2015 Columbia UP Asian Studies Catalogue

Page 28



Drawing New Color Lines

Religion, Tradition, and the Popular

Transnational Asian American Graphic Narratives Edited by Monica Chiu

Transcultural Views from Asia and Europe

"Foregrounding the shifting meanings of race

Edited by Judith Schlehe and Evamaria

within, across, and between various national


contexts, the fifteen essays in Chiu's collec-

This book provides unique case studies from Asia and Europe illustrating new religious practices, forms of articulation and mass mediatization, all of which render religious traditions significant for contemporary issues and concerns. Contributors examine experiences of spirituality in combination with commercialization and expressive performative practices as well as everyday politics of identity. The essays take into consideration what the transcultural negotiation of religion, tradition and the popular signifies in different places and social contexts. With contributions by Anthony Reid, Hubert Knoblauch, Ariel Heryanto, Stefanie von Schnurbein and others.

tion explore the visual dimensions of Asian American transnational literary culture with originality and offer particular insight into the complexities of production, interpretation, and reception for graphic narrative." — Pamela Thoma, author of Asian American Women's Popular Literature The global circulation of comics, manga, and other such visual mediums between North America and Asia produces transnational meanings no longer rooted in a separation between "Asian" and "American." Drawing New Color Lines explores the culture, production, and history of contemporary graphic narratives that depict Asian Americans and Asians. It examines how Japanese manga and Asian popular culture have influenced Asian American comics; how these comics and Asian American graphic narratives depict the "look" of race; and how these various representations are interpreted in nations not of their production.

$50.00 cloth 978-3-8376-2613-1 2014 286 pages / 8 illus. Transcript-Verlag

$69.00 / £47.50 cloth 978-988-8139-385 2015 368 pages / 42 illus. h0ng kong university press


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