Bart d ehrman the apostolic fathers volume i i clement ii clement ignatius polycarp didache 2003

Page 304

TO T H E P H I L A D E L P H I A N S 8

cried out while among you, speaking in a great voice, the voice of God, "Pay attention to the bishop and the presby­ tery and the deacons." 2. But some suspected that I said these things because I knew in advance that there was a di­ vision among you. But the one in whom I am bound is my witness that I knew it from no human source; but the Spirit was preaching, saying: "Do nothing apart from the bishop; keep your flesh as the Temple of God; love unity; flee divi­ sions; be imitators of Jesus Christ as he is of his Father." 8 I was therefore acting on my own accord as a person set on unity. But where there is division and anger, God does not dwell. Thus the Lord forgives all who repent, if they return to the unity of God and the council of the bishop. I believe in the gracious gift that comes from Jesus Christ, who will loose every bond from you. 2. But I urge you to do nothing in a contentious way, but in accordance with what you have learned in Christ. For I heard some saying: "If I do not find it in the ancient records, I do not believe in the gospel." And when I said to them, "It is written," they replied to me, "That is just the question." But for me, Jesus Christ is the ancient records; the sacred ancient records are his cross and death, and his resurrection, and the faith that comes through him—by which things I long to be made righteous by your prayer. 9 0

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ot G L C ( S f A): εί g άρχείοις g: άρχαίοις G L: scripturis antiquis (prioribus) A αρχεία G C g : principium L: scriptura prior A τά άθικτα αρχεία: και C αρχεία G: principia L: άρχείον g: om. A 9 2

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