Columbus Bar Lawyers Quarterly Summer 2019

Page 49

tucked neatly under its belly, flying over a three-and-a-half-foot log. And, I found that my intense hours of riding horses not only improved my mood, but also strengthened my leg muscles, improved my posture and took weight off of select areas used for sitting. Unfortunately, at some point, the increased cost of horse care, training, riding and the decreased time to spend not only on the riding and the grooming but also the transportation to and from stables ended the majority of my dealings with the entire horse. Except for, of course, watching them occasionally at places like Wellington, Florida where for multiple glorious weeks, horses and riders from all over the world compete in hunting, jumping and

dressage classes, with nearby polo to add to the mix. But, I still love the animal and hope to one day have time to take up riding again. Maybe, it will be a gentle, almost retired horse instead of a jumper this next time, but I will be involved with the whole horse again. Seriously, let’s not horse around and underestimate the very important role the horse played in society for many years. However, given the limited space for this article, we do need to reign in the discussion a bit. Let’s just take the bit and run with it. See, horse language pervades daily life. Our familiarity with horses may be minimum. Perhaps a ride in a carriage in New York’s Central Park or

fond memories of the pony ride at an amusement park during childhood or just watching an old cowboy movie or the Kentucky Derby constitute the entire experience some of us have had with horses. But, before automobiles, horses played a major role in our economy. They were transporters of people and cargo. They pulled farm plows as did the slower but sturdier, less expensive and easier to care for ox. Horses were used in battles and many died along with their rider soldiers. Then and now horses were raced and, while some of the best runners lived out their lives in pastures producing other horses, many ended up as animal food or even people food. And, from the time horses were domesticated, people have been riding them to transport themselves someplace or just for fun.

49 | Columbus Bar L aw yers Quarterly Summer 2019

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