CommUNITY Barnet 2016 - 2017
Behind the Scenes
Funders’ Fair
Community Services
Social Enterprise
Parenting Programme
Hosted Organisations
Volunteer Centre
Dear Friends and Colleagues Encourage, support, enable the community and the organisations within it. While not explicitly expressed, these were the concepts that brought into being, almost forty years ago, the Borough of Barnet Voluntary Service Council – now CommUNITY Barnet. Having had a role in the organisation almost from its inception, it gives me considerable pleasure that today CommUNITY Barnet continues to encourage, support and enable organisations and individuals in the betterment of this borough and elsewhere. CommUNITY Barnet has over the years evolved from just two paid staff and a few volunteers providing a link between the Local Authority and voluntary sector organisations in Barnet, offering such basic services as printing, to a fully professional organisation serving and co-operating with national and local governmental bodies, and commercial organisations, as well as continuing and building on its key role in the local community. We still encourage and support individuals and organisations in the face of often challenging circumstances and help to enable initiatives and interventions that are highly valuable to those in need.
Antony Jacobson Honorary President 3
A society where the passions and energy of residents, communities and organisations can come together to contribute to causes they believe in and to design creative solutions which make our borough a better place.
To inspire residents and organisations to work together to strengthen all our communities
To empower organisations to strengthen our communities by delivering first class services. 4
Once again this year the Board of Trustees of CommUNITY Barnet have overseen a step upwards in the organisation’s capabilities and performance. We can celebrate the continued success of the Healthwatch contracts across Barnet, Brent and Newham, alongside our other contractually-provided services. We have also continued to develop our traded services, enabling us to make additional contributions through the reach of our staff, volunteers and partners, to the communities we serve where we see a need unfulfilled by other sources. Thanks to our excellent Senior Leadership Team under CEO Julie Pal, our financial position continues to strengthen, with our reserves comfortably meeting the Charities Commission’s requirements. In the light of continued economic pressure on public and third sector funding and support, this represents a remarkable achievement in efficient management and planning. Our success in these areas, and our financial resilience, now offer us the chance to develop a more proactive strategy as we move forward. This will become the next key focus for the Board of Trustees. The Board itself is evolving as external demands bring about changes in our group, and we are delighted that an outstanding new group of Trustees are joining the highly-experienced core members that remain. The result is an exciting range of ideas and perspectives on all our key decisions, promising even more fulfilling times ahead.
Adam Goldstein and Tony Vardy Co-Chairs 5
Risk Management is the process of identifying, evaluating and controlling risks. CommUNITY Barnet trustees review the risks to which the charity is exposed on a quarterly basis through the Performance Committee which are then reported to the Board. They have set up a number of policies which the trustees, employed staff and volunteers must follow. They believe that adequate controls and systems are in place to mitigate any external and internal risks that the organisation may face.
As Barnet continues to grow and re-shape, we at CommUNITY Barnet (CB) have changed and developed with it. This year has seen CB consolidate its growth, its confidence and its ambitions, which has helped us to grow in an ever challenging climate which has, regrettably, seen many fellow infrastructure organisations close their doors. Here at CB, we recognise that, as an organisation, we are nothing without our committed members and volunteers, our insightful staff and our ambitious Board of Trustees. Like our members, we too have struggled to secure necessary funding and, as a result, reviewed and adapted our strategy and services, including work across London. This decision, although not taken lightly, was strategic and successful, and has meant that we can bring vital learning from other places back into the borough and allows us to take CB’s successful way of working to influence others. However, we also recognise the importance of supporting our membership, including their funding challenges. This resulted in us developing and implementing our new way of thinking around Funders’ Fairs. As a result, over £250,000 of essential funding has come into the borough – and with continued work, this figure is set to rise even further. A key focus this year has been to nurture our collaborative partnerships with commercial, public, charitable and entrepreneurial organisations. This approach has given us a unique insight into the challenges facing different sectors and has helped to inform our ‘Enterprising Charities’ social enterprise programme, bringing together local residents, commercial sponsors and academic institutions to harness the vibrancy of the borough – just one of our many exciting programmes. As ever, I do hope you find our report interesting, informative and inspiring and that it encourages you to continue to work and develop with us as we all go forward together. Julie Pal Chief Executive Officer 7
Behind the Scenes Internationally
Although CB operates within England as part of our charity status, we were delighted to be invited as part of an expert panel for the final conference of LIVEWHAT,* along with an international advisory board of leading social scientists from nine European countries. This was an EU funded research project in Brussels in November 2016.
Through our close working links with the National Council for Voluntary Organisations we have contributed to the Commissioning Academy, established by the Cabinet Office for senior commissioners from local and central government. The Academy delivers a development programme for senior leaders from the public sector, designed to equip a small group of leaders to tackle the challenges Of particular concern was that those facing public services and to take up who would be hardest effected by the new opportunities to commission the economic crisis to hit Europe in 2008 may be likely to ‘exit’ the political sphere right outcomes for their communities. and withdraw from political engagement. The research sought to understand how This programme has been developed by the Public Service Transformation citizens develop resilience in difficult Academy, a not-for-profit social times rather than opting for fatalism or enterprise organisation, known for its rejecting any involvement in difficult times. Falling political participation and leadership programmes and committed the rise of populist groups and rhetoric to the aims of transforming the public sector. CB has welcomed the throughout Europe is only one side of opportunity to showcase the strengths the story. CB was invited to be part of of the voluntary and community sector a panel to discuss How Charities help to commissioners and support them Communities Become Resilient. in defining and articulating how they *Living with Hard Times: How European Citizens want public services to transform. deal with Economic Crises and Their Social and Political consequences
Behind the Scenes Regionally
CommUNITY Barnet has a place on the board of Greater London Volunteering (GLV) which has been working hard to establish the new London Hub as part of its strategic involvement with “The Way Ahead” programme. Through this strategic leadership role, CB has been able to support the excellent work of GLV in supporting its members and the volunteering community to have a voice in shaping the recommendations and to review how best to harness London’s civil society. GLV is now taking the lead to develop the London Hub following the demise of London Voluntary Services Council.
We have been supporting public sector commissioners to better understand the local voluntary and community sector, increasing their confidence to draw upon the sector’s expertise and to form collaborative partnerships to deliver the best outcomes for citizens through the public purse. In Barnet we have been working closely with the Barnet Clinical Commissioning Group with their Re-imagining Mental Health Transformation Programme. This has resulted in the establishment of the Barnet Wellbeing Hub – an integrated health and social service to improve the emotional wellbeing of Barnet residents by clinicians and social care staff working hand in hand with local charities. In Newham and Brent we have been proactively promoting the voluntary and community sector as equitable partners through our community grants scheme.
Our Community Services programmes are very much in demand and continue to receive high praise from the recipients of the service. Building on the work carried out through our 2016/17 Funders’ Fair we are delighted to see funding coming into the borough as a result of this programme.
+Raised Through Our Funders’ Fairs
Individual Support Sessions
Organisations Attended Our Funders’ Fair
Organisations Received Financial Training Support
Start–up Organisations Received Support 10
Barnet Council funded us to deliver capacity building through our Community Services to local organisations in order to create a strong and vibrant voluntary and community sector. Concerned about the challenges being faced by our members we delivered two Funders’ Fairs with a difference. The first stage saw CommUNITY Barnet offer applicants the opportunity to attend three preparatory workshops to review their governance, complete a business development exercise and practice a marketing pitch to present their ideas to potential funders. Stage two involved project exploration and a first draft, followed by one-to-one sessions and telephone support to hone their applications. Stage three saw the applicants present their projects to funders, receive direct feedback and advise on whether their own Trustees would be interested in reviewing a more fully developed idea. The first Funders’ Fair was aimed at organisations delivering services across Barnet’s voluntary and community sector. Our second Funders’ Fair in November focused on reaching over 70 organisations which worked with children and young people. An alliance was formed with the Young Barnet Foundation for this event.
To view the presentations from the Funders’ Fair please visit our website Barnet Giving, Barnet Council, Jack Petchey, Jesus Hospital Charity, John Lyon’s Charity, LandAid, London Community Foundation and Young Barnet Foundation. 12
Here at CommUNITY Barnet we continue to be inspired by the rich diversity and drive of organisations working in the Borough of Barnet. This year Community Services has provided 270 individual support sessions on a range of topics including:
support for new start-ups
funding application completion
finance and banking support
business planning
partnership development
income generation
strategy support
financial sustainability
As part of our offer we organised and delivered training to organisations covering project aims and objectives, governance and using the logic model to evidence their work. Our one-to-one coaching and support continues to pay dividends with more organisations receiving funding.
“You have helped us to work with children and young people in a better way.”
“Thank you so much, this has only been made possible because you guided me on how to fill out applications.”
“Thank you for the fantastic help and practical advice you gave me. As a result the funding achieved will have a huge impact and will benefit our young people.”
“You gave us new introductions and opportunities. It opened up a new business opportunity. ”
“Your advice was massively useful to a new organisation, thank you.”
Hammerson PLC were really excited about the financial sustainability work we were undertaking with local charities and agreed to seed-fund our ‘Enterprising Charities Programme.’ Through this funding we were able to provide one-to-one business coaching to seven local charities from a local entrepreneur and fund their annual membership to the School of Social Enterprise UK and provide business mentors. “As a new social enterprise the help I
have received from CommUNITY Barnet has been exceptional”
Building on our commitment to working with
Children, Young People and Families CB established a new relationship with Northgate School and worked with their Year 10 pupils who were interested in gaining work experience. Northgate School is based in Edgware Community Hospital and specialises in the education of students experiencing mental health challenges. Together we developed a work experience programme to place students into local charities to enable them to develop skills and become work ready when they leave education. Six charities were identified to participate in the programme and provided students with one-to-one support including undertaking risk assessments and specialised training to support these vulnerable young people. Northgate School identified pupils who would be able to participate in the programme. The curriculum was adapted so that the pupils could be released to attend their placements. Whilst successful, the pilot was challenging due to the high levels of intensive resource required for delivery. Both CB and Northgate School are committed to re-running the programme and are now exploring alternative funding sources. 15
Youth Shield delivered Healthy Relationships Training from November 2016 to March 2017 Areas of concern for young people in Barnet
Healthy Relationships 68%
within schools in Barnet. This training was carried out using a diverse group of peer educators as role models who understand the needs of today’s young people.
All participants including teachers, were asked to complete a feedback form at the end of the session, of which 90% rated this training as excellent. The young people’s results on the left show that Mental Health and Online/Social Media safety are now reported as bigger concerns than in the same survey last year, with Healthy Relationships, Gangs and Drugs and Alcohol remaining key concerns of our young people.
Mental Health 61% Gangs 60% Drugs and Alcohol 58% Bullying 35%
This programme of thirty workshops was funded by the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) and delivered through the Safer Neighbourhood Board.
Online Safety 50% Serious Youth Violence 42%
Currently our peer mentors are working on a series of exciting podcasts with Youth Shield. 16
The sessions aim to help young people aged 14-18 to identify the difference between healthy and abusive relationships and understand how to spot the early warning signs of controlling behaviour and where to go for help if needed. It addresses domestic violence, child sexual exploitation and how to develop healthy relationships. Currently young people do not usually receive instruction on this at school, though they have identified this as a need when surveyed. The outcomes for the project have been really successful both for the young participants and the Youth Shield trainers. This is an example of early intervention and prevention at its best but it could benefit participants to have further sessions around digital resilience.
Youth Shield is part of Barnet Safeguarding Children Board. Youth Shield aims to ensure the voice of young people is heard by presenting the child’s voice direct to the heart of the Board. If you would like to join Youth Shield please contact
are now more informed about healthy relationships
are now more aware of abusive situations
are more confident about where to go for help
felt the project would benefit other schools if introduced.
These results and views are based on the findings of 294 young people surveyed.
Parenting Programmes
Languages Spoken Arabic Chinese Dari English Farsi
Malaysian Pashto Polish Somali Romanian Tamil Turkish
We reached seventy-nine parents from under-represented communities and delivered the following programmes: Strengthening Families Strengthening Communities: for hard to reach communities; Solihull Approach for Understanding Your Child: for parents with learning disabilities; Incredible Years: for parents whose children are challenged with conduct disorders and mental health conditions. We also held a dedicated programme for male carers with learning difficulties. As a result of the training parenting confidence grew as their newly acquired skills helped them manage their children’s social and emotional behaviour. In March we trained nine people as facilitators to deliver the Incredible Years training programme. The participants were from diverse backgrounds and varied organisations within the voluntary sector including supplementary and primary schools. “I feel more confident and have learnt more how to interact with my children.” Dad with Learning Difficulties
“I feel more confident in myself and have learnt how to manage my son’s behaviour more appropriately.”
“I found using clear instructions very helpful. I stopped nagging my teenage son. By giving clear instructions and working alongside him, we developed a better relationship because we talked more. ”
“I have learned how to manage my daughter’s feelings more. I let her express her feelings to me without getting upset. ”
“My ability to view things from my teenage daughter’s view and control myself has improved.”
Mum from SFSC course
Dad & foster carer who later trained as a facilitator
Mum with autistic daughter
Older dad from SFSC course
Parents from under-represented communities Languages spoken New facilitators trained Distinct training programmes
79 12 9 6 19
Our Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) project was initially started through a parenting programme and has since transformed into an information, advice and awareness project for GRT communities and professionals.
GRT awareness training undertaken with professionals from:
Social Services
Cambridge Education
Youth Offending Services
Voluntary Groups
297 52 10
Children Primary Schools Te a c h e r s
Children’s Centres
Pupil Referral Unit
Our projects this year have included working with Barnet’s primary schools to deliver cultural awareness and celebration sessions through assemblies and class room lessons. We delivered a bespoke training course to Barnet’s Learning Mentors. All of which enabled our team to engage and deliver support programmes that built resilient families from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Communities living in the Borough of Barnet. Our GRT and Healthwatch Teams worked together to complete research about GRT communities and their use of emergency care. This project was so successful that they are planning further research to improve the lives of children and families from GRT communities. 20
As the sector’s Safeguarding lead we provided a mentoring service to support organisations to initiate the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) for families with complex needs who did not reach statutory levels of intervention. Committed to empowering organisations, we used the framework as a capacity building tool and delivered surgeries to the sector throughout the year. This improves their approach to safeguarding and raises awareness about the CAF, as well as a way to strengthen their organisational systems as they continue to support vulnerable families with complex needs. Our CAF awareness training continues to go from strength to strength. Our Family Services Officer has had a busy and interesting year offering guidance and support on the benefits of the process and informing and encouraging the Voluntary Sector to use the MASH as their first port of call for any safeguarding queries or concerns. It’s great to see the results pay off.
Visit our website for Safeguarding, MASH and LADO resources: 21
Do you want to volunteer? Do you have a volunteer opportunity that you want filled? TALK TO US
465 190 55 50
CommUNITY Barnet remains committed to supporting civic activity through volunteering by working with community organisations who deliver their services through volunteering.
Check our website for more information Email us on 23
We have worked with local residents to improve health and social care services, in liaison with our charity partners. Many of our recommendations have been implemented, but here are a few highlights. See our website for more! In Barnet, our Enter and View team made recommendations to improve care homes, sheltered housing and home care. The Royal Free Hampstead meal-time review resulted in an improved dietician’s role for each ward. Our Primary Care Group reviewed dementia care, Fracture and Dermatology departments at Barnet Hospital, which contributed to the evaluation of services. Our charity partners provided valuable insight into dental care, with recommendations taken up by Public Health; for people with learning disabilities, we reviewed the phlebotomy service; and Barnet Council is using our recommendations in its guidance for carers of people with learning disabilities.
In Brent we liaised with a range of communities, including Eastern and Central European on urgent care, young people’s experience of mental health services, meal-times at Northwick Park Hospital and hospital discharge for people with learning disabilities. Our recommendations will form part of the design of future services, including mental health support in schools and an improved audit tool for mealtimes at Northwick Park Hospital. Ward managers at Northwick Park and Central Middlesex Hospitals have implemented our recommendations. In Newham, we focused on some of the most pressing health and social care issues. We investigated the patient experience of Latent TB, and of maternity services. Changes included better patient information for TB and improved staffing in maternity. Our NHS Complaints Advocacy Service managed 225 cases, with patients achieving their desired outcome and being supported to manage their situation. Through Enter and View visits to supported living we have supported vulnerable people, to help them achieve changes. 24
In numbers
Reports published
50+ 42
Charity and Voluntary Partners
Friends and social media followers
Residents reached through our networks
Views presented to statutory partners Enter and View Visits
Enter and View recommendations implemented
111,000 3,000+
41 60% 25
Barnet Giving is our local giving scheme which aims to bring together local people, businesses, organisations and stakeholders to help make Barnet a better place to live and work for everyone. We are not underwritten by a charity, trust or foundation, so we were delighted to have delivered our first grant programme which was supported by London Community Foundation. Working in partnership with Inclusion Barnet we were able to award five grants to the following organisations:
Aidexcel Support Services,
Friends of Barnet Environment Centre,
Granville Residents’ Association,
The Hope of Childs Hill,
Whetstone Stray Allotments Association.
For more information on Barnet Giving visit their website: 26
The Finance Team have had a very busy year providing a number of charities both within and outside the borough with the following support:
Financial Services
Independent Examination (IE)
Budgeting and Financial Planning
The demand for IE continues to grow and the team have enjoyed meeting new clients and assisting them in keeping their finances in good order. We are very approachable and proud of the high level of service we provide.
If you have a finance query please do not hesitate to contact us on:
“As a small charity organisation we needed a scalable accounting service. They are easy to contact, helpful and reliable. I would recommend CommUNITY Barnet to any organisation that needs a comprehensive accounting service.” CommUNITY Barnet’s bookkeeping service has been cost effective, efficient and very helpful. Thank you CommUNITY Barnet.
Linda Edwards MBE, Larches Community 27
Unrestricted Funds
Restricted Funds
Total Funds to 31st March 2017
Total Funds Year to 31st March 2016
Charitable and investment income
Charitable activities and governance costs
Net (outgoing) /incoming resources before transfers
Transfer between funds
Net (expenditure) / income for the year
Reconciliation of funds (total funds brought forward)
Total funds brought forward
This summary Statement of Financial Activities and Balance Sheet is an extract from the audited accounts on which the auditor’s opinion was unqualified. The trustees approved the full report and accounts on 1st December 2017.
These summarised accounts may not contain sufficient information to allow for a full understanding of the financial affairs of the charity. For further information, please consult the full accounts, the Auditor’s report and the Directors’ and Trustees’ Report.
Copies of these are downloadable from our website or available from the Chief Executive at CommUNITY Barnet. Signed on behalf of the Directors and Trustees. Treasurer: Chris Cormie 1st December 2017 Auditor’s Report In our opinion the information given in the Trustees’ Annual report for the financial year for which the financial statements are prepared is consistent with the financial statements. Anthony Joseph & Co Limited, Chartered Certified Accountants & Registered Auditors Business & Technology Centre, Stevenage SG1 2DX.
We are the Locally Trusted Organisation for the following charities:
Active Volunteering Barnet is a project from Volunteering Matters, which empowers adults in Barnet who have a learning disability, sensory or physical impairment or long term physical or mental health condition, to engage in volunteering roles tailored to their skills, interests, access requirements, and goals for the future. Phone: 07506 845 985 or 020 8364 8400 extension 247. Email:
Barnet Boroughwatch saw significant activity over the last year with an upsurge of joining requests. This translated to 20 new neighbourhood watch groups being formed. We attended each of these meetings as part of the start-up process. Five public meetings were held by BBW across the borough focusing on crime prevention under the auspices of the Safer Neighbourhood Board. Communications also played a key role with warning and information broadcasts made to NHW members. WhatsApp and Facebook continue to play a significant part in inter-watch communications. Email: Facebook: Barnet Boroughwatch 30
Barnet Safer Neighbourhood Board aims to establish local policing and crime priorities, monitor police performance and confidence, and fulfil a range of important specific functions. It holds public meetings to discuss all aspects of policing within the borough and acts as an umbrella body for the ward panels. Phone: 020 8364 8400 Email:
The Grange Big Local serves the Grange Estate and neighbouring areas in East Finchley, including Font Hills and Thomas More estates. It is at an early stage of spending the lottery grant of ÂŁ1 million received through Local Trust's Big Local initiative. This is a resident-led programme that aims to make the area an even better place to live. The current Grange Big Local Plan covers the period from April 2016 to March 2018. Thanks go to CommUNITY Barnet for its role as Locally Trusted Organisation for Grange Big Local in this crucial phase, supporting its Community Partnership Manager and Partnership Board members in delivering the Plan. To find out more about the Grange Big Local and to read our latest Annual Report please visit: Email: 31
CommUNITY Barnet’s Trustees continue to inspire, challenge and empower us all. Thanks to our funders and sponsors for continuing to fund us and of course to all our members, well wishers and critical friends who continue to inspire and challenge us to demonstrate our impact and whether we have made a difference to Barnet residents.
The Board and CEO would like to thank: all the staff for their excellent work and commitment to CommUNITY Barnet all our partners through a year of change and in contributing to vibrant and crucial services and all our volunteers for their outstanding contribution, without whom we could not deliver our services.
Thank You
CommUNITY Barnet Barnet House, 1st Floor, 1255 High Road, London N20 0EJ 020 8364 8400 Company No. 3554508 Charity Number 1071035