Using korean a guide to contemporary usage

Page 288

21 Conjunctives

Conjunctives typically attach to verbs. They are used to combine clauses into longer sentences and to express various meanings relating to background, time, cause, purpose, and so on. (Adnominal patterns that express these types of meanings are also included in this chapter.)

21.1 Combination of equal-status clauses 21.1.1 ‘And’ • -ἶ (with descriptive verbs) ⹿㧊 ⍩ἶ ₾⊭䞮┺.

The room is spacious and clean.

ὧ㠊Ṗ ⶒ㧊 㫡ἶ 㕇㕇䞿┞┺. The flounder is new and fresh. • -(㦒)Ⳇ [formal/written] 㤦₆䣢⽋㠦 㫡㦒Ⳇ ⿖㧧㣿㧊 㩚䡖 㠜㔋┞┺. It’s good for restoring energy and has no side effects at all.

㧊⻞ 㰖㰚㦒⪲ ⿖㌗㧦Ṗ Ⱔ㧊 ⹲㌳䟞㦒Ⳇ 㨂㌆ 䞒䟊☚ Ⱔ㞮㔋┞┺. Many were injured and a lot of property damage was incurred by the recent earthquake.

21.1.2 ‘And whatever’ • -(㧊)ἶ…-(㧊)ἶ 㟓䢒㔳㧊ἶ ἆ䢒㔳㧊ἶ Ṛ䘎䞮Ợ 䟊. Make the ceremonies for the engagement, the wedding, and whatever, simple.

ὒ㧦ἶ ニ㧊ἶ ⶦ 㫖 ⲏἶ 㔲㧧䞿㔲┺. Let’s eat some cookies, bread, and whatever, before we begin the work.

• -(㧊)ἶ ⋮⹲㧊ἶ [familiar/casual] 㡂䟟㧊ἶ ⋮⹲㧊ἶ ☞㧊 㧞㠊㟒㰖. I have to have money for travel and whatever.

┺㧊㠊䔎ἶ ⋮⹲㧊ἶ ▪ 㧊㌗ 䧮✺㠊㍲ ⴑ 䞮Ỷ┺. Diet and whatever, it’s too hard to do it any longer.

• -(㧊)ἶ ⶦἶ 䞒㍲ἶ ⶦἶ 㔲Ṛ㧊 㧞㠊㟒 Ṗ㬶. I can’t go for a summer getaway and whatever else, without time.

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