The League Against Imperialism - Our History 15 (Vol. 2 New Series)

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Our History No. 15

No. 14

Vol. 2, New Series


The League Against Imperialism The Hidden History of the British Section

by John Ellison

CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2 2. An empire to span the globe 3 3. A league to challenge imperialism 3 4. Challenged in the heartland 5 5. Early tests for the league and early recruits 7 6. British section gets going 9 7. The ruling class gets worried 10 8. The Meerut conspiracy 12 9. Elections and new tactics 15 10. Congress in Frankfurt—new forces emerge 17 11. Rift with ILP leadership 18 12. India stirs—international solidarity follows 19 13. In the heart of the British Empire 21 14. The struggle intensifies at home and abroad 23 15. From Manchuria to Cyprus 25 16. League international organisation repressed 26 17. Clouds darken—the call for ‘complete liberation’ 28 18. Loss of a doughty leader and more tragedies abroad 30 19. The League’s legacy— acorns become oak trees 31 20. The A note sources followed by appendices Leagueon Against Imperialism: The Hidden History of the British section33

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