Manchester District Regional Planning Proposals, 1945

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l.AJcal authority (I)

Middleton .. Denton ..



Urmston .. Worsley ..

Ultimate number of houses (2)

18,600 10,130 6,833 12,994 21,875

Houses existing




Accommodation of Ol'erspi/1 (houses) (5)

9,649 7,789 4,078 11,146 7,752

8,951 2,341 2,755 1,848 14,100

7,000 1,000 500 1,250 10,000



Absorption of overspill in region

(a) Allowance must be made for the provision of

a proportion of low-density houses-some of which will be required for outstanding demands, i.e., young married couples, persons at present sharing accommodation, etc. (b) It is not practicable to include as part of the solution ofthe"overspill"prob]em many small undeveloped sites in the various districts of the region which, however, in the aggregate make up an appreciable fraction of the total available area. In any case, such lands will in all probability be developed to absorb the voluntary movement of people, many desiring owner-occupied accommodation, for which allowance has been made in calculating the future population figures of the "overspill[ 177 ing" authorities. The low-density development referred to in (a) will, however, release some dwellings in the areas of these authorities, which can be used by people from the congested areas. Consequently, it has been assumed that a further 4,500 houses may in this way become available-thus increasing the [ 178 intake to a figure of 24,250. Upon this basis, therefore, the "overspill" from the regional area would be 66,780-24,250, or approximately 42,500 houses. [t79 It will be noted that the districts within the region which possess most lands available for development are Middleton and Worsley. The Middleton Corporation has approved in principle a scheme allowing for an ultimate population of 60,000 persons. It is suggested that Worsley, with a substantial amount of undeveloped land capable of development, should be limited to an ultimate

population of 70,000 persons. In this district there are fine stretches of woodland and the southern part is rich in amenity value. It is here that provision must be made for the better type of low-density residential development. [180 The conclusions arrived at from this investigation are not of a final nature, nor will they be until the detailed planning of the region has been completed. Factors which must be taken into account are a possible increase in voluntary migration from the area, variations in the future birth rate trends and the effects of national policy in relation to the location of industry. ( t81 From this i.nitial investigation it is abundantly clear that the housing problem is one which cannot be solved adequately within the region, also that consideration must be given to the matler on a regional basis to prevent the proposals of one authority from overlapping those of another. [ 182 The Barlow Commission in its Report on the Distribution of the Industrial Population (Cmd. 6153, H.M. Stationery Office) recommended that, where decentralisation or dispersal is found desirable in respect of congested urban areas, consideration should be given to the following: (a) Garden cities or garden suburbs. (b) Satellite towns. (c) Trading estates. (d) Further development of existing small towns or regional centres (provided adequate planning schemes are applicable thereto). (e) Other appropriate methods. [t83 In deliberating on the alternative means of absorbing the regional "overspill" the industrial element of planning must receive careful consideration. It will be useless to spread residential development unless a parallel dispersal of industry can take place and be suitably sited at the same time. Tills is a problem which has been lightly talked of, but which has never been attempted on the scale which will be required if our big cities are to be redeveloped on creditable and satisfactory lines. [ 184 Therefore, before the principles can be established upon which approximately one-half of the houses in the region are to be redeveloped, an examination must be made into the location and types of industries established in the area. This aspect of planning has been investigated in some [ t85 detail (see Chapter VI). 33

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