Collegian Magazine - December 2012

Page 14


second chance A chance meeting between an Australian professor and Ugandan Pastor on a plane over a year ago, has seen a small Ugandan boy receive life-changing surgery. His story and unbelievable spirit has touched the lives of many, including the BBC community. In 2009 at the age of just two, George

this year Dr Winkle and a plastic surgeon, Dr

Prep class. For a child who has experienced

Mukisa fell victim to child sacrifice, a relatively

Scott Ingram, performed an operation to re-

such injustice, his attitude and infectious

new phenomenon which sees children live in

route George’s urethra and to revise previous

enthusiasm for life is simply inspiring,” said

fear of abduction by witch doctors who claim

reconstructive surgeries.

Prep Teacher Mr Maurice Awhy.

they can bring prosperity and power through

According to Professor Mitchell without the

During his stay Pastor Sewakiryanga also

surgery George was likely to develop chronic

spoke to the College’s Interschool Christian

The stories emerging from Uganda are

infections, renal failure and eventually die.

Fellowship group, sharing the work of his

unimaginable and in George’s case, whilst he

In a story epitomised by survival and

sacrificial rituals.

ministry and their plight to stop child sacrifice in Uganda.

managed to survive – thanks to passers-by

strength, George again amazed doctors,

who heard his cries – he was left severely

family and friends with his remarkable


recovery and it was this chain of events that

great injustices of child sacrifice in Uganda

saw Professor Mitchell contact BBC Chaplain

and particularly about the extreme challenges

replacement surgery, this eventually failed

Graham Cole to see if George could join

that will continue to surround George’s life. He

and the injuries sustained led to constant

BBC’s Prep class for the last few weeks of his

also focused on the confidence that he had in

discomfort and dangerous infections.

stay in Australia.

God being able to meet their desperate needs

Whilst doctors were able to perform

In 2010 on a plane trip from South Africa

“It is so exciting for our school to be an

to Australia, Executive Director of Kyampisi

instrument in God’s hand for the restoration of

Ministries Peter Sewakiryanga, happened

George’s life,” Rev Cole said.

to sit next to Geoff Mitchell, a Professor of

Suffice to say, George settled into the Prep

General Practice. After hearing of George’s

class quickly and made many friends in a very

terrible ordeal, Geoff approached friend and

short space of time.

Urological Surgeon David Winkle. In May

“It was a delight having George join our

Pastor Sewakiryanga spoke about the

through the generosity of others. above: pastor sewakiryanga with george in brisbane. image courtesy Paul Harris / Fairfax Syndication

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