Eternal Sonship of the Lord Jesus Chris By JC Philpot

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94 CHAPTER 7 Concerning the Sonship of Christ himself to be the Son of God, by unquestionable works of Israel”. When Christ put this question to his disciples, and miracles: he asserted himself to be so, when he said: “Whom say ye that I am” (Matt. 16:15, 16)? Simon Peter “My Father worketh hitherto, and I work”; and, “I and answered and said, “Thou art Christ, the Son of the livmy Father are one (John 5:17; 10:30)”. The Jews under- ing God”. As he also at another time, in the name of the stood him, in these passages, to assert himself to be the rest of the disciples (John 6:67), declared, “We believe, Son of God; and that in such a sense, as to make himself and are sure, that thou art the Christ, the Son of the livequal with him; which had it been a mistake, he would ing God”. Martha, when she was called upon to make a have rectified; but instead of that, he says all the things confession of her faith in Christ (John 11:27), expressed that were proper to strengthen his Sonship. And when it in these words: “I believe that thou art the Christ, the he was charged with blasphemy for asserting it, he ap- Son of God, which should come into the World”: As did peals to his works for the vindication of it; nor does he the eunuch also in much the same words, in order to ever call in his words. Yea, when the high priest asked his admission to baptism: “I believe says he, that Jesus him, upon his trial, saying (Mark 14:61, 62), “Art thou Christ is the Son of God”. (Acts 8:37), And indeed, this the Christ, the Son of the blessed? Jesus said, I am”. If is the faith of every true believer (1 John 5:5): For, “who the validity of Christ’s testimony should be objected to, is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth and called in question, because it is concerning himself; that Jesus is the Son of God”. he has furnished us with an answer which he gave to 6. The devils themselves have been obliged to acthe Pharisees, when they (John 8:13, 14, 16, 17, 18) said, knowledge it. Though Satan twice put an if upon Christ’s “Thou bearest record of thyself; thy record is not true”. Sonship, when he tempted him in the wilderness; yet To which he replied; “Though I bear record of myself, he, at the same time, knew that he was the Son of God; yet my record is true: — For I am not alone, but I and and at other times was forced to confess it; crying (Matt. the Father that sent me. It is also written in your law, 8:28, 29) out and saying, “What have we to do with thee, that the testimony of two men is true. I am one that bear Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torwitness of my self, and the Father that sent me beareth ment us before the time”? And in another place (Mark witness of me”. Hence Christ’s testimony concerning 3:11), “And unclean spirits, when they saw him, fell himself, is good and valid; because it is not alone, but down before him, and cried, saying, Thou art the Son of is in conjunction with the testimony of the Father, and God”. Yea, it is said (Luke 4:41) elsewhere, “And devils also of the Holy Ghost; who, also came out of many, crying out, and saying, Thou art 3. Bore witness to the same truth, by his descent Christ the Son of God”. upon him as a dove, at the time of his baptism; when This then is a truth confessed on all hands, is withthe Sonship of Christ was so fully expressed. And also, out controversy, and beyond all contradiction; but in by his plenteous effusion of his gifts and grace upon the what sense he is the Son of God, is not so easily agreed disciples on the day of Pentecost; whereby they were suf- on; and is what I shall: Secondly, Enquire into. The Soficiently qualified to assert, demonstrate and maintain cinians deny, that Christ is the eternal Son of God. They this great truth, that Jesus was the Son of God; which own that he is the Son of God, but not before he was the they every where did; “God working with them (He- Son of Mary; yet, where to fix his Sonship, and to what brews 2:4), and bearing them witness, both with signs cause to ascribe it, they are at a great loss. Calovius[246], and wonders, and diverse miracles, and gifts of the Holy an Anti-Socinian writer, has collected out of their writGhost according to his will”. ings, no less than thirteen causes, or reasons of Christ’s 4. The angel which brought the news of the stupen- Sonship; and more might be added, which shows the dous incarnation of Christ to the virgin, declared, (Luke wretched uncertainty they are at. Now twelve of these 1:32, 35) that he should “be great, and be called the Son causes must be false ones; for there can be but one true of the Highest”: Yea, says he, “That holy thing that shall cause of Christ’s proper Sonship. It would be tedious, be born of thee, shall be called the Son of God”. and to little purpose, to consider all that are mentioned 5. Many of the saints have made full and ample con- by them. Sometimes247 they tell us, that he is called the fessions of it. John the Baptist, when he saw the Spirit of Son of God; because of the exceeding great love which God descending and remaining on him at his baptism 246 Socinismus profligatus, Artic 2. Controv. 6. p. (John 1:34), bore record that he was the Son of God. 201. Nathanael, upon the first sight of him, said unto him 247 Enjedin. Explic. loc. V. & N. Test. p. 178, 179. [Ib. ver. 41.], “Rabbi, thou art the Son of God, the King Cateches. Racov. de persona Christi, c. 1. p. 105.

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