Cornell Law Library Annual Report 1973

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-3The A cquisition s t a f f was able to do a good deal o f checking and searching o f g i f t s which have been stored in the Law Library stacks. This endeavor did not produce too many items fo r the co llectio n but i t did make a v a ila b le additional sh e lf space.

Cataloging The Cataloging s t a f f has continued to have some changes in personnel.

This turnover has had only a minimal e ffe c t on the

accomplishments o f th is u n it.

Good progress has been made in r e c la s s i­

fic a tio n and c la s s ific a t io n with Library o f Congress c la s s ific a t io n schemes fo r United States and Great B rita in le g a l p ublication s.


too much r e c la s s ific a t io n remains to be done fo r U.S. p ublication s. Beginning in September, 1972, B ritish monographs were being re c la s s ifie d and about a fourth o f th is collection has been completed. Due to the cut in the budget, fewer new books were received and th is situation enabled the Cataloging Department to cut down the backlog o f previously acquired m aterials.

Public Services This department has continued to provide very fin e service to the students and facu lty fo r which they have received p ra is e .

One new

service to the fa c u lty was in stitu ted which brings to th e ir attention recent law review a r t ic le s in th e ir fie ld s o f in te re st. Mr. Oakley has developed on an experimental b a sis a KWIC index to the New York Code Rules and Regulations.

This has proven to be u sefu l

and Mr. Oakley has been encouraged to go more f u lly into th is experiment. A major s h ift o f the co llectio n was made in order to use space more ra tio n a lly .

The re c la s s ific a tio n o f U.S. and Great B rita in m aterials

necessitated a good part o f the s h ift .


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