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Lately other opponents have selzed upon our attltude of strict neutrahty as a pretext for suggestrng rn letters to edltors, etc, that our work should be suppressed as berng detrimental to the state. So, although not on the war front rn the same sense as thelr brethren in other lands, the supporters of THE THEOCRAOY in tills country are getting theu small share of the pmsecutlOn now to be expected by all who are holdrng hlgh the bauner of the Kmg of Etermty. ANNUAL CONVENTION. It pleased the Lord to have ills people in this country gather for their annual convention thls year as in previous years, and although traveling has become much more expensive and fufficult, the convention was the biggest ever held here. Even on the first mght there were about 100 more than attended the largest meetlng at the prevlOus year's convention, when we reached what was then the peak attendance of 750. On the last day of tills year's convention the attendance reached 1,100. The unammous opimon of all present was that tills was the most blessed convention ever held in Sweden, and the unity of spirit and joyful actIVIty eVldBnced were indeed an inspIratIon. The common union with our brethren gathered at the same tune at St. LoUlS was strongly felt, especlally as, by the Lord's grace, you had made arrangements to have the new pubhcatlOns released at St. Louis sent to us by air mail so that the fnends could be told about them and also be mformed of some of the proceedrngs at the conventlOn exactly at the tIme they took place. Th18 was a sourCe of great joy to the assembled friends. Of those present 755 took part in the fteld work. On the Saturday 420 brethren engaged in the street-corner witnessrng m all parts of the town. This caused qUlte a stu, and mentlOn was made of the work m the newspapers. One of the latter, a clerical weekly, referred to the mtnesses "offering a new earth whlch can be read about in The Watchtower for 25 ore". On the Sunday the wltnesses went from door to door, presentmg the message in the shape of the two booklets Consp~racy and Theocracy, willch were just then off the press. The total mstributlOn amounted to 9,500 pleces of hterature. A baptismal serVlce was held and 119 symbohzed their consecratIon to Jehovah. ZONE ASSEMBLIES. 'l'wenty of these were arranged during the year, and the total attendance was 2,528. At these assembhes 292 symbohzed theIr deterIDlnation to serve the great THEOCRAT. At several of these meetings the street-corner work was mtroduced for the ftrst tIme and added greatly to the enthusiasm of those assembled. A practical demonstration of a model study was a part of the program at each of these gatherings, and thls was also much apprecIated by the friends. FOOD CoNVENIENT. In these diaturbBd days we are especially grateful to the Lord for the fact that we have been able to recelve The Watchtower legularly and for the sustenance and

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