Computational Engineering

Page 27

instead of a simple n*n square matrix as for the heat transfer problem. As we have axisymmetry, our 3D problem is reduced to a 2D one, but there are still some 3D “remains”. We have indeed an important difference between our problem and stressplane strain usual problems: there are four strains instead of three because, even though the displacement uθ is identically zero, the strain εθ is not zero because it is caused by radial displacement [247]:


r {} =  = z rz

{ } ∂ ur ∂r ur r ∂ uz ∂z

∂ ur ∂ u z  ∂z ∂r

In finite element formulation, the strain vector, which is the derivative of the displacement, is defined using the B derivative matrix: {ε} = [B] {u} Stiffness matrix Since we have four strain components, the strain interpolation matrix B is now a 4x6 array. Hence we may write the matrix relating strains and displacements as follows:


∂N1 ∂r N1 [ B]= r 0 ∂N1 ∂z

0 0 ∂N1 ∂z ∂N1 ∂r

∂ N2 ∂r N2 r 0 ∂ N2 ∂z

∂N3 ∂r N3 r

0 0 ∂N2 ∂z ∂N2 ∂r

0 ∂N3 ∂z

0 0 ∂N3 ∂z ∂N3 ∂r




b1 2 N 1 1 [ B]= r 2 0 c1

0 0 c1 b1

b2 2 N 2 r 0 c2

0 0 c2 b2

b3 2 N 3 r 0 c3

0 0 c3 b3




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