The Blue Mountain Review Issue 3

Page 65

and thorn-pierced heart, sears blood-red berry, and only burned blossoms remind me of you.

about the poem/book:

Blackberry Winter is a period of cool weather in Spring when blackberries are in blossom, and there are several days of disagreeable, cloudy weather, often with a touch of frost. Similar toDogwood Winter, there is always a “spell” of dark days in May when the dogwood tree is in bloom. Indian Summer is a time of warmth after the first hard frost. To the contrary, Blackberry Winter comes after early Spring weather which has deceived everyone into believing that Spring has finally arrived. The conflict of emotions evoked when “It’s Spring,” and suddenly “Winter returns,” is clear and poignant in its implications for matters of the heart and the complications that Fate always brings to our Living.

65 | T h e B l u e M o u n t a i n R e v i e w I s s u e 3

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