The Final Cut Degree Show Catalogue

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In reality my emotions are hidden, I find it difficult to express my inner feelings. Film has given me an outlet to share with people what I am thinking, what I am feeling at that moment and has allowed me to become more open as a person.

The media relies on sharing thoughts (passing or long lasting), ideas and the occasional daydream. I love that through collective opinions an audience can enjoy something wonderful that I have made. Character development carries a great deal of importance within any story and so through my cinematography the characters and the lives they lead can be seen in the most cinematic and lovely of ways.

“A film is – or should be – more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what’s behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later.” Stanley Kubrick

“Let the wild rumpus start!” Maurice Sendak Working on many different projects has encouraged me to convey my ideas into something visual which can be shared, therefore allowing stories to be told. Working on many different projects both as part of university and independently has enabled me to enhance what I produce.

Over these past three years, university has allowed me to work in numerous different roles in making a film. I came to university not really knowing what exactly it was that I wanted to become; in complete honesty I still don’t fully believe I can answer that question. What I can say though is that I now have the confidence, ability and knowledge to pursue whichever path I choose next.

It is important to be brave and bold when it comes to storytelling and in this respect I hope to constantly challenge myself through working with visuals as my chosen career.

Sarah Wildash

Aeron Williams

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