Columbia August 2016

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Families United in Charity As domestic churches, our families are called to reach out beyond themselves in loving service by Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori

NOT LONG AGO, I had the joy the beauty of a family that embodies and honor of ordaining a priest who the spirit of charity that should anicomes from a large and wonderful mate the whole Church. In the words Catholic family. The night before his of Jesus, “The greatest among you ordination, I hosted a Holy Hour and must be your servant” (Mt 23:11). ing outward to the needs of others, dinner at my residence in Baltimore. they maintain the inner unity of I sat next to the ordinand’s father, and LOOKING OUTWARD hearth and home. To echo St. Francis as we talked, two qualities of his char- Over nearly 40 years of priestly min- of Assisi, it is in giving that they reacter stood out: his love for his family istry, I’ve been privileged to know ceive. and his love of the Lord. The young many families that reach out in lovFamilies are united in service in man’s mother likewise showed a deep ing service in their local parish and to many ways. Many participate in love for the Lord and her family, and the wider community. Like all fami- Knights of Columbus activities or it was clear she is also a very parish outreach efforts, such as organized and disciplined food pantries. Sometimes I see person. I got the impression families volunteering in larger Family members cannot allow she could run a Fortune 500 initiatives run by Catholic themselves to withdraw from one Charities or in other activities, company! As the evening progressed, such as rehabbing homes or another or from the parish and I became more and more imhelping veterans. pressed with this family. Some In addition, these families the wider community. of the older siblings had just often unite in love by welcomreturned from a weeklong ing to their homes those who walking pilgrimage from Annapolis lies, they have their ups and downs, might need a bit of encouragement or to Ocean City, Md. They had joined their triumphs and tragedies. Parents companionship. Many years ago, with other young people in bearing have their share of disagreements and when my own family was in the witness for religious freedom. And as financial worries, and their children process of moving, my father had to busy as this family is, they find the experience the joys and the challenges remain behind at our previous home time to readily reach out to others in of growing up in today’s culture. Yet for a few weeks. During that period, need. They are involved in all sorts of for all their trials, such families never he often received invitations to dinservice projects, making their home a turn in on themselves. They live sim- ner from families in the parish, beplace of hospitality and a bustling do- ply and often deny themselves luxu- cause they knew he was separated mestic church. ries that other families consider to be from his own loved ones. How many All this was summed up when one necessities. They don’t split apart, people in their advancing years, perof the young man’s sisters stood and each member of the family withdraw- haps widows or widowers, would like made a toast. Her words were filled ing to his or her digital corner. Instead, to spend an evening with a welcomwith joy at the very thought of her they stay together and maintain strong ing family? brother’s ordination, but they also family ties, and their love spills over, contained a challenge: to be a priest far beyond their home. Their lives are ‘UNITED IN SERVICE’ who serves others in a spirit of open- marked by a spirit of service that looks As we know, a parish is called to be a hearted love. In this way, she radiated outward. Strangely enough, by look- community of faith, worship and 4 ♦ COLUMBIA ♦


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