Google Apps Drive Manual

Page 8

Professional Development Service for Teachers

4. When constructing your multiple choice questions ensure ‘Go to page based on answer’ is selected. 5. The redirection options then appear to the right hand side. 6. Enter in the alternative options that the Mul<ple choice Ques<on respondent can choose from. A list of the subpages you created previously should now appear as a list. Choose the desired location, Op<on 1 Op<on 2 Op<on 3 click ‘Make this a required question’ and then click ‘Done’. submit



7. In order to end the questionnaire and submit it, you must add another multiple choice question to the end of each page, but with one option: submit. Add a multiple choice question type and call it ‘Submit this survey’ or similar in the Question Title box. 8. As before, select ‘Go to page based on answer’ 9. Replace the Option 1 text with ‘Submit’ or similar 10. Click on the button ‘Continue to next page’ and select ‘Submit form’ from the list. Make it a ‘required question’.

NOTE: You only need to undertake tasks 8 to 11 if you do not use the ‘Continue to next page’ option and therefore have different ending points for a questionnaire. When respondents fill in the form and make their selections from the multiple choice options they are subsequently taken to the corresponding page automatically.

Step 7: Adding a colour scheme and salutation to your questionnaire Google Forms come with a variety of colourful backgrounds themes that can be applied to your survey. Having seen what your questionnaire looks like by clicking on the ‘Go to live form’ button at the top of your questionnaire you may wish to change its appearance. 1. If you want to change the design you selected initially click on the Theme button towards the top left-hand-side. 2. Select your preferred theme from the list that appears, you will get a preview of what it looks like, click the ‘OK’ on the bottom left. 3. Google provides a standard confirmation message that appears once someone has submitted their form. You can change this by editing the ‘Confirmation Page’ at the bottom of your questionnaire. 4. You may wish to allow one response from each

computer that logs on to your survey (e.g.: if the survey is anonymous). If many

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