Reflections magazine

Page 14

Reconciling with the Holy Spirit from page 13

Spirit gives, and the Spirit calls. When we feel led or called, we observe and feel the work of the Spirit (although we do not physically see the Spirit). We know the Spirit’s movement when we see creation restored or broken relationships set aright. We invoke the Holy Spirit at every baptism and every Eucharist. Just as God revealed himself to us in the life of Christ through the work of the Spirit at the Annunciation, every Sunday God enters again into our lives in the Eucharist through the power of the Holy Spirit. Because of the Spirit, knowledge of the Father and the Son is available to each of us – not second or third hand, but directly, and personally. In this sense, one I’m much more comfortable with, we are all called to be Spirit-bearers, all called to be charismatic. And one of the most powerful gifts of the Spirit that Scripture reveals is the story of Pentecost. But it is more than the coming of the Spirit upon individuals; the gift of the Spirit is also the gift of unity. Scripture reports that the disciples were “with one accord in one place” (Acts 2:1). The followers of Jesus were of “one heart and soul” (Acts 4:32). The Holy Spirit then is also a Spirit of unity. It helps us to break through the divisions that tear at us, that work to separate the children of God. We are right to refer to the Spirit as the comforter because we experience the Holy Spirit most often as an overwhelming feeling of love. The Spirit works through our diversity to unite us, to bind us together and to bind us to the Father and the Son. It’s been a long time since I lived in Odessa, and I no longer have nightmares about snake-handling. I’ve come to terms with the Holy Spirit and discovered that Spirit to be both love and the source of love. And one day, not all that long ago, I decided I needed more of that in my life. James R. Dennis is a brother in the Order of Preachers (Dominican Order) and a member of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in San Antonio TX. Reach him at

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