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5.0 Supplemental Analysis of the Project Revisions

Less than Significant

Less than Significant

Less impacts than under Original Proposed Alternative.

Less than Significant

Less than Significant


Less than Significant

Less than Significant


Less than Significant

Less than Significant


Less than Significant

Less than Significant


Less than Significant

Less than Significant

Minor increase in impact conclusion. Minor increase in impact conclusion. Minor increase in impact conclusion. Minor increase in impact conclusion. Minor increase in impact conclusion.

Utilities Water

Less than Significant

Less than Significant


Less than Significant

Less than Significant


Less than Significant

Less than Significant

Solid Waste

Less than Significant

Less than Significant

Less than Significant Energy and Greenhouse Gas Source: Los Angeles Department of City Planning

Less than Significant

Population, Housing, and Employment Public Services Police

Minor increase in impact conclusion. Minor increase in impact conclusion. Minor increase in impact conclusion. Minor increase in impact conclusion. Minor increase in impact conclusion.

D. Environmental Impact Analysis of the Revised Plan The following analysis reviews each section of the environmental impact analysis of the FEIR with respect to the modifications of the Revised Proposed Alternative and identifies whether a new significant environmental impact would result from the changes proposed in the Revised Proposed Alternative, whether a substantial increase in the severity of a previously identified environmental impact would result from the changes proposed in the Revised Proposed Alternative, and whether any new mitigation measures are necessary as a result of the changes proposed in the Revised Proposed Alternative. For each impact category, the same mitigation measures identified in the FEIR continue to be recommended for the Revised Proposed Alternative. The following analysis also provides a discussion comparing the Revised Proposed Alternative to the on-site development alternatives analyzed in the FEIR. Impacts Analyzed in the Draft EIR Land Use The Original DEIR identified conflicts between light-industrial, commercial, and residential uses as a potential land use impact. The Original Proposed Alternative would permit light-industrial, commercial, and residential uses to be developed in close proximity, which has the potential to Cornfield Arroyo Seco Specific Plan Final EIR


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