Chronicle The CNM
Volume 19 | Issue 19
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C o v e r i n g
Balloon Fiesta
t h e
s u r r o u n d i n g
October 15, 2013 c o m m u n i t y
CNM students fight for Women’s Rights By Shaya Rogers Guest Writer
The Nov 19 ballot measure that would ban abortion after 20 weeks has some CNM students working alongside the “Respect ABQ Women” campaign to defeat the ballot measure and educate other students on the specifics. Secondary Education major and Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance member Joel Gallegos said the ban is dangerous because it provides no exceptions, even in cases of rape or incest. “The only way an abortion would be allowed after 20 weeks is basically if the woman is already dying or dead,” he said. Gallegos and other members of the FMLA have been tabling at Main campus, as well as at UNM and will continue to do so through Nov 19.
The group’s focus is on reproductive rights and stressing the importance of a woman’s right to make her own decisions regarding her health. Christian Redbird, Political Science major and Campaign Organizer for Young Women United said that women and doctors need access to safe and legal procedures. “Women making decisions about abortions later in pregnancy are facing heartbreaking circumstances, including serious risks to their health and fetal anomalies. Every pregnancy is different,” Redbird said. The “Respect ABQ Women” campaign encompasses many pro-choice groups in New Mexico and works to make sure that women’s rights are protected, said Policy Director of Young Women United, Micaela Cadena.
“We believe that women alongside their families, their doctors, and in the context of their faith, are the best people to make these deeply personal and private decisions about their pregnancies,” she said. The decision will be voted on in person by Albuquerque voters in a special election, and Gallegos said he hopes students vote against this ballot measure on Nov 19 at their nearest polling location because this is an issue that will have an impact on many residents. Cadena encourages students to vote and engage themselves with these issues that directly affect the community, she said. “So many of our young people understand that they are the ones creating the future of our city and our community and we would love to be engaged with
CNM students that care about this issue, want to learn more, or even just have questions about what’s going on around this ballot measure,” said Cadena. Redbird said the most important way to support the campaign is to vote
against the measure to make sure it gets defeated. “We need to make sure our friends and family know about this harmful ballot measure. We need volunteers to make phone calls and knock on doors talking to Albuquerque voters,” Redbird said.
Gallegos said the ballot measure uses specific language that gives personhood to fertilized eggs, which creates legal precedence that could be referenced as law if the bill passes. see
RESPECT on page 7
Kris Miranda and Joel Gallegos set up a table at Main campus to spread awareness about the November 19 ballot measure.
Tech it out
CIS offers cutting edge programing By Jonathan Baca Staff Reporter
The Computer Information System (CIS) program offers students topnotch training in eight different concentrations, preparing students for the unique challenges of the ever changing computer systems workplace, Hye Clark, chair of the CIS program and full time faculty member, said. Students who enroll in the program receive an associate degree, and can choose one or more concentrations, including Computer Programming, D a t a b a s e Technology, Digital Media, Network Administration,
Software Systems and Applications, S y s t e m s Administration, Web Technology, and the brand new Cloud Technology, as well as upcoming Cyber Security concentrations, she said. “We want students to learn these new skills, so they will be able to go out after and be ready to get these new jobs,” Clark said. I v o n n e Nelson, full time teacher and head of the Computer Programming concentration, said that the main goal of the CIS program is to give students applicable, real world skills that will help them to find jobs in the industry upon graduation.
“Once a year we meet with local employers in what we call Advisory Committees, and they tell us what skills they’re looking for, in programming, in database, in networking, in visualization, whatever the concentration is,” Nelson said. Although CIS field might be intimidating to some, Nelson said students that are detail oriented and like problem solving would do well in the program. “If you like solving puzzles, it is a great area to get into,” she said. As a community college program, CIS is most concerned with teaching students the
ever changing skills that employers need from their workers, she said. “We place graduates in big companies like Sandia National Labs, and in small companies too, small programming shops and things like that,” Nelson said. Computer Science major, Samuel Risk said he got into the CIS program because he knew he would get the training he needed. “Computer systems are a quickly growing industry. You can definitely get a job if you have a strong base. I hope to get into software or video game design. There’s always a demand for this stuff,” Risk said. Students learn basic computer
languages, like C++ and Java, and these courses prepare students to go out and get many specialized certifications with industry giants like Microsoft and Cisco. Students who get certified have a major advantage in the workplace, Nelson said. Clark said she is particularly proud of the new Cloud Technology concentration, since CNM is unique among community colleges for offering courses in this cutting edge field. “Our program is kind of a hidden treasure. We are one of the only community colleges teaching the cloud sciences, VMware virtualization, and right now these are
very popular skills. We are very proud we can teach these skills to the students,” Clark said. Students who take this concentration should be prepared to get jobs working on programs like Google’s Dropbox, M ic rosoft’s SkyDrive, Amazon’s cloud storage, and many others. “We want students to learn these new skills, so they will be able to go out after and be ready to not only get jobs, but higher paying jobs,” Clark said. Another concentration that is on the cutting edge is Cyber Security, see
COMPUTERS on page 7
The CNM CNM Chronicle Chronicle 2 | The
October 15, 2013 October 15, 2013
To submit items for Campus Bulletins, please email news item with a maximum of 150 words to: or call 224-4755.
student organizations
ECOS Accepting New Members
Free Bus and Parking Passes
The Executive Council of Students is accepting new members. ECOS meets every Friday at 4 p.m. in ST 12-A. For more information,email esarvis@
Current students qualify for a free general parking pass and AbqRide bus pass. The passes can be obtained at the Main campus Student Activities Office. Name, schedule, and student ID number are required. For a general parking pass vehicle and drivers license information must be provided. To register the online parking system for the free general parking sticker log-in to myCNM and follow links from the “transportation” section.
Come check out M.E.Ch.A. CNM’s chapter of el Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano/a de Aztlan meets every other Thursday search for “M.E.Ch.A de CNM” on Facebook, or email at for meeting locations and times.
EMERGENCY WRITING REPAIR WORKSHOP Do you need help with your writing skills? There’s still time to enroll in English 1096, the Emergency Writing Repair Workshop. CNM now offers two sections at Main (at 7:30 a.m. on MW and at 6 p.m. on T/R) and one section on the West Side (4:30 on T/R).
Make stone tools and build fires! CNM’s Anthropology club is looking for new members and officers. Become a part of a club dedicated to studying and understanding humanity. E-mail Sue Ruth: or search for “CNM anthropology” on facebook.
Planning to Attend Fall Graduation Ceremony? Don’t Forget to Submit Grad Application If you are planning to participate in the Fall 2013 Graduation Ceremony on Dec. 7 at Tingley Coliseum, don’t forget that you must submit a graduation application for your degree or certificate by Friday, October 18, at 5 p.m. To review CNM’s general graduation requirements, log on tomyCNM, and click on the “Students” tab at the top of the page. In the “Graduation and Change/Update Your Major” channel on the right of the page, click on “Your Guide to Graduation” to access the latest information on the graduation application process. To apply to graduate online, click the link for the “Online Certificate and Degree Evaluation” that is located below the “Graduation Guide” link. Once you complete the evaluation, you will be allowed to continue to the online graduation application.
FREE flu shots Main Oct. 21 and 22 Montoya Oct. 23 and 24 Westside Oct. 28 and 29 South Valley Oct. 30 and 31 WTC Nov. 4 and 5 Call campuses for locations and times Midtown Public Health at 2400 Wellesley Drive NE (behind Rudy’s BBQ) off Carlisle, also has walk-in free flu shots from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily.
Volunteer positions
See an error in the newspaper? Let us know! At pottery studio not made in china. Email errors or concerns to Come volunteer here at NMIC and Rene Thompson at: get jumpstart on learning ceramics. or Volunteer one day a week and earn: call 224-4755. unlimited clay, glaze, and fire, with
free access from 12 to 7 p.m. every day. Contact for more information.
It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing!
Daniel Johnson Phone: 505.224.3255 Fax: 505.224.4757
12 p.m. Thursday prior to publication
Blood Drive @ CNM Main campus Tuesday Oct. 22 and Wednesday Oct. 23 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 246-1457 to sign up. JOB CONNECTION TIP OF THE WEEK
When students are looking for a job, have a reference page ready to take to interviews. Good references can be former teachers, supervisors, or colleagues from work, class, or volunteer activities. Be sure to get people’s permission before listing them as a reference. Check in with references occasionally, to renew relationships and update references on your job-search progress. Want personal assistance from Career Center Advisors? Come to Job Connection Services located in the Student Services Center of Main Campus, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Students can also access the online jobs database at look4jobs. or call 224-3060 for more information.
Call for submissions
LEONARDO is created of, by, and for CNM students, and is edited and designed by CNM student volunteers. The magazine is published and distributed every April (National Poetry Month) with the generous support of CNM Student Activities.
Creative Writers!
Submit written works in a single MS Word e-mail attachment to Patrick Houlihan: Type “Leonardo” in the email subject line. Submit artworks to (no originals, please—we do not return submissions). All art (paintings, sketches, sculptures, ceramics, photos, etc.) must be submitted digitally as a Photoshop, Illustrator, or PDF file (minimum 150 dpi resolution).
Include name, address, and phone within the attached document, and send from your CNM email account. Please limit submissions to no more than 5 poems, 2 short stories, and/or 12 pages of prose per student , and no more than 10 works of art per student.
CNM Chronicle Classified
CNM Chronicle Come get your swing dance on every 525 Buena Vista SE, STE. 12B Tuesday night at the Heights Community Albuquerque, NM 87106 Center! Intermediate and beginners swing classes start at 7:30 p.m. Free Classifieds may be submitted dance begins at 8:30 p.m. via email to: 823 Buena Vista Dr SE $4 donations at the door Contact Desi Brown, desibrown@ Deadline
CNM Artists!
FREE to CNM students, faculty, and staff up to 15 words and $0.40 per word after. Regular Rates $0.40 per word. $3.00 per week for bold header. Payment
Cash, Check or Credit Card MC, Visa, Amex, and Discover
Immigration Attorneys - Criminal Defense 707 Broadway Blvd NE, Suite 100 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 247-9300
for sale 1yr old sofa set. Paid $1400. Selling for $550. Excellent condition if interested in owning please contact 505-615-8662
If interested, please contact study coordinator at 9256174 or 269-1074 or TYPE 2 DIABETES RESEARCH HRRC #13-073
Have you had type 2 diabetes for less than 5 years? Are you currently only taking Metformin to treat your diabetes? You must have been at least 30 years of age when you were diagnosed (if you are an American Indian, you must have been at least 20 years old at the time of diagnosis) and are willing to add another diabetes medication to your treatment plan. You will be compensated for time and travel. If interested, please contact. Elizabeth at 272-9887 or 272-5454. Email at
October 15, 2013
The CNM Chronicle
Yo’ Mama doesn’t live here, learn to flush. The CNM Chronicle 525 Buena Vista SE, ST 12b Albuquerque, NM 87106 Ph. 224.4755 Copyright © 2013 The CNM Chronicle | This newspaper, its design and its contents are copyrighted. editorial
| 224.4755
Rene Thompson editor-in-chief newsroom
| 224.4758
Daniel Montaño senior reporter Nick Stern staff reporter Martin Montoya staff reporter Stacie Armijo staff reporter Jonathan Baca staff reporter production
By the Chronicle Editorial board
Students need to take responsibility for the actions they take when visiting classrooms or restrooms at school, because the crap smeared on the stall doors of some of the bathrooms shows that some students clearly do not care about what they leave behind for others to clean later. In the story “Pitch In: Custodians ask for students’ help” the Chronicle covers what students and faculty have to deal with when it comes
to the messes some students leave. From fully loaded toilets that are not flushed to pee puddles around urinals, students leave behind more than their fair share of leftover nasty bodily fluids, and the students that do this need to be held accountable. For many students there have been times where they are forced to see this filth, but have no idea how to address these issues, so they leave it for others to deal with as well. Students can either call the janitorial operations department at 224-4574, the maintenance department at
224-4583, or they can notify their instructors who can get a hold of the right people to take care of an issue before it becomes a problem for the many students that have to use the facilities every day. Students should also be aware of the trash they leave in classrooms as well, which can add up and make difficult pest problems for staff to deal with; also it can be an issue for the students that have to sit where someone left their mess. If students are going to eat in class, at least have decently to clean up after
one self, as this institution is not here to see to the hygienic needs of students who cannot be bothered to simply wipe the seat, or throw away an old soda can. There are thousands of students that come to the Main campus location every week, and it is just not cool to have to deal with other peoples’ crap. Just keep it clean people, were in college now, and these students that leave little presents for everyone just need to grow up already.
| 224.4752
Marie Bishop production manager Angelica Manzanares layout designer business
| 224.3255
Daniel Johnson business manager Brandy Valles distribution manager Jasmine Chavez distribution assistant advisory
| 224.3636
Jack Ehn faculty adviser editorial board
Rene Thompson Marie Bishop Daniel Johnson opinion
Views expressed on the Opinion page are those of the individual writer and do not necessarily represent the beliefs of all CNM Chronicle staff. advertising
To submit an ad, or for more information, please contact Jodie Darrell-Salazar at corrections
The CNM Chronicle strives to publish only accurate and truthful information. If you believe you have found an error, please email at or call 224.4755. circulation
The CNM Chronicle is printed by Vanguard Publishing Co. and circulated free of charge to all CNM campuses and the surrounding community.
Here's your chance to have your artwork printed in a publication: The CNM Chronicle is looking for student art to be featured on our October Halloween cover. All entries must be submitted by Friday October 18th and will be voted on by Chronicle Facebook fans. Please send all entries to
The only requirement is that the art should reflect a Halloween theme and keep in mind, it must be appropriate for publication.
4 | The CNM Chronicle
The Balloon Fiesta
October 15, 2013
By Jonathan Baca Staff Reporter
The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta is one of our state’s most fantastic spectacles. The Chronicle braved the multitudes of visitors from all over the world, to capture the dazzling dance of colors, shapes and movements at the Glodeo (Glow Rodeo) event that took place on Friday Oct. 11, at Balloon Fiesta Park, 4401 Alameda Blvd NE. According to the Glodeo event is different from the regular balloon glow, because it is a specifically made event for special shaped hot air balloons to glow on the Albuquerque night skyline that started in 1989. The Glodeo has since become a Balloon Fiesta tradition and a favorite event among locals. Here are some of the Chronicles’ best images of this year’s special shapes at the Glodeo.
STUDENT LIFE A novel teacher
October 15, 2013
The CNM Chronicle
Instructor likes writing books, loves teaching students By Martin Montoya Staff Reporter
Being a teacher first and loving her job as an educator, Julie Mars, English instructor said, she is also an author of three novels and one memoir, as well as multiple newspaper articles, magazine pieces and movie scripts. Mars’ latest novel, “Rust,” came out in 2012 and is plotted over a period of just seven days, and was her first novel set in New Mexico after taking more than 10 years to become fluent in the language of the Land of Enchantment, she said. The inspiration for her first book, Mars said, came in a split of a second with the glance of a stranger in a New York post office. “The Secret Keepers,” her first novel which came out in 2000, Mars said is a psychological suspense novel also taking stage in New York. With each novel she wrote, Mars said, she was exploring different
variations of writing, and when she writes her senses are heightened and she observes the world within her terms, over-riding the rest of society. “Whenever I’m working on a project I always feel that I live in a different universe, I’m more attentive to what I see, what I hear, I notice a lot more things, I feel like life is much more exciting,” Mars said. The third novel Mars wrote was set in New York and is called, “Anybody Any Minute,” she said. “I think it’s kind of funny it’s a comic novel,” Mars said.
While attending UNM in 1998 for her Doctorate in creative writing, Mars said her second book came about as she had to leave school to take care of one of her sisters who became ill. “A Month of Sundays: Searching for the Spirit and My Sister,” is a memoir of how Mars takes care of her sister in her last days and how Mars and her sister’s life come together at crucial points, she said. “Early on in her memoir, Mars says of her dying sister, ‘I consider it an honor and a privilege to be with her, every day, as she reflects on the state of her soul.’
We could say the same of Julie Mars,” Barnes & Noble Editors: Discover Great New Writers Program (summer 2005 Selection) said. The Albuquerque Journal said, “Mars writes in a crisp fast pace with many plot twists and turns. The characters come to life with gritty humanity.” Teaching at CNM since 2002, Mars said she is in love with teaching and thinks it is really important and fascinating work. For students and writers alike, the feeling of “writers block” can overcome the mind during an intense writing session for
a novel or even the mellowest of daily journals, but “writers block” is just not a part of Mars’ vocabulary or way of thinking, she said. “A block is trying to get through something that is in front of you but if you back up a little, you can probably go around it a lot of different ways and see what happens,” she said. Mars said her writing process is unexpected and spontaneous. “In the books I never know where they are going. I don’t plot them out ahead of time, and I don’t outline them. Every day is a mystery. I think for me that is very exciting
because life can be kind of predictable,” Mars said. English 1101 and 1102 are among the classes Mars said she teaches, along with a new grammar workshop for people who need help gaining confidence in their basic grammatical skills. Richard Curley, Engineering major, said the last English class he had was so easy that he did not like it and Mars’s class seems a little bit harder. “I’m actually learning something this time so I appreciate it,” Curley said. Mars said she does not always get the chance to teach a creative writing class, but every so often the opportunity presents itself and Mars said she really does enjoy teaching that class. “Having the urge to write is a gift; having the urge to write and record what happens in your life or other people’s lives is a gift and a responsibility. If you got it then just take it up and take it seriously,” Mars said.
Pitch in: custodians ask for students help
Nick Stern
Staff Reporter
Even though Custodial Operations does its best to keep the environment at CNM safe and clean, students still need to be responsible for their own messes, as should be expected from any respectful adult, Operations Custodian Mike Moya said. Some students tend not to care about cleaning up after themselves, or even letting someone know that they made a mess, whether they are in the classrooms or in the restrooms, and it is very disrespectful to their instructors, other students, and especially the operations custodians who are responsible for cleaning up any mess no matter how foul or hazardous it might be, he said. “We are responsible for the upkeep of CNM by keeping it safe and clean and making it look as best as possible, but some students have no respect around here for the things that we do,” Moya said. Many students are at school for the sole purpose of getting an education,
yet it is still helpful if they are aware and respectful of what other people have to do around campus to give them the best possible learning environment, he said. It is very important to be in a clean learning environment because distractions can come in many forms and a messy classroom is definitely a potential distraction for people, he said. Unfortunately students are acting careless and inconsiderate and making unnecessary messes which are ignored until a custodian comes across it, he said. Students have even gone as far as making these messes on purpose, Moya said. “After working and cleaning the carpets, they will spill stuff on purpose and it is like they are careless around here. I have a couple students who spit chewing tobacco on the floor and it gets to you after a while but all we can do is just do our job,” he said. The bathrooms tend to be another big problem where students prove that they are careless and act like they have
no control over themselves, Moya said. Sometimes when the bathrooms are not stocked with paper towels, toilet paper, and hand soap, students have gotten out of control and tried to rip the dispensers off the walls, he said. People steal toilet paper, vandalize just about everything with graffiti, and they even urinate on the floor, he said. Moya understands that messes will be made and is more than willing to do his job but he has seen people spill coffee on the tables and the floor of a classroom and the instructor of the class completely ignores the accident without saying anything to them about cleaning up the spill or notifying a custodian to clean it while it is still wet and easier to clean, he said. The custodians would appreciate it if people would at least try to clean up the majority of these kind of messes mentioned, especially when it come to their own blood, because the custodians may have supplies and materials, but it is still dangerous for them to handle, he said.
The custodial crew do not know what that person might have and they take a risk to their own health coming into contact with a mess of someone else’s blood, he said. “We take a risk cleaning up certain spills and no matter what type of chemical or protection we use, we can never be too careful especially when we are handling blood,” Moya said. CNM, is a college full of adults, and that means the people who come here should act like adults, by cleaning up after themselves like they would in their own home, he said. Mariah Kennedy, Health Sciences major, said she has not seen anything she would consider disgusting, but thinks that the responsibility for cleanliness around campus begins with students themselves. “I feel like they shouldn’t be making messes. We’re in college, you should be able to clean up after yourself by now,” she said. Brian Navratio, Welding major said is used to seeing messes
in the bathrooms around campus, and thinks that “it goes both ways” because custodians get paid to clean up, but students should take some responsibility in the first place, he said. “Usually when I go in there I’ll find like a whole bunch of napkins everywhere. Like people don’t know how to throw them away. Just stuff like that, and there’s always pee on the seats,” he said. If someone finds a mess or sees someone else making a mess, they can
contact a day supervisor who has someone walking around and checking on the day custodians to make sure that things are getting done, Moya said. The number to the Maintenance department is 224-4574, so people can leave a voicemail letting the deparment know what happened, he said. If students have ideas for keeping clean, they should suggest them to their instructors and have them forward the idea to operations, he said.
Mike Moya is one of the many custodians who help keep the school clean.
6 | The CNM Chronicle
October 15, 2013
Grady Reuler is learning how to teach By Nick Stern
Staff Reporter
Education major, Grady Reuler, who is enrolled in the CNM Alternative Teacher Licensure (ATL) program, is more than just a student, and said he has tons of good advice for students who are considering becoming educators. Reuler is also a substitute teacher for Albuquerque Public Schools and has a bachelor’s degree in English, he said. In Reuler’s experience, substituting has been a great way to actually get involved in teaching and he said it is an opportunity to make connections, network, and figure out just where one wants to be in their careers toward education. “Working with a whole bunch of various age groups is really cool and it helps you really think about the kids you want to teach and where you want to teach, and gives you a lot of great experience,” he said. Reuler wants to go into an education field, whether it is through public schools, private
schools, high schools, middle schools, or even colleges, are all important ways to teach and learn, he said. Reuler believes teaching is a very noble thing to do and recognizes that the role of an educator in society is a very important one, whether he or she is a substitute, or a full-time instructor, he said. “Parents send their children to school and they leave their education in the hands of the educator, and that is a huge responsibility,” he said. From his own experience, Reuler realizes that substituting is a challenge and not for the faint of heart, he said. It usually requires going in to a room full of kids that the substitute teacher has never met before and then must establish a functional relationship with the class as soon as possible, which can be a challenge if he or she is even a little bit shy, Reuler said. “You have to immediately establish some sort of rapport and it is frightening to be honest.
If you are not assertive and maybe a little shy, it is hard,” he said. It is very intimidating, but it is also a very good challenge if one has the energy to stick with it, he said. Any kind of teaching is hard work whether it is full-time, substituting, or even camp counseling, he said. One learns a great deal as a teacher because a large part of teaching is being self-reflective and aware of what is happening in class and why that is happening, he said. Reuler was born in Guatemala with a cleft lip and palate, and his birth mother gave him up for adoption after being unable to take care of him, he said. “She was not really making anything and she could not support me by myself so I went in to a foster family and then I got adopted,” Reuler said. After being adopted into his new foster family, he and his new mother moved to Denver, Colorado, he said. Years later, in 1997, they decided to move to closer to family, so that decision led them to move
to Albuquerque where he finished high school at the Public Academy for Performing Arts, he said. His first experience with CNM was when he did concurrent enrollment his senior year of high school, where he took an English class and got three college credits out of the way, he said. “It is great because you are still a high school student but you get the opportunity to get college credits and you are really only paying for books and that is about it,” Reuler said. Reulers said he had a great experience then, and he is having a great experience now where he really enjoys what he is getting out of the ATL program, which takes about two years to complete, he said. ATL is a great program for students who have their bachelor’s degree, but are going back to school to become teachers and get their certification and licensure, he said. CNM has done a great job meeting his needs and the instructors are definitely professionals in their field who hold themselves accountable
Grady Reuler studying to become an educator
to their own standards of teaching and are readily available, he said. CNM has helped Reuler to succeed twice so far, and he believes the school meets the needs of the many students, because it is flexible to some degree and the school does its best to work with students’ schedules, he said. “It really does provide a good service for students who are trying to work around life and school. I feel
that CNM does the job of a community college very well,” Reuler said. Reuler advises students who want to become teachers to figure out exactly what branch they want to get into with education, he said. The best way to do that is to get as much experience as possible by going in to different classrooms, teaching different age groups, and working in different communities to figure out whom they want to teach, Reuler said.
Local restaurants give starving students a discount By Stacie Armijo
Staff Reporter
Being a college student these days is not the easiest thing between classes, homework, studying and everything else. After an intensive search the CNM Chronicle found some unthinkable discounts on life’s upmost necessity: food. Times are tough these days, and having a discount makes life just a little bit easier. Students should present their CNM student or staff ID at the following establishments for discounts offered.
Bliss Sandwich Spot-n-More Features breakfast and lunch items 10 percent off for students 5010 Cutler Ave NE Suite D4 888-9475 Bocadillos Sandwiches Features slow roasted sandwiches 10 percent off for students and staff 1609 Indian School Rd NW 261-0827
Gold Rush Cupcakes Offers award winning cupcakes 10 percent off for student and staff 20 First Plaza Center, Suite NW 211 247-GOLD Lindy’s Coffee Shop 10 percent off 500 Central Ave SW 242-2582
Burger Rush “R U Cereal” Known for their huge selection of Cereal Buffett hamburgers $7 for buffet and drink 10 percent off for students 2720 Central Ave NE, Suite A 232-9472 4320 The 25 Way NE 503-7562 The Cube BBQ Abuelita’s New Mexican Kitchen Chocolate Dude Coffee and Candy Offers made from scratch barbeque Known for their chili and New Mexican Features an assortment chocolate 10 percent off Cuisine creations 1520 Central Ave SE 243-0023 15 percent off entrée purchase for students 15 percent off for students and staff and staff 3339 Central Ave NE, Suite E 639-5502 U-Swirl Yogurt 6083 Isleta Blvd SW 877-5700 Self- serve yogurt Deli-Berry 20 percent off for students and staff Amore Neapolitan Pizzeria Features deli items and yogurt 115 Harvard Drive SE 797-1075 Known for their hand-crafted wood-fire 10 percent off anytime for students pizza 2520 Juan Tabo Blvd NE 508-0487 10 percent off for students and staff 2929 Monte Vista Blvd NE 554-1967
October 15, 2013
Continued from Page 1
“They would be able to point to a law that defines an unborn child as being a fertilized egg, which would have ramifications for people trying to conceive through In Vitro Fertilization, as well as possibly eroding further access to abortion, even before 20 weeks,” he said. There are many faith based groups that are pro-choice, such as
which will be offered soon, she said. With computer programs entering nearly every area of our lives, security issues will become more and more important, she said. “We have to worry about security in every part of our modern lives, where computer systems are being used. This is a growing field where they
The CNM Chronicle
the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, and Gallegos hopes that recent statements made by the Pope will inspire people of all religious beliefs to examine their stance on these personal issues, he said. “It’s devastating to an individual to know that a lifesaving medical procedure is being denied to you because of someone’s religious views,” he said.
Men can sometimes feel that women’s rights issues are not their business, but Gallegos said he believes men are important allies in the fight for reproductive rights. “We all have mothers and sisters and female friends and partners, and to say that it is none of our business is unfair to those relationships that we have in our own lives. Women have a very powerful voice in our lives and if we value those relationships then
we should stand up for a woman’s rights, in any sort of context, whether it’s with abortion or any women’s rights issues in general,” he said. According to the Attorney General Gary King, the abortion ban is unconstitutional and unenforceable because “Roe v. Wade” is a federally recognized, and states who have similarly tried to put abortion bans in place have been denied on these
grounds, according to Either way, students like Gallegos and Redbird said they are working to make sure the decision to end a pregnancy stays safe and legal. To find out more information about volunteer work or to keep updated on the campaign, please visit www. respect abqwomen. org, or “like” the
Respect A BQWomen Facebook page. “The best way to get involved is by getting out, putting out tables, getting out the word on the street, and getting normal, everyday people involved in the struggle because these are the people who make up society. We’re the ones responsible for maintaining it and managing it on a day to day basis,” Gallegos said.
ill need people with this specialized training,” Clark said. The Cyber Security certification will meet the requirements of current and future employers such as Federal and State governments as well as private industries, she said. “There are just so many applications for security,” Nelson said. In addition to young people who are just starting out in the field, the CIS program also tries to cater to people already
working in the industry who need to learn more skills, Clark said. In a field where the technology never stops changing, it is important that companies know there is a place their employees can go to receive new training, she said. Sandia National Labs, Kirkland Air Force Base, and many other companies send their employees back to CNM to learn new technologies that the CIS program teaches, she said. Clark said that
she is very proud that CNM can offer all these services to students who need to get ahead in the industry. “We have lots of classes that start in the evening, because many of our students already have jobs. We try to make it as easy as possible for those students,” Nelson said. With the growing popularity and ever changing technology of the CIS program, many of the computer labs are in need of
upgrades to serve the students’ needs in this program, Clark said. “We have so much demand, and we have outgrown our computer labs,” she said. In the summer of 2015, the school will be remodeling and expanding the existing labs, in order to keep up with new technology needs and the growing demand for CIS courses, Clark said. Online and distance learning courses will also be important
to the future of the CIS program, she said. Teachers will be able to add more sections, and students who are already working will have more flexibility in their schedules, she said. While CIS is a very challenging program, Nelson said she hopes more students will consider it in the future. “Our students are really busy, but we have fun,” Nelson said.
Continued from Page 1
Celebrate Your Achievement at the CNM Fall Graduation Ceremony! Begin your celebration today! Complete a Graduation Application Packet online through myCNM by 5:00 p.m. on October 18, 2013. CNM Fall Graduation Ceremony Saturday, December 7, 2013 at 12:00 p.m.
Central New Mexico Community College
STUDENT NEWS Meet the people who inspired our buildings’ names
8 | The CNM Chronicle
October 15, 2013
By Daniel Montaño Senior Reporter
The names Max Salazar and Jeanette Stromberg are familiar to most students, but most students do not even think of Max Salazar and Jeanette Stromberg as actual people. The Chronicle spoke with Brad Moore, Director of Marketing and Communications, to discover who the people behind the buildings are at Main Campus. Those who have been honored by having a building named after them have all made contributions through services to CNM in some way, Moore said. Here is a list of all the Main Campus buildings and the people who made great efforts to have their names honored by CNM.
Jeannette Stromberg Hall Jeannette Stromberg was a longtime member of the Albuquerque Public Schools Board of Education and one of the first members of the Central New Mexico Community College (then TVI) Governing Board. Her lifelong love of libraries made it fitting that this building, which was previously home to the Main Campus library, be her namesake. Ken Chappy Hall Ken Chappy Hall was named after the late Ken Chappy, who was the assistant dean of Adult and Developmental Education. He was a long-time faculty
member and served as a Curriculum Coordinator for developmental math and computer-related curriculum. Max Salazar Hall Max R. Salazar was a longtime supporter of CNM. He was elected to the first independent Governing Board in 1979 and served on the Board until 1986. He was Board chairman for six years, then vice chairman. He also was a member of the advisory committee that in 1964 recommended the creation of Albuquerque Technical Vocational Institute (TVI), which was renamed
Central New Mexico refrigeration at CNM, the Board Chair. He Community College and then taught those helped guide the colin 2006. courses for 19 years. lege through periods of remarkable growth. Smith Brasher Hall Louis E. Saavedra Smith Brasher Administration Joseph M. Montoya Hall is named after Building Campus Willis A. Smith, Jr., The Louis E. Joseph Manuel and Stanley J. Brasher, Saavedra Administration Montoya sought to the two members Building is named after improve the lives of of the 1963 New the first president of New Mexicans through Mexico House of CNM. Saavedra also his political work surRepresentatives who served one term as Mayor rounding issues concosponsored the leg- of Albuquerque. CNM cerning agriculture, islation that allowed opened under Saavedra civil rights, education, CNM to be created. with about 150 students. health care, and alien workers. He served Ted Chavez Hall Robert P. twice as New Mexico Ted Chavez Hall is Matteucci Hall Lieutenant Governor, named after the late Robert P. Matteucci State Representative Ted H. Chavez, a long- Hall is named after the and Senator, and United time faculty member longtime member of the States Representative and in the Trades & CNM Governing Board. Senator for New Mexico. Services Occupations Matteucci served on the Department. Chavez Governing Board from All information prostudied air condi- 1986 to 2013, includ- vided by Brad Moore and tioning, heating and ing several terms as
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