Flash&Flex - Project Management

Page 37

The many faces of Android emulator

in the Eclipse IDE via the ADT plug-in. The majority of our focus is on employing the Android emulator from Eclipse, but you’re encouraged to examine the command-line options available in the emulator because they’ll undoubtedly be of value as you progress to building more complex Android applications, your application testing requirements grow, and you enlist other developers/testers to exercise your application.

Speaking of applications, let’s set up one – a very handy tip calculator!

Android sample application code

Our goal with the Android tip calculator is to permit our user to enter the price of a meal, then tap a button to calculate the total cost of the meal, tip included. To accomplish this, we need to modify two

Listing 2. ChapterTwo.java implements the tip calculator logic

package com.manning.unlockingandroid; #1


import com.manning.unlockingandroid.R;

// grab the input meal price

import android.app.Activity; #2

fmp = nf.parse(mealprice).floatVal

import android.util.Log;

// let's give a nice tip -> 20%

public class ChapterTwo extends Activity {

Log.i(tag,"Total Meal Price

import java.text.NumberFormat;


fmp *= 1.2;

// some imports omitted

public static final String tag = "Chapter2";

(unformatted) is [" + fmp + "]");


// format our result

public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {

answer = "Full Price, Including


20% Tip: " + nf.format(fmp);


// display the answer

final EditText mealpricefield =

(EditText) findViewById(R.id.mealpr



ice); #3

Log.i(tag,"onClick complete.");

final TextView answerfield =

} catch (java.text.ParseException pe)

(TextView) findViewById(R.id.answ

{ #8


Log.i(tag,"Parse exception


answerfield.setText("Failed to

final Button button = (Button) findViewById(R.



parse amount?");

} catch (Exception e) {

Button.OnClickListener() { #4

public void onClick(View v) {

Log.e(tag,"Failed to Calculate

Try {

Tip:" + e.getMessage());


//Perform action on click Log.i(tag,"onClick invoked."); #5


// grab the meal price from the UI String mealprice =

mealpricefield.getText().toString( ); #6

Log.i(tag,"mealprice is [" + mealprice + "]");

String answer = "";

// check to see if the meal price includes a "$" if (mealprice.indexOf("$") == -1) {

mealprice = "$" + mealprice; }

float fmp = 0.0F;

// get currency formatter NumberFormat nf =







#1 Package name

#2 Required imports

#3 Reference EditText for mealprice #4 Set up onClick Listener #5 Log entry

#6 Get meal price

#7 Display full price, including tip #8 Catch parse error


02/2010 (20)


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