Comeback: the Risk Edition

Page 48

From there he scanned the crowd thoroughly, searching for any sign of Shaun, any at all. After a minute or so, he heard a loud noise from behind him. It sounded like screaming. “No, please, let me go! Help! Save me! Help me! Aaaah!” The voice seemed to say. Then it stopped completely. Noah wondered what on earth that was. Then he took a deep breath and started to slowly advance towards the strange screaming noises. There was fog everywhere. It was very difficult to see where everything was. As Noah progressed onwards, he felt something was off. Actually, he smelled it. It smelled like something rotting. He neared the scene and saw what had made the noise, rather who had made the noise. Noah was shell-shocked. He saw a mutilated body in front of him. The face had been half chewed off and the body was no better. Noah felt like puking and he quickly covered his mouth. He almost did puke but only then did he note something else there. Another man shrouded by the fog, stood to one side. “Hello?” Noah said, his voice quavering. He heard a grumbling noise that much resembled the growl a dog would make before it struck an enemy. “Who are you?” Noah questioned in a frightened voice. The anonymous person revealed himself from the fog, looking sideways at Noah. Except it wasn’t a person. The thing looked like a human being from far away. However, more closely observed, it was a gruesome specimen. Its body was chewed off in different areas with one arm half torn off. Its face had dry blood on it while the eyes were strange. There was no clear color in them. They were not brown, grey, green or any other shade. They were pure milky white. “St-stay back! Stay back!” Noah whimpered. He had completely lost his nerve. In front of him stood something he had never seen before. Noah slowly backed up and the strange beast followed. Each time Noah took a step backwards the beast quickened its pace to catch up to him. He did not have the courage to stop the beast. His fear took control and he felt he couldn’t run anywhere either. He was stuck and the beast was gaining on him. Present The noise of thumping got louder from behind the door. It seemed the strange creatures were finally having some success in knocking it down. Jackie gave Shaun a worrisome look. “We don’t have much time before they knock that door down. What should we do?” She asked. “Fight to our deaths?” Tennyson suggested. “Just like in ‘I Am Legend’. Pity we don’t have that grenade though.” “Grenade?” Noah questioned. “Yeah, from the movie.” Tennyson said, rolling his eyes. “This is no time for jokes, Tennyson. “ Jackie replied. “We have to find some way of getting back to those trucks. The problem is, Noah and I threw our automatics down when we ran. It was too much load for us to handle. We can’t kill ‘em all. We’re badly outnumbered too. It’s my fault. The flashlights were a bad idea.” Shaun stated miserably.

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