CSE Enrolment Guide 2022

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DEGrees and programs In CSE, you’ll see the following terms a lot. These are not official definitions, but it may help when navigating the Handbook. But make sure to check the official advice!

DEGREE A degree is the formal qualification you’re paying for, such as a Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) or a Bachelor of Engineering. It's used to show evidence of your education to potential employers. UNSW offers a large variety of degrees, including a number of predetermined double degrees. For example: https://degrees.unsw.edu.au/computer-science/ This tells you what you get at the end of the degree, but it doesn’t necessarily tell you what you need to do to be awarded it.

PROGRAM A program is the specification of how you’re going to get your degree. It usually has a code, e.g. for Computer Science the code is 3778, and for Engineering it’s 3707. You should have applied for a specific program via UAC, or another admissions program. You can usually find them in the handbook, and it will tell you the structure of your degree and what you have to do to qualify for graduation. For Computer Science Students, your program is generally specific to Compsci. For Engineering Students, your program is the same for any Engineering (e.g. Chemical Engineering students are in the same program as Software Engineering). Note some programs award more than one degree, such as 3791 (Computer Science/ Media Arts) which contains both the Computer Science and the Media arts programs.

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