Greene County Pennysaver September 2024

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May cut, small squares, 45–50 lbs, $6.50 at the farm. Also, heavy round bales, net wrapped, loaded for you, $50 & up.

Durham, NY



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September 2024 Community Events

MONDAYS, S EPT. 2 & 16 – COXSACKIE S ENIOR CLUB meets the first & third Monday of each month, 2pm. Join us for meetings & lectures. Fun programs, games, snacks, coffee, some trips & lots of new friends. Stop in and see what it is all about. Coxsackie Senior Center, 127 Mansion Street. For info, 518-857-4780.

MONDAY, SEPT. 2 & FRIDAY, SEPT. 20 – GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP for adults & adult children who have lost a loved one in a drug related death. Meeting at 6pm on the first Monday & third Friday each month, at the Leeds Firehouse on Route 23B. Registration required – space is limited. Email: jeanettec708@

WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 4 – GREENVILLE GOLDEN YEARS CLUB meets the first Wednesday of the month at 1 p.m. at the American Legion, Maple Avenue. All seniors welcome. Questions? Call 518-966-8482 or 518-966-4436.

WEDNESDAYS, SEPT. 4 , 11, 18, 25 – GREENVILLE QUILTERS SEW & CHAT – Love fabric arts and quilting? Learn new quilting techniques & meet others with similar interests. Free – open to all. Every Wednesday, 12:30 - 3:30pm in the Greenville Library. Info 518-966-5217.

THURSDAY & FRIDAY, SEPT. 5 & 6 – WOMEN'S GAME OF LOGGING Levels 1 & 2 – Game of Logging is widely recognized as a leader in logging safety. You must complete Level 1 and show certificate/proof of completion before taking Level 2. Hosted by Bill Lindloff and Tracey Testo at the Agroforestry Resource Center, 6055 NY-23, Acra, NY. $25.00 per class. For more info, contact Ashley Lynn Schoenborn at or 518622-9820 x113.

THURSDAYS, SEPT. 5 – MUSIC IN THE PARK Summer Concert Series hosted by Heart of Catskill Association at Dutchman’s Landing, Main Street, Catskill, 7 to 9pm, featuring Wyld Blue, Award Winning Rockin’ Blues.

MONDAY, SEPT. 9 – CHICKEN BARBECUE DINNER, 4 - 6:30pm, hosted by the United Methodist Church, Coxsackie. Takeout only. Catered by Frese’s – half chicken, baked potato, corn, coleslaw, roll, butter, cookies. $16.00 per person. Tickets must be purchased by Sept. 2 from any church member or call 518428-9600 or 518-731-8072. For delivery, 518-428-9600. Pickup at Lafayette Ave. parking lot.

WEDNESDAYS, SEPT. 11 & 25 – BINGO at the Catskill Elks Lodge: the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. Doors open 5pm (no early arrivals), early bird games start at 6:10pm; regular bingo begins at 6:40pm. Kitchen closed – feel free to bring a light snack and/or non-alcoholic beverage. No takeout deliveries to the hall please. 45 North Jefferson Avenue, Catskill.

THURSDAY, SEPT. 12 – CATSKILL "SILVER LININGS" SENIORS meet on the second Thursday of each month at 1pm for informative speakers, fun games, and friendly conversation. Join us at the Robert Antonelli Senior Center, Thompson Street, Catskill. 518-943-1343.

SATURDAY, S EPT. 14 – S ECOND SATURDAY TRUNK SALES, sponsored by Cultivate Catskill. Sell, Shop, Socialize. Water Street on the Creek behind the Greene County Office Building, Catskill, 9am - 1 pm. Cars $10, Trucks and Vans $15. Contact: 518-653-1381; website:; email:


Greene County YMCA, 2pm at Brewery Lahoff. Live music by Playin with Fire & Will Proper. $25 per ticket to help send local kids to summer camp. Ticket includes 1 drink & 1 ticket to win prizes. Rain or shine. Fork' n Food truck on site. Call 518-7317529 for ticket info.

SATURDAYS, SEPT. 14 & 28 – COXSACKIE GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP – meets monthly on the 2nd & 4th Saturday, 5-6pm, Bethany Village Van Heest Hall, Coxsackie. Contact Jeffrey at 518-478-5414;; on Facebook at Coxsackie Grief Support Group.

SUNDAY, SEPT. 15 – ANNUAL CHICKEN BBQ hosted by The Kiskatom Fire Department, 4838 Rt. 32, Catskill. BBQ chicken, corn on cob, baked beans, potato salad, cucumber salad, roll, beverage & dessert. Take-outs from 2 to 3pm; eat-in from 3:30 to 6 pm. Donation $15 for adults; children 6-12 $6; 5 and under free with paid adult ticket. Hope to see you there!

FRIDAY, SEPT. 20 – CLEMATIS GARDEN CLUB meets the third Friday of the month, March thru December, at 1:00 at the American Legion Post 291, 54 Maple Ave., Greenville. Guests welcome. Call for more info, 518-424-9000.

SATURDAY, SEPT. 21 – NEW BALTIMORE 21ST ANNUAL TOWNWIDE YARD SALE – beginning at 9am. Maps will be available on the steps of Town Hall, 3809 County Route 51, at 8am.

SATURDAY, SEPT. 21 – TRUNK SALE to benefit the Cairo Public Library, in the library parking lot, Railroad Ave., Cairo, 10am - 2 pm. Vendors register online or at the Library. Only 20 spots available: Cars $10, Vans/Pick-Up Trucks $15; 2'X4' tables available to rent, $5. Hosted by Friends of the Cairo Library. The Used Book Shed Sale will be open. Used books in good condition accepted.

THURSDAY, SEPT. 26 – BARBECUE DELIGHTS TAKE OUT – 3:30 to 6:30 at the Greenville Gazebo, Corner of Routes 32 & 81. Serving Chicken and Ribs dinners. Fundraiser for the Scout program for Greenville Troop 42.

FRIDAY & SATURDAY, SEPT. 27 & 28 – FALL RUMMAGE SALE at the United Methodist Church, 103 Mansion Street, Coxsackie. Friday 9-3; Saturday 9-2. Food sale on Saturday. Lunch available Fri. 11-2; Sat. 9-2. Donations, call Nancy at 518-755-4198. Handicapped lift available.

SATURDAY, SEPT. 28 – USED BOOK SALE – upstairs at the Greenville Library, 11177 Route 32, 10 to 3. Fill our bag with hardcovers, paperbacks, DVDs, CDs & puzzles for $5 or buy one paperback for a quarter! We have bags. No LARGE carts, wagons or tubs in the book sale rooms. They can be kept in a close by room and bags placed into them there. A benefit for the library hosted by Friends of the Greenville Library. Stop by on your way to Greenville Day at the park!

SATURDAY, SEPT. 28 – WALK WITH THE GREENE COUNTY YMCA to help feed Greene County families this Thanksgiving. Minimum $25 donation. Walk takes place at the Windham Walking Path, 7 to 11am. Call 518-731-7529 for more info.

SATURDAY, SEPT. 28 – “COXSACKIE CUISINE” FUNDRAISER –A movable feast starting at the Heermance Memorial Library, 1 Ely St., Coxsackie, 6pm for appetizers then to a host’s home for dinner and returning to the library for dessert. Tickets on sale at the library, $75.00 per person. For more info, call the library at 518-731-8084 or Jacqueline at 518-429-6543.

· Vaping, e-cigarettes, and cigarettes put nicotine and cancer-causing chemicals into your body. Both are highly addictive, dangerous, and hard to quit.

Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death – on average contributing to 480,000 deaths in the United States each year.

· Vaping is harmful to adolescent brain development. Young people who vape may be more likely to smoke cigarettes in the future.

· Quitting lowers your risk for smoking-related diseases and can add years to your life.

Miss A Thing in the




Race will start from 1235 High Hill Road in Earlton $25/Road Race • $25/Trail Run • Run both for $45!

Finisher medals for all Bonfire, Tailgaiting, S’Mores, Music & more!

Special discounts on Christmas trees for competitors.

100% of proceeds go to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in memory of Skip Veeder. For more information contact Mike at 518-857-3948 or email Register at:


Land Clearing • Tree Removal Log Length Firewood - Seasoned & Unseasoned Outdoor Furnace Wood • Log Truck for Hire KELLY LOGGING

Fully Insured • Call Paul Kelly 518-965-9918 or 518-634-2323

Your support will provide food, shelter, clothing, medical care, substance abuse counseling and new life programs to those in need.



09/03 - Legion Riders Meeting, Greenville Post, 7pm

09/04 - Tannersville A.L. Meeting, Rescue Squad Building, 7pm

09/05 - Catskill American Legion Mtg., Catskill Post, 7pm

09/05 - Greenville American Legion Mtg., Greenville Post, 7pm

09/07 - Greenville A.L. Membership Appreciation Day, 4pm

09/08 - Greenville A.L. Bowling League starts

09/10 - Cairo American Legion Meeting, Masonic Lodge, 7pm

09/10 - Sons of American Legion Meeting, Greenville Post, 7pm

09/11 - Spaghetti Dinner at Greenville Post, 4:30-7pm

09/11 - Athens American Legion Meeting, Athens Post, 7pm

09/11 - Coxsackie American Legion Mtg., Village Bldg ., 7pm

09/11 - Windham VFW Meeting at Post, 7pm

09/12 - Prattsville Amer. Legion Meeting, Prattsville Hotel, 7pm

09/14 - Tannersville A.L. Breakfast at Rescue Building, 8am -11am

09/15 - POW/MIA Recognition Lunch, Athens Post, 11am - 3pm

09/17 - New Baltimore A.L. Meeting, Firehouse, 7pm

09/20 - Greene County A.L. Meeting, Prattsville Hotel, 7pm

09/21 - Fall Fling at Athens Post, 9am - 4pm

09/21 - Vet-2-Vet Community Day, Cairo Park, 11am – 4pm

09/25 - Marine Corp League Mtg., East Durham Firehouse, 7pm

09/26 - Greenville A.L./Scout Troop 42 Chicken Dinner PUBLIC WELCOME AT ALL EVENTS

Great Deals in the

Books Of Local History

Indian Tribes Of Hudson’s River – Vols I & II

It has been the object of the author to trace the history of the Indians from the earliest period; to show their original position in the family of nations, and that which they subsequently maintained; the wrongs which they suffered, and the triumphs which they won; their greatness and their decay. In these volumes readers will learn about Native Americans’ customs, organization, wars & treaties.

The Delaware Indians: A Brief History

(Reprint of 1906 edition)

The author, a descendant of Chief White Eyes, said the Delaware Indians aka the Lenni Lenape, as they called themselves, were originally the most powerful Indian Tribe in the East, perhaps in the Americas.

x 9.25", paperback, 80 Pages $8.95

Gunther Van Winkle and the Half Moon

A beautifully illustrated extension of the Rip Van Winkle legend. A captivating story, a modern young boy sleeping aboard the replica Half Moon in the Rondout Harbor is awakened by a bump in the night and witnesses the return of Henry Hudson to reclaim his ship and search for the treasure he left behind.

5.5” x 8.5”, paperback, 52 pages, illustrated $9.95

Revolutionary War Chronology & Almanac 1754-1783

By Harv Hilowitz

Revolutionary War Chronology & Almanac puts each event, location, and date literally “on the map”, making it easier for students of military history to comprehend the complex series of campaigns, routs, executions, victories and surrenders that made up America’s Revolutionary War.

5.5" x 8.5", paperback, 48 pages $8.95

The Great Hudson River Brick Industry Commemorating Three and a Half Centuries of Brick Making

The object of the author was to trace and preserve the history of the American Indians from the earliest period; their original position in the family of Nations, and that which they subsequently maintained; the wrongs they suffered, and the triumphs they won; their greatness, and their decay. In these volumes, readers will learn about Native American customs, organization, wars and treaties.

Picturesque Ulster

With an introduction by Alf Evers

This classic turn-of-the-century pictorial work on Ulster County townships contains original illustrations, and a horseback travelogue of the back roads including interviews and bits of history. Never before or since has the architecture, people, and their various occupations been so nobly documented in such detail.

Picturesque Catskills

With an introduction by Alf Evers

This classic turn-of-the-century pictorial work on Greene County townships contains original illustrations, and a horseback travelogue of the back roads including interviews and bits of history. Never before or since has the architecture, people, and their various occupations been so nobly documented in such detail.

9.625" x 12.25", paperback, 160 Pages $29.95


Steve Oaklander: 917-270-8924



3 BEDROOM APARTMENT IN ACRA Heat, hot water, electric, cable TV & garbage included. Deck, bathtub, laundry room. $1900 per month. 518-622-3393.

APARTMENT RENTALS IN CAIRO & EAST DURHAM – Studios, one bedrooms & two bedrooms. Includes heat, hot water, electric, cable TV, garbage, and laundry. $1000 – $1600 per month. 518-622-3393.


WANTED: JUNK VEHICLES & OLD MOTORCYCLES – Parts or whole, any condition, no tires needed. Keeping Greene County green. Call Mike, 518-634-2134.


FOR SALE: Samsonite green canvas luggage; Set of Pfaltzgraff canisters; Classic Electrolux vacuum cleaner with filters & bags; Light wood octagon end table; Hearing Aids; Shark Steamer for cleaning drapes. 518-731-9815.

HAY FOR SALE – First cut square bales, $6.00 each; round bales in net, $40.00 each. Second cut to be determined. 518588-9292.

FOR SALE: Walnut Trees. Also, Baseball cards, Basketball cards and comic books. Call: 518-330-3860.


HELP WANTED – to assist handicapped male with light cleaning, take out for shopping, doctor’s appointments, etc. Salary and hours negotiable. Catskill. Please call 518-755-4990.


AMERICAN PAINTING – Professional, affordable interior and exterior painting & staining. 25 years’ experience. EPA certified; fully insured. Call Chris at 518-937-0843.

MASIS CLEANING SERVICE: Weekly, biweekly, monthly cleanings for residential & commercial. Move-ins, move-outs; Airbnb specialist. Standard cleaning, deep cleaning, and post-construction cleaning. Call Us for a Free quote, 619-884-9872.

JOE THE HANDYMAN – HOUSEHOLD REPAIRS – House painting, interior, sheet-

rock repair, ceiling, and wall-skimming, repairing wood decks, wood siding and fascia, flooring, drop ceilings, wall accents, light carpentry, tiling, light fixtures, electrical, hanging picture frames and other decorative items, spring and yard clean ups, gardening, roof repairs, doors and door locks and more. Call today and get it done. Friendly, honest, and quality work. No job too small. 518-947-4111.

LEMONY FRESH CLEANING – Weekly/ daily cleans provided; full house/rental cleaning/commercial; organizing; move ins & move outs, deep cleans/post-construction cleaning. Eco clean. Fully insured. Call for a FREE quote. 518-947-0661.


WANTED FOR AUCTION: Gold, silver, jewelry, and coins. Call for more info, 518-634-2300. Email:

Tree Removal • Pruning • Viewscaping • Woodscaping

Storm & Emergency Clean Up • Cabling • Fertilization • Stump Grinding


If a company has employees in NY State, it is illegal to do tree work without having workers’ compensation insurance. If you hire a service that doesn't carry the correct insurance, you, the homeowner, will be liable if something happens to your property or to their employees.

Asking your tree service to send proof of workers’ compensation insurance takes one second and is free. Battling your insurance company because you hired a company working illegally without workers’ compensation insurance could take years and cost you, the homeowner, the price of any damage or injuries.

Don't assume a company is fully insured - get proof! A business card and an ad can say anything. A reputable, legal tree service will be happy to have their insurance companies email you their proof of general liability and workers’ compensation insurance.


Make sure the company you are hiring has been doing business for several years. Tree work is dangerous and takes years to learn.

Check our website for more information.

We follow all industry safety standards and techniques, and have the newest equipment to keep your lawn and property looking like we were never there.

518-378-0664 • Email:

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