Albemarle Tradewinds Magazine January 2021

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The Trapezius Muscle and Massage


he Trapezius muscle is a large muscle bundle that extends from the back of your head and neck to your shoulder. The muscle is responsible for pulling your shoulders up and back. It moves the scapula and supports the arm. The muscle is comprised of three parts; the upper, middle, and lower. This muscle acts as both a posture stabilizer and for movement.

Muscle pain and spasms may affect the traps. Sitting at a desk may cause a decrease in movement, and muscles that remain inactive are more likely to go into spasm and cause pain. Tight upper traps often respond well to massage therapy. Areas of focus should be the shoulders, neck, and down the spinal areas.

Often people have discomfort in the upper area, around the top of the shoulders. If you work at a desk or your job involves a lot of driving, you will likely feel this first hand. Being stressed can also manifest to a point where your muscles tense up or become tightened, particularly in the trapezius muscle.

Therapeutic Massage

The middle traps help bring the shoulder blades back toward the spine. The lower traps work as a stabilizing action of bringing the shoulder girdle down, which is the opposite of the upper traps. The trapezius also helps open a small amount of breathing room in your upper chest, and is considered an accessory breathing muscle.

(F)or 50 years, the well-meaning leftist agenda has been able to do to blacks what Jim Crow and harsh discrimination could never have done: family breakdown, illegitimacy and low academic achievement. Walter E. Williams

How to make extra money by selling locally through resale: 4 popular trends this year (BPT) - This year, people leveraged the convenience of online shopping more than ever. One of the main reasons is that buying and selling through resale marketplaces makes it easier for people to find deals or make money to supplement their income. In 2020, buying and selling locally became more popular as people bought things to create home offices, outfit home gyms, and keep their families entertained. Some enterprising sellers decluttered and supplemented their incomes by using online marketplaces to sell their unwanted or unused items. Though more people bought holiday gifts online this season, despite shoppers’ best efforts, not all gifts will hit the mark this year. The popular online shopping app OfferUp conducted a survey of its buyers and sellers and found that 39% of people surveyed said they are most likely to sell a gift they receive if they are not interested in it. And many plan to use that money towards monthly expenses like rent (40%) and daily essentials (30%) like groceries.

mentally sustainable is more important than finding something new and trendy. You can find rare or heavily discounted items. The search for rare or discontinued items is another big draw for online resale shoppers; 43% of respondents search such venues for goods or gifts they may not be able to find elsewhere. Resale supports local businesses. Thirty-four percent of respondents are more likely to purchase from a resale marketplace than a physical store because they prefer to support local vendors. Those looking to make money by selling things they don’t need can try resale now by downloading a popular app like OfferUp. The marketplace provides sellers with listings that never expire, nationwide shipping option safety features such as TruYou and Community MeetUp Spots that help confirm identities and suggest safer meet-up locations. Download the OfferUp app for more tips on being a successful buyer or seller.

Meanwhile, 31% surveyed saying they are more likely to regift an item this year than last year. Compared to 2019, women are more likely to regift than men (37% vs. 26%). OfferUp found some interesting results on buying trends this year as well: Resale can help you save money. The opportunity to save money is a primary motivator for respondents. Sixty-five percent will shop such marketplaces to save money and/or buy what they want without paying full retail prices - and 39% expect to save up to $300 for their efforts. Reduce, reuse, recycle, repeat. Sustainability is top-of-mind for secondhand shoppers this year. A substantial 46% of respondents say finding something reused and environ-


Albemarle Tradewinds January 2021

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