CMCC Academic Calendar 2017-2018

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CMCC Academic Calendar 2017-2018  23

4. Order and interpret specialized testing procedures, such as diagnostic imaging and clinical laboratory tests, as indicated by the clinical status of the patient. 5. Identify and appropriately respond to clinical findings suggesting the presence of conditions, risk factors and/or life threatening situations requiring emergency or urgent care. 6. Formulate a differential diagnosis that identifies the nature and cause of a patient’s complaint and/or abnormal finding. 7. Manage a patient’s case effectively by developing a patient care plan, including patient education and informed patient preference that is consistent with findings obtained from the history, examination, diagnosis and needs of the patient. 8. Collaborate on an inter- and intra-professional basis for patient referral and/or collaborative care, as necessary. 9. Perform effective adjustive, manual and/or manipulative procedures with appropriate modification of treatment parameters to accommodate the particular needs of the patient’s comorbid pathology, or congenital or post-surgical anatomical variation. 10. Employ effective procedures and modalities, other than the adjustment and manipulation, for the purposes of case management, rehabilitation, wellness care or improved quality of life. 11. Manage information effectively by accurately recording patient information, including evaluation, diagnosis, clinical care and other transactions; and by retrieving, analyzing and interpreting information using a range of methods, including current computer technology. 12. Evaluate patient progress by engaging in effective case follow-up procedures including monitoring the clinical status of the patient and modifying the diagnosis(es) and care plan as new clinical information becomes available. 13. Model a professional and patient centred relationship by building mutual trust, respect and confidence, communicating effectively, demonstrating compassion and being sensitive to a patient’s biopsychosocial needs. 14. Practice in a patient centred manner congruent with current professional standards including serving patients and society by excelling at providing competent and effective care, demonstrating ethical values and behaviours, and maintaining knowledge and clinical skills through continuing education. 15. Utilize current knowledge, and access, understand and critically evaluate research literature to promote effective patient centred care. 16. Employ sound conceptual, psychosocial and business skills in order to develop and maintain a successful chiropractic practice.

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