Basic Korean A Grammar and Workbook 2008

Page 229


Key to exercises

Exercise 9.6 1 2 3 4 5

9 students 24 students 8 Koreans 32 Koreans 1452 Koreans

6 7 8 9 10

3 students 15 students 16 Koreans 158 Koreans 89 Koreans

Unit 10 Exercise 10.1 1 2 3 4 5

3 animals 4 hours 1 kind 13 items 36 couples

6 7 8 9 10

5 pieces 6 bottles 20 years (old) 24 books 98 people

6 7 8 9 10

⚦Gῆ◆ 㡊⚦G㌗㧦 㡂▵G㧪 㕃㌒GṲ㤪 㡂㎅GṲ

11 12 13 14 15

10 times 76 miles 359 dollars 18 months (duration) 120 minutes

Exercise 10.2 1 2 3 4 5

㧒὇G⼧ 㞚䢟G㫆ṗ 㡊䞲G㌊ ㌂G䂋 ㌒㕃㥷G⎚

11 12 13 14 15

㎎G㕣 䞲G⽟㰖 ῂG㤪 㥷㕃G㽞 ┺㎅G㔲Ṛ

Exercise 10.3 1 2 3 4 5

10:45 07:50 08:00 06:27 04:46

a.m. p.m. in the morning in the evening a.m.

6 7 8 9 10

09:32 06:18 10:09 07:30 05:34

a.m. p.m. in the morning in the evening p.m.

Exercise 10.4 1 2 3 4 5

㡺䤚G㡊䞲G㔲G㕃㡺G⿚ 㡺䤚G㡊G㔲G㌒㕃G㧊G⿚ 㡺㩚G㡊䞲G㔲G㧊㕃㡺G⿚ 㡺䤚G⚦G㔲G㌒㕃G⿚GO G⹮P 㡺㩚G㎎G㔲G㌂㕃䕪G⿚

9780415774871_Z01.indd 220

6 7 8 9 10

㡺㩚G㡂▵G㔲G㥷G⿚ 㡺㩚G㡂㎅G㔲G㧊㕃㌒G⿚ 㡺䤚G㡂㎅G㔲G㧊㕃䕪G⿚ 㡺䤚G⍺G㔲GῂG⿚ 㡺㩚G┺㎅G㔲G㡺㕃㧒G⿚

7/4/2008 1:41:57 PM

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