Using korean a guide to contemporary usage

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역- (거스를 逆) ‘reverse; counter’ 역이용 reverse use

역이민 reverse immigration

역방향 opposite direction

역효과 contrary/adverse effect

역수출 re-exportation

역선전 counterpropaganda

유- (있을 有) ‘possessing’ (opposite of 무 無) 유죄 being guilty

유자격 being qualified

유권자 eligible voter

유지 leading/influential figure

유명세 price of fame

유명무실 name only with no substance

재 (다시 再) ‘re-; again’ 재개발 redevelopment

재편성 reorganization; rearrangement

재입국 reentry

재정비 putting in good order again

저- (낮을 低 ) ‘low’ (opposite of 고 高) 저소득 low income

저금리 low interest

저지대 low-lying land 저개발 underdevelopment

저자세 low profile; modest attitude 저능아 a feeble-minded child

정- (바를 正 ) ‘regular; full’ 정회원 regular member 정육면체 cube

정교수 full professor 정비례 direct proportion

짓- ‘randomly; roughly’ 짓누르다 squash

짓밟다 overrun; trample underfoot

짓이기다 mesh

짓궂다 be mischievous

처- ‘recklessly; at random’ 처먹다 eat greedily 처바르다 overapply (lotion)

처넣다 push in; shove in 처박히다 be cooped up inside

총- (모두 總) ‘overall; total’ 총복습 overall review 총인원 total number of people 총지출 total expenditure

총선거 general election 총출동 general mobilization 총공격 full-scale attack

최- (가장 最 ) ‘most; -est’ 최강 strongest

최연소 youngest

최전방 front line (military) 최우선 highest priority

최첨단 spearhead; vanguard 최고학부 highest institution of learning (university)

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