TM Broadcast International #108, August 2022

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spaces, these are components of our image where we now have much more room for maneuvering and also less room for error. With limited color space, viewers found it understandable that colors were not the same and even allowed certain changes from one camera to another. But now these mistakes can be much greater and also less acceptable, since we have already shopwn them how well we can perform. If you give me lobster, I won’t like pea soup anymore.

Conclusions, if any It is hard to summarize in a couple of paragraphs what artistically implies the change of format from HD to UHD in our live broadcasts, but if you skim over these lines again, you will spot a common element: we have many more tools at our fingertips now. And having more tools implies more responsibility, having to make more decisions and investing more effort. Although perhaps not everyone is willing to do so. Many of us used to complain that we couldn’t see the shadows before or that the colors weren’t “natural”, whatever this means. Now that those technical limitations have been removed, the thing has become more complex. And no one said the future would be easier, they just said that it would be better. And UHD is better than HD for our live productions, no doubt, but there are many more choices to make, information to show or hide, and that takes an effort. For years and years, we have worked to achieve great results despite the limitations of technology. Well, now those limitations have disappeared. So, our adaptation does not apply, we must learn again. One thing is for sure, viewers so appreciate innovation and evolution as long as we offer them the rght implementation of these. The “HDR effect” is a bad example of this.


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