Dream Home

Page 55

Sian Bonnell


Everyday Dada


Sian Bonnell employs an absurdist strategy in her work which, like a sugar coating, encases a less palatable conundrum. Her photographic series have raised many questions: about the role of advertising in defining the nature of the domestic, turning it from a nurturing nest into a showroom of aspirational affluence; about the assumptions made as to the role of women in the home; even about the madness of war initiated for commercial ends. While the scenes portrayed in her photographs are whimsically nonsensical, the underlying issues at which they hint – the realities of our human-made world – are what remain truly absurd. Sian Bonnell’s touch is deft; she is modest in her approach, self-effacing in her manner. She does not push herself forward, but rather she stands back from the scenes she has created and leaves us to contemplate our own absurdities.

希恩·博奈尔在创作中采用荒诞的手法, 就好像把难吃的东西裹了一层糖衣。她的 摄影作品系列提出了许多问题:广告对家 庭性质的影响——它们把温馨的小屋变成 了奢华的陈列室;女性家庭角色的定位; 甚至因商业利益引发的疯狂战争等等。照 片中的各种景象荒诞不经,而隐藏在背后 的各种问题——我们人类世界的现实—— 却是也是荒诞离奇。希恩·博奈尔采用巧 妙的手法,在作品中抹去了自己的痕迹, 她没有把自己推到前台,而是静静地站在 各种景象背后,让我们自己思考和面对我 们的荒诞行径。 © Sian Bonnell ‘House Beautiful #15’ from the series ‘Everyday Dada’ 2003–05 © 希恩·博奈尔

屋中丽景#15 选自《每日达达主义》2003-05 53

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