Manchester Development Plan, 1951: Report of the Survey

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100. Propos ed School standards As stated in paragraph ( 345) the gross density standards recommended in the Development Plan make allowanc e for school req_uir 3ments in acc.o rdance with the Regulat i ons Prescribing Standards f or School P r emis es 1 9 4 5 , made under S e ction 10 of th e Education Act 1944. 352. ·


353. F or thi s purpos e it has b~en found convenient t o expr r:Jss thes c o chool s tandar ds in terms of an overall a creage .p Gr 1,000 of total resid ent population for b oth new .dcv elopmont a..n d red evelopment ar eas . Age--Olass Estimates

354. Using the Rcgist1·ar Gen eral' s for ecast of the civili an population structu r e f or Manchester in 1962, estima tes hav e been made of an av erage number of childr en in e ach age gr oup p er 1,000 tot al population up on which it i s c onsid e red the future s ch ool provisions might appropriat e ly be based. Thes e ar e ·: (a)

For r ed ev elopment ar eas - 1 6 . 1 child r en p er age-clas s pe r 1, 000 t otal populati on of which 3. 5 per 1, 000 ar e Roman Catholics .

( b)

For new d ev el opr.rnnt a r eas - 18 . 3 ch ildren p er a ge clas s pvr 1,000 popul a tion of which 3 . 8 p er 1 , 000 are Roman: Ca tholics.

The hi gh er fi gure adopt ed fO l' riev1 d ev el opment ar e as a ll ows fo r th e initi ally higher t han average child popul a t i on in such ar eas , and r epresents, tn fact the moan b etwoun the 1943 figur e fo r Vvyth errshawe and tha t es timat ed for th e city as a whol e in 19 62. It is int ended t o en s ur e a re as onabl e c ornpr omi s e b ·:tw een w .der - p rovi s i on of s chool f a ciliti es i n the ea.r1y y ears and over provis i on at a l ater dato wh rm tho c~g e s tru ct ur e i s l ilcely to r ev er t to t hat obtaining el sewhe re in t he city. 1

Basic Assumptions

35 5. Further ass ump t i ons made i.n c a lcu l at ing t h e ov er al l s ch ool stnn dards a:c c:, .'.18 f ollows : -


Maximum cl s iz e for p r i mar;>r s chool s 40 c hi l dren

( b)

Maximum cl ass oize fo r sec on dary s choo ls 30 chil dr en

( c)

Nursery s chool s to he p r ovided at t he rate of on e fo r eac h fo r m entry in t h e i nfant s s chools

( d)

Sec ondary educ nt i on to be sub-divi ded : 75% chil dren i n Mod ern Schools II 11 Gr smmar Sch ool s 15%


( e)



T echni cal S chools

In r edev el opment a r eas only part of the p l ay i ng f i el d req~ i rcm ent t o be provid ed · ad jac ent t o the· s chool, wh e r e s hort age of l and makes the f ul l provis i on imp racticable. The p roporti ons adopt ed a r e:-

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