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Open letter to Club members THE DANISH SOCIETY (INC) AU CKLAND PO Box 12 279 Penrose, Auckland 20 July 2011 Dear Danish Society Member, Re: Socials sub-committee me

mbers needed

You may have just experienced our successful smørrebrødsparty in Jun e or maybe have fond memories of similar parties in the past. Our various social acti vities form the core of our Society – that is when we get together for hygge, eating good food , maybe dancing and singing – being together with othe r members of the Society. Or may be showing off what a Danish party can be like to our uns uspecting Kiwi friends. The party we just had was organis ed by Annette Jorna who has don e a wonderful job with socials over the last couple of yea rs. Now it is time for someone else to take a turn! It wouldn’t necessarily have to be just one person – in fact, a small group of people working together to share the load could be ideal. If you have ideas for parties and other social activities that we cou ld provide, you might be the perfect next socials convenor. You will need to work with the com mittee in the planning of the event, organise advertising for the magazine, take bookings, work with Dorte Soelmark or whoever is in the kitc hen, coordinate helpers for the kitc hen and table-setting etc. Basically, you are not doing the job by yourself, but you are ove rseeing the whole process and organising helpers whe re needed. There is a system in place which you can easily pick up. Annette and mem bers of the committee are of cou rse also happy to help you get started. At the moment we hav e about five parties and various othe r activities per year. One of the things we keep hearing from volunteers who help out at Dan ish House or Valhalla is about the camaraderie and the fun of participating and wor king together. This is an excellent way of making new friends within the Society and givi ng something back. If you have questions or suggestion s or want to know more about wha t the role involves, please contact me by phone or ema il on 443 5105 / 021 202 3464, president@danishsocietynz.com . Med venlig hilsen

Inger Mortensen

August 2011 ● Danish Society News Magazine


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