2023 Fall Community Education Catalog

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Classes, programs, and events for all ages.

The place we call home.

When I started my career in education, I was an English teacher One thing I loved about the subject area was the ability to be a story teller, to bring meaning to the content so students could connect the learning to their own lives. As I take this opportunity to introduce myself to you, I thought I’d open up with a story.

I grew up in small town Minnesota and enjoyed calling this state home throughout graduate school After graduation, I decided to test myself and move 2,000 plus miles away to sunny, Southern California to truly ‘make it on my own’ Even though it was difficult leaving everything and everyone I knew, it turned out to be one of the best decisions I ever made.

During my time in California, there was one question that people would always ask me more than anything else; “How can you live in a state that is so cold all of the time?” I quickly responded that it wasn’t the North Pole, even though some winter nights felt that way In an effort to clarify their beliefs, I would explain to them that if they simply focused on the weather as the reason not to live in Minnesota, they were missing the big picture It wasn’t about the handfuls of cold and snowy days, it was about seeing the beauty of having four, unique seasons, the thrills of jumping into our 10,000 lakes on hot summer days, the natural beauty of trees, seeing deer and wildlife, fresh cut, green grass, and farm fields full of corn and soybeans Most important, it all centered around the feeling of being home with people that cared for and supported you Simply put, there’s no place like home

I see this same spirit in Chisago Lakes As I begin my 18th year as a Superintendent, I am thrilled to be here and call this my home for myself and my family. More importantly, I am honored to be a part of an organization and its communities that cares deeply about their students. Please know that our schools are a reflection of you; hard-working, dedicated, passionate, and committed to creating the best environment possible These pillars are ones we hold dearly and will work diligently to honor in everything we do

Part of the work we will be engaging in this year is to take care of our home at Chisago Lakes School District Whether it is securing the entrances at Chisago Lakes Middle School and Taylors Falls Elementary School, repairing roofs around the District, or simply creating safe spaces in a variety of settings Districtwide, we will be sharing our story of how we look at addressing these final pieces that will address these necessary items for the next 25 years.

As we prepare for the start of another great school year, come and be a part of the Wildcat Nation Attend a game, watch a band concert, come and work out at the WCC, or volunteer in our schools Regardless of how you are involved, it’s important to be involved Your presence and support are what makes Chisago Lakes School District a special place to be.

Enjoy the rest of your summer and Go Wildcats!

What's Inside:

Registration opens August 16!
here to view all classes and to register. Early Childhood Family Education Preschool Plus Parents Early Childhood Screening Little Wildcats Preschool Early Childhood Events Kids Club Youth Programs Youth After School Programs Youth Gymnastics Youth Recreation & Sports Youth Enrichment Special Events Adult Programs Adult Health, Fitness & Wellness Adult Recreation & Sports Adult General Interest Forever Young Club Aquatics Wildcat Community Center Birthday Parties Community Ed Information Registration Information Registration 03 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 13 14 15 17 18 19 21 22 26 27 29 31 32 33 34

Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE)

Unique to Minnesota, Early Childhood and Family Education (ECFE) has been supporting families since 1973 ECFE is our staple program for infants, toddlers and their parents.

What will you and your child experience in ECFE?

You and your child together will enjoy developmentally-appropriate activities Join other parents and a licensed Parent Education for discussion and parenting tips In separating classes, children play and learn together.


Most classes for the youngest learners have the parent component within the classroom, so babies and caregivers stay together These are our "nonseparating" classes As children become more independent, they remain in their space with parents in a separate room for discussion. These are our "separating classes".

Sibling Care

Sibling Care is available for children 6 weeks through pre-K while you are attending an ECFE class with your infant/toddler Sibling Care is available for all ECFE classes Register for Sibling Care when you register for your ECFE class. Registration is required. Monthly fee is $14 for 1 child or $20 for 2 children. If your annual household income falls below $25,000, Sibling Care is free.

Sliding Fee Scale

ECFE class fees are charged on a sliding fee scale based on family household income. No family will be excluded due to the inability to pay.

All caregivers welcome! While we use the word "parent", we recognize that not all family structures look the same. Any and all adults parenting and/or caregiving are welcomed in our classes.

Age Requirements

Keep in mind to explore classes based on your child's age as of September 1, 2023.

Click here to learn more about our ECFE programs

To register, click here or visit isd2144.ce.eleyo.com


2 Year Olds

Your two year old will find lots of creative activities to challenge them in the classroom and will begin to make new friends. Parents will separate from the classroom after an interactive circle time. Parents and children participate together in singing and movement activities before separation and snack time

Parents will discuss the joys and challenges of parenting a two-year-old while the children stay in the room with teachers

Tuesdays, 9:15-10:45am

Babies & Toddlers

Non-Separating Babies

ECFE welcomes you and your baby to share your joys and concerns with new parents Learn about your baby's emotional, social and physical development and the importance of their first year, through discussions focused on the interest of the group.

1 Year Olds

Explore the wonder of your child's expanding world through a variety of planned activities In this class, parents and young toddlers play and learn together There will be an interactive circle time where parents and children participate together with singing and movement activities. Time will be provided for parent discussion in the classroom during their child's snack time.

Thursdays, 9:15-10:30am

Little Wigglers Playgroup (Birth - 3 year olds)

Come and play with your child in this class of movers and shakers. Parents and children stay together while enjoying regular classroom activities along with movement areas, art, and story time Parents and children will participate in an interactive circle time with singing and movement activities before heading home

Wednesdays, 9:15-10:45am

3 Year Olds

Three year olds are unique! Come to this class where parents can enjoy learning alongside their three-year-old Parents will separate from the classroom after an interactive circle time Parents and children participate together in singing and movement activities Parents will discuss the explosion of language, independence, and personality which characterizes this age. Children will stay in the classroom with teachers.

Fridays, 9:15-11:15am

All ECFE classes are held at Primary School. 11009 284th St, Chisago City

Sliding Fee Scale

Please use the sliding fee scale to determine your individual rate which is based on family's household income

Household Income $75,000 and over $55,000 - $74,999 $35,000 - $54,999 $20,000 - $34,999 $19,999 and under

Monthly Fee $40 $30 $20 $10 $3

Sliding Fee Scale Ongoing
Wednesdays, 11am-12pm
- 5/15
Sliding Fee Scale Ongoing
Sliding Fee Scale Ongoing - 5/16 90701PM
- 5/16
Thursdays, 10:45am-12pm
Sliding Fee Scale Ongoing
5/15 90001
Sliding Fee Scale Ongoing - 5/14 90202AM
Sliding Fee Scale Ongoing - 5/14 90202PM
Tuesdays, 11am-12:30pm
Sliding Fee Scale Ongoing - 5/17 90303AM
All ECFE classes begin the week of September 11.

Preschool Plus Parents

Preschool Plus Parents is a two day per week program for 3-5 year olds and their parents/guardians. Parents/guardians and children attend one day each week together, and children attend the second day by themselves

Parent/guardian participation on parent/child days is required, as activities set up in the classroom are designed for both parents and children to do together Parents/guardians also will enjoy group discussions about ways to help prepare children for a positive transition to kindergarten.

Sibling care is offered on parent and child days

Morning Session

Mondays, 9:15-11:45am

Parent & Child

Wednesday, 9:15-11:45am

Child only

Afternoon Session

Mondays, 1-3:30pm

Parent & Child

Wednesday, 1-3:30pm

Child only

Registration Requirements

Ongoing - 5/22 94001AM

Sliding Fee Scale

Please use the sliding fee scale to determine your individual rate which is based on family's household income.

Household Income

Ongoing - 5/22 94002PM

Must be 3 by September 1, 2023 Copy of up-to-date Immunization Form

Children must be fully potty trained, wearing under-wear full-time, and independently using the bathroom

Classes begin the week of September 11.

Click here to learn more about our Preschool Plus Parents program.

$75,000 and over

$40,000 - $74,999

$20,000 - $39,999

$20,000 and under

Monthly Fee $70 $50 $25 $5

What is Parent Aware?

Parent Aware helps you find child care and early education providers in your area focused on high quality learning and kindergarten readiness The on to four stars rating system measures best practices identified by research that help children succeed in kindergarten and beyond.

Minnesota's Parent Aware rated Chisago Lakes Early Childhood programs four out of four stars!

To register, click here or visit isd2144.ce.eleyo.com

Upcoming Dates

September 28

October 17

November 21

January 11

February 1

February 2

Early Childhood Screening

Early Childhood Screening is a free and simple check of how your child is growing, developing, and learning Screening at 3 5 is preferred, but a child may be screened between the ages of 3 and the start of Kindergarten.

What to expect at a screening appointment

Vision and hearing

Height and weight

Immunization review

Large and small motor development

Thinking, language, and communication skills

Social and emotional development

Reasons to screen at age 3.5

Screening helps ensure your child is ready for school

Any health or developmental concerns can be identified earlier and resources can be provided sooner. Families will learn about community health and educational resources.

Who needs to be screened?

Schedule an appointment Screenings are done by appointment only

Click here to schedule an appointment.

All children living in the Chisago Lakes School District who are 3, 4 or 5 years old and not currently enrolled in kindergarten need to participate in this free screening program before entering kindergarten. Children who attend Early Childhood Special Education Service programs may not have to participate in Early Childhood Screening

Is screening required?

Minnesota state law requires your child must be screened before entering Kindergarten in a public school. If a parent is a conscientious objector or does not want the screening for their child, they may give the district a signed statement and the child does not need to complete the screening (Minnesota Statutes, Section 121A.17, Subdivision 3(e). View Minnesota Statutes, section 121A 16-19 and Minnesota Rules, part 3530 3000-4310 for more information If you are planning to send your child to private or home school, the screening is not required by law; however, we still encourage you to participate This is a great opportunity for you to find out how your child is developing

What if my child was screened elsewhere?

Your child may also be screened at their Head Start, child and teen checkups or another district or clinic that offers developmental screening The Chisago Lakes School District will need a copy of the screening summary before you child starts Kindergarten.


Little Wildcats Preschool

Little Wildcats Preschool is designed to prepare children and families for the transition to kindergarten. We focus on pre-reading, writing, and communication skills, number awareness and social skills

Certified teachers and classroom assistants plan daily large group activities, focused small group activities, a snack time and individual choice time at learning centers in the classroom. Authentic assessments are used to ensure that children are on track for school success.

The Little Wildcats Preschool curriculum is aligned with the curriculum of the Chisago Lakes Elementary schools Little Wildcats Preschool is offered at the Primary School and Taylors Falls Elementary

Junior Preschool (3 year olds) Primary School

Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings - waitlist 9:15-11:45am

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons 1:00-3:30pm

Tuesday and Thursday mornings 9:15-11:45am

Senior Preschool (4-5 year olds) Primary School

Monday - Friday mornings - waitlist 9:15-11:45am

Monday - Friday afternoons 1:00-3:30pm

Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings 9:15-11:45am

Monday, Wednesday, Friday afternoons 1:00-3:30pm

Junior Preschool (3 year olds) Taylors Falls

Tuesday and Thursday mornings 9:05-11:30am

Senior Preschool (4-5 year olds) Taylors Falls

Monday - Friday mornings 9:05-11:30am

Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings 9:05-11:30am


2 days per week = $110 per month

3 days per week = $167 per month

5 days per week = $274 per month

To register, click here or visit isd2144.ce.eleyo.com

Important Information

Limited class sizes to ensure a safe and productive experience for families

Families are welcome to join at anytime throughout the year depending upon availability of space.

Class fees are based on a monthly flat fee. Busing is available for 4 year olds. Must be 3 by September 1, 2023 to attend Junior Preschool or 4 by September 1, 2023 to attend Senior Preschool

Kids Club (childcare) is available for those who are 4 by September 1, 2023 Separate registration is required for Kids Club. Tuition assistance is available for those who qualify. Please call 651-213-2282 for additional information.

Registration Requirements

$35 non-refundable registration fee

Pre-pay May 2024 tuition

Copy of up-to-date Immunization Form

Children must be fully potty trained, wearing under-wear full-time, and independently using the bathroom Make an Early Childhood Screening appointment.

Click here to learn more about our Little Wildcats Preschool program.

Early Childhood Events & Classes

Pleasant Valley Apple Orchard

What could be more fun than to go for an old-fashioned hay ride through the beautiful apple trees at Pleasant Valley Orchard?! Caregivers and children are invited to meet at Pleasant Valley Apple Orchard to hear about apples, apple trees, go for a hay ride, and enjoy a crunchy apple treat! Check in will take place at Pleasant Valley Orchard - 17325 Pleasant Valley Rd, Shafer, MN 55074

Children under 12 months free

Registration deadline: September 19

Friday, 10-11:30am

1 session: $4

Preschool Trick or Treating


Pleasant Valley Sep 22

Calling all preschool-aged children (Ages 6 and under)! Join us for our annual trick or treating event! We provide a safe, non-scary opportunity for children to dress in costumes, enjoy some candy treats and visit with the elderly residents FREE No registration necessary!

Wednesday, 4:30-5:30pm

1 session: Free

Parmly Apartments

Disney on Ice: Find Your Hero!

Nov 1


Gym Games: Gr. PreK

Taught by Quentin Allison & Kirby McDonald

Discover the hero inside us all at Disney On Ice Step inside the story of Encanto with Mirabel and her family and learn that everyone has a special gift Sail away with Moana and Maui on their journey across the ocean Join Elsa on her quest to protect Arendelle Be inspired as you swim under the sea with Ariel, explore with Belle, and sing-along with Rapunzel Experience world-class ice skating, iconic music, and stunning costumes that will make Disney On Ice presents Find Your Hero an experience the whole family will treasure forever

Registration Deadline: November 16

Guests 2 years and older are required to have a ticket Friday, 10am 1 session: $19/ticket

Dec 8 3857-F23

This class will be a great way for kids to stay active after school with a rotation of assorted gym games from tag to racket and ball sports Join your friends to learn new games or gain more experience in those you already know!

Tuesdays, 4:30-5:15pm

3 Sessions: $20

Primary School

Wednesdays, 5-5:45pm

3 Sessions: $20

Wildcat Community Center

Tuesdays, 4:30-5:15pm

3 Sessions: $20

Primary School

Sep 12-26


Oct 4-25

3694-F23PSPKC No class Oct 18

Dec 5-19


Xcel Energy Center

Holiday Family Fun Night

We’ll be making seasonal crafts, decorating cookies, and sharing Holiday Cheer! All supplies provided Come prepared to have fun! Parents/guardians must attend with their child and supervise them at all times Registration is REQUIRED for this event Deadline is: November 27

Wednesday, 6-7:30pm 1 session: $8/family

Primary School

T-Ball Clinic: Gr. PreK

Taught by Kirby McDonald

Dec 11


Tiny Tot Dance & Movement to Music: Gr. PreK

Taught by Sheryl Baker

Join in the fun as you will move to the upbeat music while learning fun beginner dance moves This class is a perfect intro to dance class for tiny tots that love to move to the beat!

Tuesdays, 5:15-6pm

3 Sessions: $35

Wildcat Community Center

Intro to Soccer: Gr PreK

Taught by Quentin Allison

Sep 26-Oct 10


T-Ball Clinic serves as an introduction to the game of baseball and provides an opportunity for young children to learn various aspects of the game on a beginner level The 3 session clinic will be fast-paced to hold the kids' attention and will include a rotation of stations including hitting, fielding, throwing, and running the bases Must bring your own glove

Wednesdays, 5-5:45pm

3 Sessions: $20

Primary School

Sep 13-27


Learn basic soccer skills basics like shooting, dribbling and passing. Participants will improve their skills while having fun playing games

Tuesdays, 4:30-5:15pm

3 Sessions: $20

Primary School

Oct 3-24

3641-F23PSPK No class Oct 17


Kids Club: School Age Care

K -5 School Year 2023-24


September 5 - June 5


6:00am - School Start

After School - 6:00pm

Contract Info:

Before and/or after school, and Adventure Days (nonschool day) opportunities available.

Before School: $12 per day

After School: $12 per day

Adventure Days: $41 per day

Fees: Registration: Registration opened in March 2023. Contracts will continued to be accepted year round based on space and staff availability.

Preschool School Year 2023-24


September 7 - May 23

Times: Contract Info:

7:00am - School Start

11:30am - 3:30pm (After LWP) After School - 5:00pm

Before and/or after school, before or after Little Wildcats Preschool


Before School: $10 per day

Before Preschool: $16 per day

After Preschool: $16 per day

After School: $10 per day

Registration: Registration opened in March 2023 Contracts will continued to be accepted year round based on space and staff availability.

Must be enrolled in Little Wildcats Preschool and 4 years old by September 1, 2023.

Click here to learn more about our Kids Club program. To register, click here or visit isd2144.ce.eleyo.com

Need care on non-school days?

Whether you have a current Kids Club contract or not, you can still register to join us on non-school days for full day care, 6:00am - 6:00pm.

Registration is required for Adventure Days

Adventure Days is only open to students in Kindergarten - Grade 5.

Adventure Days are only offered at Lakeside Elementary.

Students should bring a bag lunch and wear appropriate clothing for planned activities

Adventure Day contracts must be requested at least 2 weeks before the Adventure Day.

2023-2024 K- 5 Adventure Days

October 2: Crayola Experience

October 18: Childrens Theater

October 19: Pinehaven Farm

October 20: WCC Pool

November 6: Touch of Magic

November 22: Dazzling Dave (Yo-Yo)

January 15: Activity TBD

January 22: WCC Pool

February 2: Bowlero in Blaine

February 19: WCC Pool

April 1: Fun Lab in Blaine

May 24: WCC Pool

Youth Programs

Our camps, activities, and enrichment classes foster growth and curiosity for all youth. We provide safe spaces for our students to engage, explore, and grow their social, emotional, and physical skills

After School Classes

Classes are aimed to inspire, spark creativity, develop skills, and make new friends. Classes are offered directly after school at your child's school - no need for transportation to another site!

Evening and Weekend Classes

Whether it's sports, art, cooking, or STEM, there is something offered to ignite new passions and develop skills

Special Events

Join us for family friendly events all year long! Click

here to learn all about our Youth Programs. 10
in teaching a class? Chisago Lakes Community Ed is always looking for passionate individuals to share their skills, knowledge and interests with the community Email clcommed@isd2144 org for additional information

After School

Recreation & Sports

Middle School Fitness & Weight Training: Gr. 6-8

Taught by Nathan Appleby & Everett Appleby

Come and get a great workout twice per week with the Appleby coaches The workouts will be subjective to each student's ability level Students will be divided into 2-3 workout levels and each group will get an appropriate workout based on their age & fitness level A great way to get active for beginning lifters or build strength and conditioning for student-athletes!

Intro to Soccer: Gr. K-5

Taught by Quentin Allison

Learn soccer basics like shooting, dribbling and passing. Participants will improve their skills while having fun playing games

Basketball Skills: Gr 2-5

Taught by Quentin Allison

An extended 6 week class with a focus on the skill training aspect of the game of basketball. Ball handling, footwork, small games and partner training to prepare young hoopers for traveling

Mondays, 3:30-5pm

6 Sessions: $50 Lakeside Elementary

Wildcat Fall Strength & Speed Training: Gr. 7-12

Taught by Nathan Appleby & Everett Appleby

Fall Strength and Speed is for athletes in grades 7-12 who are not competing in a fall sport This course will include instruction and guidance in weight training and speed development

Mon, Tue & Thur, 2:45-5pm 24 Sessions: $125

Community Center

Gym Games: Gr. K-5

Taught by Quentin Allison

11-Nov 9

class Oct 2, 19 & Nov 6

This class will be a great way for kids to stay active after school with a rotation of assorted gym games from tag to racket and ball sports Join your friends to learn new games or gain more experience in those you already know!

Tuesdays, 3:30-4:30pm

3 Sessions: $20

Wednesdays, 3:30-5pm

3 Sessions: $25 Taylors Falls Elementary

Thursdays, 3:30-5pm

3 Sessions: $25

Lakeside Elementary

12-26 3694-F23PS


14-28 3694-F23LS

Basketball: Gr. K-5

Taught by Quentin Allison

This class will help develop your child as a basketball player Fundamentals will be taught along with the rules and strategy of the game Students will end each session with scrimmages

Middle School Basketball 3v3 Games: Gr. 6-8

Taught by Quentin Allison

Join classmates to form 3v3 teams and play after schoolcome with your own team or we'll find teammates for you!

Middle School Open Volleyball: Gr. 6-8

Taught by Quentin Allison

Nothing better than playing volleyball with your friends! Boys and girls can get together for games of volleyballteams will be formed each class Games will be competitive yet fun

Dodgeball: Gr. K-5

Taught by Quentin Allison

Have fun playing dodgeball in its many forms.

3698-F23LS No
11-Oct 30
class Oct 2 & 16
Primary School
3641-F23PS No class Oct 17
Oct 4-25 3641-F23TF No class Oct 18 Thursdays, 3:30-5pm 3 Sessions: $25 Lakeside Elementary Oct 5-26 3641-F23LS No class Oct 19
Tuesdays, 3:30-4:30pm 3 Sessions: $20
Wednesdays, 3:30-5pm
Sessions: $25 Taylors Falls Elementary
Mon & Wed, 2:30-3:45pm 10 Sessions: $65 CLMS Sep 6-Oct 11 3678-F23A No class Oct 2 Mon & Wed, 2:30-3:45pm 10 Sessions: $65 CLMS Oct 16-Nov 20 3678-F23B No class Nov 6
3:30-4:30pm 3 Sessions: $20 Primary School Nov 7-28 3631-F23PS No class Nov 21
3:30-5pm 3 Sessions: $25
Falls Elementary Nov 8-29 3631-F23TF No class Nov 22 Thursdays, 3:30-5pm 3 Sessions: $25 Lakeside Elementary Nov 9-30 3641-F23LS No class Nov 23
Mondays, 2:30-4pm 3 Sessions: $25 CLMS Nov 13-27 3699-F23MS
3 Sessions: $25 CLMS Dec 4-18 3707-F23MS
Mondays, 2:30-4pm
3682-F23 No
3 Sessions: $20 Primary School Dec
3 Sessions: $25 Lakeside Elementary Dec
click here or visit isd2144.ce.eleyo.com
Tuesdays, 3:30-4:30pm
Thursdays, 3:30-5pm
To register,


Lego Challengers: Gr K-3

Taught by Melissa Huffer

Join us for a session of individual and team LEGO challenges that will build creativity while working fine motor skills! All materials supplied Tuesdays,

After School

Lego STEM Explorers: Gr K-1

Taught by Melissa Huffer

Students will connect, construct and contemplate as we explore early STEM concepts by building with LEGOS! We'll follow building instructions to guide us in our scientific investigations and then students will have a chance to create their own models inspired by our learning

Mondays, 3:30-4:30pm

3 Sessions: $20 Primary School

Mondays, 3:30-4:30pm

4 Sessions: $25 Primary School

Draw It!: Gr. 2-5

Taught by Young Rembrandts - Giordano Fontana

New school year and ALL NEW art classes from Young Rembrandts We're back with all new amazing drawings If your kids are looking to build skills or develop new techniques, they will love this class Beginners are welcome!

Mondays, 3:30-4:30pm

5 Sessions: $71 50

Lakeside Elementary

Sep 18-Oct 30

3149-F23LS No class Oct 2 & 16

Intro to Coding: Gr. 4-5

Taught by Melissa Huffer


Tuesdays, 3:30-4:30pm

5 Sessions: $71 50

Anime and Manga: Gr. 6-8

3149-F23TF No Class Oct 17

Taylors Falls Elementary Sep 19-Oct 24

What do your Alexa, Chromebook and Nintendo Switch all have in common? They’ve all been programmed with Code! Join us for a sneak peek into the world of Python Coding with this brief introduction class We will be using FiriaLabs’ online learning platform called CodeSpace where you will be introduced to your Code-X device and basic Python text By completing missions, you will learn some basic code and watch as you bring your device to life! Students will need to bring their school issued computers with them to each class

Thursdays, 3:30-4:30pm

4 Sessions: $45

Taylors Falls Elementary

Tuesdays, 3:30-4:30pm

4 Sessions: $45

Oct 26-Nov 16 3226-F23TF

14-Dec 5 3226-F23LS

Taught by Young Rembrandts - Giordano Fontana

If you have Manga Mania, sign up for this class! We'll be drawing and coloring all things ANIME Artists will learn to draw their own anime style characters ranging from easy to challenging - this is a great way to perfect those skills and learn new manga tricks Each day students will complete multiple pieces of artwork like customized faces, animals, sugoi action and more ARTastic drawings Beginners friendly!

Wednesdays, 2:30-4pm

Lakeside Elementary

Kids Bracelet Making: Gr. 2-5

Taught by Jenna Danielson

Discover one of the world's oldest forms of jewelry making: wire wrapping Learn the basic tools, terminologies and design techniques of how to wire wrap your own bracelet using metal wire and glass beads Then select from a variety of wire and bead colors to create your own wire wrap bracelet

Thursday, 3:30-5pm

1 Session: $15

Lakeside Elementary

Clay Leaf Bowls: Gr. 2-5

Taught by Jenna Danielson

Join in the fun in making clay leaf bowls Kids can bring their own favorite leaf to capture in clay or choose from provided options This fun process imprints the clay with the leaf shape and the veins When choosing your leaf, look for one with good veins and fun shaped – this really does make the difference!

Thursday, 3:30-5pm

Session: $15 Lakeside Elementary

Thursday, 3:30-5pm

session: $15


Nov 9


Toon Time: Gr. K-5

Taught by Young Rembrandts - Giordano Fontana

Toon Time is perfect for students who are interested in learning more about the art of cartooning and want to improve their drawing abilities Whether they're just starting out or have been drawing for years, this class will provide a supportive and nurturing environment where they can explore their passion for art and have fun in the process. Beginners are welcome!

Mondays, 3:30-4:30pm

4 Sessions: $63

Lakeside Elementary

Tuesdays, 3:30-4:30pm

4 Sessions: $63

Taylors Falls Elementary

Nov 27-Dec 18


Nov 28-Dec 19


CLMS Sep 20-Oct 25 3150-F23A No class Oct 18
5 Sessions: $110 50
CLMS Nov 29-Dec 20 3150-F23B
Wednesdays, 2:30-4pm 4 Sessions: $93 60
Sep 28
Oct 12
3:30-4:30pm 4 Sessions: $25 Lakeside Elementary Sep 12-Oct 3 3225-F23LS
3:30-4:30pm 4 Sessions: $25 Taylors Falls Elementary Sep 14-Oct 5 3225-F23TF
No class Oct 16
Nov 13-Dec 4 3221-F23PSB

Evenings & Weekends


Tumble Tots: Ages 1-3.5 years old

Taught by Naomi Weiss

Focus on large muscle development for young children Activities will seek to build strength, coordination & flexibility while learning basic gymnastics skills Parents participate in the class with their children Wear non-baggy athletic clothes No tights (socks or bare feet only)

Tuesdays, 4:30-5pm



Tumble Cats: Ages 3.5-5 years, 11 months old

Taught by Naomi Weiss

This class focuses on tumbling, balance and coordination Activities will be used to teach fundamental gymnastics skills Kindergarten age children are welcome to join this class Wear non-baggy athletic clothes No tights (socks or bare feet only)

Tuesdays, 5:30-6:15pm

6 Sessions: $35


Beginner I: Gr K-3

Taught by Brooke Clark



Beginner II: Gr K-3

Taught by Caty Larson

This class is for the gymnast that has completed a Beginners I class. The emphasis will be on perfecting previous learned stunts while building more confidence Gymnasts will work on advancing their tumbling, balance beam, vault and uneven bar skills Wear non-baggy athletic clothes No tights (socks or bare feet only)

Thursdays, 5:30-6:15pm

6 sessions: $48

Wildcat Community Center

Thursdays, 6-6:45pm

6 sessions: $48

Wildcat Community Center

Intermediate: Gr K-8

Taught by Caty Larson

Sep 14-Oct 26

3612-F23Z No class Oct 19

Nov 2-Dec 21

3612-F23C No class Nov 23 & Dec 14

Focus on improving form, building strength and working on more advanced skills like walkovers, round-offs and back handsprings Bar, vault and high beam work will be included in this class Wear non-baggy athletic clothes No tights (socks or bare feet only)

This class is for the gymnast that is relatively new to the sport The emphasis will be on tumbling, building strength, and developing balance on the beam Learn basics of uneven bars and vault Wear non-baggy athletic clothes No tights (socks or bare feet only)

Thursdays, 5:30-6:15pm

6 Sessions: $48

Wildcat Community Center

Thursdays, 6-6:45pm

6 Sessions: $48

Wildcat Community Center

Sep 14-Oct 26

3608-F23Z No class Oct 19

Nov 2-Dec 21

3608-F23C No class Nov 23 & Dec 14


Thedecisiononwhetheraclasswillrunis made3-5daysbeforetheclassstartdate. Registerearlytohelpensurewedon'tcancel aclassyouarehopingtotake.

To register, click here or visit isd2144.ce.eleyo.com

Thursdays, 6:30-7:45pm

6 Sessions: $60

Thursdays, 7-8:15pm

6 Sessions: $60

Wildcat Community Center

Advanced: Gr K-8

Taught by Brooke Clark

3613-F23B No class Oct 19

Wildcat Community Center Sep 14-Oct 26

Nov 2-Dec 21

3613-F23D No class Nov 23 & Dec 14

Focus on improving form, strength and conditioning, and working on more advanced skills like walkovers, aerials, and back handsprings Athletes will be learning advanced skills on floor exercise, uneven bars, balance beam and vault Wear non-baggy athletic clothes No tights (socks or bare feet only)

Thursdays, 6:30-8pm

6 Sessions: $65

Wildcat Community Center

Thursdays, 7-8:30pm

6 Sessions: $65

Wildcat Community Center

Sep 14-Oct 26

3614-F23B No class Oct 19

Nov 2-Dec 21

3614-F23D No class Nov 23 & Dec 14


Wearelookingforadditional instructorsforouryouth gymnasticsprogram.Ifyouare interestedinjoiningourteam, reachouttoBrandyPetersonat brandy.peterson@isd2144.org foradditionalinformation.

Community Center Sep 12-Oct
6 Sessions: $29 Wildcat
Community Center Sep 12-Oct
Tuesdays, 5-5:30pm
6-6:30pm 6 Sessions: $29 Wildcat Community Center Nov 7-Dec 19 3610-F23E No class Nov 21
6:30-7pm 6 Sessions: $29 Wildcat Community Center Nov 7-Dec 19 3610-F23F No class Nov 21
Sep 12-Oct
Community Center
Nov 7-Dec
7-7:45pm 6 Sessions: $35 Wildcat Community Center
No class Nov 21

Evenings & Weekends

Recreation & Sports

Catalyst Advanced Basketball Skills Training: Gr. 5-12

Taught by Jared Berggren

In this camp with professional skills trainer Jared Berggren, players will receive detailed instruction on footwork, ball handling, finishing around the rim, and perimeter scoring moves. Players will have a chance to compete in shooting contests and live play drills where they will apply new skills against live defenders

Grades 5-7

Tuesdays, 6-7:15pm

4 Sessions: $100

Lakeside Elementary

Grades 8-12

Tuesdays, 7:15-8:30pm

4 Sessions: $100

Lakeside Elementary

Fencing: Ages 6 years +

Taught by Maria Benford

Sep 12-Oct 3 3675-F23A

Sep 12-Oct 3 3675-F23B

Whatever you are looking for in the sport of fencing there i something for everyone! Fencing is a vigorous sport that develops stamina, quick reactions, speed, accuracy of movement and excellent coordination More than a game, fencing requires a mental attitude of self-discipline involvi total manipulation of mind and body in perfect harmony It utilizes natural body movement to create simple and effec self-protection techniques with the sword. All participants encouraged to have fun no matter what their ability Attacking, defense, timing and intense tactics are all integrated into this beginning class Whether you're fencin for a good work out, or gaining points for the Olympics, fencing is fun for the whole family We provide everything needed to fence (mask, jacket, glove, and weapon) Fencer should come dressed comfortably (for freedom of movem including long sweat pants and running shoes


Wrestling: Beginner Clinic: Gr. K-2

Taught by Shawn Frederixon

Wrestling provides a student with an opportunity to develop confidence, be active, and create friendships

This class is intended for those beginning in the sport and interested to learn more about it 2nd graders with a year or more experience should register for the Advanced course or email sfrederixon@isd2144.org for guidance.

Tue & Thur, 6-6:45pm

19 Sessions: $25


Wrestling: Advanced Clinic: Gr. 2-6

Taught by Shawn Frederixon

This is for wrestlers looking to compete in tournaments and ready to perfect learned techniques 2nd graders who have at least one year of experience can register for this class, otherwise they should register for the K-2 class. Wrestling at the youth level incorporates many different training methods including tumbling and relays to work on agility This clinic uses a systematic progression of wrestling moves that are appropriate for each age level

Questions about readiness should be emailed to sfrederixon@isd2144 org

Tue & Thur, 7-8pm 19 Sessions: $50 CLHS

Nov 21-Feb 20


No class Nov 23, Dec 7, 21, 26, 28, Jan 4 & 18, Feb 1

Nov 21-Feb 20


No class Nov 23, Dec 7, 21, 26, 28, Jan 4 & 18, Feb 1

Interested in teaching a class?

Chisago Lakes Community Ed is always looking for passionate individuals to share their skills, knowledge and interests with the community.

Email clcommed@isd2144 org for additional information

Sep 16-Oct
Wildcat Community Center Oct 28-Dec 3670-F23 No class Nov 2
4-5pm 6 Sessions: $100
Community Center
Saturdays, 4-5pm
Sessions: $100

Evenings & Weekends


FTC Robotics: Gr. 7-9

Taught by Chad Lindberg

Join high school and parent mentors to learn how to design and build a robot for the First Tech Challenge competition in December Students will be introduced to this season's challenge, and then will brainstorm together to design and build their own robot If your student isn't interested in building, there are opportunities to participate with programming, CAD (Computer-Aided Design), 3-D printing, marketing, fundraising, budgeting, recordkeeping and more!

Mon & Thur, 6-8pm

24 Sessions: $175

Wildcat Community Center & CLHS

Painting Rocks: All ages

Taught by Pam Anderson

Sep 11-Dec 18


No class Oct 5, 12 & 19, Nov 20 & 23

Lego Robotics: Gr.2-5

Taught by Allyson Kazeck

Students will build an object out of Lego and bring it to life! They will create their object using a set of directions and a partner

Wednesdays, 3:30-5pm

3 Sessions: $25

Lakeside Elementary

Wednesdays, 3:30-5pm

3 Sessions: $25

Lakeside Elementary

Creepy, Crawly, Halloween Chow: Gr. K-5

Taught by Jackie Mart

Sep 13-27


Nov 1-15


All ages welcome! Come and join us for a fun night of painting rocks of all sizes and shapes Fun to enjoy or leave for others to enjoy

Wednesday, 6:30-8:30pm

1 Session: $20


Toon Time: Gr 6-12

Taught by Young Rembrandts - Giordano Fontana

Sep 13


Join holistic nutritionist, Jackie Mart, for a fun and creative class where we will be making a few kid-friendly, healthy, SPOOKY, Halloween-themed snacks! All supplies are included

Tuesday, 4-5pm

1 Session: $36 CLHS

DIY Dog Treats: Gr K-5

Taught by Jackie Mart

Oct 24


Toon Time is perfect for students who are interested in learning more about the art of cartooning and want to improve their drawing abilities Whether they're just starting out or have been drawing for years, this class will provide a supportive and nurturing environment where they can explore their passion for art and have fun in the process Beginners are welcome!

Mondays, 5:30-7pm

5 Sessions: $117 CLHS

Button Bouquets and More: All ages

Taught by Pam Anderson

Oct 2-30 3151-F23HS

Your 4-legged friends deserve some treats every now and again too! Join local holistic nutritionist, Jackie Mart, as we whip up some grain-free goodies to take home for your favorite furry BFF! All supplies are included

Tuesday, 6-7pm

1 Session: $36 CLHS

Babysitting Safety: Gr. 4-7

Taught by Ariane Bromberg

Oct 24


What a pretty way to make use of a salt shaker, buttons and wire! We will also make a wreath on a small canvas with buttons These are small accents that will be good decorations for anywhere All ages welcome - bring a parent or grandparent to enjoy this class as well!

Tuesday, 6:30-8:30pm

1 Session: $26 CLHS

Comic Strip Design: Gr 6-12

Taught by Young Rembrandts - Giordano Fontana

Oct 10 3155-F23

Young Rembrandts' Comic Strip Design workshop will lay the foundations to build your own comic. Awesome characters and fantastic expressions in our short stories will make every class E P I C! Beginners friendly!

Wed-Fri, 9am-12pm

3 Sessions: $124


Oct 18-20


Learn the responsibilities of being a prepared, safe, responsible and professional babysitter Topics include starting your own babysitting business, child development, behavior guidance, supervision, proper feeding & diapering techniques, personal safety, medical emergencies, basic first aid care and fire safety Instructor provides baby dolls, bottles, diaper supplies for hands on participation skills

The course is developed by the American Safety and Health Institute and approved by the American Pediatrics Association Class participants receive a CABS book and ASHI certification card Students attend this class independently. Parents are encouraged to review the take home information and discuss it with their child

Monday 9am-12pm

1 Session: $60

Wildcat Community Center

Nov 6


To register, click here or visit isd2144.ce.eleyo.com

Evenings & Weekends

Home Alone: Gr. 2-6

Taught by Ariane Bromberg

Just mention the words “Home Alone,” and children think of the excitement depicted in the movies of the same name The reality of being home alone can evoke fear and anxiety in many children Whether left alone for an hour after school or several hours a day during the summer, children should feel comfortable being alone. This workshop for children will address several topics relating to being “Home Alone” including personal safety tips, tricky people, basic first aid, fire safety, handling the unexpected, internet safety, gun safety, dealing with loneliness and boredom, storm safety, dealing with siblings as well as trust and honesty Students attend this class independently Parents are encouraged to review the take home information and discuss it with their child

Monday, 12:30-2:30pm

1 Session: $36 Wildcat Community Center

Fashion Runway Manga: Gr. 6-12

Taught by Young Rembrandts - Giordano Fontana

Nov 6


Drivers Education with Right Away Driving School: Ages 14+

Taught by Right Away Driving School

Chisago Lakes Community Education and Right Away Driving School are teaming up to provide the service in greater detail to the Chisago Lakes Area The class will be held right here on the CLHS campus in the Lecture Hall Cost includes behind the wheel time with Right Away Driving school Please be sure and schedule your time with Right Away

Mon-Fri, 2:30-5:30pm

10 Sessions: $440 CLHS

Nov 27-Dec 8 3200-F23

If you love all things Manga and Fashion, sign up for this class Join Young Rembrandts for this drawing workshop; we'll be drawing and coloring all things ANIME! Artists will learn to draw anime style fashion characters ranging from simple to elaborate - this is a great way to combine fashion designing skills and learn new manga tricks Each day students will complete multiple pieces of artwork like manga hairstyles, school uniforms, fantasy costumes and more ARTastic drawings. Sign up today - beginners are welcome!


5 Sessions: $117 CLHS

Let it Snow: Gr. K-5

Taught by Jackie Mart

Nov 13-Dec 11 3154-F23

Join Jackie for this children's hands-on cooking class perfect for those snowy days! We will be making a few healthy recipes they can easily make on their own! All supplies are included On the menu: Coconut Snowballs, Frosty Sugar Cookie Smoothie, and Sweet Cinnamon Tortilla Snowflakes.

Thursday, 4-5pm 1 Session: $36 CLHS

Dec 14 3309-F23

Operation: Sweets: Gr. K-5

Taught by Jackie Mart

Healthier holiday goodies without the added sugar highs! Join Jackie for this children's hands-on cooking class We will be making a few sweet treats without gluten, refined sugars, and artifiical colors or flavors All supplies are included On the menu are strawberry-banana Santas, nobake gingerbread truffles, and chocolate peppermint hot cocoa mix

Thursday, 6-7pm

1 Session: $36 CLHS


Thedecisiononwhetheraclasswillrunis made3-5daysbeforetheclassstartdate. Registerearlytohelpensurewedon'tcancel aclassyouarehopingtotake.

Dec 14 3310-F23

Interested in teaching a class?

Chisago Lakes Community Ed is always looking for passionate individuals to share their skills, knowledge and interests with the community

Email clcommed@isd2144.org for additional information.


Family & Events

Family Fun Time

Register online for $5 per family/per date or buy a $25 punch card for 6 visits - adult supervision required Great opportunity for parents, grandparents, or homeschool teachers to bring students in for activities in our facilities Gymnastics room will be open with stations set up and the full room ready to explore! Drop-ins are welcome.

Mon, Wed, Fri, 9:30-11:30am

38 Sessions

Wildcat Community Center Sep 11-Dec 20 3677-F23

Family Gymnastics Fun: All ages

Join us for a night of fun with your children Parents and children will use the full gymnastics room together practicing various skills while working to improve balance, strength and coordination. Bring a water bottle and wear comfortable clothes

All children must be accompanied by an adult Space is limited

Friday, 6:30-8pm 1 Session: $20 per Family Wildcat Community Center

Saturday, 9:30-11am

1 Session: $20 per Family


Halloween Boogie Dance: Ages 12 and younger

You can come for the night, you can come for a flash but come to have fun at our Halloween bash! Join us for dancing, pumpkin bowling, bean bag toss, refreshments and so much more! It’s all included in the family fee. And don’t forget, scare up a fright, costumes are a must on this night!

Friday, 6-8pm

1 Session: $30 per family Lakeside Elementary

Oct 27 3851-F23

Family Nerf Night

A night full of Nerf wars and games! Participants MUST bring their own Nerf blasters We will include barriers, Nerf bullets, and safety glasses for the participants There will be an open Nerf play court, organized Nerf games, and a PreK course set up for those that might want to burn off some energy without the Nerf fun! There will be refreshments, goodie bags, pictures, temporary tattoos, coloring and plenty of fun for all! Friday, 6-8pm

Session: $30 per family

Wildcat Community Center
10 3870-F23
15 3861-F23SepA
Wildcat Community Center
16 3861-F23SepB
6:30-8pm 1
$20 per Family Wildcat Community Center Oct 6 3861-F23OctA
9:30-11am 1
$20 per Family Wildcat Community Center Oct 7 3861-F23OctB
6:30-8pm 1 Session: $20 per Family Wildcat Community Center Nov 3 3861-F23NovA
9:30-11am 1 Session: $20 per Family Wildcat Community Center Nov 4 3861-F23NovB
6:30-8pm 1 Session: $20 per Family Wildcat Community Center Dec 8 3861-F23DecA
9:30-11am 1
$20 per Family Wildcat Community Center Dec 9 3861-F23DecB
register, click here or visit isd2144.ce.eleyo.com

Adult Programs

Our adult programming is back for another season with a full slate of offerings from art, fitness, cooking, and lifelong learning

We partnered with local community members to bring you a variety of fun and collaborative experiences.

Interested in teaching a class?

Chisago Lakes Community Education is always looking for passionate individuals to share their skills, knowledge and interests with the community

Email clcommed@isd2144.org for additional information.

Scan here to learn all about our Adult programs 18

Adult Programs

Health, Fitness & Wellness

Full Body Balance: Ages 55+

Taught by Christie Pehoski

Live 2 B Healthy's trainers are all nationally-certified fitness professionals with a strong background in older adult fitness Classes are different every week, but always concentrate on improving balance, flexibility & strength to help prevent falls and increase independence Our trainers are professional and supportive and know how to ensure participants are safe, working to their own best ability levels and HAVING A GOOD TIME! All movements can be performed either seated or standing. All equipment is provided Please wear safe, comfortable shoes (no flipflops!) and come prepared to have a great time

Women & Weights: Ages 16+

Taught by Nathan Appleby & Everett Appleby

Ladies, whether you currently employ strength training or do not, this is the class for you Learn to lift the right way and become comfortable with the weight racks Leave feeling empowered All levels welcome; modifications available to make things easier or harder to push you to the next level Class has been extended to one full hour to incorporate a stretching session after strength training

Wednesdays, 6-7pm

7 Sessions: $75

Wildcat Community Center

Wednesdays, 6-7pm

7 Sessions: $75

Wildcat Community Center


Taught by Nathan Appleby & Everett Appleby

Sep 6-Oct 18


Nov 1-Dec 20

5558-F23B No class Nov 22

Come grab a great workout early in the morning with one of the Appleby coaches! High Intensity Interval Training (H I I T ) is a boot camp type class that is one of the most effective and efficient work outs you can do Rotate through cardiovascular exercises alternating with short periods of anaerobic exercises All levels welcome, modifications available, bring a towel and be ready to sweat.

Thursdays, 6-6:45am

5 Sessions: $45

Wildcat Community Center

Thursdays, 6-6:45am

5 Sessions: $45

Wildcat Community Center

Thursdays, 6-6:45am

5 Sessions: $45

Wildcat Community Center

Total Body: Ages 18+

Taught by Nathan Appleby & Everett Appleby

No matter your fitness level or gym experience, Total Body class has a place for you Total Body is a 45-minute workout that incorporates basic strength training exercises using various equipment and/or your body weight, followed by cardio exercises either high/low impact. Modify or progress as needed This energetic class is designed to maximize positive changes in your body



Sep 7-Oct 5


Oct 12-Nov 9


Nov 16-Dec 21

5557-F23C No class Nov 23

Stretching for Stress & Sport: Ages 14+

Taught by Nathan Appleby & Everett Appleby

Come enjoy a good stretching session every Saturday with the Appleby coaches We will utilize bands, foam rollers & lacrosse balls to hit all muscle groups This class will not only emphasize stretching as a method of meditation and for stress relief, but will also be a great way to incorporate stretching for enhanced sports performance and recovery All levels of activity are welcome and we'll adapt stretches as needed - a class for everyone!

Saturdays, 8:45-9:15am

7 Sessions: $40

Wildcat Community Center

Saturdays, 8:45-9:15am

7 Sessions: $40

Wildcat Community Center

Sep 9-Oct 21


Oct 28-Dec 16

5578-F23B No class Nov 25

Are you a paying WCC Member?

Receive 10% off select fitness classes marked with the 10% off symbol.

Use code 10offadultfit to receive your discount.

Tue & Thu, 9-9:45am 7 Sessions: $35 Wildcat Community Center Sep 5-28 5569-F23A No class Sep 19
Tuesdays, 5:30-6:15pm 8 Sessions: $70 Wildcat Community Center Sep 5-Oct 24 5550-F23A1 Tue & Thu, 9-9:45am 9 Sessions: $35 Wildcat Community Center Oct 3-31 5569-F23B Tue & Thu, 9-9:45am 8 Sessions: $35 Wildcat Community Center Nov 2-30 5569-F23C No class Nov 23 Tue & Thu, 9-9:45am 6 Sessions: $35 Wildcat Community Center Dec 5-21 5569-F23D Mon & Fri, 9-9:45am 8 Sessions: $35 Wildcat Community Center Sep 1-29 5569-F23E No class Sep 4 Mon & Fri, 9-9:45am 9 Sessions: $35 Wildcat Community Center Oct 2-30 5569-F23F Mon & Fri, 9-9:45am 7 Sessions: $35 Wildcat Community Center Nov 3-27 5569-F23G No class Nov 24 Mon & Fri, 9-9:45am 7 Sessions: $35 Wildcat Community Center Dec 1-22 5569-F23H
7:45-8:30am 7 Sessions: $60 Wildcat Community Center Sep 9-Oct 21 5550-F23B1
Sessions: $70 Wildcat Community Center Oct 31-Dec 19 5550-F23A2
7:45-8:30am 7 Sessions: $60 Wildcat
No class Nov
Community Center
28-Dec 16 5550-F23B2
To register, click here or visit isd2144.ce.eleyo.com

Yoga: Ages 16+

Taught by SuZanne Gillespie

Improve your flexibility, strengthen and stabilize your core abdominals and lower back This class is designed to give you an overall sense of health and well being. Participants will learn breathing and relaxing techniques For all levels Bring water and a mat

Mondays, 5:30-6:30pm

6 Sessions: $88 88 CLHS

Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30m

6 Sessions: $88 88

Mondays, 5:30-6:30pm

7 Sessions: $88.88 CLHS

Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30m

7 Sessions: $88 88 CLHS

Zumba: Ages 16+

Taught by Lynda Flores

6-Dec 18

8-Dec 20

Adult Programs

Come burn calories while having fun at the best exercise class ever! Zumba is a cardio workout featuring Latin inspired music and dance and other aerobic moves Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30pm

7 Sessions: $75

Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30pm

7 Sessions: $75


Taught by Rachael Bertram

13-Oct 25

1-Dec 20 5570-F23B No class Nov 22

Instead of listening to music, you become the music in this exhilarating full-body workout that combines cardio, conditioning, and strength training with yoga and Pilatesinspired movements Using Ripstix®, lightly weighted drumsticks engineered specifically for exercising, POUND transforms drumming into an incredibly effective way of working out For all fitness levels Bring water and a yoga mat

Organizing Life After a Cancer Diagnosis: Ages 16+

Taught by Diane DeRosier

A cancer diagnosis can create chaos for yourself and for loved ones who support someone who has been diagnosed with cancer This class offers an opportunity to take a breath, focus on you and your doctor’s plan, and to get yourself, or your loved one, organized for a journey with cancer Learn from someone who has made the trip and who will help you gain some control over the chaos

Thursdays, 5-7pm

2 Sessions: $10

Wildcat Community Center

Mindfulness Meditation: Ages 18+

Taught by Mary Jo Meadow

Sep 21 & Oct 5


Thursdays, 6:15-7:15pm

8 Sessions: $50 CLHS Sep 14-Nov 2

Thursdays, 6:15-7:15pm

6 Sessions: $35 CLHS

Nov 9-Dec 28

5567-F23B No class Nov 23 & Dec 7

Are you a paying WCC Member?

Receive 10% off select fitness classes marked with the 10% off symbol.

Use code 10offadultfit to receive your discount.

Adults of all ages are welcome to join Mindfulness Meditation - the ancient method of self-understanding and self-management It is widely used for handling pain and stress, habit control and dealing with painful emotions and disturbing thoughts It leads to deep self-knowledge and self-management skills that make life richer The content of the practice is simply our own experiences of body and mind with no ideology It is compatible with any religious and self-development practices Please wear loose clothing The teaching is cumulative, so attendance at all meetings is encouraged

Tuesdays, 6-7:30pm

Tai Chi: A Gentle Introduction for Beginners

Taught by Sue Esch


5 Sessions: $39 Virtual Sep 26-Oct 24

This class will introduce participants to Tai Chi, it's core concepts, warm up exercises, beginning movements, and cool downs The movements are gentle and ideally flowing and continuous and will help develop improved balance and focus in the present It is sometimes called a moving meditation

Tues & Thur, 6:30-7:30pm

6 Sessions: $30 CLHS

Oct 10-26


5560-F23A No
11-Oct 23
class Oct 16
5560-F23C No
13-Oct 25
class Oct 11

Adult Programs

Loving Kindness Meditation: Ages 18+

Taught by Mary Jo Meadow

This 2,500 year old practice helps us overcome self-dislike and builds proper self-love and self-acceptance It also helps us act more gently and lovingly toward others and live without fear or hatred of others This practice improves good relationships and helps heal problem ones. It also teaches compassion, balance in relationships and appreciating others' good fortune

Tuesdays, 6-7:30pm

2 Sessions: $24 Virtual

Word Meditation: Ages 18+

Taught by Mary Jo Meadow

Nov 14 & 21


One of the easiest ways to meditate is by word meditation; It provides the meditation benefits of relaxation and stress reduction and is used medically for patients who will benefit from it It is easy to learn and easy to do, but there are important guidelines for proper practice Learn how to do it correctly and how your practice develops over time

Tuesday, 6-7:30pm

1 Session: $19 Virtual

Nov 28


Volleyball Open Gym at Taylors Falls

Adult players are welcome to drop-in and play pick up volleyball games at Taylors Falls Gym Competitive level play No pre-registration necessary

$5 drop-in fee due at the door

Wednesdays, 7-9pm

$5 per night

Taylors Falls Elementary

Sep 6-Apr 24


Additional Sport Specific Open Gyms

Check out the Wildcat Community Center schedule on page 30 for additional sport specific open gyms.

Women's Volleyball League

Non-officiated women's league played throughout the fall and winter.

Mondays, 7-10pm

14 sessions: $175 per team CLMS

Pickleball For Beginners: Ages 12+

Taught by Betsy Sandgren

Sep 11-Dec 11


Interested in teaching a class?

Chisago Lakes Community Ed is always looking for passionate individuals to share their skills, knowledge and interests with the community.

Email clcommed@isd2144.org for additional information.

Learn why millions of people now play this social and fun sport You will learn all the basics - pickleball rules, scoring, strokes, and winning strategies Wear clean gym shoes and comfortable clothes Check it out - you're sure to have some fun!! All equipment will be provided.

Sunday, 2-3:30pm

1 Session: $15 Wildcat Community Center

Oct 22


To register, click here or visit isd2144.ce.eleyo.com

General Interest

Estate Planning Walk Through

Taught by Summer Young

Attorney Summer Young will lead you through key factors to drafting and personalizing wills, a power of attorney, and preparing health care directives, as well as explaining important tax law issues as it surrounds your estate The first meeting will be an overview of your Will, some key tax laws you should know and the second meeting will address the very important health care directive and power of attorney documents There will be templates available for everyone to utilize if they would like

Thursdays, 6-7:15pm

2 Sessions: $25/person

Wildcat Community Center

Sep 14 & 28


Chisago Lakes Parents/Guardians of Special Needs Support Group

Taught by Nora Boyle

Gather together with local parents of children with special needs to connect, discuss your experiences, share your knowledge and learn from one another. The discussion will be led by Chisago Lakes School District's Nora Boyle, a Lakeside Elementary Special Education Teacher who has benefitted from similar groups as a parent herself No childcare provided at initial free meeting - discussion and cost to provide will be discussed following September meeting

Adult Programs

Mature Driving - 4 Hour Course

The course content will include physical and mental limitations, driving strategies, defensive driving and safety

You will receive a certificate of completion Check with your insurance agent for reduced rate information.

Prerequisite: Must have completed an 8 hour course

Tuesday, 9am-1pm

1 Session: $30

Wildcat Community Center

Mature Driving - 8 Hour Course

Sep 26


The course content will include physical and mental limitations, driving strategies, defensive driving and safety This class is for the mature driver for tips on staying a safe driver as we age (55 and older) Learn techniques on staying safe on the road and learn of new traffic management concepts You will receive a certificate of completion Check with your insurance agent for reduced rate information

Wed & Thu, 1:30-5:30pm

2 Sessions: $45

Wildcat Community Center

Oct 11 & 12


Need to Know Changes to the College Process

Taught by Cozy Wittman

Tuesday, 6-7pm

1 Session: Free CLHS Sep 19 5146-F23

5 Keys to Retiring Fearlessly: Ages 40+

Taught by Leif Erickson

After years of hard work, retirement may finally be in sight

This workshop helps attendees discover five keys to unlocking a retirement where they could have confidence in their ability to live out their dreams

Tuesday, 6-7pm 1 Session: $5

Wildcat Community Center

Tuesday, 6-7pm 1 Session: $5 Wildcat Community Center

Gambling: What's the Risk?

Taught by Sonja Mertz

Sep 19


Nov 14


Access to gambling is increasing, but knowledge of the risks remains low Being aware of the risks and practicing harm reduction can help you to have fun and stay safe This presentation from the Minnesota Alliance on Problem Gambling will provide information about gambling trends in Minnesota (including sports and online betting), the signs of problem gambling, the basics on gambling addiction, gambling and videogame addiction among youth, and tips on how to reduce the harms of gambling and gaming behavior

This presentation is appropriate for teenagers through adults

This free course is a partnership between the Minnesota Alliance on Problem Gambling and Chisago Lakes Community Education The course will also touch on video gaming addiction and some tips and strategies for dealing with the issue

Tuesday, 7-9pm

1 Session: Free

Wildcat Community Center

Sep 26


Join us to learn how these changes may impact your family, and new strategies to consider to give your student the best opportunity to be admitted and maximize scholarships and financial aid

If you are the parent of a HS student in grades 9-11, this is incredibly important info you will not want to miss Register today!

Monday, 7-8pm

1 Session: $5 Virtual

Organize Your Photos: Ages 18+

Taught by Kathy Povolny

Oct 2


Learn a system to once and for all get your printed photos and memorabilia organized Digital photos need organization too We’ll also talk about how scanning can breathe new life into old photos and allow for editing and repair. Finally we’ll compare all the different cloud storage options for your digital photos Imagine finding any printed photo in minutes and any digital photo in just seconds Bring a pencil and paper, and you'll be given an outline to take home

Tuesday, 6:30-8:30pm

1 Session: $19

Wildcat Community Center

Oct 3


made3-5daysbeforetheclassstartdate. Registerearlytohelpensurewedon'tcancel aclassyouarehopingtotake. 22

Adult Programs

Diagnosed with Dementia - Now What?

Taught by Collette Colucci

When someone is diagnosed with dementia, friends and family have many questions This class will cover care planning for caregivers and discuss what dementia is and how it affects the diagnosed person and the people who provide care Learn about the warning signs, find out what is fact or myth about dementia, be aware of community resources and how to plan after a diagnosis.

Tuesday, 11:30am-1pm

1 Session: $5 Virtual

Caregiving thru the Holidays

Taught by Collette Colucci

Oct 10 5521-F23


Homemade Egg Rolls & Samosas: Ages 16+

Taught by Mimi Selam

Restaurant quality egg rolls and samosas can be made right in your own kitchen. These appetizers are jammed with flavors from around the world and can be a quick way to incorporate leftovers into something new and fun to eat Make a variety of egg rolls, samosas and dipping sauces in class You will be provided an ingredient list and a link prior to class.

Tuesday, 6-7:30pm

1 Session: $26 Virtual

Nov 14


What do you feel when you think of the holidays? This class focuses on what caregivers may be going through around the holidays, common signs of stress and how to avoid stress, common challenges for families around the holidays, tips for hosting or attending events, encouraging participation, and adapting holiday traditions

Tuesday, 1-2:30pm

1 Session: $5

Wildcat Community Center

Nov 7 5525-F23

Social Security: Timing is Everything: Ages 60+

Taught by Leif Erickson

Social Security is a vital income source for many retirees

But it can be a confusing topic, and making the most of it can have a lot to do with timing it right This workshop can help attendees get answers to their questions and learn what Social Security can mean for them

Tuesday, 6-7pm

1 Session: $5

Wildcat Community Center

Tuesday, 6-7pm 1 Session: $5 Virtual

How to Detect E-mail & Phone Scams

Holiday Bake & Take: Ages 18+

Taught by Betsy Sandgren, Jamie Agre & Brandy Peterson

Who has time to bake all the special treats you remember from your childhood? Gather your friends and join us as we bake and take your holiday favorites! You'll take home several different varieties of treats including chocolate covered cherries, Oreo truffles, and other cookies you're sure to love! In this hands-on class you will be provided everything you need to form, trim, decorate and bake your cookies Bring containers to take your prepared treats home with you An additional $20 food fee is payable to the instructor at the beginning of class

Saturday, 9am-12pm

1 Session: $40 CLHS

Dec 2 5143-F23

Oct 24 5572-F23A

Jan 23 5572-W23B

Join us to learn how to recognize e-mail or phone messages that may be targeting us as victims This class will cover the common themes, phrases, subjects and messages that will help alert you as to whether communications you receive are coming from scammers

Tuesday, 1:30-3pm 1 Session: $5*

Wildcat Community Center

*Free for Forever Young Members

Oct 24 5144-F23

Handmade Pasta & Tomato Sauce: Ages 16+

Taught by Mimi Selam

Learn the time-honored art of creating pasta from scratch! Mimi will teach you how to throw together the perfect pasta dough as well as how to roll and slice it into noodles You'll also learn how to make a delicious garlic tomato sauce to smother your freshly made noodles and create a rich and satisfying homemade dish Pair it with a fresh seasonal garden salad to balance out the meal You will be provided an ingredient list and a link prior to class

Tuesday, 6-7:30pm

1 Session: $26 Virtual

Dec 12


Interested in teaching a class?

Chisago Lakes Community Ed is always looking for passionate individuals to share their skills, knowledge and interests with the community.

Email clcommed@isd2144.org for additional information.

To register, click here or visit isd2144.ce.eleyo.com

Hobbies & Leisure

Planting Bulbs in Fall for Bright, Beautiful Spring Color

Taught by Sue Kirchner

Spring flowering bulbs are easy to grow This course will review the variety of bulbs available for growing in our area and provide the knowledge needed to correctly plant the bulbs which result in those bursts of color in early spring We will also talk about growing bulbs in containers and how to "force" bulbs for winter beauty in your house Class includes a powerpoint presentation and hand-out Bring a pencil/pen to take notes

Adult Programs

Frankenstein or Scarecrow Painted Pavers

Taught by Pam Anderson

Your choice of Frank or a scarecrow when painting your cement paver Great for indoor or outdoor decor and fun for all ages - adults and children all welcome for this class! All supplies included

Thursday, 6:30-8:30pm

1 Session: $24 CLHS

BINGO: 18+

Oct 12


Thursday, 6:30-7:45pm

1 Session: $10

CLHS Sep 14 5274-F23

Epoxy Resin Pendant or Plaque: Ages 14+

Taught by Jenna Danielson

Learn how to correctly mix and tint your resin and create beautiful wearable art pieces You will be able to create one of a kind, unique resin jewelry pendants, rings, bracelets or Plaque Learn how to use the tools and equipment, apply basic principles, processes and methods to create sample pieces with conventional and experimental techniques Building on the basic skills you will develop your own designs, learn how to create and experiment with different colourways All supplies included.

Taught by Betsy Sandgren & Brandy Peterson

Enjoy a fun-paced evening of bingo with miscellaneous prizes!

Tuesday, 5-6:30pm

1 Session: $5 CLHS

Oct 17 5145-F23

Pumpkin Painting on Black Canvas: Ages 14+

Taught by Pam Anderson

Painting on black canvas can be a lot of fun With the black background it really makes the pumpkin stand out Acrylic paint, and step by step instructions make this project good for even beginner painters All supplies included

Tuesday, 6:30-8:30pm

Oct 17


Sunday, 6-8pm

1 Session: $20 CLHS Sep 17 5659-F23A

Tuesday, 6-8pm 1 Session: $20 CLHS

Basic Wire Wrap Jewelry Making: Ages 10+

Taught by Jenna Danielson

Nov 28 5659-F23B

1 Session: $26 CLHS

Desert Painting Using Palette Knife: Ages 14+

Taught by Pam Anderson

For this desert painting we will be using a palette knife instead of a brush! Teens and adults are welcome to our step by step painting class - beginners welcome! All supplies included

Thursday, 6:30-8:30pm

Discover one of the world's oldest forms of jewelry making: wire wrapping Learn the basic tools, terminologies and design techniques of how to wire wrap your own bracelet using metal wire and glass beads Then select from a variety of wire and bead colors to create your own wire wrap bracelet All supplies included

Tuesday, 6-8:30pm

Tuesday, 6-8:30pm

Needle Felting Pumpkins: Ages 14+

Taught by Pam Anderson

Celebrate the fall by learning how to needle felt pumpkins

Fun and easy to learn This class is suitable for teens and up with parents permission because we will be using felting needles to lock the wool fibers together This is a beginners class You will be learning the basics and with that you can go on to create anything you want! All supplies included

Tuesday, 6:30-8:30pm 1 Session: $24

1 Session: $26 CLHS

Get Creative Again!

Taught by Diane DeRosier

Oct 19


Do you have a creative or craft project you started, set aside and never picked up again? Is there a hobby or craft you’ve abandoned, but would like to try again? Are you looking for ways to be more creative, whether it’s drawing, painting, needlework, crochet, paper or book making, or writing? Spend a few hours learning about the creative process, how to be more creative, how to get motivated, trying something new, or how to pick up a project where you left off, even if it’s been years A sketchbook would be helpful to bring, but not required.

Thursdays, 5-7pm

2 Sessions: $20 CLHS

Oct 26 & Nov 9


Session: $25
Session: $25
Oct 3

Adult Programs

Needle Felted Mushrooms: Ages 14+

Taught by Pam Anderson

Join us in felting woodland mushrooms on a slice of wood Because we will be using sharp felting needles, under 18 will need parent permission This class gives you some basics on how to needle felt so you can continue on your own Easy and fun! All supplies included

Tuesday, 6:30-8:30pm

1 Session: $24


Floral Wall Decor: Ages 18+

Taught by Pam Anderson

Nov 7 5668-F23

Put together and paint a wooden plaque with a wooden peg for hanging a canning jar with flowers you will arrange and light to illuminate this pretty wall art On your own you could add seasonal flowers to your arrangement to keep it festive All supplies included

Thursday, 6:30-8:30pm 1 Session: $29


The Grinch Canvas Painting: Ages 14+

Taught by Pam Anderson

Nov 9 5669-F23

I think everyone loves the grinch Now is your chance to paint him on a 16"x20" canvas using acrylic paint in this step by step class Teens and adults are welcome to join us A beginner? You are welcome to join us too! All supplies included.

Thursday, 6:30-8:30pm 1 Session: $26 CLHS

Free Standing Wooden Penguin: Ages 14+

Taught by Pam Anderson

Nov 30 5670-F23

What a cute winter decoration, good for indoors or outdoors! Teens and older are welcome in this fun class Feet and body come apart for easy storage All supplies included

Tuesday, 6:30-8:30pm 1 Session: $45


Wooden Moon & Trees Painting: Ages 14+

Taught by Pam Anderson

Dec 5


We will be using acrylic paint on a 16"x20" canvas With step by step instructions even beginners can have great success Learn how to blend colors and painting techniques All supplies included

Thursday, 6:30-8:30pm 1 Session: $26


Dec 14


To register, click here or visit isd2144.ce.eleyo.com

Forever Young Club

Join us as we meet with older, active adults who want to stay connected with others in our community The members of this group will do things together - go on day trips, learn new skills and activities and participate in anything the group deems worthy

We will meet Tuesdays from 1:00-2:30 pm, at the Wildcat Community Center unless otherwise noted

$25/person annually Sept 2023-Aug 2024

Upcoming Schedule:

September 12: First meeting of the year

September 26: Sunrise Apple Orchard Lunch & Tour

October 12: Historic Fort Snelling Tour

October 20: Age Well Expo

October 24: Meeting & Computer Scams class

November 7: Raptor Center Tour

November 21: High School Tour

December 6: Seasons Dinner Theatre at Majestic Oaks

December 19: Potluck and Christmas get together

Senior Technology Workshop

Bring your device and join us to learn more about your smartphone, tablet or computer Our volunteers can give you individual help with most issues you are having Just write down what you need help with when it happens and bring in your questions There will be a short educational topic each session plus time for individual help We're happy to help!

This is a drop-in class, join us when you can!

Upcoming Schedule:

September 19 at 2:30pm

October 3 at 2:30pm

October 17 at 2:30pm

October 31 at 2:30pm

November 14 at 2:30pm

November 28 2:30pm

December 12 at 2:30pm

Sunrise River Farm Apple Orchard Tour & Luncheon

Join us for a luncheon and an apple orchard tour! This is going to be a great day! Meet us at Sunrise River Farm (7602 Wyoming Trail Wyoming, MN 55092) at 12:00pm

Tuesday, 12-3pm

1 Session: $25

Sunrise River Farm Sep 26 5939-F23

Historic Fort Snelling Tour

Ride the bus with us and learn stories of the military fort and its surrounding area The fort is home to a wide history that includes Native peoples, trade, soldiers and veterans, enslaved people, immigrants, and the changing landscape Meet at Lakes Free Church (south door) to catch the bus at 9:20 a.m. We'll stop somewhere for lunch afterward (lunch on your own)

Thursday, 9:20am-2pm

1 Session: $30 Oct 12 5940-F23


Discover what a raptor is, how to identify them in the wild, and meet our educational birds Don't miss this educational opportunity with friends! We'll take a bus there and go out for lunch afterward (lunch on your own). Meet at Lakes Free Church to catch the bus

Tuesday, 9am-1:30pm

1 Session: $32 Nov 7 5941-F23

Join us to enjoy "Halo, It's Me!" a musical comedy story of Emily's Christmas Angels Emily Elizabeth Eakins believes in angels because she's seen them, and they don't have wings! However, angels ARE hilarious! Her family thinks Emily has a big imagination yet Emily is quite literally becoming a quoted "angel expert" and it's making local headlines! Who knew?! Be prepared to have your tummy tickled and a tissue ready! Meet at Lakes Free Church to carpool Please let Betsy know if you can drive

1 Session: $69 Dec 6 5942-F23

Wednesday, 9:30am-3pm

of Minnesota Raptor Center Tour Seasons Dinner Theatre at Majestic Oaks
Don't miss the Chisago Age Well Expo on October 20! See page 18 for details.


Our aquatics programming is back for another season with a full slate of offerings from swimming lessons, lap swim, fitness classes, and open swim

Swimming Lessons

Each level includes training in basic water safety as well as skill development. We offer lessons for 3 year old through middle school age.

Lap Swim

Generally we have 8 lanes available for lap swim.

Open Swim

Open swim is available for all ages and lifeguards are on duty. 1-2 lap lanes are available during open swim.


here to
learn all
our Aquatic programs


September - December Schedule

Open Swim (lanes available) Lap Swim

Lap & Open Swim Pricing

Lap & Open Swim

$5 per registration

Open Swim

$5 per individual

$10 for 2-4 people

$5 per person after

Registration is required. Please visit: www.isd2144.ce.eleyo.com to register.

Friday 5:45 - 7:45pm

Sunday 3:00 - 5:00pm

Swim Lesson information

Lessons are for children ages 3 years old - middle school.

Sundays or Tuesdays 6 week lessons are available.

September 17-Ocotber 22 12:30pm 1:20pm 2:10pm

September 12-Ocotber 24 5:40pm 6:30pm 7:20pm

Cost Individual

2 Children

3 Children

Sundays Tuesdays $70 $130 $180

Swim Lesson Levels

Scan the QR code for swim lesson level descriptions and a full schedule.

7:00am 5:45 - 6:45pm 6:45 - 7:45pm Tuesday 5:45
7:00am Wednesday 5:45 - 7:00am 5:45 - 6:45pm 6:45 - 7:45pm
5:45-7:00am 5:45 - 6:45pm 6:45 - 7:45pm

Wildcat Community Center

Location 29330 Olinda Trail, Lindstrom, MN


Monday-Friday 5:30am-9:00pm

Saturday 7:30am-6:00pm

Sunday 12:00-6:00pm

*Hours are subject to change. Please check our online schedule regularly at www.ce.isd2144.org


4 full size gyms

12 adjustable basketball hoops

Combined, the 4 gyms facilitate 4 volleyball courts, 4 tennis courts, 6 pickleball courts, and 2 batting cages

5 lane running track

Hosts open gyms, in-house programs, events, practices, and rentals

Walking Track

Overlooking the gyms is a three-lane walking/jogging track

8 laps around is 1 mile

Cardio Room

2,500 square feet

Features a variety of cardio and weight machines

Weight Room

3,000 square feet

Features a variety of free weights

1 squat rack always available for member use

Community Pool

8 lane main pool

Separate wading pool designed for infants and preschoolers

Hot tub

Community Room

2,500 square foot space for public or private use

Accommodates up to 50 people

Wildcat Community Center

WCC Members have access to:

Indoor walking track

Cardio equipment

Weight machines

Free weights

Gym spaces

Open gym for basketball, pickleball and volleyball

Discounted fitness classes

Locker rooms with showers

Personal training available

No long-term commitment

Health Care reimbursements

Membership does not include access to the Community Pool at this time

Yearly Membership Pricing

Resident Non-Resident

Student $180 $260

Adult $240 $320

Family $380 $450

Monthly Membership Pricing

Resident Non-Resident

Student $25 $30

Adult $30 $40

Family $40 $55

Dailyly Membership Pricing

Resident Non-Resident

Student $5 $10

Adult $5 $10

Family $10 $25

Membership Qualifications

Student - Anyone 12-21 years old with a valid student ID

Ages 11 and under must be accompanied by an adult with a paid membership at all times.

Adult - Anyone 18+

Family - Main member, spouse/significant other, and unlimited children (ages 18 and under) residing at the same address

Sport Specific Open Gyms

Pickleball: October 1 - May 31

Monday, Wednesday, Fridays 7-10am Thursdays 5-7pm

Sundays 3:30-5:30pm

Volleyball: November 6 - April 29

Mondays 7:30-9pm

Basketball: November 11 - 25

Saturdays 9-11am

Personal Training

The perfect way to begin exercise, train for events, or take your workout to the next level. Private or buddy sessions are available.

Private Sessions (45 Minutes)

1 session - $65

3 sessions - $180

6 sessions - $342

12 sessions - $660

Buddy (2 people) 45 minute sessions

3 sessions - $90 per person

6 sessions - $171 per person

12 sessions - $330 per person

*Personal training prices are subject to change


Celebrate With Us!

Birthday Parties

Bring your child and their friends to celebrate a birthday at the Wildcat Community Center or Community Pool! Play games in the gym, have a nerf party or swim in the pool! There will be staff on site to assist with check in, set up and tear down of the gym. Birthday hosts should plan for light clean up of party and refreshment areas. Parental supervision is required All food and refreshments are provided by the hosting birthday party group

WCC Birthday Parties are intended for 10-15 children. Gym games and activities include: basketball, volleyball, pickleball, dodgeball, soccer, hula hoops or gymnastics or ninja games or nerf games (participants must bring their own blasters) Party package includes private Community Room rental and 1 court for up to 2 hours. Cost is $190 per party. Contact Ian Lexvold to set up a reservation or discuss available dates at ilexvold@isd2144.org.

Pool Birthday Parties at the Community Pool are intended for 10-15 children Birthday groups will have use of the pool for 1 hour with 1 hour reserved Community Room space for cake and refreshments (provided by the family). Lifeguard will be provided and 2 adults must be present for the duration of the party. Cost is $190 per party. Contact Ian Lexvold to set up a reservation or discuss available dates at ilexvold@isd2144 org

Staff Directory


Dan McGonigle dmcgonigle@isd2144.org

Drivers Education & Facilities

Coreen Agre cagre@isd2144 org

Early Childhood & Preschool

Carmen Woeltge cwoeltge@isd2144 org

Jessica Hansen jessica hansen@isd2144 org

Forever Young Club

Betsy Sandgren basandgren@isd2144.og

Kids Club

Ian Lexvold ilexvold@isd2144 org

Recreation & Enrichment

Brandy Peterson brandy peterson@isd2144 org


clcommed@isd2144 org



School Building Key


with us
Olinda Trail, Lindstrom @clcommunity ed Connect
BG - Bus Garage 13450 Newlander Ave, Lindstrom
- CL Education Center 13750 Lake Blvd, Lindstrom DO - District Office 29678 Karmel Ave, Chisago City
- Primary School 11009 284th St, Chisago City
- Taylors Falls Elementary School 648 West St, Taylors Falls
- Wildcat Community Center 29330 Olinda Trail, Lindstrom HS - Chisago Lakes High School 29400 Olinda Trail, Lindstrom
- Lakeside Elementary School 29678 Karmel Ave, Chisago City MS - Chisago Lakes Middle School 13750 Lake Blvd, Lindstrom

Cancellation & Refund Policy

We hate to do it, however sometimes we have to cancel a class due to weather, low enrollment, or other evolving situations We make all efforts to contact registrants 48 hours before the scheduled start of the activity. Refunds will be given if a cancellation occurs.

Withdraw from a class

If you need to cancel, notify us at 651-213-2600 at least 3 business days prior to the class begin dates. We will refund the class fee, minus a $3 processing fee. Full refunds will be issued for cancelled classes. Refunds will not be given after the class has started

Media Release

Chisago Lakes School District has the right to publish my or my child's likeness, photograph, name, words, and/or artistic works; and/or my likeness, photograph, and the same to be published in any form or medium (for example: print, electronic, video, social media, etc.) To decline, I will provide written notice at the time of registration.

Data Privacy

Chisago Lakes Community Education contracts with software providers to securely collect and maintain registration information. Data you provide is used only for the purposes of administering Community Education programs. This information is considered private and will be kept confidential between Community Education and the registered account owner/payer.

Registration Information Register online! isd2144.ce.eleyo.com Registration opens August 16 Have questions? We are here to help! Email: clcommed@isd2144.org Phone: 651-213-2600 In Person: M-F 8am-4pm Wildcat Community Center 29330 Olinda Trl, Lindstrom
CL Community Ed Policies and Procedures

Chisago Lakes Activities

Get ready to cheer on the Wildcats!

Wildcat Activities is going cashless for all events and games this season! All tickets can be purchased by using our Activities website, www.clhs.isd2144.org/activities/tickets, scanning QR codes at the event or downloading the HomeTown fan app.

For a full schedule of games and events, scan here

Student Yearly $40 Adult 10 punch passes $50 Adult Yearly pass $125

Scan here to purchase tickets for upcoming events & games

Connect with us all year! Use this calendar of important dates so you don't miss a thing! Chisago Lakes School District Community Education 29330 Olinda Trl Lindstrom, MN 55045 651-213-2600 Non-Profit Organization U S Postage Permit No 3 Chisago City, MN 55013 Postal ECRWSS
October 27: Halloween Boogie Dance
15: Parents Night Out
9: Spelling Bee
Friday, December
Tuesday, January
Saturday, February 17: Daddy Daughter Dance

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