Internews 5

Page 9


Número 5

Opposites III *Lucas*

"Then tell me about yourself." Maya said. It was a statement, not a question. I was silent. "Well?" Maya pressed. "I-I don't know where to start." I admitted.

But I did. For some reason I wanted to tell this girl everything. I wanted to tell her all about my life back in Houston and how my father had died. Maybe it was the air of confidence she seemed to carry. Maybe it was the way she said my name. All I knew was that there was so much to tell and for some reason I wanted to tell this girl I'd just met. "I grew up in Houston." I started, "my father taught me how to shoot, It was something we did together. I had two sisters And one brother. My brother tried to do everything I did, I was his role model. My little sisters always teased me about the girls in my town." I realised that a nostalgic smile was creeping up on my face. Maya's face was blank. "That sounds nice." She commented, looking as if she wanted to reach out and touched my shoulder.


"It was." I said, feeling the burn of tears in my eyes. "Was?" She sounded like she regretted asking as soon as she saw the look on my face. "They died, my dad and my siblings." I explained, "some idiot was driving drunk." This time Maya scooted over so she was right next to me, closing the meter long gap between us. She gazed at me with her gorgeous eyes and touched my shoulder lightly.

por Ana Ximena Domínguez

mine. She turned her head to look at me. "They are always there." She continued, "the most beautiful things go unnoticed. They hide in plain sight.”

"I'm so sorry." I tensed up at the feeling of her hand resting there. This was something I didn't usually talk about. Something about Maya compelled me to blur it out. I relaxed.

"It's okay." I said, not able to meet her gaze. I was glad it was dark so she couldn't see my tears. I wondered if she could hear it in my voice.

"The stars are beautiful tonight." I said changing the subject and brushing the tear off my cheek. "And you haven't noticed?" Maya asked teasingly. She went back to her original position. She was flat on her back with her arms at her sides. Her finger tips brushed


I tapped my foot impat i e n t l y. W h e r e w a s s h e ? "Honey, what's wrong?" My mom asked. She was sitting on the couch reading a magazine as I stood at the door. "Maya was supposed to be here twenty minutes ago." I said angrily. "I'm sure she's on her way." Mom said reasonably.



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