; Part-time staff: Fam Sae Chao Chock, Saul Garcia, Robin Foulk, Sharita Phillip, Robin Apparicio, LeeAnn Carerra; and our Volunteer staff: James Barbour, Jevon Billups, and Adrien Ngudiankama. Thanks be to God for DCBC’s faithful staff.

The Way Forward – January 2022 Overview

DCBC is seeking to live out our motto One Faith. Many Cultures. Endless Possibilities. by the presence of the Triune God as a movement of collaboration seeking to equip, engage and empower one another, our churches, and communities. As a movement in the COVID and post-COVID world in which we live, it is essential for us to be fluid and focused on our purpose and program. We will engage seven main initiatives in a crosspollinating, collaborative, intentional, and relational manner providing opportunities for people and churches to engage with us at various levels and entry points. The seven initiatives will anchor the work and production of and from DCBC while requiring a high level of interconnectedness. They include Clergy and Disciple Forming, Glocal Mission, Justice Engagement, Resourcing One Another/Collaboration, Building usage to connect to our mission and further it, Supporting/Developing Ministry Resources, and Training.

DCBC By-Laws state in 2.7 The practice and program areas while founded on the mandate of the Great Commission and Great Commandment, will be centered around (1) Equipping Leaders, (2) Empowering Congregations, and (3) Engaging Communities. … The Convention also offers Administrative Support/Training.

Church participation with DCBC involves different levels of engagement. The Way Forward hopes to energize our membership to live out our call in an organic, active and collaborative manner, centered on Christ. There will be room for new initiatives to be developed along the way as the Holy Spirit, our membership and society call us. Unabashedly Baptist, we are a Pan-Baptist convention (as in a cross-section of Baptist groups), centering our beliefs around historic Baptist principles. We will seek to deeply engage with our members. Our future will involve the larger Christian community, new intentional mission and ministry partners, as well as those in our neighborhoods who might not yet have a relationship with God.

Cross-pollination, collaboration, intentionality, and relationality are essential for DCBC to flourish in this new COVID and post-COVID reality. At this time in our history, we will center our mission around these seven initiatives:

• Clergy and Disciple Forming (Everyone needs to grow in their faith to make it more than a “church” or “Sunday” activity.): Luke 2:52 And Jesus matured, growing up in both body and spirit, blessed by both God and people. (The Message)

• Glocal Mission (GLObal +loCAL = GLOCAL; meaning mission from everyone to everywhere and vice-versa.): But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8 (NIV)

• Justice Engagement (Beyond simply responding to crises, justice, grounded in faith, engages systemic, grassroots and global issues from a faith foundation as opposed to an issue by issue concern.): Micah 6:8 He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (NRSV)

• Resourcing One Another/Collaboration (Individual members of the body of Christ are uniquely gifted, as are congregations, who can share their gifts and wisdom for the good of God’s Kingdom.): Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. (NIV)

• Building usage to connect to our mission and further it (Our buildings should be reimagined to be resources which can equip and engage our churches as well as develop new mission/ministry partners.): Matthew 25:14 For it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted to them his property. (ESV)

• Supporting/Developing Ministry Resources (Ministry in the 21st century involves seeking creative ways to equip ourselves to do the ministry God has called us to do. We will seek to assist our members in grant writing, building development, stewardship development, and other resourcing.): Romans 1:11-12 I am longing to see you so that I may share with you some spiritual gift to strengthen you or rather so that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine. (NRSV)

• Training (DCBC has offered traditional and innovative training, which will expand to included certifications in areas such as coaching and mental health, etc.): Ephesians 4:11-12 The gifts he gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors, and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ. (NRSV)

The initiatives will be inter-connected, and inter-working, held together by shared collaborative action.

The honeycomb serves as a visual and/or metaphor for the work set out before us.

A Ministry Roundtable (Volunteer, Staff, and President’s Council – members may be added as the need arises) will serve as the primary conduit of collaboration. The ED/M will facilitate the meetings. The Ministry Roundtable is accountable to the ED/M who is accountable to the Board.

Members of the Roundtable will include, but are not limited to:

• Disaster Response Coordinator

• Mental Health Coordinator

Book of Report

• Coaching Coordinator

• Spiritual Formation Coordinator

• Justice Coordinator

• Building Development/Resource Lead

• Grant Director

• Work Group Chair

• Christian Ethics Coordinator – clergy life and board development and ordination council

District of Columbia Baptist Convention Foundation

2024 Annual Report

The DCBC Foundation continues to serve the DC Baptist Convention (DCBC) churches in supporting “benevolent, religious and missionary purposes”, in accordance with our founding documents. Our website https://dcbcfoundation.org/ has become the vehicle for DCBCchurch members to submit questions and applications for grants and scholarship online using smart phones or computers. Last year the Foundation provided grants and scholarships to DCBC church members totaling $70,000.

The Foundation is primarily a financial institution, and so we provide financial reports to the DCBC. At the end of 2023, our financial statement reported assets totaling $10,458,623, an increase of 10.52% from total asset of $9,462,709 at the end of 2022. A copy of 2023 financial audit is available upon request to the Foundation.

The Foundation expects to grant approximately $63,000 in scholarships this year and $73,000 in 2025. Recipients must be members of DCBC active and supporting churches, must attend an accredited seminary in preparation for full-time and/or part-time ministry, must maintain an acceptable grade point average, and demonstrate financial need. Scholarships are awarded in May for the following fall semester and in September for the following spring semester.

Our largest grant recipient is the DCBC. In 2023 the Foundation had provided more than $166,000 to support DCBC. The Foundation also grants the use of its half of the Baptist Building to generate rental income for the DCBC, and pays half the cost of capital improvements for the building. This combination of rental income and grants makes the Foundation one of the largest supporters of the DCBC, and we are proud to be able to partnerwith the DCBC and its member churches in ministries affecting the whole DC metropolitan area.

The Foundation continues to offer Baptist churches the opportunity of investing with the Foundation – getting a percentage of the Foundation’s investment program and sharing the same benefits and risks as the Foundation. The Foundation moved its investment program from PNC to Charles Schwab in September 2022. As of September 30, 2024, the Foundation investment return at Charles Schwab was 12.79%. Churches interested in investing with the Foundation are urged to contact the Executive Director for more information.

One church now participates in our Shared Vision Fund, and we hope that more will take advantage of thisopportunity. The Shared Vision Fund establishes an individual investment account that will benefit the church, the DCBC, and the DCBC Foundation. When income is available for distribution, it will benefit the church (50%), the DCBC (40%), and the Foundation (10%). This is a wonderful way to support the various ministries that the threebeneficiaries provide – not just one time, but in perpetuity.

The Foundation happily provides low-cost loans to DCBC member churches for purposes not normally available through commercial loans. Currently, the Foundation has approximately $980K in outstanding loans.

In addition to investment and loan programs, the Foundation will continue providing free workshops on estate planning for church members.

The Foundation is blessed with a capable and committed Board of Trustees. Trustees serve three-year terms and may be reelected. All of our trustees are members of supporting DCBC churches and reflect diversity in terms of gender, ethnicity, and clergy/lay vocations. Current members of the Board and their terms ending are as follows:

Terms expiring December 31, 2024

Kip Banks, Pastor from East Washington Heights Baptist Church

Joseph Lyles, Pastor from Fort Foote Baptist Church

Calvin VanBik, Businessman from Lai Baptist Church

Current officers are Ellen Teague, President; Kendrick Curry, Vice President; Kathleen Voelker, Secretary; Ian Dingwall, Treasurer, and Melany Tendeyong Pierce, Executive Director.

Terms expiring December 31, 2025

Ian Dingwall, Businessman from Pathways Baptist Church

Kathleen Voelker, Businesswoman from Broadview Baptist Church

Emmett Dunn, Businessman from West Hyattsville Baptist Church

The Foundation meets three times a year – January, May and September – to conduct the business of the organization.

Please contact the Foundation President, Ellen Teague at ellensteague@gmail.com, if you are interested in becoming a member of the Board of Trustees.

We appreciate donations and planned gifts to fund the ministries we provide to DC Baptists.

For information on how you can contribute or for applications for loans, grants or scholarships please visit our website https://dcbcfoundation.org/

The Bylaws of the District of Columbia Baptist Convention

Article 1 – Name and Principal Office

1.1 This organization shall be called the District of Columbia Baptist Convention, hereafter referred to as the Convention, DCBC, or DCBC: An International Missional Network located in Washington, D.C.

Article 2 – Mission, Vision, Purpose and Values

2.1 The essential mission of the Convention seeks to inspire courageous missional engagement by a network of congregations, organizations, entities, groups and individuals committed to our values and the fulfillment of the Great Commission in the spirit of the Great Commandment.

2.2 The broad vision of the Convention is to lead in fellowship and collaboration with one another, to have a bold Christ-centered and spiritually transformational impact on the Washington, DC metropolitan area, the nation and the world through the utilization of the strategic priorities and initiatives.

2.3 The purpose of the Convention aspect shall be to provide denominational identity among Baptist Congregations who (1) identify with the Baptist body and celebrate the historical Baptist freedoms, (2) share common values, (3) embrace diversity, (4) respect the uniqueness of the different parts of the Kingdom body, and (5) engage the Great Commission.

2.4 The purpose of the International Missional Network aspect is to provide missional pathways for Baptist or non-Baptist congregations, organizations, entities, groups and individuals who (1) share common values, (2) embrace diversity, (3) respect the uniqueness of the different parts of the Kingdom body, and (4) engage collaborative efforts; to positively impact people locally, nationally, and globally.

2.5 The values of the Convention uphold the primacy of relationships to the Triune God and one another as congregations, organizations, entities, groups and individuals sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ through: (1) acts of evangelism and social justice, (2) involvement in cooperative missions and collaborative initiatives, (3) believer’s baptism, (4) priesthood of all believers, (5) autonomy of the local church, and (6) separation of church and state.

2.6 The Board of Directors is responsible to the Council of Church Representatives for oversight in the planning, development and evaluation of Convention programming, ministries and services, and shall work with the Executive Director/Minister and appropriate staff in carrying out its mission.

2.7 The practice and program areas while founded on the mandate of the Great Commission and Great Commandment, will be centered around (1) Equipping Leaders, (2) Empowering Congregations, and (3) Engaging Communities. The specific programs, ministries and services will be presented to the Board of Directors and Council of Church Representatives annually in the form of a strategic plan.

Article 3 – Authority

3.1 The ultimate authority for the Convention rests with the Active member churches through the Council of Church Representatives. The Board of Directors, which is made up of members from Active member churches, transacts the business of the Convention between Annual Gatherings. The Board of Directors is responsible for setting policy and the planning, coordination, and activities, in accordance with the Convention's strategic plan, which are carried out by the Executive Director/Minister who has authority for transacting the day-to-day business.

3.2 The Convention has no authority over any member church.

Article 4 – Governance

4.1 The Convention will fulfill its mission by providing mutually agreed upon resources and services that meet the needs of its member churches, in order for them to succeed in their ministry of evangelism, outreach, disciple-making and church health.

4.2 Fundamental to the Convention is the autonomy of individual churches to assess their own needs as a congregation, and the wider population they serve; and to embrace a unique, Spiritled vision in doing their part to fulfill the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ.

4.3 The Convention is a self-governing organization.

Article 5 – Membership

5.1 Membership in the Convention is open to Baptist churches, and such other churches or organizations as may apply and be accepted in four categories: Active, Inactive, Probationary, and Affiliated.

5.1.1 Active member churches shall be those member congregations that cooperate in the mission, vision, purpose and values of the Convention as stated in Article 2.

5.1.2 Probationary member churches shall be those member congregations that have applied for Active status, and are participating fully until their status is changed to Active upon recommendation of the Membership Committee, approved by the Board of Directors and ratified by the Council of Church Representatives at the next Annual Gathering.

5.1.3 Inactive member churches shall be those member congregations that once Active, have temporarily removed themselves or have been so designated by recommendation of the Membership Committee and approved by the Board of Directors pending resolution of their status.

5.1.4 Affiliated members shall be churches, other than Baptist, and other bodies that affirm the values of the Convention, without differentiation to any particular denominational group. Affiliated Members enter into the work of the Convention at a particular entry point, as a part of a missional or ministry opportunity/initiative.

5.2 Consistent with the Bylaws, the Board of Directors will establish and publish criteria and procedures for membership, discipline, and disaffiliation.

5.3 A church applying for membership with the Convention shall be received into the fellowship as either “Active”, or “Probationary”, or “Affiliated”, upon recommendation of the Membership Committee and approval of a majority of the members of the Board of Directors and ratification by the Council of Church Representatives.

5.4 Expectations for Active member churches of the Convention shall be as follows:

5.4.2 Share in and support the life, vision and goals of the Convention.

5.4.3 Communicate to the congregation the vision and goals of the Convention.

5.4.4 Contribute to the financial support of the Convention at a responsible level as set forth in the current membership packet. Financial support to the Convention consists of giving through any of these means: a dedicated ongoing and/or periodic giving to the Convention or a specific ministry giving directed to the Convention or an assessed-value volunteer service in one of the ministries of the Convention.

5.4.5 Designate five (5) Representatives to serve on the Council of Church Representatives, and support leadership serving in the Convention on committees and task forces.

5.4.6 Encourage pastoral leaders to participate in the leadership of the Convention.

5.4.7 Utilize Convention programs, ministries, and resources as appropriate.

5.5. Expectations for Affiliated members, and others as provided in Article 2.5 shall be as follows:

5.5.1 Support for the particular missional or ministry opportunity in which they are involved or connected.

5.5.2 Communicate to their organization the missional or ministry opportunity in which they are involved.

5.5.3 Be willing to promote leadership opportunities within the context of the missional or ministry opportunity.

5.5.4 Support the missional or ministry opportunity financially.

5.6 Procedures for becoming a member of the Convention are as follows:

5.6.1 The interested church/organization/individual will send a letter to the Executive Director/Minister requesting membership.

5.6.2 The Executive Director/Minister will send an information packet and required forms to applicant.

5.6.3 When the information is in order, the Executive Director/Minister and the Membership Committee will meet with the applicant for the purpose of determining that the applicant understands the Convention’s mission/vision and values, whether the applicant qualifies as an Active, Affiliated or Probationary member, and that there is a mutual benefit between the two.

5.6.4 Upon recommendation of a new or Affiliated member, the Chair of the Membership Committee will present the motion, along with relevant information, to the Board of Directors for review and approval

5.6.5 A simple majority vote by the Board of Directors is needed to accept the applicant as an Active or Affiliated member of the Convention, with specified rights and privileges conveyed immediately. Full voting privileges are limited to Active member churches.

5.6.6 New member and Affiliated congregations or individuals are introduced to the Council of Church Representatives at their Annual Gathering. The Council of Church Representatives, at their Annual Gathering, will ratify all new members and Affiliated congregations/organizations.

5.7 The conditions that determine “Active” and “Inactive” of all members are as follows:

5.7.1 Members that regularly and annually fulfill the requirements of Article 5.4 are considered to be “Active.”

5.7.2 Members that fail to fulfill the requirements of Article 5.4 for more than 12 months will be considered “Inactive,” as reviewed and voted by the Board of Directors. This action will result in the revocation of their voting privileges, if applicable, cancellation of their apportioned Representatives with regard to Convention business and removal from DCBC’s 501(c)(3) group exemption list.

5.7.3 If a member church is moved to "Inactive," individuals of said church, if applicable, must vacate their leadership positions within the Convention and any of its affiliated bodies, including members of the Board of Directors. This action will be considered only after Convention staff and the Membership Committee have made a reasonable effort to encourage the full participation of the member church. This action will identify the specific cause(s) of the problem as well as remedial actions to resolve the problem. Likewise, the Board of Directors may reinstate the voting, representation privileges and 501(c)(3) group exemption of a church when evidence of renewed cooperation is presented.

5.7.4 The “Inactive” status will serve as a required intermediate step to dismissal. The Board of Directors, upon recommendation of the Membership Committee, may adopt other procedures short of “Inactive” and disaffiliation.

5.7.5 Any change in status of a member church must be reported and ratified at the Annual Gathering of the Church of Representatives.

5.8 An Inactive member church, may withdraw from the Convention in the following manner:

5.8.1 The member church will notify the Executive Director/Minister by letter signed by the pastor and church officers, advising of the date and action of the body.

5.8.2 The Executive Director/Minister will research to assure that the Bylaws of the member church were followed; that there is no Convention interest in the church’s property; and that there are no outstanding debts by that church to the Convention or to its related entities.

5.8.3 Assuming there are no barriers to withdrawal, the Executive Director/Minister will report the findings at the next Board of Directors meeting.

5.8.4 A vote of the Board of Directors will acknowledge officially this action and a letter confirming approval of the withdrawal request sent to the member church, signed by the Executive Director/Minister. This action will also be reported at the Annual Gathering of the Council of Church Representatives.

5.9 An Active member church may withdraw from the Convention in the following manner:

5.9.1 The member church will notify the Executive Director/Minister by letter signed by the pastor and church officers advising of the date and action of the body.

5.9.2 The Executive Director/Minister will conduct research to assure that the Bylaws of the member church were followed; that there is no Convention interest in the church’s property; and that there are no outstanding debts by that church to the Convention or to its related entities.

5.9.3 Assuming there are no barriers to withdrawal, the Executive Director/Minister will report the finding at the next meeting of the Membership Committee.

5.9.4 Upon recommendation of the Membership Committee, a vote of the Board of Directors will acknowledge officially this action and a letter confirming the withdrawal request sent to the member church, signed by the Executive Director/Minister. This action will be reported to the Council of Church Representatives at the Annual Gathering.

5.10 An Affiliated member church, organization or other Member category, may withdraw at any time by written notice to the Executive Director/Minister. The information will then be forwarded to the Membership Committee, Board of Directors and reported at the Council of Church Representatives’ Annual Gathering.

Article 6 – Membership Meetings

6.1 Representatives from Active member churches in good standing will meet annually as a Council of Church Representatives. The purpose of the Annual Gathering of the Council of Church Representatives is to conduct elections, ratify the annual budget, receive reports, and consider other business of the Convention. The time, place and registration fee for this meeting will be fixed by the Board of Directors, and announced at least 60 days prior to the meeting. Notices may be authorized through electronic communication methods. The Board of Directors will prepare the business agenda.

6.2 A special session of the Council of Church Representatives may be called by a vote of 19 members of the Board of Directors, or upon written request of 20% of members of the Council of Church Representatives. Notice of such a special session will be given to all Active member churches of both the time and agenda items for discussion at the meeting, 60 days prior to the date of the meeting.

6.3 Active member churches in good standing are entitled to five (5) voting representatives, one representative to be the Senior Pastor or his/her designee, the other representative chosen according to the member-church's polity. Member churches are encouraged to send as many non-voting participants as they wish to the Annual Gathering. Non-voting participants may speak, but have no vote. All members of the Board of Directors shall be ex-officio Representatives with voting privileges.

6.4 The Secretary shall prepare a membership list for the meeting with the names of active member- churches entitled to notice of meeting and those churches' addresses. The churches will be reminded that each church is entitled to five (5) representatives, each able to vote at the meeting unless the body decides to have a caucus vote in which each church is entitled to only one vote.

6.5 The quorum of members that must be present at any meeting of the Council of Church Representatives is 2/3 of the Board of Directors plus 35% of Active member churches either present or able to participate by means of either electronic or digital communication.

6.6 All motions or recommendations shall be written, signed by the maker and given to the Secretary of the Convention.

6.7 All member churches and Affiliated members may speak to the question, although only the Council of Church Representatives from Active Member Churches are permitted to vote.

6.8 Ministers, missionaries and others who are not members of the Convention, but who have been invited to attend, may speak to the question, but may not vote.

6.9 Debate shall be limited to three minutes per speaker. No one may speak in debate more than twice on the same question in the same session, if another who has not spoken requests the floor, unless a specific ruling otherwise by the Chair, Convention president, or appropriate action by the body in session makes other provision.

6.10 The Chair, Convention president, may warn, and then order the removal of disruptive guests or members.

6.11 A majority vote shall be required for election to office. No proxy votes are allowed.

Article 7 – Officers of the Convention

7.1 The corporate officers of the Convention shall be:

7.1.1. President

7.1.2. Vice President

7.1.3. Treasurer

7.1.4. Secretary

7.2 The duties of the officers are as follows:

7.2.1 The President: Presides over all Board of Directors’ meetings, Annual Gatherings, special sessions or otherwise. Chairs the Board of Directors, the Executive Team and Council of Church Representatives. Signs, with the Executive Director/Minister and/or Chief Operations Officer, all legal documents as instructed by the Council of Church Representatives at the Annual Gathering, the Executive Team, the Stewardship Committee and/or any other authorized agent or partner of the Convention. Appoints the members of all committees not otherwise provided for, with the counsel and advice of the Executive Team. He/she shall serve as an ex-officio member with a vote on all committees, attending those he/she deems necessary. Serves as the official representative of the Convention unless otherwise specified.

7.2.2 The Vice President: Succeeds the president in his/her absence or inability to fulfill the duties of office. Serves as vice chair of the Executive Team.

7.2.3 Treasurer: Serves as a member of the Stewardship Committee. Provides for the receiving and holding of monies and evidence of property owned by the Convention, and shall make appropriate reports. Periodically reviews vouchers issued for the payment of funds. Provides reports to the Board of Directors at its Quarterly meetings. Provides reports annually to the Council of Church Representatives at the Annual Gathering.

7.2.4 Secretary: Assures that accurate minutes are kept of the Board of Directors’ meetings and the Annual Gathering of the Council of Church Representatives. Prepares the minutes of Board of Directors’ meetings and Council of Church Representatives Annual Gathering meetings for publication. Assures that accurate minutes are kept and published of the Executive Team meetings. In cooperation with Convention staff, prepares notices for the Annual Gathering, special sessions, and for meetings of the Board and of the Executive Team; informs persons of their appointment to an office and/or Board and committee membership.

7.3 The President, Vice President, and Secretary shall be elected annually by the Council of Church Representatives at the Annual Gathering by a simple majority vote and may be re-elected to office for a second term, or until their successors are elected and qualified.

7.4 The Treasurer shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.

7.5 The Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the Enlistment Committee and approved by the Council of Church Representatives at the Annual Gathering.

Article 8–Board of Directors

8.1 The implementation of the Convention’s purpose shall be the responsibility of its staff, led by the Executive Director/Minister who is under the guidance and oversight of the Board of Directors.

8.2 The ultimate governing authority of the Convention shall be the Council of Church Representatives, Article 3.1. When not in session, the 25-member Board of Directors, inclusive of the Convention Officers (president, vice president, treasurer and secretary), not counting the ex-officio members, transacts the business of the Convention between Annual Gatherings. The composition of the Board of Directors consists of individuals nominated by Active member churches to the Enlistment Committee, who reviews, selects and presents to the Council of Church Representatives at its Annual Gathering. Membership on the Board is determined by specific requirements and qualifications, matched to required performance criteria, and selection determined by a vetting process. There are three classes of Board members rotating on three-year staggered terms. Diversity of the Board will be considered, including male/female, clergy/lay, ethnicity, denominational affiliation, and geographic location. If a Board member moves from the area, does not maintain good standing with an Active member church, fails to diligently attend to their duties, or be otherwise disqualified, the Board may declare their service completed and their office open. The Board may act, in cooperation with the Enlistment Committee to fill any open position until the next regular election cycle.

8.2.1 An elected 21-member Board of Directors will serve in staggered 3-year terms. Each Director shall hold office until the third Annual Gathering of the Council of Church Representatives subsequent to his or her election with approximately one-third of the Directors elected at each annual gathering. Effort will be made to elect Directors with sensitivity to the balance of geography, clergy, laity, male, female, ethnicity, and denominational affiliation. Names of prospective Directors may be submitted by any Active member church to the Enlistment Committee. After a vetting process by the Enlistment Committee, that Committee will submit the names of the eligible nominees for the open positions on the Board to the Board of Directors for review and subsequent election by the Council of Church Representatives. If the Board of Directors rejects any nominee, due to ineligibility (see 8.2.4), the slate will be sent back to the Enlistment Committee for additional nominees.

8.2.2 In addition to the 21-member Board of Directors will be four (4) Convention Officers the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The D.C. Baptist Convention Foundation may submit one representative to serve as a non-voting, ex-officio member to the Board of Directors.

8.2.3 Six of the Board of Directors, not serving as Officers, will be assigned by the President of the Board as chairs to the following standing committees: Human Resources, Stewardship, Membership, Annual Gathering Program, Enlistment and Bylaws.

8.2.4 Each Board member must fulfill the following requirements: Be a participating member in good standing of an Active member church, unless that Board member is an appointed officer. Support the Convention’s vision, mission, and values. Support the Convention’s leadership in the purposes of the Convention. Commit to attending all regular and special meetings of the Board, unless they have an excused absence. Board members are only allowed two excused absences within one calendar year.

8.2.5 The Board of Directors’ regular meetings will be held quarterly.

8.2.6 The corporation’s fiscal year shall be January through December.

8.3 To fulfill their responsibilities and establish effective leadership, the Board of Directors shall:

8.3.1 Between Annual Gatherings of the Council of Church Representatives, chaired by the Convention President, transact all of the business of the Convention, not otherwise

provided for and such business as may be referred to by actions of the Council of Church Representatives at the Annual Gathering.

8.3.2 Hire, receive the resignation of, or terminate employment of the Executive Director/Minister and the appointment of an Interim or Acting Executive Director/Minister when the position is vacant.

8.3.3 Supervise and annually evaluate the Executive Director/Minister.

8.3.4 Develop and publish goals, to be strategized and implemented by the Executive Director/Minister.

8.3.5 Assist, encourage and support the accomplishment of the Convention’s mission.

8.3.6 Fill any vacancies on the Board of Directors that occur, maintaining the proper diversity of composition through the Enlistment Committee.

8.3.7 Adopt, amend and repeal policies and procedures of the Convention upon approval of the Council of Church Representatives.

8.3.8 Plan and adopt the Convention’s annual budget for presentation and approval at the Annual Gathering of the Council of Church Representatives.

8.3.9 Authorize any capital funds campaigns.

8.3.10 Sell, purchase and manage property and financial funds of the corporation as approved by the Council of Church Representatives.

8.3.11 Admit new members and affiliations, and disaffiliate member/affiliated churches as outlined in the Bylaws.

8.3.12 Set the date and place for the quarterly Board of Directors’ meetings.

8.3.13 Conduct such business as required, including appointments and actions on covenants and agreements.

8.3.14 Assure that legal requirements by local, District, or federal governments are met.

8.3.15 Appoint a Program Committee to plan for the Annual Gatherings.

8.3.16 Communicate regularly with a percentage of those on the Council of Church Representatives from Active member churches that will be assigned to each Board Member.

8.4 In all voting matters, proxy votes are not allowed; however, electronic voting is allowed and subject to the current nonprofit law. A majority vote of those present at any meeting of the Board of Directors will carry the proposed question or recommendation.

8.5 The Executive Director/Minister of the Convention is a nonvoting ex-officio member of the Board of Directors.

8.6 The Chief Operations Officer of the Convention, a position held by Convention staff, is a nonvoting ex-officio member of the Board of Directors.

8.7 The Chair of the Presidential Advisory Council is a voting ex-officio member of the Board of Directors.

8.8 The Board of Directors may create governance, administrative, ad hoc committees and investigative bodies as needed. These bodies remain under the jurisdiction of the Board of Directors, and must adhere to the Bylaws and Convention policies.

8.9 The Board of Directors may accept on behalf of the Convention any contribution, gift, bequest or devise for the general purposes or for any special purpose of the Convention.

8.10 The Board of Directors may determine from time to time the ranges of contributions payable to the Convention by member churches and affiliated members.

8.11 All Board of Directors are voting ex-officio representatives of the Council of Church Representatives.

8.12 Notice of all annual and regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be provided not less than 10 days prior to the meeting. Notice of special meetings of the Board of Directors shall be provided not less than 2 days prior to the meeting, along with the agenda items for discussion. Notice may be provided electronically. All meetings of the Board of Directors are open to the public except those times when the Board enters into Executive Session.

8.13 Thirteen of the Board of Directors members in good standing and attending shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business.

8.14 All newly elected Board of Directors members will be seated as a Board member January 1 of the year after their election unless elected to fill a vacant term. Directors are not eligible to serve another term immediately after rotating off the Board of Directors, but must wait a minimum of one full year prior to being nominated and elected to another term.

Article 9 – Groups and Standing Committees

9.1 The President or the Executive Director/Minister may create committees, task forces or ministry teams (collectively referred to as “Groups”), with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors, within the Convention, separate from the Standing Committees. Such Groups will be established to carry out a specific set of tasks, and will be subject to policies and procedures established by the Board of Directors and/or the Executive Director/Minister. In every case, such Groups will have the limits of their authority and purpose clearly stated.


Executive Team

9.2.1 There shall be a thirteen (13) member Executive Team of the Board of Directors, composed of the President, the Vice President, the Treasurer, the Secretary, the Executive Director/Minister, the Chairs of the six (6) Standing Committees (Stewardship, Human Resources, Membership, Annual Gathering Program, Enlistment, and Bylaws), the Chief Operations Officer, and the Chair of the Presidential Advisory Council. In between meetings of the Board, the Executive Team shall have the power of the Board, except in matters of personnel and expenditures outside the approved current budget.

9.2.2 The Executive Team shall function for the Convention’s Board of Directors as a support mechanism to assist the Executive Director/Minister between regular sessions of the Board of Directors, except in the calling of the Executive Director/Minister.

9.2.3 The Executive Team determines, in consultation with the Convention staff, how the responsibilities of the Executive Director/Minister will be fulfilled by the appointment of an interim or Acting Executive Director/Minister, and/or in the realignment of staff responsibilities in case of the vacancy of the office of Executive Director/Minister or his/her inability to serve.

9.3 Standing Committees

There shall be six (6) Standing Committees: Stewardship, Human Resources, Membership, Annual Gathering Program, Enlistment and Bylaws. Each Standing committee will have nine (9) members, including the Chair, filling three (3) classes of 3-year terms. Members of Standing Committees must be members of Active member churches. Effort will be made to fill committees with sensitivity to the balance of geography, clergy/laity, gender, ethnicity and denominational affiliation. The committees and their chairs have the following responsibilities:

9.3.1 The Membership Committee shall: Be chaired by a member of the Board of Directors. Assist staff in planning and promoting membership training events. Create new-member church packets and arrange for the orientation of new member churches and organizations. Review new church and organization membership applications. Present any membership or affiliations for approval to the Board of Directors. Present any new members or affiliated members during the Annual Gathering of the Council of Church Representatives. Review membership status of churches and organizations and make any status change recommendations to Board of Directors. Meet as needed at the call of the Chair or Executive Director/Minister.

9.3.2 The Stewardship Committee shall: Be chaired by a member of the Board of Directors who: Coordinates meeting dates, agenda development and the sharing of financial information with the Chief Operations Officer. Reports quarterly to the Board of Directors and Executive Team. Has authority to call any special meetings of the Committee in consultation with the Executive Director/Minister, Chief Operations Officer and/or President of the Board of Directors. Be responsible for monitoring the financial resources and managing the budget. Assume the power to act and responsibility for loans, investment portfolio, property decisions, and the acceptance of bequests. Review any plan for the sale or purchase of real estate and present information and recommendations for action to the Board of Directors. Review any indebtedness or fund raising and present information and recommendations for action to the Board of Directors. Encourage the giving of bequests and annuities to the Convention. Accept bequests and property gifts to the Convention. Arrange for independent audits/reviews of all financial accounts. Annually prepare a proposed budget for the Convention and submit to the Board of Directors and subsequently to the Council of Church Representatives at the Annual Gathering. Meet as needed at the call of the Chair or Executive Director/Minister.

9.3.3 The Human Resources Committee shall: Be chaired by a member of the Board of Directors who: Coordinates meeting dates and agenda development with the Chief Operations Officer and the Executive Director/Minister. Reports quarterly to the Board of Directors and Executive Team. Has authority to call any special meetings of the Committee in consultation with the Executive Director/Minister and/or President of the Board of Directors. Establish staff performance expectations with the Executive Director/Minister and receive annual staff evaluations and recommendations of same. Give advice/input to Executive Director/Minister with regard to the hiring or dismissal of all staff. This may be initiated with or without the request of the Executive Director/Minister. Work with the Stewardship Committee to establish annual salaries and benefits for the Executive Director/Minister and staff. Serve as the final court of appeal for grievances by any full time staff person, except the Executive Director/Minister (the full Board of Directors retains that authority). Meet as needed at the call of the Chair or Executive Director/Minister.

9.3.4 The Annual Gathering Program Committee shall: Be chaired by a member of the Board of Directors, appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors. Coordinates meeting dates, agenda development and leads the meetings of the Committee. Reports quarterly to the Board of Directors and Executive Team. Has authority to call any special meetings of the Committee in consultation with the Executive Director/Minister, Chief Operations Officer and/or President of the Board of Directors. Develop the program for the Annual Gathering of the D.C. Baptist Convention. Publicize the program for the Annual Gathering across the D.C. Baptist Convention through various media channels. Assist in the operational details of the Annual Gathering. Prepare an evaluation of the Annual Gathering for submission to the Board of Director

9.3.5 The Enlistment Committee shall: Be chaired by a member of the Board of Directors who: Coordinates meeting dates, agenda development and leads the meetings of the Committee. Reports quarterly to the Board of Directors and Executive Team. Has authority to call any special meetings of the Committee in consultation with the Executive Director/Minister, Chief Operations Officer and/or President of the Board of Directors Develop a list of prospects for election to the Board of Directors and appointment to committees. Work with Board members to identify leaders within their assigned churches. Put out a call for nominations, develop nomination packet, and review prospective Board and committee members according to the expectations and requirements for Board/committee service. Coordinate organizational leadership training and orientation for committees. Develop a plan to identify skills needed for all committees. Recommend a slate of Board and committee members to be reviewed by Board and voted on and accepted at the Annual Gathering or at a special meeting Meet as needed at the call of the Chair or Executive Director/Minister.

9.3.6 The Bylaws Committee shall: Be chaired by a member of the Board of Directors who: Coordinates meeting dates, agenda development and leads the meetings of Bylaws Committee. Reports quarterly to the Board of Directors and Executive Team. Has authority to call any special meetings of the Committee in consultation with the Executive Director/Minister, Chief Operations Officer and/or President of the Board of Directors. Be responsible to review the bylaws each year. Be responsible to propose revisions to the bylaws to the Council of Churches every five (5) years.

9.4 In all Committee voting matters, proxy votes are not allowed; however, electronic voting is allowed and subject to the current nonprofit law.

9.5 Each Standing Committee may adopt rules for its own governance consistent with these Bylaws or with rules adopted by the Board of Directors. Each Group may adopt rules for its own governance consistent with the Board of Director’s resolution, these Bylaws, or with rules adopted by the Board of Directors.

9.6 There shall be a Presidential Advisory Council made up of past Convention Presidents and chaired by the Immediate Past President. The Chair of the Presidential Advisory Council will serve as a voting ex-officio member of the Board of Directors. The Presidential Advisory Council meets at least twice a year, and acts as an advisory team to the President.

9.7 Other Groups who are appointed by and report to the Board of Directors may originate in such a manner as may be designated by a resolution adopted by a majority of the Directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present.

9.8 A Chair for each Standing Committee and/or Board established Group shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.

9.9 Vacancies in the membership of any Standing Committee or Board established Group may be filled by the nomination of the Enlistment Committee and appointment by the Board of Directors.

9.10 Unless otherwise provided in the resolution of the Board of Directors designating a Board established Group, a majority of the whole Group shall constitute a quorum and the act of a majority of the members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Board established Group. For administrative and programming purposes, the Board of Directors and the Executive Director/Minister may create committees, task forces or ministry teams (collectively referred to as “Groups”) within the Convention. Such Groups will be established to carry out a specific set of tasks, and will be subject to policies and procedures established by the Board of Directors and/or the Executive Director/Minister. In every case, such Groups will have the limits of their authority and purpose clearly stated.

9.11 Convention staff has the authority to establish Groups (i.e., ministry teams, task forces and other pools of leadership) to undergird, promote, develop and implement Convention programs, ministries and/or services with the approval of the Executive Director/Minister. The Convention staff has sole authority to the composition, duties/responsibilities and authority. Position descriptions will be in writing and approved through signature of the Executive Director/Minister. Each staff established Group adopt procedures/policies for its own governance consistent with these Bylaws or any other rules adopted by the Board of Directors.

Article 10- Staff

10.1 The Board of Directors is responsible for the hiring and dismissal of the Executive Director/Minister. The Executive Director/Minister is the chief staff officer of the Convention. The Executive Director/Minister is charged to assist, lead and inspire all clergy and laity of the Convention carrying out the purposes of the Convention, to pursue goals established by the Board of Directors, and to perform such duties as are needed for the legal and effective work of the Convention. The Executive Director/Minister is accountable to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will establish clear expectations for the Executive Director/Minister and monitor performance. The Executive Director/Minister:

10.1.1 Serves as the Chief Staff Officer.

10.1.2 Serves as the Senior Consultant for the Convention.

10.1.3 Serves as the primary vision caster for the Convention, and exercises primary supervision, direction and control over the Convention’s activities and affairs.

10.1.4 Supervises Convention staff. The Executive Director/Minister has full authority to hire and dismiss staff within the constraints of the budget and in consultation with the Human Resources committee and the Board of Directors.

10.1.5 Serves as the liaison of the Convention to other organizations, entities and/or groups.

10.1.6 Serves as a non-voting ex-officio member of the board, and all committees, task forces, ministry teams and any other entities created within the scope and purview of the Convention. He/She shall liaison with the Chairs of the board, and various committees, task forces and/or ministry teams in formulating the agenda, advise on policy matters, and assign other staff members to assist where it is deemed appropriate.

10.1.7 As a non-voting ex-officio member of the Board, will not be subject to election.

10.1.8 In the event of the vacancy of the Executive Director/Minister, the Board of Directors shall appoint an Executive Search Committee. The then current Chair of the Human Resources Committee will chair the Executive Search Committee. In addition, three other members from the Board of Directors, and three persons not affiliated with the Board of Directors, but members of Active churches will be appointed to the Executive Search Committee. Regardless of their respective terms of office, all will serve until the Board of Directors appoints an Executive Director/Minister, or until dismissed by the Board of Directors

10.2 The Executive Director/Minister supervises the Convention staff, and has full authority to hire and dismiss such staff within the constraints of the Convention’s budget and in consultation with the Human Resources Committee and the Board of Directors.

10.3 The Executive Director/Minister assigns responsibilities to all staff and employees within the parameters of the Board of Director’s approved Employee Policy and Procedures Manual. The Board of Directors will not circumvent the Executive Director/Minister in directing staff. While input from Board Members to the Executive/Director Minister is encouraged, no Board member will assume authority to instruct or direct other staff. Likewise, no committee, council, task force, or ministry will assume the authority of the Executive Director/Minister over staff.

Article 11 – Parliamentary Authority

11.1 The Parliamentary Authority for the D.C. Baptist Convention is Robert’s Rules of Order, the most recently published edition.

Article 12 – Charitable Intent and Dissolution Statement

12.1 The Convention is a nonprofit religious corporation and is not organized for the private gain of any person. It is organized under the Nonprofit Religious Corporation Law and pursuant to the D.C. Nonprofit Corporation Act of 2010, exclusively for religious purposes.

12.2 This corporation is organized exclusively for religious purposes within the meaning of Internal Revenue Code, section 501(c)(3), or any successor statute. Notwithstanding any other provision of these Bylaws, the corporation shall not engage in any activities or exercise any powers that are not in furtherance of the purposes of this corporation. The corporation shall

not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under IRC section 501(c)(3) or (b) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under IRC section 170(c)(2).

12.3 No part of the net income of the Convention shall inure to the benefit of any member, Director, officer of the Convention, staff or any private individual. No member, Director, officer of the Convention, staff or any private individual shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the corporate assets on dissolution of the Convention.

12.4 Upon the dissolution of this corporation, any assets remaining after payment, or provision for payment, of all debts and liabilities of this corporation shall be distributed to Christian organizations organized and operated exclusively for like faith, mission and purpose and that are tax exempt under IRC section 501(c)(3). Such distribution shall be made in accordance with all applicable provisions of the laws of the District of Columbia.

Article 13 – Indemnification

13.1 The Convention shall indemnify any member of the Board of Directors, employee or agent from liability incurred by such person in the appropriate exercise of his or her duties with respect to the organization, pursuant to D.C. Nonprofit Corporation Act of 2010, or any successor statute.

Article 14 – Amendments

14.1 These Bylaws may be amended at any Annual Gathering of the Council of Church Representatives, provided that each proposed amendment shall first be presented to the Board of Directors and that notice be sent by postal mail or email to each cooperating member church at least one month before the meeting; and any proposed amendment may only be adopted after receiving a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of those present and eligible to vote.

14.2. Amendments must be initiated by one of the following methods:

14.2.1 Recommendation of the Board of Directors or its duly appointed bylaws committee. Such recommendation requires approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the Directors present and voting.

14.2.2 Recommendation of any Active member church that has approved the recommended change(s) and has obtained approval of 10 more of the member churches, all of which have voted on the proposed change(s) at a duly authorized congregational meeting and who have submitted in writing the date of their meeting and the results of that vote (total for, total against, total abstaining) to the congregation that originated the recommendation. A copy of these written approvals must be attached to the recommendation and forwarded to the Board of Directors by the originating

congregation. Once received by the Board, review, response and any recommendations will be addressed and voted upon at the Annual Gathering of Church representatives.

Church Directory

Agape Baptist Church

3920Alton Pl NW Washington DC 20016-2210


Rev. Justin Gipulitan 202-966-2259 www.agapechurchdc.com

Agape Bible Christian Fellowship

38 Corse Ave Martinsville VA24112-3745

PO Box 3208 Martinsville VA24115-3208

Email: drhagwood@agape4all.com

Dr. C. Lee Hagwood, Sr. 276-634-5522 www.agape4all.com

Alafia Baptist Church

3623 EasternAve Mount Rainier MD20712-2152

Email: alafiabaptistchurchmd@gmail.com

Dr. Kayode Opadeji

Allow God Deliverance Outreach Min., Intl.

8325 Old Marlboro Pike #A7 Upper Marlboro MD 20772

PO Box 471706 District Heights MD 20753

Email: allowGoddm@gmail.com

Rev. Sharita Phillip 301-442-8510 www.allowgoddm.org

American Baptist Church

1500 Daughtery Road Lakeland FL 33810

Email: vichuck@comcast.net

Rev. Chuck Gargan 863-859-5281 www.abclakeland.org

Antioch Baptist Church/DC 1105 50th St NE Washington DC 20019-4023

Email: antiochsecretary@verizon.net

Judy Davis 202-399-8118 www.antiochabc.org

Assembly of Life Community Church

2012 Rosedale St NEApt. 1 Washington, DC 20002

Rev. Daryl Davis 202-486-4165


Believer's Tabernacle International Ministry

5405 Twin Knolls Rd. #.3 Columbia MD 21045

Email: info@believerstab.net

Rev. Steward Owasu 443-319-5679

Beloved Community Church

PO Box 441439 Fort Washington MD 20749-1439

Email: belovedcommunity.church@yahoo.com Samoris Hall 240-899-7511 www.belovedcommunitychurchmd.org

Berean Baptist Church

924 Madison St NW Washington DC 20011 bereanbc1877@aol.com

Dr. Robert Childs 202-829-8454

Bethel Baptist Church

13709 Middlevalle Lane Silver Spring MD 20906

Rev. David Watts 301-767-7483

Brazilian Baptist Church

200 W DiamondAvenue Gaithersburg MD 20877

Email: csgmendes@aol.com

Rev. Carlos Mendes 202-517-1575 www.ibbwdc.org

Broadneck Baptist Church

1257 Hilltop DrAnnapolis MD 21409-5102

Email: abbylthornton@gmail.com Rev.Abby Hailey 410-757-8583 www.broadneckbaptistchurch.org

Broadview Baptist Church

100 Lower Marlboro Rd Sunderland MD 20689

PO Box 44 Temple Hills MD 20757-0044 410-610-2888 301-659-3622 www.broadviewmaryland.org

Brookland Union Baptist Church

3101 14th St NE Washington DC 20017-2927

Email: bubc@verizon.net Rev. Marcellous Ridgeway 202-832-4450 www.brooklandunionbaptist.org

Brookmont Baptist Church

4000 Virginia Pl Bethesda MD 20816-2632

Email: kksahm@gmail.com

Ms. Roxanne Schueller www.brookmontchurch.org

Buenas Nuevas de Salvacion 1628 16th St NW WashingtonDC

Rev. Saul Garcia

Calvary Baptist Church

755 8th St NW Washington DC 20001-3721

Email: office@calvarydc.org

Rev. Maria Swearingen 202-347-8355 www.calvarydc.org

Calvary Burmese Baptist Church

755 8th St NW Washington DC 20001


Rev. Ler Htoo 202-347-8355 www.cbc-dc.com

Calvary Hispanic Baptist Mission

755 8th St NW Washington DC 20001-3721

Rev. Giovanni Matamoros 202-347-8355

Canaan Baptist Church

1607 Monroe St NW Washington DC 20010-1803

Dr. Larry Owens, Jr. 202-234-5330 www.canaanbapt.com

Carmody Hills Baptist Church

6501 Seat Pleasant Dr Capitol Heights MD 20743-6016

Email: chbc@chbconthehill.org

Rev. Oscar Broadie 301-336-1254 www.carmodyhills.org

CenterPoint Missionary Baptist Church

4710Auth Pl 2nd Fl Suitland MD20746

P.O. Box 1472 Temple Hills MD 20757

Email: centerpointdmv@gmail.com

Rev. O. Jermaine Bego 202-780-6411 www.centerpointdmv.org

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Central Baptist Church

5412Annapolis Rd Bladensburg MD 20710-2211

PO Box 274 Bladensburg MD 20710-0274

Rev. Elgie Labbe, Jr. 301-699-5886 www.cbcbladensburg.org

Chevy Chase Baptist Church

5671 WesternAve NW Washington DC 20015-2952

Email: chevychasebaptist@gmail.com

Rev. Maureen Freshour 202-362-8662 www.chevychasebaptist.com

Chin Baptist Mission Church 5602 Johnny Cake Rd Gwynn Oak MD21207

Email: pastor@cbmcdc.com

Rev. Suihliang Chorei 240-674-7389 www.cbmcdc.com

Chin Bethel Church

6801 Douglas Legum Drive Elkridge MD21075

Mr. Joseph Bawihrin 240-381-4488 www.chinbethelchurch.com

Chin Community Baptist Church 5580 Rockbridge Rd SW Stone Mountain GA30088

Email: rcmang@gmail.com

Rev. Joseph Run Cung Mang 404-247-7355 www.chinbaptistchurch.org

Christ's Laborers Baptist Church 19641 Club Lake Road Montgomery Village MD 20886

Email: tony_mokombo@yahoo.com

Rev. Tony Mokombo 240-421-4139

Church in Bethesda

5033 Wilson Ln Bethesda MD 20814-2437

Email: info@churchinbethesda.org

Rev. Ryan Phipps 301-654-4159 www.churchinbethesda.org

Church of Restoration, The 5913Arbor Street Hyattsville MD 20781

Email: restoration4@aol.com

Rev. Larry Vaughn 240-506-4531

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Church of the Great Annointing

3710 Riviera St. Suite G4 Temple Hills MD 20748

3409 25thAvenue Temple Hills MD 20748

Email: pastorquentinfarmer@gmail.com

Rev. Quentin Farmer 301-343-8993

City Gate Inc.

3920Alton Place NW Washington DC 20016



Clifton Park Baptist Church

8818 Piney Branch Rd Silver Spring MD 20903-3506

Email: ldoolittle@cpbc.net

Rev. Essentino Lewis 301-434-2456 www.cpbc.net

Commonwealth Baptist Church

700 CommonwealthAveAlexandria VA22301-2308

Email: beth.trent.cbc@gmail.com

Rev. RobinAnderson 703-548-8000 www.cbcalexandria.org

Comunidad de Brasil Baptist Church

Bohrer Park Gaithersburg MD 20877

7768 Epsilon Drive Rockville MD 20855-2555

Rev.Aroldo Silva 240-372-5997 www.comunidadebrasil.us

Covenant Baptist United Church of Christ

3845 S Capitol St SW Washington DC 20032-1419

Dr. William Young, IV 240-584-5847 www.covenantbaptistucc.org

Covenant Community Baptist Church

801 University Blvd W.Silver Spring MD 20901-1040

16701 Melford Blvd Suite 400 Bowie MD 20715

Email: drguy@covenantcbc.org

Dr. Guy Williams, Sr. 240-544-5337 www.covenantcbc.org

Cristo Vive Baptist Church

8818 Piney Branch Rd Silver Spring MD 20903-3599

Rev. JoseAnaya 301-434-2456

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Damascus House Community Development Corporation 4405 Largo Road Upper Marlboro MD20772

240-338-2534 Email: dhf-ristore.org

Dayspring Community Church

9721 Good luck Rd Lanham MD20706-3350

PO Box 1971 Wheaton MD 20902 pastor@dayspringthrive.org

Dr. Cynthia Turner Wood 301-649-4449 www.dayspringcommunitychurch.org

Dominion Life Center

9142 Edgeworth Drive Glen Burnie MD21060 7604 East Howard Road Glen Burnie MD 21060

Email: jevonbillups@gmail.com Rev. Jevon Billups 240-712-0977

East Washington Heights Baptist 2220 BranchAve SEWashingtonDC20020-3340

Email: ewhbc@aol.com Rev. Kip Banks202-582-4811 www.ewhbc.org

Eglise Baptiste de La Foi

7500 MapleAve Takoma Park MD 20912 13110 Princeville Court Silver Spring MD 20904-3587

Email: info@eglisebaptistedelafoi.org

Rev. Fritz Olivier www.eglisebaptistedelafoi.org

Eglise Baptiste Du Calvaire 10002 Riggs RdAdelphi MD 20783-1205

Email: jstulme@ebdulvaire.org

Dr. Jean St-Ulme 301-431-0030 www.ebducalvaire.org

Emanuel, Iglesia Bautista 500 Copley Lane Silver Spring MD20904

Rev. Carlos R. Martinez 301-434-4355

Emmanuel Myanmar Baptist Church (Formerly Falam)

6034 Fair Oaks Drive Frederick MD 21703

Email: fbcmd2004@gmail.com

Rev. San No Thuan 301-606-9012240-315-6476 www.falamchurch.org

Faith Shepherd Baptist Church

3233 E Street SE #219 Washington DC 20019

Email: faithshepherd1@aol.com

Dr.Alton Haynes, Jr. 202-582-0055 202-997-2212 www.faithshepherdbaptistchurch.org

Fellowship Baptist Church 5605 ColoradoAve NW Washington DC 20011-7803

Email: revpatti@verizon.net

Rev. Patricia H. Fears 202-829-2873 www.fellowshipbaptistchurchdc.org

First Baptist Church of Silver Spring 828 WayneAvenue Silver Spring MD 20910

Email: info@thechurchdowntown.com

Joanne Bellamy 301-754-1100 www.thechurchdowntown.com

First Baptist Church Of the City of Washington DC 1328 16th St NW Washington DC 20036-2206

Email: office@firstbaptistdc.org

Rev. Julie Pennington-Russell 202-387-2206 www.firstbaptistdc.org

First Baptist Church/Camp Springs 6936Allentown Rd Temple Hills MD 20748-4102

Email: fbccs2@comcast.net

Rev. James Tiefel 301-449-8987

First Baptist Church/Georgetown 2624 Dumbarton St NW Washington DC 20007-3319

Email: church@firstbaptistgtown.org

Rev. Robert Pines 202-965-1899202-526-3199 www.firstbaptistgtown.org

First Baptist Church/Hyattsville 5701 42ndAve Hyattsville MD 20781-1630

Email: firstbapth@verizon.net

Rev. Stephen Price 301-927-0545 www.fbconlineorg

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First Baptist Church/Southeast 3440 MinnesotaAve SE Washington DC 20019-2355

Email: fbcclerk@fbc-dc.org Dr. Harold Brooks, Jr. 202-581-9100 www.fbc-dc.org

First Baptist Church/Upper Marlboro 7415 SW Crain Hwy Upper Marlboro MD 20772-4224

Email: fbcum@comcast.net

Rev. Zachariah Schlegel 301-952-0117 www.firstbaptistum.com

First Haitian Baptist Congregation 2115Aventurine Way Silver Spring MD 20904 617-997-1399

First Jericho Baptist Church 304 S Street NE WashingtonDC20002

Email: mwnettles@yahoo.com

Rev. Dr. Michael W. Nettles 202-269-1885

First Kachin Baptist Church of VA 1820 Rhianon Lane Harrisonburg VA22801

Email: vafkbc@gmail.com

Roi Ji Marip 540-560-2783

Forest Heights Baptist Church 6371 Oxon Hill Rd Oxon Hill MD 20745-2236 www.office@fhbcofmd.org

Rev. William Jones, Sr.301-839-1166

Fort Foote Baptist Church 8310 Fort Foote Rd Fort Washington MD 20744-5527

Email: hbearden@fortfootebc.org

Rev. Dr. Joseph Lyles 301-839-1343 www.fortfootebc.org

Fort Washington Baptist Church 11516 Fort Washington Rd Fort Washington MD 20744-5813

Email: fwbcadminexec@verizon.net 301-292-1384 www.fortwashingtonbaptist.org

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FullArmor Baptist Church Ministries

2412 Franklin St. NE Washington DC 20018

Email: mackrem3@verizon.net

Rev. Ray McKissic 202-986-6929

Georgetown Baptist Church

3101 N St NW Washington DC 20007-3420

Email: georgetownbaptist@gmail.com

Mrs. Tirza Cordova 202-333-4641 www.georgetownbaptist.com

Glory Baptist Church (Korean)

14811 Notley Rd Silver Spring MD 20905-5800

22 Yearling Ct Rockville MD20850-3546


Rev. Bo Eung Chang 301-838-5775

Good Ground Ministries Church

14627 Richmond Hwy Woodbridge VA22191

Email: buenatierrausa@gmail.com 703-656-0807

Greater New St. Paul Baptist Church

1300 Ingraham St. NW Washington DC 20011

Email: pastorrbj@msn.com

Dr. Regretta Ruffin 202-291-6530 www.greaternewstpaul.org

Greater Spiritual Fellowship Church

106 Ellerbe DriveIndian Head MD 20640

Email: GSFCC@yahoo.com

Rev. Joanne Ward 301-743-6014 www.greaterspiritual.org

Greater St. Johns Church of God

900 G Street NE,Apt 802 Washington DC 20002

Email: princeofpeace0713@gmail.com 202-367-1572

Greater St. Paul Baptist Church

5720 New HampshireAvenue NE Washington DC 20011

Email: gspbc@verizon.net 202-723-8299 www.greaterstpauldc.com

Greenbelt Baptist Church

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101 Greenhill Rd Greenbelt MD 20770-1604

Email: greenbelt.baptist@verizon.net

Rev. T. Michael Christ 301-474-4212 www.greenbeltbaptist.org

Hahnuri Baptist Church

800 Randolph Rd Silver Spring MD 20904-3543

Andy Kim 301-622-1675

Heritage Baptist Church

1740 Forest Dr.Annapolis MD 21401-4210

Email: office@heritageloves.com

Rev. Scott Shelton 410-263-6680 www.heritagebaptistannapolis.org

Hillandale Baptist Church

2601 Powder Mill RdAdelphiMD20783-1143

Email: hbc20783@gmaill.com

Mr. Javon Voglezon 301-434-6033 301-728-8180 www.hillandalebc.org

Hillcrest Baptist Church

2200 Iverson StTemple HillsMD20748-7009

Email: hbhillcrestbaptistchurch@gmail.com

Rev. W. Clyde Pearson 301-423-6288 ww.hbcmd.org

Israel Baptist Church

1251 SaratogaAve NE Washington DC 20018-1025

Email: admin@israelbaptistchurch.org

Rev. LanceAubert, Sr. 202-269-0288 www.israelbaptistchurch.org

Jesus Christ Universal Mission

8225 Castanea Ln Derwood MD 20855-2582

Emai: info@jcumchurch.org

Rev. Pierre Tchoubnfong 301-580-9766 www.jcumchurch.org

Kingdom Building Ministries for Christ 5289 Talbots Landing Ellicott MD 21043

Rev. Teresa Gilchrist 202-262-1467

Lai Baptist Church

1134 Long Corner Road Mt.Airy MD 21771

Email: robik@gmail.com

Rev. Rollin Bik 703-470-3312 301-573-6368 240-313-6808 www.laibaptistchurch.org

LightHouse Ministries

2800 Wisconsin NW,Apt. 606 Washington DC 20007

Rev.Avery Blakeney 202-423-6837 www.lighthouseministries812.org

Living Faith Vietnamese Baptist Church

15000 First Baptist Lane Laurel MD 20707

7509 Old Sandy Spring RD Laurel MD 20707

Email: camthachphan@yahoo.com

Rev. Paul Phan 240-246-4360 www.greenbeltvbc.org

Luther Rice Memorial Baptist Church

801 University Blvd W Silver Spring MD 20901-1040

Email: lutherrice@aol.com

Rev.Aleisha Langhorne 301-593-1130 ww.lutherrice.org

Mara Christian Church ofAmerica

1215 Old Camp Meade RdSevernMD21144

Email: mccamaryland13@gmail.com

Dr. Za Biak 443-799-5600 www.mccamd.org

Maryland Baptist Church (Tedim Chin) 1004 Frederick Rd Catonsville MD 21228

PO Box 9402 Catonsville MD 21228

Email: tuiphumpawlpi16@gmail.com

Rev. Kai Mung 443-454-0080 www.marylandbaptistchurch.com

Maryland Kachin Baptist Church

1219 Delmont Rd Severn MD 21144

Email: mkbcusa2014@gmail.com

Rev.Ah Le 667-231-0422 http://marylandkbc.com

McLean Baptist Church

1367 Chain Bridge Rd.McLean VA22101

Email: staff@mcleanbaptist.org 703-356-8080 www.mcleanbaptist.org

Metropolitan Baptist Church

1200 Mercantile Lane Largo MD 20774

Email: jwood@metropolitanbaptist.org

Rev. Maurice Watson 202-238-5000 www.metropolitanbaptist.org

Metropolitan Outreach Ministry

9300 Livingston Road Fort Washington MD 20744

Email: wanthonybrown@yahoo.com

Rev. William Brown 301-248-2141 www.metropolitanworshipcenter.com

Mission Internationale Pour La Grande Moisson 7200 BaltimoreAve College Park MD 20740-3204

1805 Spencerville Rd Spencerville MD 20868

Rev. Daniel Goulia 202-913-8034

Montgomery Hills Baptist Church

9727 GeorgiaAve Silver Spring MD 20910-1458

Ericc Powell 301-681-7990 www.montgomeryhillsbaptist.com

Morning Star Baptist Church

3204 Brothers Pl SE Washington DC 20032-1501

Email: thestarbc3204@gmail.com

Rev. Larry Williams 202-373-5566 www.morningstarchurch-dc.org

Mt.Airy Baptist Church

1100 N Capitol St NW Washington DC 20002-7506

Email: churchsec@mountairybaptist.org

Rev. Larry B. West 202-789-0640 www.mabcdc.org

Mt. Carmel Baptist Church

901 3rd St NW Washington DC 20001-2510

Email: office@themcbc.org

Rev.Albert Gallmon, Jr.202-842-3411 www.themcbc.org

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Mt. Gilead Baptist Church

1625 13th St NW Washington DC 20009-4302

Email: mgbc1625@gmail.com 202-462-0427 www.mtgileaddc.org

Mt. Jezreel Baptist Church

420 University Blvd E Silver Spring MD 20901-3652

Email: info@mtjezreel.com

Dr. Jamison Hunter 301-431-2800 www.mtjezreel.com

Mt. Moriah Baptist Church 1636 E Capitol St NEWashingtonDC20003-1619

Email: mtmoriah@mountmoriahchurch.org

Dr. Lucius Dalton 202-544-5588 www.mountmoriahchurch.org

Mt. Vernon Baptist Church 935 23rd St SArlington VA22202-2422

Email: admin@mtvernonbc.org

Rev. Samuel Feemster703-979-1558 www.mtvernonbc.org

National Baptist Memorial Church

1501 Columbia Rd NW Washington DC 20009-4213

Email: nbmchurch@msn.com

Lisa Banks-Williams 202-265-1410 www.nbmchurchdc.org

Nations United Baptist Church 2404 Fairland Rd Silver Spring MD 20904-5434

Email: secretary@mynubc.com

Rev. Samuel Rozolem 301-879-2191 www.mynubc.com

Nevertheless Outreach Ministry Church

P.O. Box 29514 Washington DC 20017

Email: ntlomchurch@gmail.com 240-299-2444 www.neverthelessoutreachministry.org

New Bethel Baptist Church 1739 9th Street NW Washington DC 20001

Email:info@newbetheldc.org 202-387-9100 www.newbetheldc.org

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New Samaritan Baptist Church

1100 FloridaAve NE Washington DC 20002-7104

Email: bishop@newsamaritan.org

Rev. Michael Kelsey, Sr 202-397-1870 www.newsamaritan.org

Nineteenth Street Baptist Church

4606 16th St NW Washington DC 20011-4329

Email: office@nsbcdc.org

Dr. Darryl Roberts 202-829-277 2www.everyblessing.org

Norbeck Community Church

2631 Norbeck Road Silver Spring MD 20906

Email: admin@norbeckchurch.org

Rev. Courtenay Mille r301-924-5393 www.norbeckchurch.org

Olive Branch Community Church

416 Olney Sandy Spring RD Sandy Spring MD 20860

Email: obcchurch@comcast.net

Rev. Dr. Deborah Keaton 240-389-1037 www.obcchurch.org

Paramount Baptist Church

3924 4th St SE Washington DC 20032-3005

Email: pbc@paramountbaptistchurch.org

Rev. Kenneth Rioland, Jr .202-562-6339 www.paramountbaptistchurch.org

Parkwood Baptist Church

8726 Braddock RdAnnandale VA22003

Email: churchadmin@parkwood.org

Rev. Greg Merlo 703-978-8160 www.parkwood.org

Pathways Baptist Church

200 W DiamondAve Gaithersburg MD 20877-2107

Email: info@pathwaysbc.org

Rev. Jonathan Der 301-977-9007 www.pathwaysbc.org

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Pavilion of God Baptist Community

3701 Quincy Street N. Brentwood MD 20722

Email: revalethea@gmail.com

Dr.Alethia Smith-Withers 202-365-2842

Pilgrim Baptist Church

700 I Street NE Washington DC 20002

Rev. Joel Limerick 202-547-8849 www.pilgrimbaptistdc.org

Power House Baptist Church

10780 Rhode IslandAve Beltsville MD 20705-2513

Email: gatambia@aol.com

Rev. Geoffrey Gatambia 301-538-9880 www.powerhousemd.org

Purity Baptist Church

1325 MarylandAve NE Washington DC 20002-4403

Email: purity@puritybaptistdc.org

Dr. RobinA. Toogood, II 202-397-4333 www.puritybaptistdc.org

Ravensworth Baptist Church

5100 Ravensworth RdAnnandale VA 22003-5556

Email: rbc@ravensworthbaptist.org

Rev. Leah Grundset Davis 703-941-4113 www.ravensworthbaptist.org

Redeemed Christian Worship Center

2820 Jenifer School Ln Waldorf MD 20603-3901

PO Box 2187 Waldorf MD 20604

Email: questions@weareredeemed.com

Rev. Michael Wilson 301-893-1644 www.weareredeemed.com

Redeemed Life Christian Center

3025 Naylor Rd SE Washington DC 20020-1607

2117AliceAveApt 203 Oxon Hill MD 20745-3515

Rev. CharlesAlston, Sr.

Rehoboth Baptist Church

621AlabamaAve SE Washington DC 20032-4104

Email: hannahj1@verizon.net

Rev. Curtis Staley 202-561-1111 www.rbcdc.org

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Renaissance Baptist Church

3411 Spencerville Rd Burtonsville MD 20866

Dr. D. Mitchell Ford 240-565-6233

Resurrection Baptist Church

900 Ednor Road Silver Spring MD 20905

Dr. Marcus Jerkins 301-421-1155


Ritchie Baptist Church

1706 Sansbury Rd Upper Marlboro MD 20774-2469

Email: ritchiebaptistchurch@gmail.com

Dr. Sterling Swann, Jr. 301-336-1166 www.ritchiebaptist.org

River City Baptist Church

2707 Newlands St. NW Washington DC 20015

Email: rccministry@gmail.com

Rev. Emmanuel Mutangana 202-367-3369

Rivers of Joy Bible Fellowship Church

PO Box 4989 Capitol Heights MD 20791

Email: revcriddle@aol.com

Dr. Marion E. Criddle 301-499-3117 www.riversofjoyministries.com

Riverside Baptist Church

699 MaineAve SW Washington DC 20024

Email: RSBC@Riversidedc.org

Rev. Mia McClain202-554-4330


Royal Missionary Baptist Church, USA

116 Stafford Mews Ln Stafford VA22556

Rev. PhilipAmofah 571-276-7670

Saint Mary's Baptist Church

8008 EasternAve NW Washington DC 20012-1311

13103 Conductor Way Silver Spring MD 20904

Email: stmarysbaptistchurch@verizon.net 202-726-2424 www.stmarysbaptist.org

Saint Matthews Baptist Church 1633 Tucker Road Fort Washington MD 20744

P.O. Box 471011District Heights MD 20753

Rev. Peter Blue, Sr. 240-838-7074

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Saint Paul Baptist Church 1611 Brentwood Rd NE Washington DC 20018-1829

Rev. Darrell Macklin 202-526-0630

Salem Gospel Ministries (Silver Spring) 9727 GeorgiaAvenue Silver Spring MD 20910

Email: salemgospel@yahoo.com

Dr.Adrien Ngudiankama 301-593-5230 www.salemgospelministries.org

Second Baptist Church of Washington /NW 816 3rd St NW Washington DC 20001-2509 www.sbcnwdc@verizon.net

Dr. James Terrell202-842-0223 www.secondbaptistchurchdc.org

Second Baptist Church SW 5501 Silver Hill Road District Heights MD 20747

Email: sbcsw@aol.com

Wallis Baxter 301-420-2929 www.sbcsw.org

Shiloh Baptist Church 1510 9th St NW Washington DC 20001-3208

Email: Pastor@ShilohBaptist.org

Dr. Wallace Smith 202-232-4288 www.ShilohBaptist.org

Siyin-Chin Baptist Church

P.O. Box 8124 Bowie MD 21075


Dr. Thuam Khai 443-597-6159 www.siyinchurch.wordpress.com

Solid Rock Missionary Baptist Church 4725 Silver Hill Rd Suitland MD 20746-2400

Email: johenthom@aol.com

Rev. Joseph Thomas 301-420-4212 www.solidrockmbc.org

Southern Bethany Baptist Church 3537 Spencerville Rd Burtonsville MD 20866


Rev. Walter Sadler 301-421-1440 www.sbbcmd.org

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Spirit of Peace Baptist Church

4311 R St Capitol Heights MD 20743-6709


Rev. RonaldAustin 301-772-1600

Spirit of the Living God Baptist Church

5918Allentown WayTemple Hills MD 20748

Email: info@sotlgwc.org

Rev. Billy Saint-James 301-420-1857 www.sotlgbc.orgSt

Matthews Baptist Church

2001 Brooks Dr. District Heights MD 20747

P.O. Box 471011District Heights MD 20753

Email: bgporchstmbc@gmail.com

Rev. Peter Blue, Sr. 301-392-3264 301-392-3264 www.stmatthewsbaptist.org

Takoma Park Baptist Church

635Aspen St NW Washington DC 20012-2647

Email: lolindaattakoma@aol.com

Dr. Ernest Trice, Sr. 202-723-4700 www.TakomaParkBaptistChurch.org

Temple Missionary Baptist Church

3105 Martin Luther King JrAve SE Washington DC 20032-1537

Rev. Virgil Murphy 202-563-7540

Temple of Praise

700 SouthernAve SE Washington DC 20032-3404

Rev. Glen Staples 202-561-0100 www.thetempleofpraise.org

The District Church

1225 Otis St. NE Washington DC 20017

Email: info@districtchurch.org 202-558-9745 www.districtchurch.org

The First New Horizon Baptist Church

P.O. Box 176 Clinton MD 20735-0176

Email: fnhcdc@aol.com

Rev. Wilbert Williams 301-856-9177 www.thefirstnewhorizonbaptistchurch.org

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The PennsylvaniaAvenue Baptist Church

3000 PennsylvaniaAve SE Washington DC 20020-3718

Email: pabcdc@msn.com

Dr. Kendrick Curry 202-581-1500 www.pabc-dc.org

The People's Community Baptist Church

31 Norwood Rd Silver Spring MD 20905-3875

Email: pastor@tpcbc.org

Dr. Haywood Robinson, II I301-384-2601 www.tpcbc.org

Third Baptist Church

5701 Livingston Road Oxon Hill MD 20745

Email: pastor@thirdbaptistchurchdc.org

Rev. Paige Harris 202-332-8610 www.thirdbaptistchurchdc.org

True Gospel Baptist Church 1106 W Street NW Washington DC 20009

Email: truegospelbc@verizon.net

Rev. Stanley Travers 202-667-4436 www.truegospelbc.com

United Baptist Church

14009 New HampshireAve Silver Spring MD 20904-6201

Email: drjngjr@yahoo.com

Dr. Genevieve Garnett 301-879-2916

United Christian Church Worldwide 9203 3rd St Lanham MD 20706

Rev. Darryl Jones 240-280-9183 240-280-9183 www.unitedchristianw.org

University Baptist Church/College Park 3515 Campus Dr College Park MD 20740-3170

Email: john.ubc@attglobal.net 301-422-1430301-422-1430 www.weareubc.org

Upper Room Baptist Church

60 Burns St NE Washington DC 20019-3359

Deacon Winston Knight 202-396-4375

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Vienna Baptist Church

541 Marshall Rd SW Vienna VA22180-6462

Email: joinus@viennabc.org

Rev.AustinAlmaguer 703-281-4400 www.viennabc.org

Village Baptist Church

1950 Mitchellville Rd Bowie MD 20716-1540

Email: secretary@villagebaptistbowie.org

Rev. Caleb Cooke 301-249-6448 www.villagebaptistbowie.org

Walker Memorial Baptist Church

2020 13th Street NW Washington DC 20009

Email: info@walkerbaptistdc.org

Rev.Adbmuyiwa T. Bamiduro 202-232-1102 www.wmbcdc.org

Washington Plaza Baptist Church

1615 Washington Plz W Reston VA20190-4305

Email: administrator@washingtonplazachurch.com

Rev. Michelle Nickens 703-471-5225 www.washingtonplazachurch.com

West Hyattsville Baptist Church

3100 Nicholson St Hyattsville MD 20782-3130

Email: whbc@whbchurch.org

Rev. Thomas Rainsbury 202-923-6050 www.whbchurch.org

WisconsinAvenue Baptist Church

3920Alton Pl NW Washington DC 20016-2210

Email: wisconsinavenwbaptist@gmail.com

Dr. Lynn Bergfalk 202-537-0972 www.wisconsinavebaptist.org

Without Walls Christian Church International 1830 41st Place SE Washington DC 20020

Email: mithika@yahoo.com

Dr. John M'Akwalu 202-381-4328 www.wowchristianchurch.com

Word and Spirit Baptist Church

5649 L General Washington DriveAlexandria VA 22312-2403

Email: wordand.spirit@yahoo.com

Rev. MatthewAmissah 571-490-6049

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Word for Life Church Ministries

11519 Ft. Washington Rd.Fort Washington MD 20744

Email: pastorlarrin@wordforlifechurch.org

Rev. Larrin Robertson 301-292-1690 301-292-2066 www.wordforlifechurch.org

Zion Baptist Chuch of Eastland Gardens

1234 KenilworthAvenue NE Washington DC 20019

Email: zbchurcheg@gmail.com Rev. Smith Banks, II 202-399-3471

Zion Baptist Church

4850 BlagdenAve NW Washington DC 20011-3716

Email: kbyrd@zionbaptistchurch.net

Rev. Keith Byrd 202-722-4940

Zion Baptist Church North Site

11005 Dayton St Silver Spring MD 20902-3605

Email: office@newcreationmd.org

Dr. Ella Redfield 301-649-6000 www.newcreationmd.org

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