Annual Report 2011 Social Balance sheet

Page 309

occupational safety and the access conditions for

Since 2010 the company makes an inventory of

the physical and visual disabled people, including

its indirect CO2 emissions, and carries out, since

alert stickers put on the floor, the elevators and

then, campaigns for reducing the consumption of

the restrooms adapted, access ramps, in addition

water, energy and printing.

to the braille plates.

The company also disclosures amongst its

In order to assure the sustainability of the

employees the Carona Solidária programme, and



initiated a project to recycle the health insurance


PVC cards of its employees and clients. Only in the

impacts, Unimed developed internal campaigns

pilot project around 70 kilogram of raw material

aiming at contributing to the preservation of the

was recycled, because of to the proper discard of

natural resources.

the material.









Trade Union of the Insurance Companies MG/GO/MT/DF During the year of 2011, the Trade Union of the

(Sincor MG), intensified the Chega de Acidentes

Private Insurance, Capitalization, Reinsurance

campaign, getting 600 new adherences for

and Open Private Pension Companies for the

the Action.

States of Minas Gerais, Goiás, Mato Grosso and

The Educar para Proteger program kept as an

Distrito Federal developed a series of social and

important mobilization and education tool.

environmental institutional actions.

Over the year, counting on the sponsorship of

One of the highlights was the attendance in the

CNseg and the support of the State Department

third edition of the Bi-annual Motor Show, with an

of Education of Minas Gerais and the Sincor MG,

institutional box, presenting the Trânsito+Seguro

held 300 workshops with 8 thousand students,

project that carries out, supports and stimulates

and extended its activities for three countryside

actions focused on the traffic education.

cities of Minas Gerais, namely: Porto Alegre,

In one more partnership with the Trade Union of

Divinópolis and Poços de Caldas.

Insurance Brokers for the State of Minas Gerais


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