November December 2017

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Let’s get to the point here, the Microbiome is extremely

Leaky Gut Syndrome is the number one cause for all

important for living an optimal life. We are discovering

auto-immune diseases. Furthermore, current research is

now that people’s health is in direct correlation to the

now explaining how having a leaky gut is the root cause

health of their guts. A new problematic condition is

of almost all diseases, illnesses, cancers and maladies.

emerging called “Leaky Gut Syndrome.” Leaky Gut Syndrome is the root cause of almost all dis-ease.

What can you do about this? Firstly, you need to give this attention. You need to

The immune system is designed by function to help

become aware of what leaky gut is and why it is

battle against foreign invaders to the body, help reduce

effecting you. I am absolutely certain you have a leaky

inflammation, and ultimately is the system that acts as a

gut. If you think otherwise so be it, but if you are

bodyguard, security and life saver for each one of us

experiencing any issues, sickness, inflammation, or

humans. When it comes to the immune system and its

anything that is not providing you good, you have a

location, 80% of our immune system takes house in the

leaky gut. It is just that simple.

gut. Meaning, in the intestines is where our power center of our immune system lies. With that being said,

There are certain foods, drinks and factors that will

in order to have a fully functioning, optimal immune

actually promote damage to the gut and gut lining.

system you are going to need to start healing the gut,

Avoiding these specific foods, drinks and factors is an

then work into a maintenance protocol for prevention.

absolute MUST if you are going to heal your gut. I will

This will allow you to cease all issues that reside in your

list these below at the end of the article.

gut, and work yourself into a state of prevention. Now that you have been introduced to Functional Medicine and The Microbiome, you have the initial

the intestines is where

starting power to make a choice. You can choose to understand this natural way of healing and allow

our power center of our immune system lies

yourself to heal and prevent against the health issues you have and want to keep away from. Or you can disregard this and choose to go against the actual truth

Functional Medicine focuses in on the individual to

of what works and what is optimal for human life. The

figure out the best possible methods for healing, and

choice is yours.

then prevention. This is what makes Functional Medicine so immaculate; it is designed for you based on

I hope this introduction to Functional Medicine and The


Microbiome serve you well. Allow this to act as a gateway for you to explore a new perspective and

Let’s roll on…Leaky Gut Syndrome is defined

ultimately, I want to see you reclaim your health back.

scientifically as intestinal permeability. This can be

What you’ll see in the near future is how this will be the

described as having small holes in and throughout your

true way of bringing the Mind, Body and Soul back into

intestinal lining. This means that chemicals, food

balance once again.

particles, toxins and the like will seep in through those holes and into your bloodstream. After that, these particles will be able to attack any part of your body that may lack in defense. To boot, auto-immune disease is when your immune system is fighting against itself because it cannot discern between what is a foreign invader or a part of you.

Are you ready? On the next page is a list of foods to avoid and foods to eat to maintain your gut health! Keep reading....

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