Stokes County 2035 Vision Plan: Moving Together

Page 16



The Stokes Vision Plan is comprised of (5) planning elements:

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rec r e a t i o n


in f r a


Executive Summary

str u cture

This chapter serves as the cornerstone of the Stokes 2035 Vision Plan, providing guidance for Stokes County and its municipal leaders as they make land use development decisions regarding where and how the community should grow. t

This Land Use Chapter includes three major parts: A) Methodology; B) Land Use Framework Maps; and C) Land Use Policies.

The Land Use Plan provides the overall structure for orchestrating appropriate patterns of growth and environmental conservation throughout the community.

METHODOLOGY The subsequent maps and policies are supported by the Land Use Transect methodology, which defines a series of zones that transition from rural Stokes County to the more urban downtowns of Danbury, Walnut Cove, and King. This model supports the land use priorities identified throughout the planning process, which include: protecting natural resources; developing vibrant downtowns; encouraging pedestrian-friendly, mixed-use development; facilitating infill/ redevelopment; and providing a broad range of housing opportunities. The Land Use Transect includes six (6) major “sectors” moving from preserved lands to the County’s most urban areas. Each sector is conceptually illustrated and defined on the following page.

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