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Birds boldly preen and pose against flowers and greens in Julie Zahn’s most recent series of collages. The Philadelphia artist shares her knowledge of classic Japanese mixed media techniques in a new class offered by the Conshohocken Art League (CAL) on Thursday evenings, which started February 15.
The opening session of 2018 introduces the mixed media class, designed to guide artists through six weeks of inspired alternatives to the standard approach to a subject. Printmaker Julie Zahn is excited to share her love of several uniquely Japanese techniques acquired during several years of study in Japan that offer students a way to put their personal stamp on a project. “We will learn some interesting ways to work with paper, glue, and pigments, founded in the classic Japanese traditions. We’ll be stretching paper, hand-coloring, and making our own prints.” All materials are provided.
The class uses bird imagery as the initial springboard for a variety of handpainted prints and/or collages. “Students will use their own sketches or reference photographs to begin some truly creative exploration.” Julie has shown in area galleries and art centers, and has taught workshops at Woodmere Art Museum and other venues.
CAL director Eileen McDonnell believes local artists will discover their own wellspring of creativity from these techniques. “Following Julie’s engaging example, both the novice as well as seasoned professional will find unexpected and welcome experimental opportunities using these novel tools for their own mixed media interpretation.”
The 95-year-old art league continues to offer additional classes and sessions for artists, including drawing and painting Independent Projects for artists of all levels, a Saturday Introduction to Fine Art class for young artists and adult introductory Basic Drawing. The art league also offers two monthly open studio figure drawing sessions including Clothed Figure Drawing, designed as an introductory figure session for all ages.
All classes meet at the historic Mary Wood Park House, 120 E. 5th Avenue in Conshohocken. Class dates and times, registration, and other information are available on the CAL website, conshohockenartleague.org. Additional samples of Julie Zahn’s work are available at www.juliezahn.net, and a video demonstration of her technique is available at https:// vimeo.com/245602066
Please contact conshohockenartleague@gmail.com with any questions.

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Conshy Courier and Norristown Local publications of MontCo Media LLC, are published monthly. The publisher assumes no liability for typographical errors except to reprint that portion of the advert that was incorrect. The Publisher reserves the right to refuse advertising for any reason. Opinions expressed by columnists are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MontCo Media LLC. Reproduction of these pages or their content is permitted only with prior approval from the publisher.
Copyright 2018
SCHOOL NEWS Pg. 8 - 10
SENIOR BINGO NEWS PG. 12 ...Sophie turns 102

Alexandra Sciarretta
Alex is a full time family and real estate photographer based out of Lafayette Hill. She specializes in natural light family photography and having real and organic sessions with her clients to capture those sweet and fun moments. Making you feel comfortable and producing beautiful images, while having some laughs, is what she aims for every single session. She also is real estate photographer and videographer. She works with real estate agents all over the Philadelphia area to improve their marketing portfolio when meeting potential clients. She photographs everything from single family homes in the suburbs to city living condos, brand new construction buildings to charming homes with years of character
In honor of Women’s month we feature a few of Conshohocken’s Women Business Owners and Managers.

Front Row (l-R)
Daniela de Souza, Feine
Danielle O’Brien, Brunch
Janet Deturo, Santander Bank
Jane Rowe, Bryn Mawr Bank & Trust
Binnie Bianco, Long & Foster
Back Row (L-R)
Teresa Parris, Conshy Courier
Stacie Evans, Prestigious Petals Flower Shop
Georgina Reyes, Wells Fargo

Mildred Chavarria, Farmers Insurance
Simone Christian, Prestigious Petals Flower Shop
Meet each of our featured women on pages - 14-16
Photographer: Alexandra Sciarretta of (see above(
AS Photography http://aslifestylephoto.com/
By Binnie BiancoConshohocken has been traditionally known as a good area for a rental investment; however, just recently in the past 5-7 years, the flipping (buy-rehab-sell) market has been very successful for those who know how to do it right.
Let’s first look into the rental market.
Typically, an investor would purchase a home, do some minor repairs, and rent it at a marginal profit over the monthly PITI (principle, interest, taxes and insurance), decreasing the loan amount while over time the home increases in value. Most investors are investing in their future earnings for this type of investment. This was their retirement income (mortgage is paid off and rent coming in) or for a child’s college tuition.

During the recession, many homeowners and builders became landlords out of pure necessity. Sale prices and interest rates were at an all-time low, and buyers who were looking for their “move up” purchase could not sell their first home due to the decline in the first-time home buyers. The buyers of their homes, now college graduates who found themselves unemployed and with no future certainty, could not purchase their first home, forcing the “move up” sellers to instead rent their homes to those

who should have been first-time homebuyers. Same for builders – they either had new construction or renovated homes that they could not sell.
This caused a shift in the market. Not only increasing the inventory of rentals, it also changed the type of home that could be rented. There were homes that were beautiful and well maintained by the landlord who had lived in it; then there were the new construction
Continued on page 24
Mayor’s Memo
ByConshohockenMayor,YanivAronsonHere is just a small sampling of all the great happenings in the borough this month. If you would like your event, business, or organization highlighted, please email me at yaronson@conshohockenpa.gov.

1. Saint Patrick’s Day Parade and Irish Week
The Saint Patrick’s Day Parade will take place on Saturday, March 10th at 2:00 p.m.! To help build excitement, and ensure we make it a community-wide celebration, I am planning an Irish Week that will include as many of our favorite local businesses and organizations as possible! A schedule is below. Please be sure to check out my social media pages and website for more events as we add them:
Sláinte ó Mhéara Conshohocken Irish Week!
MARCH 3rd to MARCH 10th
3rd - Riverview Dog Park - Green Dog Treats - Noon2:00 p.m. (Londonbury Apts.)
4th - Flows and Flights: Irish Yoga - 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (Conshy Brewing Co.Tap Room)
5th - CNC Sandwich-Making Party - 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (Washies)
5th - Conshohocken Police Book Read - 11:00 a.m. (Conshohocken Elementary School)
8th - Conshy Running Irish Night - 6:30 p.m. (Conshy Brewing Co. Tap Room)
9th - Parade Kickoff Concert - 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm (VFW Post 1074)
10th - Mayor & First Lady Irish Potato Making - 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (Conshy Library)
10th - Conshy St. Paddy’s Day 5K Classic- 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. (Fayette St.)
10th - St. Patty’s Parade - 2:00 pm - (Fayette St.)
10th - Irish Band and Drinks - After the parade (VFW Post 1074)
2. From the Conshohocken 5K Team
Come run with us on Saturday, April 28! The Conshy 5K is the premier running event in Conshohocken borough. We seek to promote health and wellness within our community by running a 5K race for the benefit of the Conshohocken Police Association and the Phila-
Continued on page 24
Colonial School District students don't simply learn academics at their kindergarten through third grade schools; they also learn character traits that help them develop socially. At Ridge Park Elementary School (RP), each month focuses on a particular trait.
For February, the theme is perseverance. To help students understand the trait, RP used training for the Olympics as an example and took a school-wide picture with the staff and students recreating the Olympic rings on the playground.

"Perseverance is like believing in yourself. You keep trying and trying until you get it right," said First Grader Zoe Backenstose.
Developing a classroom community through Morning Meetings. At the beginning of the day, all RP students take part in Morning Meetings in their individual classrooms. Part of the "Responsive Classroom" teaching model, Morning Meetings provide opportunities for the children to share with each other and build a social community and also offers time for teachers to reinforce the monthly character trait.
"Without building the community in the morning and throughout the month, I don't think that the academic instruction would be as successful," explained Lori McTamney, a first grade teacher at the school. "Building the community has to come first, so that they feel that they're in a safe environment and that they feel comfortable talking with their friends and making connections with each other."
For January's theme of "acceptance," Mrs. McTamney's class took time during the Morning Meetings to talk about
what that might look like.
"It's like if somebody is on the bench during recess and not doing anything," said First Grader Quinlan Husowitz. "You might go over and say, 'Would you like to play with me?'"
A full school initiative

For some months, the school organizes a special school -wide activity around the character trait, like bringing everyone together for February's Olympic Rings photo. In January, RP students talked about acceptance while they each made their own snowflake on a Panther Pride Day afternoon.
"It taught us that we're all not the same," added Zoe. "Everybody's different, and that makes us special."
Applying the new character trait
Signs around the school encourage students to "practice" their character trait, like Practice Kindness, Practice Acceptance or Practice Perseverance. "It's because 'practice' always makes better," said School Counselor Susan Mayson, who oversees the program. "I truly believe that kids will do what you expect them to do, so if we expect them to be good citizens, they will rise to the occasion. Plus, they really enjoy helping others and being kind."
Because the students are able to dig deeper into their character traits with each new grade level, RP highlights the same trait during the same month each year. This consistency also gives teachers the time to find books and other resources related to each trait. The year starts with friendship in September and ends with courage in June.
The Colonial School District is encouraging parents to register children now for kindergarten beginning next September. The registration process has never been easier. Register online at www.colonialsd.org/register. Parents must call 610-834-1670, ext. 2150, to schedule an appointment and complete registration process. An orientation for kindergarten parents will be held at each of the District's K-3 schools at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, April 25.
Area businesses may now get a tax break by supporting the Colonial School District Education Foundation (CSDEF). Through the state's Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) Program, business have the opportunity to direct a portion of their tax dollars to the CSDEF in support of special projects in the Colonial School District.
Businesses that are approved for the EITC Program would receive a 75-percent credit of the amount donated - or a 90-percent credit if the company provides a written two-year commitments at the same donation level. Eligible companies may take up to $300,000 in tax credits per year. For those businesses not yet a part of the EITC Program, the CSDEF is happy to help them navigate the approval process.
With its approval as an official Education Improvement Organization, the CSDEF is able to offer a number of exciting educational programs for funding such as robotics, Girls in Technology, STEAM and more.
To learn more about the EITC, how your business may take advantage of the tax credit and descriptions of Colonial's approved programs visit https:// www.colonialsd.org/support-colonial/foundation, or call Mrs. Denise Marks at 610-834-1670 ext. 2151.

We need your help! Only five people have registered for the annual Colonial School District community blood drive in conjunction with the American Red Cross on Thursday, March 22!

The event will take place from 2:30-7:30 p.m. in the Plymouth Whitemarsh High School Large Group Instruction room or LGI. The LGI is the site of the old east cafeteria at the font, eastern most corner of the high school.
Severe winter weather has created an urgent need for blood and platelet donations. Please register online now at www.redcrossblood.org. Use the sponsor code colonial sd.
Donors must be at least 16 years old (with parental consent) and weigh at least 110 pounds. Federal Regulations require 56 days between regular whole blood donations.
Congratulations to Plymouth Whitemarsh High School senior Lauren Fortescue who scored her 1,000th career point during the second quarter of the Lady Colonials' basketball game with Quakertown on February 9. She sank a layup midway through the second quarter for her fourth point of the game and eclipsed the career milestone.

The previous week, the 5-foot-6 guard from Plymouth Meeting made the 100th 3-point field goal of her career. This season she has reached career highs in points, steals and assists while helping PWHS to a second straight Suburban One League American Conference (SOLAC) Championship. She was named the Suburban One League Univest Player of the Week on January 26.
Fortescue was a key member of the PWHS team that won the SOLAC in 2017 and tied the PWHS single-season record with 27 wins in a season. The Colonials advanced to the District 1 Finals and the PIAA Quarterfinals. She has also been a force on the Colonials' soccer team the past two seasons. An honor roll student, Fortescue plans to continue her basketball and academic career at Salisbury University in Maryland next fall.

I would put this story in the category of “It is never too late to learn something new.” Although I have lived large parts of my adult life in Conshohocken, I never, ever heard this story until after I retired. And there does not seem to be any written documentation for this story. This entire story seems to be a Conshohocken “legend” passed down as an oral tradition from one generation to the next. Until – for whatever reason – it mysteriously stopped being passed down, starting with my generation. But before we discuss details I would like to describe how I stumbled upon this story.
While working at one of my weekly volunteer efforts in the kitchen in the basement of St. Mary’s Church, two of my coworkers were reminiscing about old-time Conshohocken. Both of these coworkers are roughly 15 to 20 years older than me, but most of their Conshohocken memories described places that were familiar to me. Until the subject of “BAB” came up. Both of these individuals remember BAB quite fondly. I, being a little naïve, asked “What was BAB?” And they said, “Bare A## Beach.” (The letters you need to substitute for the “##” are not “sk” or “nd” or “be” but rather the same letter used twice; and yes, it is the one letter that immediately comes to mind.)
“THUD” (That was the sound of my jaw dropping). It was then explained to me that BAB was a well known local swimming hole where many of the local residents were known to go “skinny dipping.” And to add yet more color to these newly discovered facts, one of my male co-workers regaled us with a story of how he and his friends were skinny dipping when “some girls from Connaughtown” stood on the beach and waved to them while they were in the water. These ladies caused my male co-worker and his friends to delay exiting the water until these young ladies decided to strategically exit away from the beach and back to Connaughtown.

Semi stunned by this newfound information, I decided to conduct further research. To make sure this was not another case of “fake news,” I decided to thoroughly verify this story, and in this spirit one day at a family gathering I approached two of my senior Aunts. Both of these Aunts are aged around 90 and are both upstanding women who I have known all of my life. When I asked them about this skinny dipping story they both responded without hesitation, “Oh, yes. That was BAB. Lots of people went swimming there.”
“THUD” (Yes, that was again the sound of my jaw dropping). After picking up my jaw for the second time and conducting further research, I discovered that BAB was located at the bottom of what is now West 5th Avenue between Colwell Lane and the driving range at Tee’s. Route 476 (aka the Blue Route) now occupies this space, but even today flowing roughly parallel to the Blue Route and Tee’s is Plymouth Creek. Back in the 1920s into the
Based on first-hand interviews there was a tree that hung over BAB, which served as a combination diving board and rope swing. Also, the water was warm even if the weather was cool. The reason for the water being warm was (we are more environmentally enlighten today so the following may cause great consternation) because the local steel company (Alan Wood Steel) used to dump their hot waste product (called “slag” – see “Connaughtown Moon story” for more details) generated from the production of steel at the BAB location. Cows were also grazing in a nearby pasture. In our much more environmentally enlightened time, this type of situation would not occur, but in the era of BAB this was not unusual. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) did not come into existence until the mid ‘70s. Unfortunately, before the EPA there was not much thought devoted to environmental concerns. As all of my interviewees and former BAB participants said to me, “Who knew? We just wanted to go swimming.”
But now the secret is out!!! Conshohocken had a beach!!! Will this mean that Conshohocken will attract the sun and fun crowd? Probably not. But everyone I interviewed had extremely fond memories of their time at Conshohocken’s Bare A## Beach.
Mike Poniatowicz – Conshohocken Historical Society – 2/1/2018SOPHIE SUKALSKIE OF WEST CONSHOHOCKEN CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY

# 102
Each Monday at the Fellowship house in Conshohocken a dedicated group of seniors gather for Senior Bingo. This Bingo is hosted by Patricia Bar of West Conshohocken, and has been a weekly affair for the past few years.

This is huge for our local seniors. The parking spaces around the Fellowship House are reserved for this weekly event.

It’s a comradery for the attendees who hail from the neighboring towns.
However, Monday February 5, 2018 was a super day for the attendees , organizers and her team of volunteers. This day they celebrated the 102nd birthday for a favorite player, Sophia Sukalski.
Even the students from the Conshohocken Elementary School were in on the celebration. Under the guidance of the Art teacher the students prepared 102 birthday cards for Lady Sohpie.

No matter the dynamics in your household – whether you are living by yourself or have family – it’s challenging to make healthy meals throughout the week. We all have too much to do and so little time to get everything done!
For many of us, it’s easier to get take-out, grab snacks on the go, or even skip meals altogether when everything from the week begins to pile up. This takes away from our wallets and can add to our waistlines. When meals are prepared on the weekends, you’ll find that you have more time to enjoy yourself during the week, you will eat healthier, and you will save money (think more money for Guppy’s or a College Fund!).
Tips for Meal Prep:
Eating healthy does not have to be expensive if you plan out your meals.
-If you dislike going grocery shopping, a list will help you navigate through the store more quickly. Or you could utilize online meal delivery programs through Giant, or even Amazon Fresh.
-Carve 1-2 hours out of a Saturday or Sunday for meal prep (for us, it’s normally during nap time! If your child is older, encourage him or her to help pick out healthy meals for the week).
-Prep sides like rice so you do not have to cook them during the week, saving time.
-Come up with 2-3 kinds of lunches that you would be able to eat multiple days in a row. Switch weekly so you do not get bored with what you are eating.
-Make 4 lunches in Tupperware per person (one day, you can eat leftovers!)
-Find staple foods that your family enjoys eating. Some easy ingredients to stock up on could be rice, quinoa, beans, lean meats like ground turkey, etc.)
While prepping your meals is important, plan on going out to dinner once a week to be with friends or family!
by Jennifer McCrackenSample Grocery List:
-2 Apples
-3 Sweet Potatoes
-2 bell peppers
-5 avocados
-Dozen Eggs
-Black Beans (Buy in bulk!)
-Almonds (“”)
-Annie’s Mac and Cheese
-Can of Cannellini Beans
-Tomato Paste
-Kind Bars
-Mozzarella Cheese
(We buy quinoa, rice, and wheat bran in bulk)
Jennifer McCracken is a wife, mother, and teacher in Conshohocken. She is committed to a healthy lifestyle and holds a certificate from the Institute of Integrated Nutrition. Jennifer loves spending time with her family, her friends, and her dog, Jackpot. She loves running and teaches yoga and barre locally. Follow her at fitfamconshy on Instagram and twitter.

Binnie Bianco , leader of “The Binnie Bianco Team,” Long and Foster, is a 15 year residential real estate industry veteran who has represented countless clients in a wide array of real estate transactions. Binnie has built a solid foundation of clients through her personal network and her handpicked professional team.

Binnie has a long record of successfully guiding local and out-of-state clients wither their real estate acquisitions, finding the home of their dreams within budget, investment purchasing and selling, and new construction sales.
Binnie, in 2017 had a sale transactions valued over 24 million dollars, consistently earning her “Top Producer in Volume” award. Her specific areas of expertise include strategic planning, home staging, negotiating tactics, and

Mildred Chavarria is an experienced financial services professional with nearly 20 years of commercial banking experience in various lending and product sales roles. She owns the Chavarria Agency-Farmers Insurance located in Conshohocken, PA. Prior to joining Farmers she was the Assistant Director for the City’s largest Volunteer Income Tax Assistance tax preparation program which provided free services to over 10,000 families annually. Mildred is a graduate of the University of PA’s Wharton Business School and has one daughter, Melanie Chavarria. Mildred would appreciate anyone who is exploring their insurance options to consider the Chavarria Agency as a resource to better understanding their insurance options as well as exploring opportunities to save money and improve their insurance coverage.
My name Is Simone Christian. I grew up in Antigua, a small island in the West Indies. I then finished High school at Greece Arcadia. I then moved to Buffalo to study Hospitality. That is where I met my best friend/ business partner Stacie Evans. After my Studies were completed I then move to Philadelphia. I soon began working at a five-star hotel. That is where I recognize my love flowers.. I saw so many exotic creations by so many different local florist. that It was easy to fall in love. I was been mesmerized by the color, the beauty, the texture, placement, and flower choice. Soon I began small gigs and doing things for friends and family. Shortly after we opened Prestigious Petals at 121 Fayette St. in Conshohocken PA.

Daniela is the owner, operator of ‘Feine. ‘Feine is a local coffee shop serving the Conshohocken community and commuters alike since 2012. We are proud to serve carefully and responsibly sourced coffee from around the world. We also serve the highest quality pastries (plus a gluten-free selection), grilled cheese, wraps, salads and more!
‘Feine also provide free WIFI and a cozy atmosphere!

My education is from Upper Dublin High School, Montgomery County Community College and West Chester University. I am married to my husband Sam and we will be celebrating our 31st anniversary in May. We live in Lafayette Hill and in our spare time we love to travel with our extended family. I came to work in Conshohocken in 1979, fell in love with the area and never left. I started my career in banking as a teller right out of college and I am now in my 40th year in the industry. My passion is helping people achieve their financial goals. I am currently in my 15th year as Branch Manager and Assistant Vice President at Santander Bank at 7th and Fayette Streets. I belong to the Greater Conshohocken Business and Professional Women’s Club and I am Treasurer of the newly formed Kiwanis Club of Conshohocken. Retail Banking Branch Manager III
Danielle and her husband John O’Brien just opened Brunch, the newest café in Conshohocken. For more information go to BrunchConshy.com
Danielle OBrien is a long time resident of Conshohocken, a Professional Organizer and owner of Danielle Organizes LLC since 2001. She is a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers Greater Philadelphia Chapter’s Golden Circle, was the Education Resource Chair there as well as the Communication and Technology Director. Holistic Organizers, Environmentally Conscious Organizers, Philadelphia Hoarding Task Force and Minimalist.org Philadelphia Chapter are her other affiliations. She has four Super Services awards from Angie’s List, 39 reviews and a grade A rating. For more information go to DanielleOrganizes.com

BIANCO Continued from page 14
transaction management. Binnie specializes in applying her vast experience and market knowledge, to consistently exceed the investment goals of her clients. In addition to being an active volunteer in the Borough of Conshohocken, she also generously donates to local charities and sponsor of local events and sports teams. Binnie attended Cabrini College where she learned business management and interior design.

Georgina began her career in banking in 1996 as a part time teller. Through the years she continued her career taking various roles such as Lead Teller, Sales and Service Specialist, Licensed Financial Specialist and Mortgage Consultant. Georgina has a passion for developing and furthering others in their own careers. In 2005 she began in management and has been managing the Conshohocken Branch since 2013.
She is 1st generation born Cuban-American and engaged to be married in early April 2018. Proud mother of two children...her daughter is 22 and her son is 19. She also is the proud future step mother of 3 children, ages 21, 17 and 13.
In her spare time (the little that she has)she enjoys watching old movies and spending time with friends and family.
I have been in banking for over forty years. I believe in relationship banking and come to know and love my clients. I currently work for Bryn Mawr Trust, where I have been for the last seven years. I both live and work in Conshohocken. I have lived in Conshohocken my whole life and love everything about my town. I have three sons: Tony, Joey and Matty. Jane M Rowe; Branch Manager; The Bryn Mawr Trust Company

Michele Leahy, is the Founder and owner of M. Leahy & Associates, LLC based here in Conshohocken. Michele Helps you navigate through life's twists and turns - providing you the stepping stones for disability planning. Her company’s mission “To provide services to families and persons with disabilities that enable navigation of social services and appropriate financial strategies throughout their lifetime to ensure quality of life.”

By: Alison Seponara, MS, LPCDo you feel like you’re in a rut? Has life become so monotonous that some days you feel like a robot? Sometimes life can feel like the movie Groundhog’s Day and you just want more passion and excitement back into your life. Follow these steps to get your life back and find what’s been missing!
When someone asks you to do a fun activity or event, unless you have other obligations, always say YES!!! This will expose you to many different environments where you can meet new people, experience a new activity, and even have a little fun!
Plan a trip with a friend, partner, or lover. Parents?
Okay, if you’re a mom or dad reading this you are probably thinking “When the heck would I have time to plan a trip without my kids?” The truth is, no matter what life throws at you, you have to MAKE TIME FOR SELF-CARE. This means, if you are parents, find who it is that is in your closest support system and ask them for help! I know it is not always easy to do this, but believe me it will be worth it! Plan a onenight ‘stay-cation’ somewhere close, book an Air B&B, and don’t forget to bring the wine. Just having something to look forward to will change your mindset and revitalize your relationship!
No Kids?
Okay. For all of you without kids, there is NO EXCUSE
NOT TO TRAVEL. Plan a road trip with a friend, join an online adventures social group, invite a friend to take a day trip to a small town and have lunch and shop. Find time to make travel a priority and you will become a more positive and purposeful person!
Try at least one of these each week:
Reward yourself with a sumptuous dinner or a good movie
Hit the gym or exercise…if it’s nice out go for a walk!
Read a motivational or inspirational book
Play a game with friends or your kids
Throw a party
Revisit some old places where you lived before
Write a letter to someone you have not spoken to in a long time
Plan a date night
Take a bath
Take a yoga class
Join a film or a book club
Cook dinner
Whatever you do, make it a priority to find time for yourself this spring and watch the positive effect it has on your moods and even the people around you. You will feel more energized, fulfilled, and balanced. Happy Spring!
Alison is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Conshohocken, Pa. AlisonSeponaraLPC@gmail.com

The players are kneeling but the NFL is standing up! Recently there’s been a lot of controversy about the NFL and their players protesting during the national anthem. While players are free to express their own rights, this has led to a lot of drama on whether you should kneel during the anthem or stand.
This controversy aside, there are many players who do great things to help their communities. One of these players is awarded a prize called the Walter Payton Man of the Year. This award is given every year to the player who did the most to help people in his community. Although Malcolm Jenkins is highly respected for his hitting ability on the field, this year Malcolm Jenkins was selected as the Eagles’ nominee for his acts of kindness toward adolescents.
Malcolm Jenkins has his own foundation called The Malcolm Jenkins Foundation. It is a non-profit organization committed to helping youth. His programs help youth understand the basic fundamentals of life along with teaching them required skills. The foundation is located in many different places such as Louisiana, Philadelphia, Ohio, and New Jersey. All of these locations have some relation to Malcolm Jenkins.

The Malcolm Jenkins Foundation has done many great things. For instance, its scholarship program has provid-
ed over 70 scholarships since 2012. These scholarships are worth more than $100,000. The scholarships are awarded to students for most improved, high academic achievement, and overcoming adversity. Other programs sponsored by his foundation are a football camp and a food drive.
While players are still taking political actions on the field, there are just as many players who are showing great acts outside of football. Aside from Malcolm Jenkins, there are many other players who do incredible things. Players such as Greg Olsen, Benjamin Watson, and J.J. Watt are all examples of these great people. Not only do these players stand up, they stand out.
For more information about The Malcolm Jenkins Foundation visit his website at http:// themalcolmjenkinsfoundation.org/

Amir loves football and basketball but his interests do not stop at sports. He is also a skilled Xbox player. His favorite subjects are math, science, and social skills. Amir plans to attend college at Penn State, Temple, or Villanova.
Silver Springs – Martin Luther School provides a full range of individualized services to assist children and their families. SS-MLS partners with families and caregivers to promote resilience, stability and a bright future. Gifts to Silver Springs-Martin Luther School help to support our mission by funding our many different programs. These include: an approved private school, a residential treatment program, and various community-based programs. For more information, please contact Lynn Unipan, Development Director, at info@silver-springs.org or 610-835-4440, ext. 206 or visit us on the web at www.silver-springs.org.
Most of you will be familiar with the old adage that “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.” It is common coinage to note that the beginning of March is naturally cold and windy, laced with at least the threat of storminess, while its end bears witness to the dawn of spring, replete with April showers that are a necessary prelude to May flowers. I suggest to you that, at least for this year, we are experiencing a reversal of the established order.
It is anticipated to be 73 degrees on this day in February as I draft these thoughts. Who would believe? It is a day during which we mourn the loss of famed evangelist Billy Graham who has passed at 99. He was a lion of the pulpit, preaching the Gospel over the course of more than 50 years, but endured debilitating health issues in recent times, ending his life on this side of the grave as a lamb to be sheared and slaughtered by the ravages of illness.
Our loss is heaven’s gain. My beautiful mother tells me of when he preached at Boston Garden in 1950, with the departing crowds filling the subway cars and singing Gospel hymns en route home. He was instrumental in my Christian walk as an adolescent, and I had the privilege of investing heavily in his evangelistic crusade of 1992 in Phil-
by Bradley E. Lacey, PastorTRAINING
adelphia. I can attest to the integrity of his ministry and the commitment of his team to the spiritual welfare of God’s people and the salvation of the lost. He was a light for Jesus amidst a recent rash of homiletical hucksters.
March begins on an obscure yet profound note. March 1st is St. David’s Day. St. David is the patron Saint of Wales. Few have heard of him, and fewer still are aware of his day. Those of us who are Welsh are vitally aware, as we are of the fact that our Irish kin have the better public relations consultants, as St. Patrick’s Day on March 17 accrues all of the fuss. They get the marching bands, the public revelries, and the gala events. Perhaps it is not without reason that the Welsh-like lamb, as our more lion-like cousins whoop it up on their day … Still, let it not be forgotten that Patrick was a Welshman! Didn’t the prophet say something to the effect that the lion will lie down with the lamb? … Just thinking!
My lovely daughter was born on St. Patrick’s Day. She is a precious lamb, who sometimes acts like a robust lion, though often feels like that lamb who has been led to the slaughter; thankfully, God has blessed her with a lovely lamb by the name of Amber who, I strongly suspect, understands all-too-well the duality of lion and lamb in one!

And our newly-minted month culminates in a historically-transformative manner with Holy Week. The life of Jesus – His atoning death for our sins while hanging on the Cross and His physical Resurrection from the dead a few days later – will only be rivaled by His glorious Return to this planet on the Last Day. Lives have been changed, entire cultures have been transformed and the whole world will one day be redeemed because of our blessed Savior who loves us beyond what is fathomable but not what may be experienced.
He has been called the Lion of Judah in the Bible. He was led to the slaughter like a gentle and innocent lamb, but His Return will be in power and in glory, alongside of His heavenly angels – It will be glorious, but it won’t be
Continued on page 21

Continued from page 19
pretty, as evil men and women will be quivering with fear and seeking to hide in terror. He came first as a lamb but will come back as a lion, and this Lion will restore justice and righteousness and peace to our frighteningly fallen world. Lambs will no more have anything to fear, and lions will no longer lay waste to innocent prey. The love of God will finally prevail.
It’s a year, anyhow, of overturning the established norms – isn’t it? The Eagles beat the Patriots; how’s
that for turning the world upside down? Congrats, by the way – Enjoy the victory, but also give thought to the fact that the coach, the star quarterback, the backup and MVP quarterback, and other key players on the team are devoted followers of Jesus Christ and who gave all glory to God on the night of their victory. A lion named Tom Brady was slain in the field on that extraordinary evening in Minneapolis, by a group of lambs who follow The Lion – Food for thought; eh!
Bradley E. Lacey, Pastor, First Baptist Church at Conshohocken
The Barren Hill Boy Scout Troop 12 will be celebrating their 100th year anniversary on April 28, 2018 at the Chubb Hotel & Conference Center at 309 Manor Road, Lafayette Hill, PA. Troop 12 was founded on March 9, 1918 by Reverend E Allen Chamberlin at St Peter’s Church in Barren Hill, PA and continues to meet every Tuesday night at St Peter's Church.

Troop 12 has had 25 Scoutmasters and over 1,000 scouts in the 100 years with 68 scouts obtaining Eagle Scout Rank which is the highest rank in Scouting. The first Eagle Scout was Bill Anderson in 1954 and the most
recent Eagle Scout is Owen McMenamin in 2017, and several scouts are currently working on their Eagle

The Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) recently welcomed two additions to the council: Debra Mallon and Timothy Beckel. Both will serve out the remainder of two vacant seats. With the addition of Debra and Timothy, the council has one vacant seat left. Any Conshohocken borough resident interested in becoming an appointed member of the EAC is encouraged to reach out to Brittany Rogers at brogers@conshohockenpa.gov or (610) 828-1092 ext. 103 for more information. A full list of members and terms are below:
Member Term Expires
Matthew Breidenstein, Chair 12/2018
Domenic Rocco 12/2018
Paul McConnell 12/2018
Debra Mallon 12/2019
Vacant 12/2019
Yaniv Aronson 12/2020
Timothy Beckel 12/2020
Any residents who are interested in participating in or contributing to EAC initiatives and activities without the obligations of full council membership are encouraged to join the Friends of the EAC program. Friends of the EAC is a free program open to all borough residents. As a Friend of the EAC, you can participate in program committees to help organize and implement the many
exciting projects the EAC is spearheading, the most notable of which is a rain barrel project. Rain barrels collect and store stormwater for future use. For example, stored water can be used on your garden or lawn. Rain barrels help the environment by mitigating stormwater runoff that ends up in streams and rivers.
The next meeting of the EAC will be held on Thursday, March 15th, at 7:00 p.m. on the second floor of the Conshohocken Borough Hall (corner of West 4th Ave. and Fayette St.). There will be two special guests present: Patrick Starr, Executive Vice President with the Pennsylvania Environmental Council (PEC), and Henry Stroud, Trail Program Manager with the Montgomery County Planning Commission. Both will be making a presentation on the Circuit Trail System.

For more information on how to become a Friend of the EAC or to learn more about the EAC's programs and initiatives, email greenconshohocken@gmail.com or visit and message the council on Facebook at www.facebook.com/conshyeac.
Tickets now available for CMS's Shrek The Musical JR.
The Colonial Middle School will present Shrek The Musical, JR. on Thursday, March 15, Friday, March 16 and Saturday, March 17 at 7 p.m. with a matinee on Sunday, March 18 at 2 p.m.

Tickets will are now on sale and are available to the public. Visit - https://cmsmusical.ticketleap.com
Don’t miss Shkrefast at CMS!
The Colonial Middle School production of Shrek The Musical JR. is hosting a 'Shrekfast' on Saturday, March 17 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. This event is open to all ages and includes a waffle bar with yummy toppings, arts and crafts, games, music and a meet and greet with Shrek, Donkey, Fiona and Lord Farquaad!
To order tickets visithttps://cmsmusical.ticketleap.com/shrekfast/
On Saturday, February 17, the Conshohocken Plymouth Whitemarsh Rotary Club held its 5th annual casino night event. This year's event was held at the Spring Mill Ballroom and raised money for Smiles For Guatemala, an international project spearheaded by CPW Rotarian Don Heebner.
Smiles For Guatemala went on its first mission in October 2017 with a team of the Philadelphia region's top medical professionals assisted by local Rotarians serving as non-medical volunteers. The team was able to perform life-changing cleft lip and cleft palate reparative surgery for more than 65 Guatemalan children. The second mission will take place in September 2018, and proceeds from the CPW Rotary's successful Casino Night will help with acquiring the medicines and surgical tools necessary for the mission in the hopes that they will be able to perform additional surgeries to help an even greater number of children this year.
"Despite the snow, we had a record-breaking crowd at this year's event," said Conshohocken Plymouth Whitemarsh Rotary president Renee DeCoskey. "It was a very successful night for Smiles For Guatemala and we hope that everyone had fun helping to support this fan-

tastic cause."
The CPW Rotary Club meets Thursday mornings at 7:30 a.m. at the William Jeanes Library (4051 Joshua Rd., Lafayette Hill) with a satellite meeting on Monday evenings at 7 p.m. at Guppy's Good Times (2 Maple St., Conshohocken). For more information and the latest events, please visit facebook.com/CPWRotaryClub or cpwrotary.com.
The Boy Scout motto is to “Do a Good Turn Daily” and this is best exemplified by the Eagle Scout projects that have helped the local community. Some of the many project include assisting with Liberty Loans (WW I bonds), building a public playground and war bond drive (WW II). Many improvements have been done for local parks, churches and synagogue.

Anyone that was involved with Troop 12 is invited to share photos and stories by sending an email to troop12bh@gmail.com . The photos will be added to the slideshow which will be viewed at the celebration. If you are interested in attending the celebration, please contact Steve Tomaine (610) 828-5913 or Fran Flanagan at (610) 941-9115 for ticket information.
Continued from page 21
homes and beautifully updated homes by small builders. Traditional landlords were finding it hard to compete with this type of inventory. The once first-time homebuyer had now become the desired tenant, driving prices down – yet increasing the quality.
Today the rental market has normalized with the firsttime homebuyer market regaining its momentum; however, the rental market in Conshohocken is forever changed. Tenants still desire higher quality homes and investors are meeting the demand; even still, the pricing has increased significantly. More and more homeowners are staying in their homes longer and/or moving, yet keeping their home as a rental in Conshohocken. This has caused such a low inventory of homes to purchase that the first-time homebuyer now needs to rent in our area until they can find a home to buy (again low inventory increases sale prices). Not to mention these same firsttime homebuyers are competing with downsizers for rentals and purchases. (That will be my next article)
What is flipping?
Buying homes, renovating, and selling them has really grown into a separate market in the last 7-10 yrs. Why? During the downturn in the economy, many homes fell victim to a short sale or foreclosure and typically sold for much less than what was owed to the banks. And either due to the frustrated and angry homeowner or vandalism, these homes always needed repairs and/or updating to sell to another homeowner. Since the new construction market had come to a screeching halt, many small builders started buying these homes, renovating and selling (or renting) at a small profit to survive and ride out the recession.
MAYOR’S MEMO continued
delphia Chapter of the ALS Association. Through these efforts, we hope to create greater awareness for ALS while strengthening our community alongside our Police Association. You can register on the “Conshy 5K” Facebook page or online at https://runsignup.com/Race/PA/ Conshohocken/Conshy5KRun.
3. Public Office Hours
Office hours have begun! On the 2nd and 4th Wednesday afternoon of every month, I will be at the Conshohocken Library community room from 4:30 p.m.7:00 p.m. I will also hold hours on the 3rd Saturday of the month from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Please stop in with any issues, questions, concerns… or just to say “hi!”
4. Borough App and Newsletter
There is now an app called “Conshohocken Borough” that can be downloaded to your smartphone! It includes
As the market started to regain momentum (especially in our area), those same small builders began selling those renovated homes and building new construction, opening the “flipping” market to non-traditional investors. What really caused such a surge was the once hole in the firsttime homebuyer market that was now being filled by the current tenants in Conshohocken who came out in droves due to the stronger economy, rising salaries, and confidence in their future. They are willing to pay more for the same quality home they rented during the recession and really demanding from the market. They have no interest in homes that need repairs or updating; they want to buy retail. This caused non-traditional investors to begin purchasing those tired homes, renovating and selling them at a premium. However, if you are not experienced in construction, this type of investment is NOT for you. I have seen too many people lose money thinking it is an easy way to make money. Adding modern amenities to an older home is harder than building a new home. Any unforeseen repairs will bankrupt the unexperienced flipper who did not prepare in advance.
I meet with many people each year who want to start flipping homes. Once I sit down and go over the process and what is needed to be successful, most of them either no longer have interest or become landlords instead.
My advice to anyone who is considering investing “to rent” or “to flip” is to find a local agent in that area who knows the market and can guide you in the right direction as to which is right for you and walk you through the process.
Written By: Binnie Bianco, REALTOR BinnieBiancoTeam.comresources to find borough personnel, access to the borough calendar, and even the option to report a problem directly to borough administration. Also, be sure to find the borough newsletter in your mailboxes with great information about local initiatives and upcoming summer events. You can access an electronic version at: http:// www.conshohockenpa.gov/information/newsletters.aspx
I hope to see you in the neighborhood!
Mayor Aronson Contact Info:
Follow me on Facebook @Yaniv Aronson
Conshy Courier will be at the St Patrick’s Day Parade, @ 126 Fayette Street, Next to the Binnie Bianco Team Stop by and visit us! Name the past 10 Grand Marshalls and get a gift! See you Then!
A Day in New York
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April 22, 2018
Bus departs at 7:00 am @ E. Hector and Ash Streets
Photo Booth Rental 30 Years experience and insured Contact: 610-825-2848 www.KidPartyEntertainment.com


May 6, 2018; 1:00 to 5:00 pm
Bring your own table
Information: Contact Jessica @ 484-769-2518
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Sláinte ó Mhéara Conshohocken
Irish Week!
The Mayor's Special Events Committee presents a week of community events and business specials in celebration of the St. Patrick's Day Parade on March 10th.
Donofrio Tournament at the Community Centre.
Save the Date
Sunday April 1st
The Conshohocken Plymouth Whitemarsh Rotary Club meets Thursday mornings at 7:30 a.m. at the William Jeanes Memorial Library (4051 Joshua Rd., Lafayette Hill). The CPW Rotary satellite club meets on Monday evenings at 6:30 p.m. on the second floor at Guppy's (2 Maple St., Conshohocken). For more information, please visit cpwrotary.com and facebook.com/ CPWRotaryClub.
Food Cupboard & Clothes Closet Ministries of The Historic St. John AME Church every Tuesday from 12:30pm to 2:00pm. 100 East Eighth Avenue Conshohocken, PA. For information contact 610825-6089 Everyone is welcome!
VFW kick off rally for St Patrick's Day Parade. See Mayor’s Memo for details
Conshy St. Paddy’s Day 5K Classic1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. (Fayette St.)

10th - St. Patty’s Parade - 2:00 pm(Fayette St.)
10:00 Annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Community Center.

11:00 “ShreckFast” at Colonial Middle School
Mayor Aronson Office Hours, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm @ The Fellowship House, 515 Harry Street

American Red Cross blood drive
At 2:30-7:30 p.m. in the Plymouth
Whitemarsh High School Large
Group Instruction room or LGI.
MONDAY, 3/26
Donofrio Tournament at the Community Centre.
Donofrio Tournament at the Community Centre.
Donofrio Tournament at the Community Centre.
April 3, 4, 5 & 6 Donofrio Tournament at the Community Centre.
April 7th 2018
The EAC will be on hosting a Trail Cleanup and Invasive Plant Species removal on Saturday, April 7th, 2018 from 9:30am – 11:00pm. greenconshohocken@gmail.com
April 28th 2018
The Barren Hill Boy Scout Troop 12 will be celebrating their 100th year anniversary on April 28, 2018 at the Chubb Hotel & Conference Center at 309 Manor Road, Lafayette Hill, PA. Troop
Ongoing Events
Conshohocken Business and Professional Women Meets the 4th Monday of each month. Please visit website for more information at http:// www.conshohockenbpw.org

KnitKnights, every Monday, 6:30pm. The KnitKnights welcome knitters and crocheters of all ages and skill levels, including beginners, to join us as we meet, mentor, learn, show, and share. The Lower Level, Conshohocken Library, Fayette and 3rd Ave. http://knitknights.com
LEGO Club is Back!! Collaborate and Create!! Tuesdays after school Ages 5-10 3:45-4:30pm Kiwanis Club of Conshohocken meets at 7:00 pm Tuesdays at Andy’s Diner, Ridge Pike, Conshohocken. Contact: ConshyKiwanis@gmail.com.
WPBN/Conshohocken/Plymouth/Whitemarsh Chapter meeting the 3rd Wednesday of each Month Register online at www.PWBN4Women.org. 11:30 to 11:00 at Guppy’s, East Elm and Maple Street, Conshohocken St Matthews Senior Group meets monthly on the third Wednesday of each month at 12:30. Everyone is welcome to join. Lunch $5.
Adult Book Club @ Conshy Library 3rd Wed of each month 6:45-8 pm.
Mayor Yaniv Aronson office hours at Conshohocken Library the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month (starting in March), from 4:30 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.
Intercessory Prayer Time & Ministry Fellowship of The Historic St. John AME Church meets monthly on the third Wednesday of the month beginning at 6:45pm.100 East Eighth Avenue Conshohocken, PA. For information contact 610-8256089 Everyone is welcome!
The CPW Rotary The Conshohocken Plymouth Whitemarsh Rotary Club meets Thursday mornings at 7:30 a.m. at the William Jeanes Memorial Library (4051 Joshua Rd., Lafayette Hill). The CPW Rotary satellite club meets on Monday evenings at 6:30 p.m. on the second floor at Guppy's (2 Maple St., Conshohocken). For more information, please visit cpwrotary.com and facebook.com/ CPWRotaryClub.
Mayor Yaniv Aronson office hours at Con-
Library Closed Friday March 30 in observance of Good Friday
Babies @ Library Tuesdays @10:15
3/6, 13, 20, 27
Preschool-Thursdays @ 10:15
3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29
Friends Book Sale
Sat Mar 3 11-1pm Fill a bag with used books for $5.00 Sat only!!

Book Club
Wednesday Mar 21 The Hate You Give by Angie Thomas 6:45-8pm
Homework Stars
Every Wednesday 5:45-7pm Come every week to earn prizes and an A+
Conshohocken’s 10 Days of St. Patty’s Family Irish Potato Workshop at the library!
Family Irish Potato Workshop at the library! Saturday March 10 10 am-12pm

Stop in to make these delicious treats! Great for the whole family!!
Teen Advisory Board Wednesday March 6:45-7:30pm
Fun and snacks will be provided
Our Teen Advisory Board will also be selling brownies and buttons
Council News March 2018
ZONING HEARING BOARD: - Monday, March 19th @ 7:00pm; Borough Hall
ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL:- Thursday, March15th @ 7:00 pm, Guppy’s Restaurant
PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING: - Thursday, March 8th @ 7-9pm; Borough Hall
COUNCIL MEETING: - 1ST & 3RD Wednesday March 7th & 21st @ 7 PM Borough Hall.
MUNCIPAL AUTHORITY BOARD MEETING:Tuesday, March 27th @ 6:30-8:30; 601 East Elm Street.
COMPRESENSIVE PLAN TASK FORCE: Monday, March 5th @ 6:30 7:30
@ The Community Centre, 515 Harry Street, Saturday, Wednesday 14th @ 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm; Saturday 17th, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Tuesday, March 20th @ 6:30 pm at Borough Hall
Monday, April 2nd Borough offices are CLOSED. *NO trash or recycle pick-up!

Voting Meetings are televised the Thursday evening following the meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Comcast channel 965 and Verizon channel 20.
Conshy St. Paddy’s Day 5K Classic- 1:00 p.m.2:00 p.m. (Fayette St.)
10th - St. Patty’s Parade - 2:00 pm - (Fayette St.)
Borough Administration
400 Fayette Street, Suite 200, Conshohocken, PA 19428
Phone: (610) 828-1092, Fax: (610) 828-0920
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.