Photo courtesy of Wedding Concepts, Photography Jean-Pierre Uys
winelands weddings
You are cordially invited to plan your
Hawksmoor Manor near Stellenbosch oozes country charm. On summer days ceremonies take place in the leafy gardens.
The first step to planning a wedding is finding the perfect venue – and none are more romantic than those in the winelands.
dream of one day having their
wedding in the winelands. The
Without a clear idea of what you are
here are few girls who don’t
romance of the surrounding vineyards,
looking for, it can be daunting to begin
historic buildings and mountainous
browsing through a wide range of venue
landscapes is the stuff of fairytales.
options. Christina Holt, owner and
A plethora of wedding venues are
wedding planning, suggests that you
the-beaten-track gems to five-star luxury
start by setting yourself an overall wed-
– and each will immerse your guests in
ding budget that leaves some room for
beautiful scenery. The list on the pages
personalisation and areas you may not
that follow is by no means a definitive
initially have considered. It’s vital to be
guide to the hundreds of venues, but
realistic about finances before starting
highlight some of our favourites, includ-
your site-inspection tour. Once you are
ing a small selection of Johannesburg
on the road, she advises that you make
venues that go out of their way to create
sure your favourite venue ticks the four
a winelands feel for those brides who
main following points:
Cape winelands.
MD of Wedding Concepts, experts in
situated in the Cape – ranging from off-
aren’t able to get married in the
Are all spaces right for your group size, i.e. neither too big nor too small once suitably set up? Does it have accommodation or a honeymoon suite on site? Are you happy with the level of luxury and the standard of service offered? Does the general ambience and interior suit your design ideas? Ensure your don’t break the bank with a venue fee that exceeds your funds. You still have a lot of other expenses to consider.
planning at least 10 to 12 months before
Image courtesy iStockPhoto
Winelands Wedding
Christina encourages brides to start
guided by other principles – are you
kloof, Chamonix and Tokara. People are there to have a good time,
offering wine so that people can rau-
the planned date as many venues fill help
so don’t worry too much about finding
cously party or do you merely want them
well in advance.
an exact food and wine match. You don’t
to have a good time? If you are planning
Marquees are ideal when you’re
want to offer people too many choices –
a conservative wedding, go for half a bot-
looking to create a space which you
but you also don’t want the choice to be
tle per person; however if you are plan-
can personalise according to your exact
too limited. A basic selection of red or
ning a bigger, longer party go for more.
specifications, says Christina. They are,
white should always be offered. Depend-
Two bottles per person should do the
in essence, a blank canvas that needs to
ing on budget you might want to expand
trick (running out of wine at a wedding is
be painted. They can be tailored accord-
this offering to include a selection of four
never a good plan). Work on six pourings
ing to size, appearance, layout and, most
whites and four reds, plus bubbly. Ask
per bottle.
importantly, they can be erected pretty
the events coordinator for a tasting of the
much anywhere. Although, if you’re plan-
wines to be served on the night, paired
farms do not allow you to bring in your
ning to consider a marquee celebration
with the menu you plan to serve, to
own wine, but will offer you a choice of
it is advisable to approach a professional
ensure that guests don’t order wines they
their wine. Then there are some farms
planner as the technicalities may become
dislike and that will ultimately be wasted.
that allow you to bring your own wine,
quite demanding.
And feel free to have a more exclusive
but will charge you a corkage fee. And
wine list for the main table!
then there are farms that allow you to
How much wine you serve at your
Also, keep in mind that some wine
bring your own wine for free. Either way,
Wine is one of the most important factors
wedding depends on your budget. How-
be sure that you know what you are
to take into consideration when planning
ever, some people allow themselves to be
dealing with.
your wedding and should never be an afterthought. After all, you spend a lot of time on finding everything from the right spouse to the right venue, dress and menu, rounding it up with a decent selection of wines is nothing less than appropriate. Start by finding the middle ground – you don’t want to serve overly complex wines with too much in the way of tannins and alcohol. Chenin Blanc is always a winner, and so is a crisp Sauvignon Blanc (not everyone appreciates a wooded Chardonnay). On the red side, be sure to serve wines that offer delicious drinking now. To lower costs – and if you are allowed to bring your own wine into the venue – investigate entry-level wines of celebrated wine farms such as Saronsberg, Boekenhouts-
WHY ENGAGE A COORDINATOR? Most couples could probably design their own wedding however, what people now understand is that in the same manner in which they use professionals for other services in their lives, they need expert help when they start planning their weddings. Due to work pressures and a general lack of time, they increasingly opt for experienced wedding management support. Others simply can’t envision the style of their wedding come to life without innovative assistance. Creating the perfect look and feel for a wedding has today moved into the realm of conceptualising an event – often celebrated across a few days – down to its last detail. This includes anything from the more obvious services of choosing your menu, bar and musical requirements to creating floor plans, advising on lighting, seating and staging solutions. Planning weddings today involves serious project work and having a coordination team on board guarantees you a wedding day, from A to Z, to perfection. Contact Wedding Concepts on 021 426 5783 or go to
winelands weddings
250 and a private dining room for 60.
the Southeaster, but if you’re not one
it can host a maximum of 100 guests.
to take any chances, a 220-person tent
Bridge chapel or on the rolling lawns,
security guards will also be present to en-
leafy setting at the top of a gravel road, is
Equally appealing is its proximity to Cape
can be erected. Smaller indoor rooms
while the elegant banqueting hall, with a
sure your safety throughout the wedding.
perfect for photos – and is also an option
Town, with numerous guesthouses in the
and cellars exist for 20 to 50 guests,
separate dance area and bar, is home to
Tel: 021 863 6120
for ceremonies.
area providing accommodation.
and packages for both the main recep-
most receptions and can seat up to 85
Tel: 021 794 5128
Tel: 021 558 1300
tion courtyard, which accommodates
people. For larger weddings a marquee
190, and the main indoor reception
can also be erected in the Manor House
venue (up to 250 guests) include use of
gardens to take full advantage of the
the garden lawns for the ceremony and
beautiful surrounds.
Photo: Wedding Concepts / Freda Elliot Wilson
Ceremonies are held in the Rickety
a one-night stay for the bridal couple in
Constantia Uitsig
Exuding opulence, Steenberg is a decid-
the Allée Bleue Kendall Cottage.
include use of the Manor House, which
If you are searching for a picture-
edly romantic setting. Ceremonies can be
Tel: 021 874 1021
sleeps six, and bridal changing room
postcard setting, then look no further
held in the picturesque gardens, while
Grande Provence
for one night. Menus are compiled in
than Constantia Uitsig and its diverse
the award-winning Catharina’s restaurant,
Ceremonies can be held in the lush gar-
consultation with the bride and groom to
venue options (Palm Room, Constantia
set amid manicured lawns and vineyards,
dens, in the intimate Jonkershuis, with
Uitsig restaurant, La Colombe, The River
is equipped to accommodate a private
its roaring fireplace and pitched ceilings,
Café and The Vineyard Terrace). Rolling
reception for just the bridal couple or a
or in the Owner’s Cottage – perfect for
An archway of old trees leading to flower-
little décor is needed to turn it into your
Ideal for an outdoor summer wedding,
lawns, vineyards and towering trees make
party of 70 people. The hotel will even
a celebration with just 10 close friends
fringed lawns welcome guests to Backs-
dream wedding.
Rietvallei is a venue for a bridal couple
the gardens a romantic setting for a
handle all the admin, including the
and family.
berg. Ceremonies can be held in the Vat
Tel: 083 377 4103
looking for something a bit off the beaten
large or small ceremony and the various
necessary paperwork, finding a marriage
The contemporary art gallery, accom-
Cellar (which is also suitable for smaller
track. Covering 370 hectares, the estate
restaurants, gardens and function rooms
officer and arranging the photographs, so
modating up to 120 guests with dancing
receptions), where guests are flanked
can comfortably hold up to 200 guests
cater for any number of guests.
all you need to do is relax and enjoy your
outside, is ideal for a bride wanting an
by giant oak barrels, while the beautiful
and a marquee can be hired, if required.
special day.
on-trend reception, while the elegant
gardens are a wedding photographer’s
Morning, afternoon or evening weddings
restaurant and sculpture garden each
dream. The estate offers numerous
are possible and the menu is equally flex-
Whether large or small, your reception is guaranteed delectable cuisine at each
Accommodation and a spa are avail-
The well-priced wedding packages
suit taste and budget. Although this is a versatile venue, very
Rietvallei Wine Estate
venue and accommodation is available on
able for guests and the bridal couple at
lend themselves to luxurious weddings of
opportunities for outdoor receptions in
ible, although only Rietvallei wine can be
the premises.
the Steenberg hotel at an additional cost.
up to 60 guests.
Bedouin tents or marquees.
used at the event.
Tel: 021 794 6500
Tel: 021 713 2222
and luxury – and if you have the budget,
ity with French doors opening onto the
of Robertson, numerous accommodation
it won’t disappoint. Packages include
gardens. Sliding partitions manipulate
options for both your guests and your
wedding night accommodation in the
the size of the room to accommodate
honeymoon are available.
honeymoon suite at the Owner’s Cottage.
groups from 50 to 250 guests. Various
Gourmet cuisine, is prepared by chef
fireplaces also make this a suitable win-
Darren Roberts, paired with Grande
ter venue. A charming courtyard is ideal
Val de Vie Wine and Polo Estate
Provence wine.
for a lounging area for guests or dancing
A luxurious French-style ballroom with
Tel: 021 876 8600
into the night.
chandeliers, elevated glass sliding
Tel: 021 875 5141
doors, a bamboo laminated floor and a
200-person capacity demonstrates this
Groot Constantia
Grande Provence is all about glamour
Indoors, Neville’s Place offers versatil-
As Rietvallei is situated just outside
Tel: 023 626 3596 Email: Website:
venue’s ability to host large-scale glam-
South Hill Vineyards
Allée Bleue
orous weddings. In addition to the ball-
On the eastern side of the scenic Elgin
Durbanville Hills
A Eucalyptus-lined entrance leads to
room, other venue options at Val de Vie
Valley, tucked away in the Kogelberg
which has capacity for 150 people, then
With its imposing building and modern
white thatched buildings on this 1690
include the Wine Cellar Garden, which
mountains among pine forests and near-
celebrate in one of two restaurants which
lines, Durbanville Hills is the perfect
estate. Allée Bleue abounds with sprawl-
dates back to 1825, and the large polo
by orchards, lies South Hill Vineyards.
are positioned on the historic farm and
venue for a contemporary couple looking
ing meadows of olive trees and expansive
field with its magnificent view of the
Up to 150 people can be hosted in a
offer phenomenal views of the Groot Con-
to host their guests in a striking setting.
lavender and rosemary fields, a river, and
lake and the lush mountain surround-
marquee outside, while the 70-person
stantia Vineyards and the False Bay coast.
Large glass panels and double-volume
views of the Drakenstein Mountains.
ings. (A polo match can be arranged for
barn restaurant, which features a fire-
your enjoyment!)
place and views of the rugged mountains
ceilings guarantee beautiful views of
Photo: Wedding Concepts / Jean-Pierre Uys
Hold your ceremony in the sundial garden,
The estate’s restaurant, Simon’s, ca-
the little ones entertained and a team of
illusion of a big wedding, when in reality
A Victorian bath, situated in a quiet,
This estate offers a diverse selec-
Venue hire charges include Bohemian
and extensive vineyards, suits a warm
ters for up to 180 guests in its function
vineyards and, on a clear day, all the way
tion of venues: within the gardens, the
room and packages include the hiring of
to Table Mountain in the distance. Opt
Bell Tower Lawn is appropriate for 60
chairs, crockery and cutlery. It offers two
to have drinks outside next to the water
people; the Manor House Lawn seats
Rickety Bridge
tioning or heating, as well as lighting and
set menu options which take their cue
feature, or on the large veranda outside
300; and the Palm Gardens has infinite
Rickety Bridge capitalises on a scenic
sound equipment and also incorporates
of the venue from 08:00 until midnight
from traditional Cape cuisine. The ele-
the function hall.
space. If your wedding takes place in
setting with breathtaking views over
the services of wedding organisers.
and menus can be personalised with chef
summer, the mass of trees provides
vineyards towards the mountains framing
protection from the sweltering sun and
the Franschhoek Valley.
gant Jonkershuis Constantia has capacity
An appealing feature of this venue is
for 120 guests, lawns that accommodate
that the vast interior spaces create the
crystal glassware, complete air-condi-
While you party the night away, a kids’ room equipped with a television will keep
winter wedding. The wedding party has exclusive use
Gordon Manuel and complemented with a local wine list.
winelands weddings
The on-site wooden honeymoon suite
Kleinevalleij utilises an external
– perfect for a rainy day. The charming
is located on the water’s edge and has an
caterer and is willing to working with a
cellar is ideal for a winter wedding of 90
outdoor Jacuzzi.
service provider of your choice.
people or, if you desire a more intimate
Tel: 021 844 0033
Tel: 021 873 0075
wedding, the romantic stone thatched
Vineyard Chapel seats 40 people and the
historic dining room seats just 24.
Le Joubert
organisers and the on-site chef, Palmiet
This 66-hectare farm is new to hosting
outlines a personalised package and
weddings, however its understated grace
permits adaptations of the various set
Cascade Country Manor
and breathtaking views over its vineyards
menus. The package includes intricately
Nestled alongside a river, with walkways
and dam as well as the dazzling Paarl
designed cast iron chairs and white
to cascading waterfalls, olive groves and
valley and the Du Toits Kloof mountains
cushions. The honeymoon suite can also
grand cypress and palm trees, Cascade
has quickly established it as a much
operate as a spacious preparation space
Manor is truly entrancing. An Old-World
sought-after venue.
for the bride.
Following consultations with the event
feel is created by Roman pillars and
Tel: 021 862 7741
The 80-person boutique wine cellar
stairs, which lead onto a verandah
and function venue consists of newly
overlooking vineyards.
built cement tanks, while a fireplace
Menus are compiled especially for
adds warmth and ambience. The sophis-
each wedding and encompass European
ticated cigar lounge is the ideal location
cuisine as well as local specialities. The
for pre-reception drinks and canapés for
Manor comprises of a number of venue
an intimate and exclusive wedding.
options able to accommodate extremely
Caves, a trail into the forest, natural
intimate ceremonies for just the bridal
spring water and remnants of ancient
Fancy a horse-drawn carriage through
couple to a larger occasion of up to
buildings and an old water mill are all
the vines? Or making an entrance by
100 people. Small to medium-sized
to be found on the grounds of this farm.
helicopter? Blaauwklippen, on the
weddings can be held next to the water-
An informal picnic is the perfect way
outskirts of Stellenbosch, caters for mild
fall, on the patio or in the courtyard, and
to take advantage of this scenery, with
and wild dreams allowing the wedding
a larger event can be held in the main
seating on the lawn for up to 50 guests
couple to create a truly memorable day.
hall or in a marquee on the lush lawns.
or 30 seated at tables and the rest
This establishment reflects Cape charm
Included in the package is a night in the
comfortably spread out on blankets next
with gabled homesteads and double-
on-premises honeymoon suite.
to the dam.
volume rooms echoing old-era finesse.
Tel: 021 868 0227
Tel: 021 870 1070
Rolling lawns and massive acorn trees
adorn the property with numerous gar-
den nooks providing for beautiful photo opportunities.
Kleinevalleij Photo: Wedding Concepts / Jean-Pierre Uys
Have your ceremony on the lawn in
This recently restored Victorian homestead tucked away in the heart of the Wellington winelands lends itself to a romantic wedding with its graceful white interior. An antique stairway leads to a verandah overlooking manicured lawns and magnificent views of the vineyards.
front of the 18th-century Manor House, with a reception at the Barouche Restaurant (seating up to 100 guests) where traditional South African and Europeanstyle cuisine is served. Outside areas can also be utilised for larger groups, with the option of a banquet, a cocktail function
When lit up at night, the verandah is
Palmiet Valley Wine Estate
or even a picnic.
perfect for pre-reception drinks.
The 300-year-old Palmiet Estate offers the
Tel: 021 880 0133
With a capacity for 250 people, the
opportunity for a wedding surrounded by
venue is geared towards bigger weddings,
the Drakenstein mountains and the mag-
although there are options for smaller,
nificent vineyards in an historic setting.
more intimate celebrations; both the
Celebrate in a 90-person gazebo in the
foyer of the historical house or the veran-
fynbos and herb garden under jacaranda
Situated on Simonsig, the estate which
dah furnished with couches and coffee
and oak trees, or in the Manor House
pioneered Cap Classique in South Africa,
tables can be used.
Rooftop Terrace with 45 family and friends
Cuvée restaurant is an apt choice for a
year for your wedding, but as one of the
in the heart of the Stellenbosch wine-
can be certain that even the largest and
breathtaking views of False Bay and the
indulge in Kaapse Vonkel while waiting
best-kept secret venues, you are
lands with views of the Dwars River as
most complicated of celebrations will go
winelands. Accredited as one of the most
for the bridal couple to conclude their
guaranteed a romantic, fairytale affair.
well as the Drakenstein and Simonsberg
off without a hitch.
environmentally friendly farms in the
The use of the venue is on condition
photo shoot between the vines.
Mountains has been cleverly designed
Western Cape, its array of fynbos accom-
Cuvée is known for its quirky but
that you employ the services of wedding
to grant all areas an impression of space
the festivities can take place outside in
panied with contemporary architecture
modern interior, with bold splashes of
coordination team at Wedding Concepts,
and style.
a 300-person marquee. A new events
and water features create an exceptional
colour, but its main appeal is in the
which means that you’ll be dealing with
venue is also available, accommodating
blend of nature and modernity.
fine food served in this immaculate set-
someone who has a wealth of experience
popular choice; in the manicured gardens
up to 180 guests at a sit-down dinner,
ting which can accommodate up to 75
at this venue and will know how best to
under a Bedouin tent, beneath the clear
while smaller, more intimate parties have
appreciated both indoors and out, mak-
guests. It is an all-season venue, with
create your dream wedding.
sky alongside the crystal-blue pool or
the option of the tasting-room terrace or
ing it suitable for any season. For a gar-
large windows and French doors opening
Tel: 021 884 4815
even among vineyards. The venue, which
the new wine cellar.
den wedding, a marquee can be erected
onto the rolling lawns of the estate on
accommodates up to 180 people, can
sunny days, while doors and windows
also be the place for a romantic evening
the bridal couple and their guests.
reception in the glass-enclosed indoor
wedding under golden chandeliers.
Tel: 021 881 3636
restaurant where there is a cosy, 360-
degree fireplace, while double volume
ceilings give a sense of space. Whichever
A summer’s day celebration is a
can be shut and the fireplace lit to
Ten suites provide accommodation for
The ‘amphitheatre of views’ can be
or you can opt to have your 120-guest
create a cosy, intimate function on cold
Lanzerac Hotel and Spa
or rainy days.
This wine farm, dating back three centu-
hours of the morning, Molenvliet has four
Tel: 021 888 4932
ries, is a very popular choice for weddings
double en-suite rooms and one guest
location you choose, you will be spoilt for
with a number of venue options, both in-
cottage – perfect for the honeymoon
choice with the several set menus and
door and outdoor, that can accommodate
couple or bridal party.
canapé options, all of which are specifi-
between 20 and 150 people. For an in-
Tel: 021 885 1597
timate wedding, the 300-year-old Manor
House is perfect, offering two elegant
Should you wish to party into the wee
the Waterkloof wines.
Morgansvlei Country Estate
Tel: 021 858 1292
Situated in the Tulbagh valley, this
for your big day, then this is the venue for
spacious venue with its views of the vine-
Overture at Hidden Valley
you. This ‘cellar in the sky’, located deep
yards, dam and mountains, is romantic
open lawn, which is the ideal setting for
Positioned high up on the slopes of the
in the Schapenberg mountains, boasts
weddings of up to 400 people under a
Helderberg mountains, a bride couldn’t
marquee, looking out on the panoramic
hope for better views than those from
views of the Stellenbosch and
Overture, the restaurant at Hidden Valley
Helderberg mountains.
wine estate.
Behind the Manor House lies a large
Photo: Wedding Concepts / Jean-Pierre Uys
In addition to the spectrum of venue
Hawksmoor House
gardens (or in the cosy barrel cellar if bad
ensure that your guests can enjoy a night
weather sets in), pre-drinks can be held by
of luxury. A spa is also just a stone’s
the dam or on the stoep overlooking the
throw away, perfect for some pre-wedding
sunset, while Overture plays host to the
pampering. A complimentary night in the
reception where up to 80 guests dine on
hotel for the bridal couple is thrown into
cuisine prepared by award-winning chef
the packages.
Bertus Basson. If you need to extend your
Tel: 021 887 1132
guest list to accommodate many long-lost
aunts and uncles, Overture can accom-
modate an additional 60 guests on the verandah under a Bedouin tent. Given the beautiful, contemporary
is a tranquil retreat on Matjieskuil wine
setting, there is an abundance of
a serene setting among vineyards, the
photo opportunities.
Photo: Wedding Concepts / Zara Zoo
farm. Filled with antique furniture in guesthouse is an exquisite location for your big day. The wine cellar seats 80 people, while a marquee on the lawn can accommodate up to 150 guests. Only hosting a select number of weddings per year, the guesthouse must
1 Waterkloof
2:53 PM
and tranquil.
Ceremonies take place in the beautiful
options, Lanzerac’s 48-room hotel will
Oozing country charm, Hawksmoor House
Tel: 021 880 2646 Email: Website:
Webersburg This refurbished 1786 Manor House
be booked out by the bridal party for a
and Cape Dutch homestead has hosted
minimum of two nights. This exclusivity
High on the list of the top wedding coor-
extravagant charity events as well as a
means that you may have to wait up to a
dinators in the Western Cape, this venue
wedding featured on Top Billing, so you
cally created to correspond with one of If it’s spectacular views that you’re after
rooms seating from six to 24 people.
Whether formal black-tie or laid-back,
Photo: Wedding Concepts / Jules Morgan
winelands weddings
wedding venue. Guests will be able to
False Bay ad
winelands weddings
Wine magazine has a new blog page!
The graceful 1710 Cape Dutch estate boasts a recently refurbished chapel and
also offers a variety of Victorian-style venues, ranging from a capacity of 30 to
If, like many other brides, you aren’t based in the Cape, the good news is
220 people, to suit whatever Mother Na-
that there are a handful of venues in Johannesburg and surrounds that go
ture throws your way. You can therefore
out of their way to create an authentic winelands feel.
choose an intimate affair on one of the private patios; the luxurious, yet festive,
Clear Water wedding hall, which displays
Despite its location in the heart of
chandeliers and open-plan fireplaces on
Centurion, every detail from the
either side; or the garden – and there is
elegant interior design and manor
space for a gazebo on the lawns.
house to its huge indigenous
Accommodation is available on
gardens with birds and shady oak
the premises.
trees, epitomises traditional Cape
Tel: 023 230 0877
Dutch style. Thus, as its name
suggests, your guests will feel as
though they are celebrating on an historic wine estate in the middle of the Cape winelands. You may
informed EDITOR’S NOTE
Where traditions & trends meet RUBY TUESDAYS
choose an outdoor ceremony in the garden under a gazebo, or you can have a plush winter banquet in the hall, romantically decorated with chandeliers and candelabra.
For wedding venue enquiries: 021 88 444 16 We show you how to live the brand.
Tel: 012 654 4632 Email: Website:
Cloof Wine Estate One of the best times of year to marry in the Darling region is in spring, when the flowers are in bloom. As the host of
the popular 2009 Rocking the Daisies
This five-star estate is just a half-
music festival, the Cloof team’s ability
hour from Johannesburg, but still
to hold large-scale functions is without question, while intimate functions are
banks of the Crocodile River. If you ever dreamed of getting married in
shaded lawn for just 30 of your closest family and friends, or host an unlimited amount of guests in a marquee next to the pool. You could even throw a relaxed celebration for 120 guests inside the classy cowshed. Cloof does not offer accommodation or preparation facilities for the bride; however
Tuscany, this is the venue for you! Avianto offers three diverse venue options: the intimate Fireside Room which seats between 20 and 80 people and is set up with round tables and classic damask linen; the sophisticated banqueting hall and chapel for 80 to 100 people; and the ballroom for a maximum of 250 guests.
both are available at the beautiful Burgherspost Wine Estate adjacent to Cloof. Tel: 022 492 2839 Email: Website:
Restaurant • Bar • Function
has a wonderful sense of
the backdrop of vineyards and plains just of cushions and blankets on the beautiful
Tel: 011 668 3000 Email: Website:
Cassia Restaurant, Bar and Function Venue is situated on the picturesque Nitida Wine Estate which boasts numerous award winning wines, the Restaurant boasts stunning views of the Durbanville Wine Valley with the ever present Drakenstein Mountains as the backdrop. We serve a combination of modern and classic cuisine using the freshest local ingredients and this together with a passionate team of chefs produce tantalizing dishes in a comfortable yet elegant environment.
Situated in the Olive Valley of the Cape Winelands...
Come for a short walk to the waterfall or dare the Mountain Bike route through the forest. Olive Oil tasting and fresh Olive Bread to start the evening. Stay the night in the luxurious and comfortable rooms. Wake up in the morning to the sound of the Waterfall. Spend your day by the pool...
We have two conference rooms (Saffron and Sage) catering for both corporate business and special occasions such as weddings, birthdays and anniversaries. The Saffron room can seat up to 80 people and is ideal for conferencing, team building or romantic wedding venue; we can cater in this venue for up to 200 with the addition of a Bedouin tent attached to the side of the building which overlooks a lake and vineyard filled hills. The Sage Room can seat up to 16 people for private parties, boardroom meetings and team building groups. OUR DEDICATED TEAM OF PROFESSIONALS WILL ASSIST YOU WITH ALL YOUR REQUIREMENTS AND ENSURE THAT YOU HAVE A DAY TO REMEMBER. Tel: 021 976 0640 • Fax: 021 976 0645 Email:
12/18/10 12:
tranquillity, tucked away on the
guaranteed undivided attention. Against outside Darling, you can sprawl an array
Uitkyk 1/4.indd 1
CONTACT DETAILS: Join us on for the latest special Tel: +27 (0)21 868 0227 E-mail: Website: