“I was destitute and now I’m not. I went from living out of my vehicle, a n d s t ay i n g o n c o u c h e s , t o a n apartment of my own. I am forever grateful to Couleecap for helping me get my life back on track and believe in my dreams again.” - Karen
Follow Karen’s Journey Everyone has a journey. Karen came to Couleecap homeless and living in her car. Couleecap programs offered her a helping hand on her journey. Thank you for paving the way for Karen and 24,025 local people!
Karen came to Couleecap homeless and living in her car. With the help of Couleecap’s Homeless Prevention Program she received motel vouchers.
With a roof over her head, Karen began to think about her future. She applied to Couleecap’s Supportive Housing Program. With help from a Couleecap Case Manager, Karen subleased an apartment and set personal goals.
Karen has a disability. Couleecap’s Social Security Outreach, Access and Recovery (SOAR) Program helped Karen navigate and apply for Social Security Disability benefits.
Karen is just one Karen volunteered at Couleecap’s Monroe County Food Pantry as a way to give back to the program and services she benefited from. Today, Karen has stable income, secure housing, and community support.
of 24,025 local people supported through Couleecap programs
Pounds of food were collected and distributed to 15,853 people in partnership with local TEFAP supported food pantries.
Pounds of medication were collected to prevent drug abuse.
Your Support Paves the Way 621
Households received emergency furnace repair, weatherization, or emergency utility bill payment assistance.
Households received housing counseling or down payment assistance to purchase homes.
People received crisis counseling or public education through Project Recovery.
People who were homeless or at risk of becoming homeless received eviction prevention, emergency or transitional housing, and case management.
People were assisted with education or training to start a business to improve earnings.
Households received vehicle repair or replacement assistance and 21,920 rides were given to people to get to work.
Households received critical home repairs.
Thank You For Your Support!
We couldn’t do this without your local investment. Thank you for paving the way!
For every $1 you give, we are able to secure additional matching funds.
1 + $17 in matching funds
Your Total Impact: $
Federal & State Grants
Sources of Support Sources of Support
Federal & State Grants $4,578,949 Local Grants & Contributions $523,497 Other Revenue $900,713
Local Grants & Contributions
Includes (Rental Income, Project Fees, Program and Interest Income)
Other Revenue
Total: $6,003,159
Expenditures Wages & Benefits $2,657,990 Specific Assistance to Individuals $2,532,953 Other Expenses $782,154 Includes (Supplies, Travel, Training, Printing, Insurance, Building and Equipment Maintenance)
Wages and Benefits
Specific Expenditures Assistance to individuals
Total: $5,973,097
Other Expenses
Want to Learn More? Visit our website
Couleecap, Inc.
201 Melby Street - Westby, Wisconsin 54667 Couleecap is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Service Provider. Auxiliary Aids and Services Available Upon Request.
Great Rivers United Way