Documents tips korean dictionary 558456a7ae421

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공공 | The public or the common 교양 | Culture or education 국왕 | A king or a monarch 규칙적 | Be regular or systematic 극복 | Conquest or subjugation 글쎄요 | Now or well or let me see 내려지다 | To become lower 냉동 | Refrigeration 녹다 | To melt 대개 | Mostly, for the most part 배추 | Chinese cabbage 센터 | Center 수염 | Beard 수집하다 | To collect 승객 | Passenger 싱싱하다 | Be fresh, full of life 아아 | Oh-oh! 어리다 | one’s eyes dim with tears 여권 | A passport 열쇠 | Lock 오렌지 | Orange 외모 | Outward appearance 인공 | Art, human skill 잠자리 | Bed 장남 | The eldest son 저마다 | Each one, everyone 전국적 | National 전반 | The whole, all, general 제자리 | The proper/original place 지루하다 | Be tedious 척 | A few ships (vessels) 포도주 | Grape wine 학술 | Science, learning, scolarship 혈액 | Blood 화살 | An arrow 화재 | A fire, a blaze 가르다 | 1) split or divide 2) distribute or distinguish or separate 각각 | Each and every 간격 | A space or interval 고함 | A shout or yell 공격하다 | To attack 그놈 | That person or that guy 기록되다 | To be recorded or written down 끝없다 | Endless or unfathomable 끼어들다 | Interrupt 노선 | Route 답 | Answer 대사 | Speech, dialogue 도망치다 | To make an escape 독서 | Reading 땅속 | In the soil 벌금 | A fine



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