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‘ 19/Memor i al i sed/LHOOQ

Aswast hecasewi t hanumberofhi sr eadymades,Duchampmademul t i pl ever si onsof L. H. O. O. Q.ofdi f f er i ngsi zesandi ndi f f er entmedi at hr oughouthi scar eer ,oneofwhi ch,an unmodi f i edbl ackandwhi t er epr oduct i onoft heMonaLi samount edoncar d,i scal l ed L. H. O. O. Q.Shaved. Pr i mar yr esponsest oL. H. O. O. Q.i nt er pr et edi t smeani ngasbei nganat t ackont hei coni cMona Li saandt r adi t i onalar t ,t huspr omot i ngt heDadai sti deal s.Per hapsDuchampdeci dedt ousehi s r eadymadest onotonl ycr i t i queest abl i shedar tconvent i ons,butt oal sof or cet heaudi encet o putasi dewhatt heyhadt houghtbef or eandl ookatsomet hi ngwi t hacompl et el ydi f f er entper spect i ve.Bymaki ngt hegenderoft heMonaLi saambi guous,Duchampcl ai medt opr esenthi s audi encewi t hanewper spect i veatacl assi cwor kofar t .

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