Consular Gazette October 2017, Consulate of Mexico in New Orleans

Page 12

GUIDE FOR MIGRANTS: BETTER TO BE PREPARED, TAKE CARE OF YOUR HERITAGE AND THE INTEGRITY OF YOUR FAMILY The guide aims to inform Mexicans in the United States on practical and reliable advice to protect their integrity and heritage in the current circumstances. They include recommendations on how to act in the face of possible detention, what are the rights of Mexicans in the United States, what documents they must have at hand; What agencies can assist them in case of a problem with their immigration status; Why it is important to grant power of attorney and how to process them in Mexico and the United States; and in general, how to protect your finances or transfer your assets to Mexico.

The electronic version of the Guide is available at: http://mexicanosenelexterior.condusef.gob .mx/PDF-s/cuadernillosvideos/cuadernillo-migrantes-en-baja.pdf

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