The Rollamo 2005

Page 1


events student life greek life

organization academic I

sen tors



Left: Eitudenls enjoy opportunities to show their dur~ ~nowbo.ll. Phdo by Jeff ÂŁvans. Above: A milk chutg~ contest k andhBr way to


shCM htlden Wed$. Phdo by Scdt Albill. BeJCM: Eitude!U give a finsl solute to UMR during the December 2004 grodudion ceremony. Phdo byTobyn Va.nVeghten. Right' A women's soccer player k rea.dy for the

gl1.II1B. Phdo byTobyn Va.nVeghten.


Top Jeff: C011Ch Esds lum/s txi 9dvlce durut ll hoin8 fliJn/J. Phdo /Jy Scd.t Albm. Top rJ!fl.: Nigh!. fod.bll./1 ~~ td UMR. Phdo by Too/!> VAAV~hWJ,.

PRr left: ShxiBJis IIJRI'n to nd. std like «uienls td lhe tiqutifs d1nntu. Phdo by Too/!> V.anV~hlsn. U;/1.' TheMil/sniwn Arch td nlfhl eM.& A rolllllTiiC flew. Phdb by Jsl'f Evanc.

&Jew Jtlfl.' Pin corhti dur~Grssk Wook. Phd.o by Trln89 Turre. &Jew rJ!ht.' JOlJ Mmer ~ wih a fan. Phdb byToo/1> VBJ>If<ghler• BdiDrn· An orchelltrR br1tg< AA Rtticl~e !Ju,h loUMR. Phdo byTrmsA Turner.


lnrill•rnr~rluatc enrollmrnt on the

• • • Fall • • • • • • •

day of classes at the University of Rolla is expxlcd 1o lx' 4.052. an increase of 14 students over last year's figure of 4.038. £"~ys Laura Stoll. UMR registrar.


Rona Ido Luna. associatc profcssor of civi I. archi toctu raJ and environmenta I at thr University of Missouri Rolla. has l:x:;en awardEr! a Fulbright grant to lecture and conduct rcsrnrch for a semester at the Univcrsidad del lie in Guatemala Ci ty. Guatemala starting in January 2005.

Mi~uri - Rolla faculty. sta IT and students have pi na:l Rolla nity mrm~rs to form the Rolla Community Tsunami Relief Fund to isc funds for a~istance toviclimsof thecarthquakeand tsunami in southeast Todatr thr groups have raisro more than $5.CXX1

200 5

William Scltonlx'rg.chair and prof~"ii:lrof civil. architocttmtl and environmental niniV>ri l~fl at the~ University ofMi~llll'i Rolla. has In-n ci<'CI<'{I" fr llowofthe /\ll l('l'iC<ll ......,'楼","''" of M<'Cha nica I Engineers (ASM E) for his ..significant engi n~ri ng achicwmrt11s contributions to til<' enginrering profc~'\ion:路

Students work to make a difference during the 2004 Presidential election.

CHOOSIN&i SIDES YHE ROAD TO ViCTORY make the campus more aware. They got involvErl, they went and votErl and were exdtoo aoout it"

The College ~mocrats were very active this ~mester. With a mailing list of over fifty p:nple. weekly voter registration drives through Septe~r and O:tob:!r, open forums. and working directly with the local ~mocratic Headquarters. memrers did what they mulct to reach out to students and get them to vote. The most notable event held by the College ~mocrats was the visit by Chris Heinz, the stepson of ~mocratic presidential nominee John Kerry. Heinz gave a srm:h at the puck, and aoout 250 p:nple tumErl out to hear what he had to ':XlY - including his emphasis on the irnportanre of student involvement "The b:!st JXIrl: aoout b:!ing involvErl in the eloction was to~ the respo~ we got from campus," Angela Agee. vire president of the College ~mocrats '::aid 1 realize I startErl to

Agee. exdtoo aoout voting he~li wore a "Vote or Die" t-shirt on the day of eloction and invitErl other students who votErl to sign it

Ths College Dem:x:r!Jls were fortunate e~mgh gd ChrJS J.lrunz. John Ksrryc

w w

Gt6pron speak sf UMR. Phtio byJR Sl9.1l8 cruriesy of Ths Miner.

'We had ~veral brave ~uls at the Puck all day urging p:nple to go vote and handing out information aoout ~mocratic candidates," Ryan Davi~n president of The College ~mocrats '::aid "I had the opportunity to meet a lot of really energetic people on campus who have ideals similar to mine that I never would have run into if I hadn't gotten involvErl here on campus."

Drl<.ed out with American flags. signs. and plentyofWs," me~rs ofUMR's College Republicans, along with memrers of the Rolla rommunity and students from Joplin and Springfield loo.ded a bus lxrund for StLouis on the night of Ctto!H 8, 2004. That night marked the ~nd of three presidential deffites ~tween President Bush and Senator John Kerry.

watch the deffite from the restaurant They dapp:rl and cheered at nearly every answer the President gave.

R1g h t •

and after about an hour headoo rnck to Washington University for their final and ~bly most exdting gathering of the evening. They lined the streets near the Wash U. which were rompletely empty and blockoo at every ~ble inter.roion Still donning signs, they waitoo in ho~ of one more chanre to~ the President After about a 20-millute wait, that chanre finally came. A line of JX>lire and fire vehicles rushoo ~and in the middle. a smiling President Bush waved out the window to his exdtoo crowd of supJX>rters.

U_p:m arrivaL the president of the National College Republicans greeted the students, made sure they had signs. and handoo out Iffhaps the greatest prop of the night - gigantic flip flops for _rmple to wear. The students were dropp:rl off near the heart of the action right next to the war protesters, where JX>lire offirers wearing riot gear guarded nearby. Shouts of "four more years!" <rlloro through the streets until finally the time came - President Bush's motorcade drove _IXLSt


"I went to the rally lroiu~ I wanted to ~ show supJX>rt for Bush and ~ly give a few Q) liberals SJme hell I alSJ figurro it would be fun and way to meet new _rmple. Finally. I wanted to ~~ ~President Bush in ~rnn" Adam Flynn ~d "It was everything I expUOO it to be. and fd ':X!Y the highlight was ~ing President Bush drive by on his way to the deffite."




The students then retreated to Union Station for a quick bite to eat and to

"All in all we had a blast meeting and talking with other rollege students that had the same views as us," Brandon Bundy ':Xiid Phdc.: ffOtn lbp.· C~nor Wsikw wi h tho Pmnrlml.. AdAm Flynn hold< up Rg111rl flip flop u. 101ppporl of 11» Prot~mi. Ri u., s:«:ood mSI. l.cws:. BrRndon &JJJdy hold< R Bu.h <J/11 Rl U.. p~YJ~:d•JI;JR) <kbRIA Pldbt by Ko/ley 1/umm•Ttfbmi.

prt~<xJoriJRl diJbsU

It was good news for some. devastation for others. Winning with 286electoral votes and over 00.6 million JX>pular votes (51%). President Bush kepthistitleandho~and will lead the Unitoo States for four more years. Voter turnout rate apprmchoo 60%, the highest sinre 1968. While things seem to be back to normal now. for a short time people were passionate about the debates and topics that

were on television radios, and newspap:!rs. BumIff stickers on <AIS stated JX)sitions, and signs JX)Sted in the yards ofArneriGll dtizens were everywhere - showing that at least in Rolla _rmplec:arei about the outrome of this eloction The voire of America was definitely heard this eloction year. In four years, it will ~heard again

Phil> ctWfg;y ol GOPcom


f?Jtht.' The AFROTC color guard

puts: man appearance at the hoi'Tl«!ommggame v.~ ~Var:hburn. Photo by Tobyn VanVeghten

Behv.' Mark Becker(.. ] :JJ hold.~ while Marc Armbmster (•II J kJCh Photo by Tobyn VanVeghten

f?Jthl.' Quarterback Brandoll Landry roffg oullookuJt for a rec1ever. Photo by Tobyn VnnVeghlen

Above.' .Vatlum




mlo a lackle. Left: Breit

FL~her goes d(JNn


Rtghl.' UM R player.~ celebrate afler n louchd(JN n. Belo.v.' Breit l짜a.~hburn

F1.~her i.~

pur.c:uad by two


PhotO!: bv Tobvn VarVeghlen



• '\.U


... :-. ~


Above.¡ Brad fJ ippisley t•'6J in aclion agaiN:!. 1..ew i.<: University. Above Wt." An unknown UM R player battle.-: l:xi.h


.<:loppy field an a Lew is

Univer.<:if:y opponent. Wt." Rex Wallace drive.<: downfield in the game wilh Lewis Univer.<:ity.

Opposite Top." Phil f;ch!oss lake.<: a shot. during the II arding Univenity game. Oppoosite Bottom." Rex Wallace conlerds with a !Ja.rding University opponent. Photo.<: by Tobyn VanVeghten


al zc::x:: Jq N'E-N 's Sc:::x:._c....E-R Final R<mrd: 7 I0 Mercy hurst Cannon Quincy Mi~uri-SL louis

SIU ftlwardsville Northern Kentucky Up~rlowa


0-3 0-1




1-3 1-5




3-1 0-2 2-0 2-1 1-0



~uri Southern funy Ashlan:l Christian Brothers Rockhursl Southern Incliana lRwis Harding Tnt man

w w w L L

l-4 0-1









Men's Cross Country Southwest Baptist Invitational Southern Stamp:rle Miner Invitational Louisville lnvilaUonaJ Millikin lnvitaUonaJ MIAA Championships NCAA South Central Regional

1st I 5 15th I 22 3rd/9 6th I 10 3rd/18 6th /8 12th I 15

Women's Cross Country Southwest Baptist Invitational Southern Stamp:rle Miner lnvitationa I Louisville InvitaUonaJ Milliki n TnvitationaJ MTAA Championships

4th/ 5 21st I 24 7th I 13 7th I 12 8th I 18 8Lh/8

Oppa:1le Top.路 Aaron Fmnk arrl Andr拢W Conrad at the 2004 M mer I nvJllllJOilRI Oppode Bottom: Aubery 11ik Katy MRcMAnn Kylee Hyzer Bnd Werriy Moore at the 2004 M mer I nVJlRlionnl Left" Julie Orlich at lhe 2004 Miner I nVJlRtJOilRI Below: The UM R Cros.~ Country team~ pnu~e forB group pholo dunng the 2004 M mer I 11VJl11l1011RI All pholO$ by Trineil 1\irner

Right: The 2004 - 2005 UM R Gold Miners I from leftJ Front Row: £Iizabeth 1-!ogancamp Anne Schumer Catherine Kuzme.<·ki Kelly McCoy Middle Row: Sonny Massar Lisa Smith Krislin Beckmeyer Back Row: Lindsey Hoffmann Meghan Donnellan

A~hley Ra.~nic

Phdo by Jeff £vans

Top Left and Oppo.:rle Top.' Gold M mers duru~t

basklibtl/1 sea.~on Be/o.v.' The Gold M mer.~ he!p rally lhe fan~ a{ n fool.btl/1

game. Pholos by &col{ Albm !{opl


and Tobyn VnnVe![hlPrl !Opposrle Top and boliomJ

llll.~ p.qgP center

RJthi." f;emor Josh !;haw shod.s a free throw. Photo by !;colt Albm Below RJthl.' Semor JermauJe Burks dnvf!!: to the /JBskel.. Photo by Br;u/ !;wnlers Below.' Semor Enc Perry looks for an open ITlllll m<:Jde. Photo by Brlld {;wafer.<:


Left: Freghman Neil Fehr goes for the ball. Photo by Brad ,r;waler.~. Belw Left: Senior Jermaine Burh driving to the bagkef. Photo by Brad Swaters. Belw: Sophomore Shea Wiemann looku-g for an opening. Photo by Brad Swaterg.

Right.' FreshmBn Jamie Forsberg drives the court. Photo by !;colt Albin Be/u.v.' Junior Emily McCord fights through defenders. Photo by Brad !;waters Be/u.v Right.' Junior Deosha Agnew /ooh for a play under the ba.~kd Photo by Brad !;waters

Above left: Fre!>hl1111n


SRnford prepares to shool. Photo by BrRd [;water.~

Above.' Sophomore ,Vicole Dierkmg look.~ for a p!Ry. Phol.o by Bn'ld [;waters left: &ophomore Arc/J路eR DurRnte goes up for the rebonnd. Phol.o by BrRd SwRters

OpjXJsife Top.' Colby Wilson Op{X>f;ife Bottom:

Miner.~ ba.~eba/1

Above.' Miners batter doc ides to let a pitch



Right: Jacob Sunderman Below: M1ners pitching worke:J hard to strike out .~evera! p!ayerg All phciog by Joe Craig

Left: Mmer.~ in action af third base. Photo by Tobyn VanVeghlen BelCM Left" Pitcher Candice Wilburn. Photo by

Matt Bayne BelCM." Catcher A<-hley Weiss. Photo by Matt

Bayne Opposite." Amie Fugiel .<wing.<: arr:i connect.~足 Photo by Tobyn VanVeghlen

Opposite Bdtom." Dllring a .~horl break in the action a fe.v words are exchanglKi with the coach. Photo by Tobyn VanVeghten


RESUI TS Place Organization Total Points

Place Organization Total Points

1 2 3 6 4 5 7 8 9

Silver Bullets Pikes SigEp Sigma Nu Kap{Xl Sigma LamlxlaChi Phi Ka PIX! Theta Kappa Alpha Hooligans

22 26 24 30 29 32 31

10 11


12 15 14 16 13 17 18 19 23 28 20 25 21

Sigma Pi Theta Xi Sigma Chi BetaSig Pegis TKE Am lXlta Tau ~!La SigTau Quad AEPi Ramrod CSSA I North

6030 5725 5495 5093.25 5172.75 5059.75 4932.25 4818.8 4294.55 4050.5 4067.75 3773 3574.8 3295.25 3381.5 3125.05 3011.8 2877.5 2077.5 1973.3 1769 1596 2098 1668.5


35 38 33

34 40 39 36 37

41 47 42 43 44

45 46

Snakes ISC STD ASCE AFRai'C Pi Kap{Xl Phi

BSU 2Soulh 8South VSA Knowns Newman Thai Eagles 5South Choppers Epsilon Psi Voyager Men FSA TJHA Men Shuttlroxks 6NW Marbles

1547.5 1981 1208 1310 1556 1340.5 1213 1138 1205 11 27 623 1214 1093 859 684

922 563 533 453 284 173 174 143

PJ.are 1 2

3 4 6 5 7 8

Total Points Organization 1915.5 Chi Omega ZTA 1689.5 1726 BSUICCF M Club 1388 1207 KD 956.5 TJ IINQHA Phi Sigma Rho 620.5 0>SA 200





Top lsff TKC havllg" /iltle (run wilh thsir drin1<Jrt !xxih for the CRrnivRI. Top Right: N<ihJrt /Ikss (rierrllyglUTOJof vol/gybtl/J.


KspfJ8 Sigl1lll thews orr thmr floot. Above Righi: TJJBG<Xiz.A/1 P~ by Joe





Top: AOOn.ner from Photo by Trtnea Turner Soo:lnd: Pike's burnro lawn OO:oration Photo by: Tobyn Vanveghten Third: Games lncluOOI a hula hoop rom~tion Photo by Trtnea Tll!m' Bottom: Multi-tasking while f61tidpiting in games. Photo by 'firrea TU!m'.

From fDp.' Fans wa.ilirl in line out &ide of

Multi fD gti ticktis.

Jolie ÂŁdws.rds Wlll'JD& up the crowd. Who &By& fiddle plsyerc cB.Ilf be in 8 camby barx1 from CanadJI!

Emercon Drive tskec time for 8 GalJld check while volunteer& listen iJL All phda; byJO$h IloffTnlln.






By: Charlie Ewell

Itz hak Perlman lhnl/ocl the crowd at Leach Theater on Monday September 2(Jh w1th an emolwe v1olm pre<;enlaiion. The free concert was the 27th event of the Remmers S pee1al Artist Le::turer Series foundocl by Walter ÂŁ. Remmer.<;. Mr. Perlman preforme:l with Rohan De Silva. ltzhak PMrlman is undoubtoclly one oftcxiays bed classical musicians. }/is achievements include Mrning 15 Gra.mmy Awards. four Emmy Awards and performing the violin solos in Steven Spielbergs Academy Award-winning film SchindleN Mr. Perlman began his UM R concert with pia::es from Mozart and Beethoven. }/e helpai compose Ills third p1a::e with Zwilich which he preformad as a UM R prem1ere. A~

Perlman mtrtxlucocl hJS fourth pia::e he read the diff1culty level as for

advanca:J players only and humbly pkocl So we are nd going to touch that one. [ nsl:ead he playocl a concert solo by Zarchinci follo.vocl by a pia::e by Chra::ovsh Perlman enda:J hiS show wdh music composocl byGyma.uski Crysl:ler and Reese. A pleasocl crowd gave Mr. Perlman a well deservocl standing ovation as he l:x7.vocl and left the stage.


Perl marl Pho10submiltoo rourtesy of Publications.

All Photos by: Saltt Albln

Even theOUldren to rwoo~te in theeventsafl)jwali

Dmceisa rnapr p:ntion of


It takes months of practire and memori2ation to learn a single dance.

Wynfon Ms.r&a.lis. one ofthtJ top jaZz JD.l$ in thtJ world talsy. grsc9:1. the UMR coi1llttl.IJitywhen he 8rrl his five-piece bBrri performed ai Lesch Theater on Morrl8y. Ms.rch 21. 2005. Ms.r&slis hs& esroo ni.ns GrB.1IIlny Aws.rds. prcduc9:1. forty-foor albums. hs& won the Pulitzer Prize in music. srrl cresf9:1. Jazz for Yrurt People. which B.iJ:ns to bringJazz to the yooth of Aroorics. Along with pianist Dan Nimmer. bss&ist Cs.r]O$ Jlenriqwz. tenor &a.xophonist Walter

BJB.Iiiig Jr. srrl drummer Ali Jsck&on. Ms.r&alis srrl crew pi on 8 &W ths.t cruld anyone into 8 die-hard jaZz fsn.

Lefl.' Wynion M IJJ'so.lis f.o.ket: Iii. moiDBii to f.s1k sJxd the histbry of his rraJsic. BelCH.' The whole band perforlD$. Phda; by Tri.nea. Turner.

an instant commercial and critical success, "Bus Stop," Inge, made its first debut on Broadway on March 2,

50 years later, it was put to life again by the University of Rolla Music and Theater group. The outstanding was put on the first weekend of March in 2005, and _zj -life incident that Mr. Inge himself observed. Based on


Inge created the play about JX!ir of young lovers and ~ their struggle to find love in the modem world.

tic comedy, "Bus Stop" contains characters that and realistic. The play centers on the story of a at keep bumping into each other at bus stops as rural Missouri to Kansas City, Kansas. Every .man 0 Lrts with the woman and is re}'<:ted e woman's heart softens and she gives in to The performance shows the viewer what the risk of trying to Uve by their talents, in Lhe worlci homeless, rootless, and on

the move. Theater group did an outstanding cowooy. stern sheriff, nightclub professor from the "Bus Stop." for the stage, the play was very reatisdc. It was bringLng them in to a world by two

in captivating the viewer and orld War IT and enchanted that became love~




The 2005 St Pat's Queen of Love and Beauty was Rachel GrOOsky. St Patrick was John Gantner. Photo by Brad Swaters.

All St. Pais 2005

phdos by BrBd Swaiers.

)0,, dot,{ h11vt lo lx> fl member of ll~e IY'$1derlml hflll.< to ,'ltf.prlfi <!IOo-'b~/1. l~aL<u~

\l:lfliJ,•llmn pdenilRllri!ShiTlfln


&dwell off CRinpl.<

111d Chm &I& ();Ad.~// pmved h'Kh bg !'mlle.< lhfllllwv

wert h-<vu'f( :1 bi.'IJ.-i. Plldn .<ubmliled bv Pair~ek Pmwb.

!;rn.•bR/1 Ouetm Jonaihfln



Sooo.•bRJ/ J.: •ri fltgh Benhtlrl. Phdo bv.:Jelf £wms

.C:na.·bR/1 Crurl. Plldo bv.' .fpif £wm<

ÂŁB.!!h semester. the top rtÂĽJruilers of the work world come to UMR to see what students have to offer. Likewise. students flrek to the ca.reer fair to see what employers have to offer. BB.!!h pa.rticipant hopes to er.d up in a wi.Irwin sil:un/.ion whel:her an internship or a ca.reer.

Phd.o& by Jeff EV~J.M.


Improvements to Campus Throughout this s::hool ymr. improvements have ~n taking place on campus. There is the ~on of jllvement in front of the library. which has~ leveloo and addoo to. There is a large ooncrete oval with bright flowers in it that will look lovely in the spring. Steps now line the sides of the place, and all new ooncrete has ~n rx>ured to give this ~on ofcampus a rather jllfk-like look. The Havener Center has~ oompleted. This state of the art building houses alarge number of programs and features a new cafeteria and game room The residential rollege. same as the Havener Center. is nearing its oompletion and should re ready for the students to move into 9Jmetime next year. It is looking gcxxi and spirits are high that it will re finishoo very 9JOn if there are no more drawoocks.



10 n

..We all have ~mething to give. So if you know how to read. find If you·ve got a hammer. find a nail. join the community of conscience... Gmrgc II.W. Bush oncestatoo to AmeriGJns nationwide. This message is one that numerous organizations and individuals on the Rolla GJrnpus have taken to heart. From service organizations to fraternili~and sororities. many students at UMR put in hundredsofsel\lice hours for the 2004 2005 year! Serving with pride. the Rolla Chapter ofGarmna Alpha C\:!lta has helped out numerous organizations in the Rolla area.They area service organization that works hand in hand with the Wesley House to provide services to ~nefit the Ru~ll House and the community of Rolla. Thisisaco-«.1 organization that is made up of meml:usofthe various 10011 fraternities and sororities. In addition. the Pi Kap)Xl Alpha Fraternity put on a ~nellt concen. 'The White Trash Turkey Bash:· to help out a IOGJI ncroy farnily.lnviling SL Louis area oondsand other IOGJI oonds to JXlrlicipate in the action. the Pi Kap)Xl Alpha men sold t shirts to promote the performers and to get word out about what the concert ~nell too. Not only did they help out a local famUy. but the Pik~al~ro-sponsoroo a dodge ball tournament with C\:!ha Omicron Lambda (OOL) in February to help out the RusseU House which was very successful. While fratern it ics provide community se1\liCC, ~do many se1\lice organizations on campus. For instance. DOL put on its ever-famous DOL Soup Dinner on Dccem~r 2. 2004. Many of its members. including Sandy Wagner and Marilyn Emanuel. took up soup donations prior to the event and workoo at a table at the Puck to arccpt tickets from campus students and faculty to attend the dinner. In addition. all oft he proceeds from their Soup Dinner went to sup[X)rt the Russellllousc! Not only eire; DOL sup)Xlrt the Rolla oommunity. but so does the Eta Theta chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha. The Zetas showed their support in their ymrly Campus Kidnap in which the members .. kidnap.. the pr~idcntsof vdri~ IOGJI fraternities and sororiti~ to oollcct many items the Russell Ilouse is in dire need of. ~ides the Kidnap. they a l~ held their annual Volleyooll Tournament in the fall and started a new tradition at Lenny Ford encouraging people to test drive cars. For every pc~n who test drove. the Ford Motor Comr:klny donated a set amount of money to support 1he Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Ex)Xlnding )XlStthe Rolla community. the Epsilon Alpha chapter of Kap)XII)>Ita suprXJrts the Prevent Child Abuse America foundation. They held their annual Campus Man. in which the Rolla campusorganizationsselccted male rcprescntativ~ to rntrr <llnluty l:klgcant the sorority put on. In addition. they ~ld shamrock oondsat thr Ilavcnrr Center to raise money for their philanthropy.Tw<'nty IX'IU'nt of the pnxmls from the>c'aCtivities went to Prcvrnt Child Abuse America. while thl' remaining righty prra'nt hrlrnJ out themmmunily by going to thr Ph<'lp~;CDuntyCommunity to prrvcnt child ~mcone whoGJn·l.


From th~'organizations.many studrntsat UMR were able to l'ither hrlpoutthe communily by buying ~up. wrist l:k!nds.shirts. or just by 1~1 driving cars. Plus. many of the JUlple involved in thescorganiUJtions.and those involved in other organizations. put in many hourstose1"e the oomrnunity in which they spent a good portion of the year. I leiping out others is something that many campus organizations pride themselves in doing. As llany S. TnJmall once £Jid. "Vve know that helping others is the best way prolxlbly 1he only way to achieve a better future for ourselves... and numerous students at the University of Missouri-Rolla have lived up to and exceeded this '>l<lndard!

ArlJC!e by l>leplmme Jhmrvm. PICtures provrled by Zefa T:w Alphn 1Uri De/In

OmJcron L.•mbdn NJSfAJCiwely.

College cash: ~ f~



"It"s not hard to make time for something I like." says sophomore Emily O'Nan, a double rnaj>r in civil and archit<r:tural engi n~ri ng. O'Nan is one of rna ny students em played during the ~hool year. but unlike students who oonstantly oomplain about their pbs. O'Nan is proud to work as a UMR student amba~dor. "I basiGllly heard about the j>b from other arnba~dors that I knew:· O'Nan says. "I became interested when 1saw (other ambassadors) giving tours on Glmpus. 1knew that was something I would love to do. It's an awesome j>b becau~ I get paid to do something 1en_py." Grad student Apy Panackal Padathu also works on the UMRGlmpus.staying busy at the front desk of the Gale Bullman Multi-Pur~ building. "I basiGllly helpch<X:k out <rluipment like rackets and balls for racket baiL" he says. adding that he also checks out items for badminton and ping-pong. as well as. "basketballs. volleyballs... It gets really busy when intramural basketball gamcsarcgoingon... ~pite his hecUc work ~hcdulc. Panackal Padathu has had no problem balancing his~hool work with his j>b. "I actually get a chance to do my homework when things are slow:· he says. O'Nan can't do her homework on the _pb. but she sti II pracliccsquality time management. An acUve athlete for the women's soccer team. O'Nan is also president of D::!lta Omicron lamtxla and M-Ciub. rcspcclively.and treasurer of the Fellowship of Christian At hletcs. Although she has to work hard to balance everything. O'Nan has nothing but pra i~ [or her _pb. "Bci ng a student amba~dor has helped me to improve my presentation skills."she shares. "just talking to all dirlerent types of people day in and day out has helped me to txmme much moreoonrident in my public speaking... Making money for ~hool is also a plus - and an important reason lor many students to work during the ~hool year.

Far upper nght: Apy Pa.MCko1 Podalhu .<ays ilf< cBn a/ways fmd .wmdlurg to do w/)(<n work1rg lilf< frori de.<k at UM Rs Mu/lrPur/'0"'! bwldug. Phdo by Tru""' 'furnt>r. Em1IY 0.\'an P"'lur«i 1mnmmlelv a]x,.;e lbdh left and nghll nti only works as o Sbxleri AmbB.-:sodor on camp<L< bti also days mvolv«l wllh UM R through lTilillple d/)(<r aclrvKK!$. Phda< by Amy Ed>.•Rrd.<. AriK:Ie by Amy Edward.<.

81 to grow in popliaril:y. wrictba.rrl& in colore from yellow and pink to green and r«i are the armc of dudenf:s a.ll over VB.rirus cBll&es a.rrl unity B.11J.Ong dudenf:s. these wrictba.rrl& beB.r cuch mesca.ges a.c 'UVEE:J'RON(J - tha.nkc to none

other than Armdong. the legeni who visil«l the UMR CBmp.l& JB.&t year- a.rrl Until therec a. cure: a. cf:sieiJJBnt in cupport of brescf: csreer awarenesc.

b]B.Zer. a. ba.ceba.ll cap a.rrl croccxlile ]Wnps: What cruld these three ilemc h.a:ve in commorfl They a.ll represent tre · the UMR dudent poplia.tion! BJB.Zerc are a.lwa.yc a.cce]iable for a. night on 'the town and there& more percon who cupporf:s their fo.vorile tEam ... whdhe.r that tEam wine the World Series or not. A DlW winner in fa.chion is poin 0«1 ]:wnps.' in popliarity for the pad few years. these choes are on the dret:is and on woJIYJn& feri. UMR etude ~not be k.wvn for their fa.chion sence. but theyTe a.lwa.yc more than willirg to follow the crowd. Phciogrs.phy by Tr~ '!Urnu.



Napoleon Dvnantlte For most of us, movies aoout high rl.ool never get old Seeing the piSt fashions. highs and lows ofreing a teenager, and reliving the glory days moves us over and over into the theater to~ what Hollywcxxl will rome up with next Perhaps one of the rest movies aoout high rllool ever is Na[XJleon Dynamite. Na]X>leon is the gawky. hard-to-Like-but-even-harder-to-dislike nerd of Preston Idaho. While stuck in a small town, Napoleon still has a big imagination - ranging from drawing ligers to bragging about his skills with a l:xlw staff. He befriends Pedro, the new Mexican studenl while awkwardJy connecting with ~b. the painfully shy photographer. Although he hates his ex-jX.k Uncle Rico and dcesn't even get along with his 32-year-old unemployed Internet-chatting brother Kip. Napoleon still finds his niche in the cruel hall of high school bullies and princesses. We fmaliy get to see all of hjs imagination pay off at the end of the movie, when he helps Pedro in the class elections. The scene in itself is worth the wait Perhaps you relate to Napoleon and perhaps you don't (I assume that many of us at UMR do). RegardJess, Nap:;leon Dynamite is86 minutes of the best movie lines you'U ever find. hilarious situations. and even some confusion that will leave you howling and hoping for a Na[XJleon pynamite 2

Phd~raphy by stsphaDiB Prather.

Rwiews by Keilsy Michelle Hwnmytbird.


Saper Size Me Being a rollege student, fast fro:! value menus are a little gift from heaven it!df. Whatcangowrongwith cheap priresand huge JXJrtions of deep-frioo goo:lness that will leave you fillEd well until the pizza arrives? Acrording to Morgan Spurlock. plenty. In his documentary. Sr lfX'rSi21' Me. Spurlock it 1spirrd by lllf' rroml news slorics of 1wo ol:x'3' l('('nagr girls who SI IC' Mc!Xlnalds for Iheir IK'allh problems.gre;on a moJlllllong Md})nalds bingt• which takes him to 20 li Iirs acnJS<; II JC rountry. Whal we lind fronllhi~c.xnu-:,ion i:,~lxoring. While in gcxxl sh<t[X! himsel[ Spurlock rmploy~ 1lw hrlp of thrccclo:¡torsilnd il nutrilionisl in monil01ing his hmllh. Aflcr jusl a rouple of days. we <n> Spurkd< b:!gin il downward cydr_ llisdoctorsand vegan girlf1iend beg him to end thisdiel ~rly. Gaining weighI is just tl te outward sign: His livl'r tx:comes toxic. his cholesterol skyrockets. his Iibido sags. and he get!> headaches and l:n:omesdepr~xl Su{X'rSi71' Ml'isiln cntrrlaining rkmmrntmy flllrd wilh imrx>mnt messagesal:xmllhE'eatingstylcofourrounuy ranging from l'lcrnemary atfrlcria to what we iiS <Klult:dl<Xre lfgcxxl eatillg habits is a goo Iof yours in lhr New Yrar. !>lat1 out with SujJPrsizr Me You willllnd ple1 11y of mo1ivali011 to pul down Ihad1ies and srek a ~It hicr altcrnal ivc.

Jill DeBerrv' BSMechEns 1964

Rohrt Benlfts, BSCE 19SS

Pnl B••~V' BSMechE•s 1970

The trt to UMR hen lllterutllls one. Atk envo11e fro• 1 .tete other then Mll•o•rlend 9 tillu olf of 10 thev heve prohi~IV never hurd of Rolle. So then how do people set here? Well for SIIIIIU thllllt well how• stop totterdt ,. •• ••d fort•••,~.. for othert thiiiiJut I fl•lv trtdHioll. I•Vtelf hed ellttle f••IV pru11re to ettend UMR. Both of •V perenh were stlde•h here If Rolle. Mv lither wu Ill ••sllleerllls ••us••••t 11d el•o 1 •••hr of l••~d• Chi freternHv. Mv •other wu 1 pert of the ••th depert•e11t 111d wu one of the fo•ndert of Zete T11 Alphe. A11d whle thlf w01ld he eno•gh pru11re for •o•• people whle I wulooklllg If tehool• •V titter, 1petrol••• ensllleer end •••her of Zete T•• Alphe, Wit •l•o glvlllg •• 1 n•dse thll w•v· B1t I ctll honutlv that II not the reuon that I ce•• to Rolle. On the contrerv H••de Rolle ••••lie the word piece o• urth. I u•• to viiH ••d fell Ill love with the et•o•phere and the people. So here I•• after five vur., .tlllll Rolle. 1, ••lie •V fi•IV •• 1ot •• ..sllleer. Herd to ~ellevelt h•t UMR llactullv I prettv sood tchoolevelllf do•'t Wlllt to he en •nsllleer. o•• tdVIItas• to followllls. foot deptt thev k•ow •II .~o.t lt. I do11't have to uplelll how chellensllls the clauu ere or how ••tlcllls the hm ere. A•d HII f•• to lilt•• to •V perent'• dorlu 1~o1t the wav Hue to h. Bit don't Jut teke It fro• ••· Here ere •o•• storle• fro• other fi•IV lesaclet. Jeff Bu~v h•s•n hll ensllleerllls cereer off hv ettendllls the UMR ensllleerllls u•p thlf II offered over the •••••r. Hll parent. htd ••sguted he so and check It o1t tlllce he wu sood at ••th end wented to go to 1 tehool. B1t Ill reaiHV Jeff knew ••ch •ore of e~•sllleerlns even hefore thet polllt. Jefr• •o• ••d dad hth htd attended Rolle. Hll fether sot hiiBS Ill Ctvl E•slneerlns and hll •other sot her BS Ill Mlnllls .. sllleerllls. B1t Hdou •ot 111d there. Jeff alto had the plu••re of lur•llls ah01t ••sllleerllls fro• hll 11cle P11IBuhv and hll srut ••cle Jill DeBerrv hoth Ill Mech~~tlul ..sllleerllls. Jefrt srandfether Rohert B..llls tlto sraduted fro• UMR with hll BS In Ctvl Ensllleerllls. UMR hu 1 wide verletV of ensllleerlns ••Jou to choote fro• 111d Jeff htd eiHtlelllt~ht on qde 1 few. In the ~~td he decided to so lllto 1 field hll fa•IV wun't necuurlv en upert 1ft, Ensllleerlllg Man•s•••nt. B1t Jefr. •o•ll prohehiV helpllls olf ellttle. Shell the VIce Pruldent of Puhodv Enersv· She started fro• the sr01nd •P' Jut thll put •••••r Jeff sot to work Ill the depart•..t the started Ill with •o•• of the people the worked wHh. Now that II • fi•IV tredltlo11. There are •ore ... d..h Oft ce•pu thlf ••d teco•d S•lllrlflol ••• ,.. So•• ere eve• th..d ••d fo•rth Stlllrttlo•• I s••u that ..... thtt Rolla rullv II not thet htd of I place to he. Keep that • •lid wh.. It II vo.r kldt t•r• to so to collese <UMR dou offer • reallv lOIII ••d d••shteu tcholeuht to thote o1t of towneu). Sfory IIY Trld Hekem IDd pbefos profldal bY Jd1 Busby.

•••v ..



•v ,.••••





Photos bV: Trinea Turner

Name:Samir Raor<IIM' From Mtml~ri. hKI~r

Maj>r: C'..omputrr Sri<'ll!1'. Yc'ilr Enrolled: Fall 2CXY1

Why did you chcm UMR? I was thr t~t option ! had a11d UMR hils gcxxl cour~ rrlaurlto rny amrs of interest. Was it hard to adjJst to UMR? No. not at all TilC JX'Oplc• here have ~n very IK•Itlful and GJring.'n"K'Y IJ<rvr IX'f'n very fril'rKIIy ilnd the rrople whom I am ci<N' to tn~rtme as family. What are the advantages of ~g here? ·nK~ <xlue<~tion system is mrlly gcxxl. AI~ I gN to learn aoout Am('riaur nrhure which is oompletely differt'nt from my own

Name: Apurv Jawlt' From: Mw11hri.lnlic1 Maj>r: M,r\1<'1' > i11lnfomration Sri«'IWl'<IIKI T~hnoi<~W (hrll 2001) Why did you clxxre UMR? .. Best amorrg tht•lot! /'qxrrt fromthat.g<xxl rPputatioll intiK· mid west region. and grot inwrdisciplinary rou~Was it hard to adjJst to UMR? Not mrlly.atxtrt from the Mi~;otll i wmthrr? What are the advantages of being here? RcsjX)nsihilily with independrll(r.


Name: Panrl Kllilr~t•jr. From Nt'\\ [Hhi. hklia

Maj>r: Iam a gr<KI S1Ud1·nt. rm tJring in brgi111wing Mamgr•m·nt Why <lid you~ UMR? Tlwn• is a lot of n'Sl~rrch work going on in the Fmanl)'pt. II<'IK1'.1llOn'rhanrrsof gettingfundoo. Was it hard to adjJst to UMR? Ididn't llrKI it hard at all toad'~'~ in Rolla. JX~lplt' ;m• vrry frirrKIIy. l mrll.y <'npy my stay in Rolla. What are the advantages of being here? Ewrything is~rosily ,m~'>ihl«'.lt'sa <,mall pla<l':,till Illililly l'Vl'l)thing is,IV<liL1ble.

fre•h•an Week 2004 once again uw the exclte•ent of teveral d•denft, Jo•rnevlng fro• ho•e after pecking their &ag• <end &lankeh and bttket&allt and •lcrowavet) to •ove to Rolla, the •lddle of evervwhere. PRO week, alto known at Preview, Regldratlon and Orientation week --or even plain old •opening Weeki"-- give• tf1denh their flrtf tute of college life, arriving on ca•pu a week &.fore clauet tfart.IJndergrad~ate enroll•ent on the flrtf dav of clauet at IJMR wu expected to &e 4,052, an lncreue of 14 tf1denh over lad vear'• record flg~re of 4,033, according to latra Stoll, IJMR reglttrar. The •ndergrad~ate enroll•ent It now •ore than 12 percent larger than that of fall 2000.



'Phbtbs prbvided b11 the Ollite

b/ Student Admissibns.




There's no stopping this much fun! CJ3

Ahve felt: Pertlcpenh In the Solfh Alrlce Geoloslcel lleld tr~ tftdVIns pens•lll• Ill Ktl~owskL A~ove r~ht: Mepplns on the Htrlune Fetlt nur Ceder Cltv. Below: '"The Grotp" et the Ca•p ol Good Hope. Below r~ht: 2003 Grotp In Zion Netloul Perk. Photos lro• the Geoloslcel Enslneerlns Depert•ent.

by Tract Holromb For at least four years students get up, go to class and go home. Nothing too exdting, pretty much the same thing every student in the world dre;. Duling summer 2004, however, Dr. Ro~rt Laudon took twenty students on a class trip that was unlike any other. For six weeks th~ students Jmtidpatoo in a field <Alllp in South Africa In ax>~ration with the University of Western Cape, the students spent ~veral hours a day attempting to do geology work Nights were spent writing reports of what they had <llimvered that day. Although this was an ooucational trip, it did not stop them from ~ing tourists and celebrating that they were not in Rolla ~ They traveloo to theCa~ of GooJ. Hope, as well as Rob~n Island the location ofNe&m Mandela's imprmnment They also took a trip ~ 1 to Kirn~rley "Big Hole" diamond mine and visitoo an African winery. H This trip was an opportunity forth~ students to understand more al:xJut geology, but it also p~ntoo them with the chanre ~ to ~rienre life unlike their own. They ':Y:lw townships as well as exclusive parts of South Africa They witn~ Africa trying to Q) emerge from Apartheid and witn~ first hand the pride and enthusiasm Africans have for their rountry. '"0 While returning from their visit to Rob~n Island the students stumbloo upon a relebration They were fortunate enough to ~ ~the Olympic torch roming through South Africa Jenn Allen a ~nior in Geological engineering, was on the trip and d&rt~ this relebration by ':Y:lying that it ~e extremely dear hearing the drums and ~ing the traditional African dandng that they were all in an extraordinary JEr1: of the workl For ~students. this truly was the trip of a lifetime. ~~


JustynAI!m and Sabrina Jones

ROO.rick Mcl))nald

Nathan Williams and Trinea Turner

and Jamie Webb

Just friendsi.Long time love Relationships are complicated and not easy to maintain. It dre; not matter if you are "just friends" or long time lovers you have to work at it. And if after all that you still aren't sure what to do you G1n ask these people who have, somehow, figured it all out

Stephanie Prather, Jre Liefer and Krista Wolfe

Photos bV:Trtnea Turner and Stephan e Prather


Mome Some MomentsBe Glad You Are Not One Of These People



----------------------------------------------------------~ ~

]en Allen

Holly Weinrerg

Everyone has th~ times in life when you wish no one had reen around to~ you do that stupid thing that you just did But that is pn1 of life. It has happen to me and I am sure it has happenoo to you. Keep that in mind while you read the horrifying moments that th~ people were willing to relive. ]en Allen a mor in geological engineering re::ollt:rtOO: My freshman yf!dr of s:xx:er startoo out with a multi-game tournament up in MinnesJta. Our cmch grabre:t our uniforms and all of the ~uipment for the bus ride on a chartemi bus. It was rold but the tournament went fine with no mapr problems. Since tournaments take place over the weekend fX!IiOO, we al3:l had other games ~oouloo for the uproming week. Freshman~ are very stressful and trying to explain to your teachers that the ~n you did oodly on the quiz was OO::a~ you had ~r games did not always go over well. Neither did telling the same teachers that you had to miss class for an away game. By Thtmrlay of that week. my stress level was pretty high. and I was getting ready to load the vans for our game against rivals. Southwest Baptist I thought that I had p3.ckai everything plus g:,me. However. when we were getting dres.<a:l in game wear. in front of the whole team I askoo the question "So. who pickoo up the uniforms OO::a~ I nero to get mine." I was not only mortifi.Erl. but I had a whole team of older girls. and a cmch that was extremely upret when I rea1.i.zej I had to grab my own tclore we left It was the most eJ'IllmTasc;ing and <;J:;iJI'f moment for me at UMR Holly Weinrerg a freshmen business management rnaj>r said: One day I was walking out of dvil and trioo to walk down the hill instead of the stairs. Well I slippai down the hill and an old man ran up to me to try and help me. I was~ em~ that I just jurnpai up and actoo like I was talklng on my phone and ran away! Marilyn Emanuel a g:,phomore in metallurgical engineer m:allOO: Just last week I was romplaining to the head of my deputrnent how 'f1:AIY and ronfusing one of the text tmks was. Apparently he wrote it I should've JXlid attention to the byline on that one! Moments like th~ you never forget and they are the ones that you really would like to forget more then any others. It happens though. and there is nothing you can do aoout it Stay strong stay ronfident, and most of all stay on your feetl

Storv bv: Traci Holcomb Photos bV:Tract Holcomb and UMR athletics




era haral

'There is nothing to do in Rolla" is a common statement heard from many students. Although we don't have big night clubs and big fancy bars there is plenty to do ifyou look for it The first and most obvious ~n ~ple um't find things to do is OO:a~ they are under age. Many of the attractions here are OOrs. The most popular plare is the Grotto. Many under age students have heard of it, but almost none have ~nit There is definitely a college 1m atmosphere going on with the rement floor fEinted green of m~ as well as pool tables and a mnstant haze of smoke. A~ the street is a fairly young hot spot, All Stars Sports Bar. In its former glory it was a theater. The first transformation was - - - - - - - - - - - - . an attempted at a night club. Seeing as this is Rolla, a seamd transformation took plare. We now nmgnize it as All Stars. There's more of a family vire from this plare ~ing as how the whole family helps run it, and there is actually a menu involved. The giant television ~n is also a crowd pleaser as long as you like what is on it I would like to take a minute to salute a fallen hero. This year we lost a reloved friend of the mrnmunity. The Tater Patch buckled under the pressure that the gro:l town ofRolla provides. Although The Patch, as most people called it, was not a huge mllege hot spot it definitely had its regulars. The townies that would hit on you, the plywro:l floors. and the lire~ plate demr will never re forgotten Even though Rolla is such a small town there are so many OOrs. Still on active duty we have Jimmy's, the Top Hat (which just rerently reo~mrl under new management~ and The Pub Mobile. This article would notre mmplete without mentioning Thirsty Thucrlay's at El Maguey. and also under new management Bruno's. But what aoout those ~ple that do not spend every night out at the bar. And yes those ~ple do exist in Rolla mntrary to popular relief. Our campus actually provides several events such as mmedians. mnrerts, movies, plays. danres, and more. Almost every religious group on campus has an organization and a building they um re at There are also plares conntrted with town A Slire of Pie is a great plare to go to spend time with friends and they also have some of the greatest pies I have ever tasted. And as sad as it is for me to put this down in writing there is always Wal-Mart So the next time you say there is nothing to do stop and look around you Although activities and fun won't just jump out and say "Here I am" there are things to do if you look for them Story and photos by Tract Holmmb.


! ~

Fro11 Brano'• and JIII•V'• to the Upto.-n and El Magaev, there are uveral placet to tpend tlnle In Rolla, hanging oat .-lth friend• and tocltllzlng .-lth friend IV drangeu. Not 211 Placet like ASlice of Pie offer a nice alternative, .-lth good, clean and nonalcoholic fanl Photo• bv Trae I Holco•b.

8otarl\to ElectriC &tts ~~tte..e <.o~ ~~t, It is a well known fact that the universitv requires students to live in campus approved housing lor at least two vears. And until fall of 2004 the onlv options were the dorms and Joining a sororitv or lraternitv. Allison Arnn' the proJect manager lor the new 200S solar house' got the opportunitv to change things a bit. last fall Allison was selected to live in the 2002 solar house. Manv have seen the babv blue house with the white shutters on the corner ol 1Oth and Poole, across from the Multi-purpose building' but not manv know what it is all about. The solar house was built lor the 2002 Solar Decathlon In Washington D.C. The UMR team competed against eighteen teams in the series of ten competitions' finishing ninth overall. Thev also took home first In refrigeration, second in energv balance, and third In hot water. Once returning from the nation's capital, the house was reassembled oil campus and Allison moved in. In an article done bV Women's World magazine Allison admitted ~I wasn't sure about it when I heard I'd been picked to test out the house bV living in it." But at the time ol the article evervthing was smooth sailing lor Allison. She pavs $300 rent a month and no more electric bills. The one complaint bV Allison' ~I have no wall space, a lot ol windows and doors. The design team needs to work on that." And have thev. The 200S solar decathlon Is rapid IV approaching' and the team is readv and raring to go. Manv ol vou have seen the house being built on campus at the old bonfire location. The team wanted a house that worked elllcientlv and could travel to Washington D.C., but that was also appealing to the eve. The design idea: The Fibonacci sequence. In mathematical terms anv number In the Fibonacci sequence Is the sum of the previous two numbers in the series (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, s, 8, 13, and so on.) As these numbers reach inlinitv vou can divide a number bv its predecessor and get the Golden ratio ol 1. 618. The challenge was to incorporate this theme into an actuallavout lor the house. Storv bv Traci Holcomb.

Left, top to bottoM: Nick Brllfo~t' Chris Cl•auen' Br•ndon Cotter, Co.rtnev Green. Belo~t: Ad•• Tlehea. Right, top to botto•: Chris Kr1eger, Joe Sch•efer, P•trlck Will•••' Chris Wrlsht. "jts r-~ 6tuluNa,, 111a~~llf(J llf t4~dtUui.M~r-~l b(JllfU~llf(J, .0 Ira~ 6~~" "" tlr~ U;k'/C./ JC.q..Q S"/4~ +UMS~ ~~~~ sllfu 7-aU 200Q.• .0 fra~ 6~~~~ llfH~ llf tfr~ t~aiii1'"NAlUII tMIII, Hl/,u/, p/4111 ""HI tfr~ II~HI 2005 /,"~ ls fJ"llf(J ttl (Jd "" tfr~ jk4U, llf /IJr-~sltlii(JUII, 7>.C., Ulllllllf11U4tllf(J Hlltfr U111pa11lU ~~ ~"lfalUIIS, t:llf~ .0 fra~ /,~lp~~ Hlltfr tfr~ UIIS~II ~ tfr~ lttJIU~." --C./,~Ls /(,114~(J~~'



Plct1r81 •nd q•otea of Sol•r Houe tu• •••bert fro• aol•rhoue.••r.ed• •


amrerns of residents and resp:>nd by keeping residents informed. provide informational prograJmrrtin.Q and mal events. and ~ the voire of the residents to the Residential Life and loTY..rtn>ont

of the University.~ the Residential Hall kn::ia.tion (RHA) at UMR

has proved to~ a vâ‚Źf'Y'"b!rrefir:latPIUJ~rritfff had a very sua:essful spring semester in 2005. Not only org~zatiol$. but they a&> put on numerous roals for the students to

en_py! KesJOerlua.t Hall Association put out many donations at the University

1v .u;>:; J;:,

they gave $800 to the Chinese Students and Scholars

Association for their Chinese New Year Festival In addition they a&> gave $3600 to put on alternate programming forSt Pat's in order to direct attention away from drinking and allow residents to have an aw~me time!

Included in these activities were movies and makeovers, a presentation by romedian Buzz

Southerland and games aoout alrohol awareness. Not only did RHA donate an abundant amount of money for other programs. but they a&> put on numerous activities for the students to enj)y. They supported and directed SnowOOJ.L which is the residential ran a program in April called. 'What a Night of Gaming~

was put on for the students. but this wasn't any ordinary they were single) or red (if they were taken~ On the other

hand the Reindeer

that brought a lot of exdtement! spring semester that not only ~nefited the residents at UMR but helped ...,U.> as well They donated over $4500 to outside organizations. and they

\..OJ.l .

provided great tert:linrr1ert! RHA has had a very sua:essful year. and have only one way to go.. .forward

Story by: Stephanie Harman

Putting on dances. providing entertainment for residents. putting on a

as the New England

Patriots hcadccl off with the Philadelphia Eagles. and celebrating St. Pat's in a way nlike any other. the Thomas jefferson Hall Association (TJHA) workccl hard Spring Semester 2005 to bring Jefferson to life! They put on dances. raves. movie marathons. a poolabalooz.a. and va •vu.~..................I.LI.L~.II.L-.l~u..ui.J{ much fun living in the residential halls can be. Working hand-in-hand lion. TJHA was able to bring these various activities to the students. Thomas jefferson Hall Association showccl what they DDR Rave (Iklnce Dance Revolution). This was headed by two ,..1\(J,... ""'''"' and proved to oc a huge success with over sixty rrople showing u also put on some exciting competitions. A muralcompctil ion was or some other part of their noor using their noor funds and addition. a mini movie marathon was held. To achieve this. students could get together and make mini movies to see which person or group of people created the best mini movie! Tn addit ion. TJHA held a Super Bowl Party in the TJ South lounge as the Patriots played the Eagles in Super BowI XXXIX. Besides putting on part ics. TJHA also put on a movie and a rna kcover directed toward the fema lestudents. This included a movie followed by a Mary Kay makeover. In addition. a Poker tournament was held by TJHA that was very successful! TJHA has also helped out RHA this semester by helping out

Forming the Quadrangle. Altman. Kelly. McCarney. Holtman. large amount of people. The Quad is headccl by the Quadrangle Hall Associat in the spring of 2005. They hel~ out and mmpctccl in St. Pat's. hosted a j'Xlrlicipatecl in Campus Man. The Quadranglestarteel off the sem~ter right when they cr¥'·tH annualCampus Man cmnpct ition. After this male 00:\uty pageant. it was ti IJ,l;i..I~~~..I:U.J~wui..I.JIO.i» annual Best Ever St. P.t~t's! To get ready. the r~identsof the Quadrangle got together and built an giant cudgel. This cudgel was massive. finely GJrvccl.and skillfu lly pain too for the cudgel making a cudgel. QI IAaIso hcl peel host movies and j:xlker tournaments to provide enterta i residents during St. P.t~t's. ln addition to thcseevents.theQuad also (klrticipatccl in theGon7.o very green week. where they won llrst in women's volleyl:xlll! Not only did they play in the they also had a lmth for the St. Pat's carnival. This I:XXJth was a giant jumping castle for the

enpy. While they may have parlicij'X!tecl a lot in St. P.dt's. QHA also organi7ro and parlici events. One of these events helpro to them end their semester right. They held one of 1heir traditional semester volleyball tournaments. This tournament was a two on twommpctition lx!twccn either men's. women's.oranl teams. By sellingshirtsshow<Asing the tournament and charging for learn rcgistration.thismm(X'tition provoo to oca very su~fu l fundraiser forQl!A! The Quadrangle Hall Association has had an eventful semester with it's various involvements. They put up a fight in the St. Pat'smmpctilion.sponsorccl a GJndidate lor Campus Man. and put on a great sand volleyball tournament to say the least. This program isgreatatgell ing the Quad ~idents involved. while listening to and mnsidering their opinions.


Name: Kelly jarobs

Floor: TJ One Nonh Mapr: Computer Scirn<r Why I wanted to OO:omean RA: Mostly. I wa nted to meet a lot of ~pic. I

Kelly Jacobs


Brittany Arernathy

Why you want to OO:ome an RA So lhat 1could make living in the halls fun. Not just for others. but lor myself too. WhatyoulikeaooutreinganRA You learn a lot aboutyour~~l fand olhers in the job. 1have made some very imiXJrtant friendships with fellow RAs and residents. What you don't like aoout reing an RA I hate thai peopledon't see alii he hard work Lhat the hall staffs put in to making Res Life a fun and rewarding experience. What was the one thing you've had to do as an RA that you wish you never had to do: J had to do third shift duty during St. Pats. talk about a bummer.


Hotel Once you have ~n acceptffi into UMR they send you that thick envelo~ that has all of the information you would ever want and more inside. More sptifically it has all of the campus approvffi living arrangements. And then you have to choose. This event hasn't changed from year to year or from college to college for that matter. One thing that was different however were the chooses. The freshmen class of 2005 had the option of living in the new dorms. Come to find out they had the option but not the ability. Everyone has~ and heard about the delayffi amstruction of the new residential facilities. This meant that all the students that were signed up to live there had to make new arrangements. Well the university figurErl s:>mething out hotels. Yes. I said hotels. ~ students were told they would be living in a hotel while the new dorms were being finishei After hearing the news would be resident Erin Houston said "At first I was thinking that it would be a huge hassle OO:ause I figurej hotel guest would be coming in and out but then I found out about the JXX>l and I felt better." Alex Go:xmn. another student said 1 was disapJX)intffi but at the same time I figurej being able to ~y I livffi in a hotel was kind of (XX)l" And boy was it (XX)l The hotel was every freshman's dream come true. It was like being at home without the ):W"ents. The females were in suites with queen size OO:ls. The males were not as fortunate but stilllivffi large in their full size OO:ls. Amaid ~rnce would come to their rooms once a week and dean up. only if they could make it in the room though They were not allowffi to touch anything on the 00:1. So ifyou wantffi dean sheets you had to dear it off before they got there. Als:>. it had a oothtub. I can remember oock to my dorm days longing for a ooth every once in a while. There were als:> only two p:x>ple to a oothroom. s:> much better then communal showers. There were other little things that they all enj:JyErl. The indoor JXX)L wireless internet cable television with HOO. and being able to ~k dose to where you actually live just to name a few. But the hotel wasn't all sunshine and glitter. Tyler Cobb. who definitely enj:Jyffi the ~rks. was als:> irritatffi by the distance. "You couldn't just run home and pick up your books for your next class. You had to have everything with you that you needffi that day." I know we all ~w the big yellow b~ driving around campus picking p:x>ple up and dropping them of( they would circle every half and hour. "Your whole day had to be plannErl around the bus rlla:iule". remarkffi Alex. The foo:i situation wasals:> less then desirei Ap]:W"efltly the dinner at the hotel was lunch at one of the cafeterias on campus. So. more times then not ~ JXX>r kids had to eat the same thing twice in a row. Boom~ as mentiorxrl before they had to stay on campus until they were done for the day. So now that the adventure is over and done with I askffi ~students what they likffi better. the dorms or the hotel Tyler votes for the dorms 1 would have to ~y the dorms just OO:ause of the convenience." Erin shouts for the hotel Thfinitely the hotel! The Hoj:J. as we~ affoct:ionately callffi it was much bigger then my current room in Kelley Hall The hotel was much more fun Seriously. come on it was a hotel!" And lastly. Alex isn't quite sure. '"The dorms are nice just OO:ause they are on campus and~ much closer to everything. other then that I really miss the hotel It was a tough transition" That statement pretty well sums up the feelings of th~ students. Although it was disapJninting to hear they wouldn't live in the new dorms th~ students made the best of the situation handffi to them And in the end miss it "It's a once in a lifetime chance. how many college kids can ~y they livffi in a hotel for a ~mester?' Alex said explaining her experience.


....,.,..illlr1 ...,._H,._




ClaJJtiDitlw ........ Clatl;p6c ...... CtqL161 IJ.ntl~

£m JIIIIJtril J.-~

z 9

Joi.Jitll ..W.h!Hr

..l'ca.I.IW'cftr U..JI.tJa II._,~

111111Mll JillmiLYk

...,.,...J,. NlilkJM.


2'-11.,., fta.lalaa.l .....,_~

I I0

Chip Bilbtwy CJu;PJh C«7 M.u.'ill• .DaDWaldM

J- Sla}ICIJdd JIIIHw.ty

"-]lila,..JW... Mlllt 1dz Mk!bM/7ap Pall CboltloD



Phil r..wJDJJ RtltlwtH~ ~Ham.

GcdtPbcb s..JII Gblv.c..m.:J.

n..Bzyart fiwrir :e.-11 z.m.n.b. 7'bNJlk11l

1 \1\ ~ al

t路t r

l tr ~ Jx.r r

NOliSd IHd g.


/JmBrulmn JJW. MDI'l'il

.Bl'lllZiao Q Azlcfy

C.ryCcDp.r Cbl-ilrJ.rrJJa Chril HfMMl Chril s./b.T

Chi-ll Jt"..tlwxl Chriltan~

Clad IIall Danllll Aldn:aa Drwtd~

DllVId Ssat.~ Drwtd Vorhiar DtnkSbiqJtr

DwlnVolk 1.\r)fqf Csmp/JIJJ


Ilftl'flll Broi»«» Qrert Mllb» Ql'lld RfMDIJr


J-Fill»r J-Lb J.,.rt"onr

JIIIIOIJ fJrimlll J-. Mt:CotwMJ JIIMJIJ rt"illJMs# .hlfrrty QilllltrUr

JMCI}' IJafMl Jo.ZGilll

Jcbn c,_nJvut Jdmhob JobnJt"-

JoJJ JoJJ Jt"....,.i:b ~~


KINID Hudlon Ky/11 &/ifiiiCflr UlDt!fl S:tnifmBD

M.mwl LiJJrlllJ Mlllt Lzlt,r~ky Mlllt Stsdhtr Mlfilba,

Mlfilba, M iliDn

Mllllbt¥ IIIJI'IUJ

MrlwJ f1'81r0 M ~elwJ u.z..y MlhMunay Mtr:h&.h NtU.n Jlcoper NIChol• Chr.b.n


N111/c or., P.trr/cK-


llob MOttm R«-t CrahiuD RaJMy MalaimNrh Ryan IJa:tU1&


Ryan Rytan CI~~r/c

Ryan!JuPtb Ryan ScJama:J. Gt!rily B/a:k»nHoiiiMDD st..-IUt 1M» '1'htJ,ma,; ON.UJ

1'hDrnM ScrtlJilin Tmdhy LaJrd 'lbrld Mllu 7bm~

7nwir&.l fYWCotlb 'fYI.r N.,

Will sJlll}dJrt Z~~eh









I Ib

-I Pfu Kspps TbriR NliW MfiiJben 20()4-2005.' (Jell to ngW JJJIJ PJ&lU'/oswJCZ BrWl C~h.nrur C=-on Mwlufll. Jud:m Skruby Alu Greg IV.&ÂŤlorn Cole Humph.Ny Morrell WhilliY Jim ScllnttJQr Dtmd Bro&s

Newtn/lll. Phtk by Scdt Albin.





A/alllttllr ......, Anlflltl



AtJtwlla brbw6JI6r .btmC~

Be.J11111112~ .Bejam~D&Mpu

.,_.Amtltr .,_IIIIJW C-.,H.wrt Cl:wJ. ,.,.,_



Clw-J.m-JU»IV CbrltllJpb.r Moll Cbnti!J]Iblr s-ol>lllllldb /JIW.l~

Dt.rrmSmtb JJ.ritl Hlll

DakiWI/J8 DrwCurra Drwl'lua

~ 0..

I>.P- (JU/IJid Grll1 D1aarJ Gr~t~N.;.


IMIJ . . . GnfBaolc Cl'fMJJJ.r JIIIIOb 11/dkJ/1 JU.JlllbMt JIIIWl JI~~JW J.J lltllllli J.t! .h/1H111'1011t J.., Gt:JJJo.. Jallt»pa J.I'J& J.lldb Jr./ l1cl:wr* {Jrifr


rwtH•lrtt X:yl. kWrhlil lArry GolwJJ»r M..-Dr~nz~M Mill~

JltiiJJM . .




N._Rifllr N.UFW NJclc JJ.r.

NJt!Jc 8nwJJ NJt!Jc7WW P.uJ r-.d PhillpC~

PbJJJp Gt:blta RDb&ll.nJJ.

, _ Cilt:dll.ltJ

, _ HllltaDd "--,_kill

n...-DrY-. 77.lomlf Qtell n--Mom.




Jt"erJ.y 7'tutblalll Jt"JJJ Kub;y 11 Jt"JJJJazn





.w.-r-. ...,._.._

........ .,..., IIIIa,-


Blwll.het/J CJaarJ. RliMk Cln/Ji!rai

Cll!lfta""'-' C.,W'JilJarr ~..,.,

c-...... .,.,JI ..,..tllllltal ...,......... JJwtlllii!IJrif




Gat tllllMml

._HJJJ. flMadt.n L - - . .

n.tlv.,.., ,.,. ....tÂŤ''o 2)llr A. JGnlu



z c

At/am RhDtR IJ«JPMtw

llraDtltJD c.rt.r Cb.IZitf/lt

Cbl'li.Drolp Cbdd'IIJCk Cafrl'dz

IMDAtke 1111/J JtYlam IJuJaJ VGCbrlalc


1>l1NG1lttfiJ IbwSIIIMt &IC.,.. ~


Qaso1D 1llMttF

HlllllbfJiuta /p Mllha!JI JIIDO}J. Gt#«'t JU.~

JU.fhllboltl J.miiEbiiiJMI .1../htrwrMnn


.It» JtiJDII/k JttbzJJflli

JIJ6b.,.. .lultia~


\J V\



X..P.YW 1.-.H_,. IUIIbw IJtltr MlilhiNOlJWJ Jlltlh.l ..... MiJrltBIDtnn Jllb~

Nlllbe BNlllll

NtftiiD 11...,_ bzlwd JII/JIIe

b:barrl.JlllW .rw.tltal bbttfN.,_


\1\ CuJ-KUII/RJrJr Gl'lflllY~

JIIClcWJfte JIICOb Puplllo

J-ed J..IW.a JlftiiJillb Kilt

JtJbnZc.nn JOIJIII:baD GtiiDmlr .hlepll J'rbt:bm Jt.hla . . . . LoR~

U..Rqr. Marie Cb.pman Mw Klllllw Mlllltl.r~

Jhlll., DJrlrmapn

JIIIIIIJ.,Wrp" Jllt!bMH~

MiJrll KlDnilcin NIIIMD BJbb Nrlblu. fJt-*



Be IVaahllrr Be IV~ Be)IUDin fJ10lltllliii.1W Brad Hill Bra&y 'Whtlt .BJIIIIdoa 77lamaaiJ B-~ BriaD~

Bryu fixmp.m


Brp'Wht» Chalstw.t CbarU. Cazdtlr Chnltllm Jt'Wdwli!h CbntiDplw Campbtlll Chn/Dplw CitJDDdb C]q'lbn.r

cu. InwSblt!JI Grit! 27JUir £tb.D lJuclcmJar Clfll /Jalzpdd



J-aJ-Gcdl JohD~

Jo.h M..O. JW.. H•pbill LeliJrCarhz, LU..N~

Ln..AllclM Lrlltaplw l'lurwy

1M 17lonJlmt M..Jc IJuD.Ilb Mlll'k Y""'r


MIIIIIV. . Mllllhar l'otl. MIIIIJ.,itmBIW MIDhael Brwn Mit!l»MlGarwy NllbuMill•

/lolxJlt De. Gcdf Milltiam

7haar CodMlD

'1'1mti4Y Tbroop

Antkwft"al6n lJejamJD Sb6r

BrtltCJYdw Cbril OIIJf!T CbniDpbtir Pobai

DruJ/IIr..b Gm Du.l.rtrha. JMJGC4n

""' J1tDIIblr

JOIIUuJil John Bbltdc/tJid

Jomr.n-. J - . CbJD]IIIk JuttiDJI-



Mit:bMI H~~mJ» J{lx:WJ /)ii/JDitl


PUGtfW Gll6:lilk

~ lltlbMI.Dftal

Jaobl'16lrla Jaobblbr.J lltJMt~

AD ~GJ.m

~Mt61» ~MurJI4y


-v :1

~ b z

Alpha PbJ Alpha :m4-05 M ll11tbars: (]eft to ngliJ Frori.' Jer11JIJJnS Burks. Ant:lr9 Dsru. Keensn Miller s.nd ArniD81d £pJ& C.OODtlrrw: Cheeko Hll11lilton KileySurnmsrr; a.rrJ Chri&f.opher Riney. Third l'(W: .Dua.ns Alusod8r. JD11Jl Si-. Cbrltl AntJra,r ClWBlard C/Sl'QfiCe Chsney IV. s.nd Willia.rn Finley. Nti. pictured' AlvJn AndaravJ and ...4riGN u • rn.<Rnn.

Sce&JG from the

Alphs. Phi Alphs.

Black Bni Gold

Ba.ll 2004.

P~ by TriDBs





ÂŁdi.Jl-Grlll.lluar Jq Plilll

"-J-. ihllls.le


.BNrJ.,t:.,_ BI'JIIlJ Bottb BI'JIIlJ HllitmluJ



BrpaMcC~CunDtm Cbn/D]hr~

Daltll t:JlJ

DmiB.P DmiHEm MeDulll

J.,_H.wl J-NIDboJM

JIIIHtMIItJa Jdm T.tnrfamaoo


r.-M--. r~rlllltT

.CuttBIIx:b M.m.ll~

MII/JarN.U. MIIJb.l ca-r Jltda/Y~

Nlllbu MIJ:.

bJb!WSmtb JWwtHurlaJ ]bu.C.JtT


~&.au ~




&njsmin 1tlt:iD«m

Chrk Fosllsr ChrkRrbon DsrtJc SchlrJBa/sr

Doc Frarmis Albin Jom Bl'Uiffllm Jom Bushrar


Msl:t l'unk Neil RovJG Nrk l»ikizt






Robert .Disftmbscbsr Stsphsn llisc1Jsn 'JYlsr Bshr 'JYlsr1brll8l' BriaD Az:deram Carl Slunksl Char/• Bottb

Colt Scwerdt CorySmih ~'l'rulli


D.rek .Cllidf

£dtl» Kdlwdci JU.WQihwl J.tlzwy Bl'tWn JtwRotltP-

Kart KllllfllDII.D Kyle AtJsm.k I..on Kirkplltrick III MllltHw.

MllitJ»,May NaHirt NllilwJ BlfNI»ll Nel#Pzhon

Nichol• Robint.lon

Rayrmrrl F""a

al ('\


....... ~ .f.blty....,.. .f.blty. . .

C-*fyValiak ~GI:ayallua

Cbrlq Grbl«

Cbrltllila .8r


Cal.Wtlt. . . ~LMll.ta ~~~

1llllllT......A61 11iti~VH,.,_,.

6Jalb/D nl:la llllall

r•m... 6&~



~Qilla rt~VDn na~

'rntb.Wart. 'rl'lllieu.ah

.c.-a Gll-.tfllt IMleW'Ilblat


flvlor Ho/lehmp






JIINillla a.u. Nllltll. GIJbaltll

IMWIWJc t:WIIa IJibarej . . .l}rwpl ..,.,_.. QdtpprW , .




..4mlllJda V.qhn .AmJ;.IM Cook ArqylJ«»


Amltly JtiOJJaD

CdllnEtMJ/Je C,.J» H•pt~r CbrJIIJnlllloahau Cbz11111Da GJ., CbnitJa Jtlakb ~MJU.


£1Jabtlb ..4lnm £1Jabtlb IW6 £IDJ}y~

£11Jl}y MJU. £riDCrwlt!Y £riD H..,£riDGmllb.


HU, Mal'arlaal H.a-r.-J. H.a- Sllt»/1 H..tblr t:tr.:Jr. JeiJII• £u.rut JeiJII.r Clblitw .hGDII.r S}lialll .J.aJa Jt/11.! JullJJulJt~

JulJtlldb EGlin~»!Nrbam r.o-a FNJJu r.tJuyn~


r• flxDJIIID




r.n., hhttT

r.n• fiolbb1e Kelly Hllllllltl Kelly Mt!Ct!T ru.B~uaum

LialMiy Grdh .U..:.J~


Mariallt. M-PhJJJp. Mtfban~

MUnilfAtl Mlt!balle MuJDr»l Mil:l»JJ. GebMI'tl. Jlil:l»JJe v-...1 Mtillt Prit» NtblileorNm.Gmtb hltyJt"~


R.cW Gl'flllUy R) &.briDa Jot* GanhGco/.n

&aba71r,. /bp/JtlzJiiiJulta


Gt.tplww HIU'IIWI


7aras.JJ ftl.GJUJ.m





Aqp.tiamr ArpGt:h.r

.At:bMrT /Jtpll Bltbs-lttm

c..-., YtJUJt Cbtll.a Nklldll DuJ.1J, n,-

DarnJIIyD QwJ:wm £11- HfllllrJJba

£ttJaJ.Iiw £11D Cll,ntxll £riD~






c.,w.J.wlttr ..... JeDll·~

JeDllw S.U CaaliJ«Jldd.

r ..... .BnuDa r•~

rll)'la /Jut:Jbbtb Cllhl,._ Lalla Rltltla r..u.w..,.._. r.m~

CilllBialir rl'ilbJ Duvall


r...,NUura ......

16ura1Wtlh /JnrlM!yH~

1111'1r.'h6 N.,._ GcblutbJr N_,C8lhld

N.._NU. NJalvll. s-q N•laNq Nl«JU Calrlm Ra:l»l st. JuiJua bDJ»> Gbu}1y


~&.I ~..,.


S...Hutt s-AC.. GtniJ Qwmlwa




Row 1.' Brad BniBkner.Jusf:in Likes Row 2.' Chris Dunnaway Mike Murphy Dane Seiler Row 3.' Kyle DEkJilBJliJ. Ccxiy W'hifu. Jim Fisher Row 4.' KBiherine Glee. Js.mes Dueh.nirg.lÂťke Migol

AMERICAN INsTmJTE OF AEitONAurJCS AND AsntONAunc s R<M 1.' R<M 2.' R<M 3.' Advisor) R<M 4.'

Lrois Huerts Caleb Gebluudt Joy Stein. Lori Ziegler Chris Kessler. Profesror H.F. Nelron (Faculty Glen CI1Jlnirths.m. Keith Norton


R<M 1.'

&dt GrasinBJ) ffacu.lty sdvisorl Kevin Slnl.ier

R<M 2.' R<M 3.' R<M 4.'

Treri KrBBmer. M ichssl TBJ' pein Parul KhsnejB Ds.Je SpeJY:e. Akssh ChoodhBl'y. Rllhul Ja.isws.l

AMERICAN SOciETY OF CiVIL ENGINEERS Ru.v 1: Ru.v 2: Ru.v J: Ru.v 4: Ru.v 5: Ru.v 6: Ru.v 7: Ru.v 8: Ru.v 9: Ru.v 10:

Anthony Jlerzog. ChRd Bes.rdslee John Keeven. Jeremy Jln.gerlDBll Ryan Sitzes:. D9.In0n Dorner Ma.riB Conte £ric Rdh Micho.el Utre. Caly White Kyle Dieckiil9.JJ.JJ. Justin Likes:. Likki Jero1Il6 Sctit Goforth Seiler. Jo.mes Sischer JOGh Jlefti Au:ire.v Du!fe. Ado..m Wo.chter P9..U.l Ge.ney. Ksthsrine Glee Micho.el MurphyMo.ftVOGs Grn..ri Ma.rlin. Jo.mes Duehni.rg


Gi:NERAL CoNTRACTORS Ru.v 1: Ru.v 2.' Ru.v J: Ru.v 4: Ru.v 5: Ru.v 6:


Brad Bn18kre. Justin Likes: Chris Dunnaway Mike Murphy Seiler Kyle Di«!kmo.n.n. Caiy While Jim Fisher Kn.therine Glee. J9.1n8& Duehning. fuke M igd Mn.ti Pooker. £rico. Beiser Rob Melsheirner


D8Ve Widmer. Claire CI1.J'Ciwell Reg JJtl:sr. Jeremy J/ageriDBn. Leoror


RtM !J: RtM 4:

Mariola Bush Evelyn Chambers l?yan SilzBG. Ga.don Ferrari

RtM 5:

&ih.BnyGordon. Meghsn Boyd




ReM 1: Ti.!n Johnson Ricky Di!81li ReM 2: Chs.rles CB.l'der. DBJJ Bax. Joseph Drunner ReM :J: Msit f(11$B. Arxirew Galvan ReM 4: Ryan ÂŁlam. Rob Jones. Ti.!n I!ill



Ru..r 1.' J9.1Tiie S8IlSOI>8. LirrJGey lloffl1111Jlll. Kristen Lcesch Laurs Peleh Ru..r 2.' &herr &x:ky PohJID81l Ru..r J.' Lauren Eths.rxl,te. Meghsn DonnelllUl. Sarah GellZ Ru..r 4.' D8.Jl.ielle Miller. Msster fTrea.surerJ. AlyssiB lluriirgton (Sscrd.ary) Ru..r 5.' PBity WeJt ( Pre&CieriJ. L6a.h Ra:::hner fVP Ra:::ru.ibneriJ. Kelle Iniguez fVP Risk M8JJ8gem;riJ

STuoENr UNION BoARD Ru..r 1.' MichMJ 0)0 Dsn Ksle.f. Arrirew Drs.ker. John Ziegler Ru..r 2.' Jtmti Rsgon Je&&ics f.DJt(Acfvisorl Msff Folldl tSa:::rd.aryJ Bob Wsrd Ru..r J.' SW' Rx:cs (Pre&xleriJ C!8lJVJ Csrdwell Chns &.le& Nx:e Pre&xleriJ MelJSss GJie& Ahmed l/8JTI89:i Nd PJC6.uvrl.' Phd RO&& <Tree.surerJ Pslrx:k Brema.hB.ll






WB Memberr:: /oh TwL~er l oir


tourna dl


BLuE KEY Trina DicklJJ/UJJl. Kslie Thompcon. Tessa Russell RBChel Grcdsky Amy Lunn RCY 3:

Amy JBCks. Monica ColemB.Il Leah Ra:Jhner. Chris Bor[In/UJJl. Stephanie Buffa TBWniB. Miss.k RCY 6: Mark Cox. &>rrira Terry Katie Glesson Msit Ks.ra M situs Anthony Jlerzog. Tom Ward. Julie Orlich John Gillis. Christopher Moll Addison RB.ine. John RetKI RCY 11: Ds.n Bailey RCY 12: Ds.n Aiken. Michael La.ncey WilliB.m Ns.nce


HAlL lioNoRARY Row 2:

JeremyGreenwoai Jason Reck. DlMl Spilrlen

Row J:

Erin Loft Rachel Slruby

Row 4:

Philip ROGs Patrick fPslchJ Bresn.a.lum

Row 1:

Aimee Rea. Ryan V8!l Booven

Row 1:

David Bryant fVice-PresidenlJ. Mol

Mastroianni (Treasurer) Row 2: Row J: Row 4: Row 5: Row 6:

Kelles Bnih1n Amanda Chsstsen Kishor Pil:ts Tovs Lipperd DicklMil11 Tim Forbis Jake Armstrort Addison Raine (President). Ezra Czubs..

Robert Wolfe Row 7:

Jenny Edwo..rds (Reporter). JOGh Mortier.

Jason Cobb Row 8: Dr. Drugls.s lallow (Advisor) &di Clod!elw. Jason SlBdt

PI TAU SIGMA ReM 1: Beih Hayward Prern Mi:Jhs ReM 2.' OpJB Pertercon. David Neely ReM :J.' Jacon Leslie Maitirgly ReM 4: Jacon Meradiili charles !Iilion Mstt M()f;(JJ' ReM 5: ~phen Ra:ker Sylvia Kueny Mslhew Cha.rdler ReM 6: Aaron &x:k Joe ~Vhie. Justm lggor ReM 7: Andy Hufc{g;Jjer

SociETY OF WOMEN ENGINEERs ReM J: JRcquelyn Stroble. ~pha.nis gchondeli1Kl)'er. NaiaJiiJ Frenz ReM 2:

Al~e Dannenberg. Jeanne Shipin8n.



ReM 3: ReM 4:

Emily DaJ1ilo. garah Kenns:Jy

ReM 5: ReM 6:

Jill Pahrenholtz fCrunse/orJ

Michelle Marireel


TAU BETA PI Ru.v 1.' Mali Bayne. Mo:fi.hew V~s. Gooffrey Kleiboeker Ru.v 2.' Jeff Raielus N slhsn Tool llal Lokd. Ru.v 3.' IIugh Beltud MB.l'k Cox Mi:heal Ldfner Ru.v 4.' Mike Murre.y TB.l'e. Jwob MJ.ldwic Ru.v 5.' Bd.h Swafford. Ezra Czuba BrB.Ir:lon Schwiesu.v Ru.v 6.' Aaron Glaslii:W Rei:/ Ce.Jt Pairrh Dnemeyer. Lori Ziegler

TAU BETA SIGMA Members [nclr.xle: Amick. Kelley Arrin,gton. Crrug Began Jeffrey IJva!lS. Rwhel Fulk. Raymond J/ofsf.d.ter Li.ÂŤJa Keeney. Nicole Mallsge. DllVJd Meyer Kelley OhB.J'a. Tu:ndhy Robillard fTreasurerl Amber Robinson Sandy S8!1Sift Cq:iJy Shsrko (Secrda.ryJ. Malihe.v Shelton fPresidenl). Andrew Robert Vick. Lori V~s (Sq:rd.BryJ ElizabEth Wylie John Ziegler



















D 154

ROLLAMO Ru.v 1.' Mali Bayne. Mtgha.n Wi.nk181DJJ.IID. Genny Wallerc Trinea. Turner. Ru.v 2.' Dr. Grtg ÂŁ;trafms.n. Sfspluwe Prather. Kelley 1Jummirgbird Ru.v J.' J(yan Cox. Jeff Eva.ns AJ &dwell Ru.v 4.' Tobyn VsrUtghten. Daniel Bush Brad Swalerc Cory Sperre










Ruw 1: Kyle Vogler. Roger L. Nugeri Chris Ba.Jes Ruw 2: Deborah ghsnnon Judin Munson Calheri!YJ Kuzmeski Ruw 3: KBiherw Durhs.m. Brcx:k 'Mtfmi Watt. Michssl lÂť.biewski Ruw 4: Ryll.n Ps.rish Nd picbmxJ: Jeff Ms.rlin Chris Stolta gs.rah McGillivray

Member& Include.' .Ada.m Bs.ird Lee Brewiftlon Alex Klsdive. lVX!e Precideri). Pnul I.rona.rd. Plier Marlin DllVidt.u Nguyen Lo.rry Schreiber. Brrurlon Thomsen (PrecidentJ. As.ron Velssque.z. Clo.rk Volker fTrescurer). Arorew Zak (Secrd:sry). Glenn Zimmer111B.Il

Memberc Include.' So.rah Bd:tinger. John Chaloupek Mce Pre.sidenlJ. Benjamin Gallagher. Matthew Gocks. Thol118G Jerris. Bryan Johncon Rudy Jones. Michelle Mo.rincel. Bria.n Payne. M ichae/ Perry. Cliritm Roberts. Michael Schroer Trod Shelton Ryan Si.zec Graeme Straker (PrecideriJ. Co/)()r Watkins (Member Recruitment) Vivek Y8dsv



f.6s.h I!'Win B.rd M Sch JCheife JO$eph en. IJJ1W.nn PSJ'k. !JOYs SUilJly day sf






a :1



JPh!t>r Gtlr !' Tom & & u loi,JL~O mllfer

:nt>r .lP fatnHJ r /Prn iv .C:.h:uko /av/011 C I Lc:ak L'i'I.'J '1 \ X v 1 op q. £' (T J? IJ . i•' m er Ta &Jeh! .Ro.v O :.d:·es /( v. 'l/ 1 .C ulc: nmc: ltoberl J?q.v Three.' .. B:-1rrei Ca J. atilJAv B Ji \f rP n or ta C J : ll .< r. J?q.v FJVB '1 ne ila /. :c ho ~e Jc F V u er facob1 :m u c e l & h Jennif JChelle \f .\foedriL~ Prado ,\1 ~· .JL l.J r: er. J?q.v Fou Cm1/v Cnrl I~ 'eidwger

~ f..\::m II:Ui IW<v ~

'I GreR/IP \' CwriJIP


Bll dudentc at UMR. ÂŁveryone is welcome to Biterrl rur weekly

Bible dudies. Supper on SWYia (SOSJ arrlinBny dher fun activities. There is Blwa~

somdhing going on.

offers s.n opportunity

UMR students s.nd the colTlJilllllity fu join in fellowship s.ramd s. worship

service s.nd dinner. 'ljrpica.lly. the grrup has el~ fu worship with Vespers service from the l.J.Jihers.n Book of Worship or the .Evening Prs.yer liturgy from the Book


0 Q

THoMAs JEffERSON IIALL AssociATION R<¥ 1: Crrug Moline. Anthony Chiles R<¥ 2: Boyll. ZBCk Geiser R<¥ 3: Lorri Vas's. Alex Dempcey. Christine giiJith. DB.DB Bs.rna.rd R<¥ 4: Pstrx:k Ma.Joney. DBVe Meyer Stephs.nie Ils.rmsn R<¥ 5; John BrBCe. Clo.yf.on Yoort. Colin J.lo.nMh R<¥ 6." Gs.rreJi Fodor J./e.rrmsn Arrndron To.n)'8 Stephan Ao.ron Beck R<¥ 7: Tori gee}y John Cr<Mfs.rd. Kevin Reiche.ri R<¥ 8: M o.ff Au.ctin. Mo..rch g{g.renron Lirrlso.y DBUJ1J R<¥ 9." Jenrule.r JllCobl Tishi Johnson John R81DB.gel R<¥ 10: Adrun Nichols Jenrufe.r Moontnish R<¥ 11: Don Muelle.r. Cliff gordon Motho..n Dev1ns R<¥ 12." Kyle Zimmer Ke.lly gfevens




GAMMA AlPHA Dt1TA Rw J: DBWn Wslker Bnn.n J./r.ilr111m Kelly J.laJJIBid

Rw 2: Mn.llllR. Dlullon GllVlil RISley Steplwus J.ln.rll'IRil

Rw 3.' M zke OvbJt J=y McCaJJey Mel9Jlll' lorgr Rw 4.' Arihony B!tl.Ill Jw:lw Kerwdy Jow MRrllJl Rw 5.' D9.!lny Robert. Jesse J./eli/8/TIRnn Denny Bltlz Rw 6.' Cody Friz K(!VlJI PylllG Arr/1'9R Meyer Rw 7: .~ Ru&h J9Jll8G Woner Jenmler .<>Ml& Rw 8: Dl'9fo' .(};lii.JBrmR.Jl Greg Morro Vn.ler111 J.lO.JSeiTIAA

Rw 9.' Stephen SheJior Tom Corl.r Rw 10: ArrJre,..r Snedden Um:e SirRimRn Rw 11: ZRCk Flogoolle Mail Vrgrl MRgigGoerg Rw 12: Tom Wn.rd Err SirBCk MRrk Cox


AMATEUR. RADIO CUJB Rcw 1: ThoiilB$ Jerris. M Brk Hinkle. Corey JBSper Rcw 2: Daniel gchmk:ft. Tim Forbis. Rebecca Ree:l Rcw 3: Adrienne EnglBJJd Brad Swoferc Rcw 4: PBJ.J] Robi.ntite. Igor lzyumin. Rarriy Moss

THETA TAU OMEGA Rw 1.' Jack Lee. Nick Chr.idis.n Ryan Moyer&. Dave Flenke Rw 2.' Mark ChBpiTlllit Grsri Ma.bie. Ryan Si.burt Rw 3.' Ben Gr8ll. Robert Newlon Ben stsfle.r Rw 4.' JOGh Lawrerre. Rob Flavin Ryan El8ll Rw 5.' John Bslve.r. Tom Codello. Psul Msnley Rw 6.' Jake & Joe GriBr. Tom Quail& Rw 7.' Lru Kuelke.r. J B&On Soce.. Jeremiah Kift Rw 8.' Jack Wiltie Jonny Sommer Curt Codel/o J BCk




Ruw J: Auburn Ws.Jker. Adam Schi1111Bn Mike D8DCer Ruw 2.' Eric Rdh JB./JX}$ Pflum. MBit VitElJo Ruw 9.' Kricls Kaiser. Bdlinger. Mike Murphy Ruw 4.' Dre.v Siebert. Ben Martin III. Ryan Sitzes Ruw 5.' Kevin Simms. S81nl11ie Price Ruw 6.' CIJJDerB.Il Schweiss. Rachel Swearingin. Maggie Sever Ruw 7.' NBihs.n Carter. Kyle Di9:1hmsnn. Deborah Shannon Ruw 8.' Chad Beardslee. Nosh JlusiTlB.n Gra.nt Ms.rtin



In cs.r:

Ms.rk Sbrnsmsnn fPIVJGXieriJ

RiM 1 (felt eXieJ.' M¥:hael Pi.n.k. Mike MJJthi Ben PJSCh8r Nslha.n Avarvit. Ben WrJghUDsfa Acquicbm !Mder). Mike Murrsy Jonathan Cl'OGG. KWlll Arl tSscrds.ryJ. Megs.n lla..ooock LJgs.n Zifitler Ms.rk Murrsy Aaron Yrurg RiM 1 tnght exleJ.' TboiDBG Jlog:ksr Ri:hs.rd Col!a.x.. AndyCla.wGbn (Aertxlyna..rruce LesderJ Akinori M.ryando V. Bostms.n lPtMerlrB.lil Lesderi Mali GIBI'si'fs RiM 2: Sunon Dunberger Mrhssl llerrlrJ.X Lss S8JiJu lls.nk Perrocks tPIICUlty Advisor) De/JVW' Robert& M LiberTniJJl J~ Shreve. Suns Philhps JulJIJ Hopfer Bris.n Mille Sombm Enw9JDBks RiM J: Prem Mxlhs (!JusJ.niJGe Ms.nsgerJ Mali KerkB11¥1J'Bl" Ben JlobbG KWlll Shsnk AJax Jlof' RuGtin Atk61$Gbn &dt Rsce RiM 4: Adsm Jlsrl Neil Schreiber Ari.hony Audo Dl'81N' Fi9.l1liD81' Back (nrlrxlirg t:b:meJ.' John Prs.nk Kyle Ssmpccn fC/tisl' E~i Andrew DJI00f18 Tl11! Johncon Clayton Jrurs; Jske .Adsm Robertson Trevor JlllJJ]i Geoffrey .Kleiboeker ChrJG Mart~ J(ysn Ms.rl:In«>n BrJIUJ Msgsha. Charlie Goodwm Neths.n DllVJS Phil11p .K~ Abrahsm Erda: Joey Llccombe. ~Jiavt




Rw 1: Dr. Carroll. Phillip Ponzer Rw 2: Wesley Do.y. Benedidc Benitorio.n Rw 3: Will Holley. Mego.n Struttmo.nn. Anthony Nixing Rw 4: Tessa. Russel. Stepho.nie M s.Xlen Robert &ho Rw 5: Kevin Brslendein Kelly Arringfun So..m Zitterkob Rw 6: Ro.chel Do.y. Chris Pieper. Do.niel Ksfzer. Neil Ro.ndol Rw 7: Do.niel Schmidt. Althea. Wilson Ross Whiting Rw a: Keith Jlonr:o. Do.vid Drug Finley Rw 9: Karl Nrumo.n Clint Po.lion Kevin Rw 10: John 'fYler. Mitt:hell Niehoff Rw 11: CJ!. Wu. Brock Chridio.n Ro.smusdn Rw 12: Po.u.l Drews. Chris Byrum Rw 13: Do.niel Riley. Jo.son Nolte. Jo.son


1.' Lynda MelffMejo. &my MMkp;:s Benjsmin Medi.n.B. JRClyn Norono Amy Trujillo. Pablo Marquez. ~ P.

Uruch.ima. R~ 2.' JB.iJDe Zuloags.. Willie Ss.rehez. Joce Rodriguez LJAlDlll. MMia May Melgozs.. Will Adkins. Js.nely £dhe.r Griffith


1.' D8Jiiel Rodriguez Jus.n £111YJJ'0mex Pens.. Js.nely

Gr iffifh Lane M9.Ilinez. R~2: Tom Pol Ps.rtiks.. Leo Bra. Kurundo ~ P. Uruchims.. GUB.!bertc Vene Sau:hez I.eonor Valdez Ss.rehez.


&ck.: Jonsiha.n II I I * J« h Troabw:b. Char/.: Jor a Mllifh sw VsnJV:ta CrSIJ Mol Dame/ Tllbbacclu J01Y1ph ll'tll. C9m81'0n SIOR.II. J« h I>ee Mr:hasl DSDiel Cooper JJf hr Wu flB111 McKe/bf¥ rey WoeJOt Eauly $pm rl ~ Benz Joel KOV Wd bam V~M JID8 Floyd. Mr RCh Forred LurJsgy Tho111l1S ldls: Ni1c1a ~ WiliJBJnG()n Robort Morton. Frod: JOIXlph $/uarro. Jarn J« hw Moof111Y Kyle Ta M e& $en ll Ch }hr Albs:on. r:l:wJI To/liGon. Ja;9ph Ls!f Wui1S111 Spsul~ Cbn.d . ThotniJS WoaJRrd Ja;9ph Wtlr o}hr Myerr Benyunm Wor on. lDAII. Aaron Vel~


"'~ nrrr mo




.. n

~dL~~~~==~~~==~~=====~ ELLAim . . . . . .


c. a &II


tlb:we: UMR ctudenf CorySperr:e B.Id father Steve Sperr:e (l.efll oiierrl Billping of the Lsfe Sho..r wilh

DRVi:l Uiie.rl1ll1D. Aller the cho..r. lxih Cory Brr1 Sieve gd to rneti the crew of the Lsfe Shew irclrxling DRVi:ll.t&rrne.n B.Id his driver. Cory doe& this while represe~UMR. w6llring his;s cweai&hirt.

Above.' Geoff Bieniek fRighfJ. son of UMR Physics Professor Rons.ld J. Bieniek f LeflJ. pild.s a cof.smsran with 'Irx:iisll8 JolliJS路 him self Jlo.rricon


Be/(J.V.' UM R sttxlenl. Cory Spence I'UilS into 'Ghoctbuster'

Dan Aykroyd sf a Circuit City in St. /..oois. Aykroyd WD.S

sctmg as s~kes11JIJ.Jl for Charter Col1JJIJUJlicsi.ions. Remember kids. 'the dish is a disesse.'

~nt 7'-cw:

(from left) MSG Thomas S]:X:Irks, Mark Hinkle. MAJ Glenn Kleseweuer 73aek 7'-cw:

(from left)CarmenSlites-TuttJe.LTC joseph Herdade. SGTRandy Harrison CPT Chad Pense. SFC Stanley Love

7-J~cnt &w:

(from left) Dr. Sahra SedighSarvestani Dr. Reza Zoughi. Dr. Norman Cox. Dr. Levent Acar, Dr. Cheng-Hsiao Wu S_ucn~ 7'-cw:

(from left) Dr. Waleed AI-Assadi. Dr. BadrulChowdhury. Dr. Scott Smith. Dr. Richard DuBroff. Dr. David Pommercnke '7J,iJ~~ &w:

(from left) Dr. Tom Van.l))rcn. Dr. Kelvin Erickson. Dr. Mehdi Ferdowsi, Dr. Kurt Kosbar. Dr. James Drewniak 7-cuJ~tlt 7?-cw:

(from left) Dr. Donald Wunsch. Dr. Daryl Beetner. Dr. Joe Stan ley. Dr. Kci th Stanek ~w:

(from left) Dr. Minsu Choi, Dr. Todd Hubing, Dr. Steven Grant

7-~cnl ~UJ :

(from left) Dr. John Hogan. Dr. Neil Anderson. Dr. FranGI Oooh lkucnore Dr. Eliot Atekwana. Dr. Jay Cregg 13aek&w:

(from left) Dr. Bob Laudon. Dr. Estella Atekwana. Dr. ~vid Wronkiewicz. Dr. Curt Elmore. Dr. jeffCawiOrld. Dr. Shari Dunn-Norman. Dr. NoriX'rt Maerz. Dr. ~opu Numrere

@]li:®~®~H©/A\~ {;}©Hii:OO©Ji:(;)


ll oo~u oom:m:mu ~~~


(from left) Dr. Lu('('hf<'f<'ld. Dr. Murrdy. Mr. Laney s~u~w:

(from left) Dr. Grasman. Dr. [}1ughton. Mr. Higginootham. Dr.Sc1ygin '['~ '!Uw:

(from left) Dr. EnkP.Dr. Myers. Dr. Rag~ ell


(from left) Dr. Ramakrishman. Dr. Spurlock. Dr. Allada


Dr. Ralph Alexander. Dr. &rtino Massimo. Dr. Ronald Bieniek, Dr. Robert Dufuis, Dr. D:mald Hagen. Dr. Barl::rua Hale. Dr. D:m Madison. Dr. Ronald Olson. Dr. Pau 1Parris, Dr. jerry Peacher. Dr. Allan Pringle. Dr. Richard Sankovich. Dr. John SchmitL Dr. Michael Schulz, Dr. Greg Story. Dr. Agnes Vojta. Dr. Thomas Vojta Dr. Dan Waddill. Dr. Gerald Wilemski. Dr. lbrahim Adawi, Dr. Richard Anderson. Dr. John Olrstens. Dr. Edward Hale. Dr. John Park. Dr. William Parks. Dr. D:mS[XliUn


citmuz/ +listc


Dr. Larry Gragg. Dr. Diana Ahmad. Dr. Wayne Bledsoe. Dr. Russell Buhitc. Dr. Lawrence Christensen. Dr. Shannon Fogg. Dr. Patrick Huber, Dr. Tseggai Isaac. Dr. John McManus. Dr. Michael Meagher. Dr. Donald Oster. Dr. Jack Ridley. Dr. Jeff Schramm. and Dr. Lance Williams


@JJ> If>® lil if WOOH ~H II{;) JT ®lil tD] 00 liD II lil (g) IillA\ JID WlA\ if II

Ill II{;) II/A\ lil© m~ ~ JJ> llli!H II 00 ©II If) lil® (g) IillA\ N Looking for an opportunity to get research experience under your belt before grad school? Through participation in our Opportunities for Undergraduate Research Experience Program (OURE), you'll become a junior colleague, working alongside outstanding faculty on projx:ts that they have proposed, or you may have your own research proposal accepted.

Need more incentive? Don't forget that an OURE offers compensation for your time. Contact the Office of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies in 207 Parker Hall for more information!

Aoove: Jeanie Welker dis{:x:>ses of waste materials. Left Trini King looks at OO.cterial rells. I

Left Heather Payne counts colonies on a ~trt dish &low: John Camp~ll inoculates rells onto agar. Photos by Kelley Hummingbird.


J:;l~WHIJJID 'lrW~ ~©~If~{;}:


tb£ campus ~oin~

.. Lort Wcxxls, Biology ~JXll1ment

Kathy Allison Student Life Office (Our ~rn>nal herres.)

laura Reider, Student Finandal ~JXll1ment

WiiiUil ~ m: ©liUI! 'ir £ mHm: {;) one office at a lime... .----------,




Jane Durnin Psychology ~JIDiment

Mark Potrafka

I.adonna BOO~, IRan of Arts and &iences Office

Mary Ga~l Library

Top: Dr. Matt O'Krefe, Associate Prof{$)r of Materials Science and Engineering. Mow Left Teny Wilirln Biological Sciences Teaching Assistant Below Right Dr. Timothy Philpot ~t

Prof{$)r of Basic Engineering


iV\lb.y- are st-udents so great?

Because vv-e have the best role models.

Top: Dr. David Pommerenke. As.<n:iate Profe:ror of Eloctrical and Computer Engineering Below Left Dr. David Wronkiewicz, As.<n:iate Profe:ror ofGeological Sciences and Enginrering Below Right Dr.Frances Haemmerlie Montgomery. Curators' Teaching Profe:ror of psychology and as9Xiate dean of the College ofArts and Sciences (and UMR's Woman of theYearl)






7>~, F

tJ6 Gif,Uq12 tJ6 •

A,-u & S~neu: 7>,au~ /...u~ 7>~. I


Jttl HII IX (;) mr lM1 IX 1r A na na mmml w ~ (e IIHOHOl m. COl IF

u~aiNle b.(Jllf~~~llf(J p-q~~u(JleM- bt(Jllf~~~~

q~~U(J't & .'1~"flla'tsle!-,

fl!:~lAtu.~liu.l &.(Jllf~~Nif(J ;l#llfllf(J bJ.elll~~~llf(J ..:'9 -


/fMeU4~ b(Jllf_~~~lii(J 3'1 JhlNUMIII &fJlll~~~lf(/






'"''L.. _,.,/



'\ .---t~



(I)Jl _fMI & IliA\ ml IX Bil IX II 'lf]f~:fi!I~ ~ ---~-:.l-~ ~ HliP COl mNJA\ Yn({M ~ w(;l 1r IX N (;) (e.JII COlH






~yBone Psychology

Borgmeyer f\pplied Math

Zeta Tau A;m F\;t ili fux:r Scaety


fll:,dd::gy Rtmm::h A'IWl!d

Matt Bruns



Computer Science

Computer Science Business &

Cl:llh::ir ~ Qntfr Ali~All

Management Systems Ali~'IMA

St PatG B::erd Chh-cf~

Stlrlntilin::1l ~All O:n:gl.

Charles Dunn

R.ebecca Dalton


•• ...



Nicole Golden

Randy Garstang

Biological Science

Computer Science



~Sbrl:nt lhm


Gmm A\:1-a D:ltA


•• ,,:,

Jaired Hall

David Gwyn Computer Science

Onbn~~ ~Chi>

IJtmlte Frd:m











KeDe Iniguez


Biological Science



~&em lll'lixJl &em PI

S@mP!Sgm ~d~Sb.xhl.s


Sbrl:nt .Aui:aml:m MEP

UR VEY What advice do you have for underdassme.n? Don't procrastinate! · 1\my Bone

What was your hardest dass at UMR? An)'thing with Dr. rorte~e.ld!

What's your plans for the future? W~ at Boeing in St. louis.

Who was your favorite professor at UMR?

·Matt Bruns

· Nicole Golden

Dr. Waddill · Matthew Krems



Sang Lee

1\ndrew Langefeld

Computer Science

Computer Science


Stephanie Maiden



Kacie Marler

Gina Mongillo


Psychology Gmtm. A4ht nita ~~~


UR VEY What advice do you have for underdassmen? Keep at


Senior Will: Name something (o~ect. ability,

traitl that you will want to will

. Kacie Marler

to another student who will not be graduating and tell why you are leaving it to them.

What's your plans for

Leadership skilb because you benefit so much in college by having them! 路 Gina Mongillo

I would like


the hJture?

get my private pilot license.

路 Kevin Markussen


Tara Morrow




Ryan Parish

Rene Raum

Computer &:ience

Psychology F\;t(h





rJj ..

Emma Schmittzehe

Kathryn Sandefur






your hardest

dass at UMR??

Oinical Psychology. 路 Tara Morrow Who was your favorite professor at UMR? Dr. Mi~e Nelson...because he appreciates my animal noises. 路Rene Raum





Cory Spence



Computer &:ience

1\.udra Vandemark

Patty \YTeng Math


1-bmetown: Salem, MO Major/Degree: Psycrology Plans after graduation: I will

be attending the graduate program at Webster University in counseling

then go on to get my state license to practice counseling What will you miss about UMR? ? I will miss all the friends I have mode, the professors that have mode me wont to learn and all the resources that I have hod occess to on campus. Advice for UMR grads: Don't procrastinate. Keep in touch with your friends. Toke advantage of every opportunity to get ahead.

1\fl.*tXJetnett~ 8- lttl&~~~~tll1i&tt ~&~elft.& Olarlene Baker

Matthew Becker

Management Systems

1ST Ra;drre Haii.Am:astm

~Iota ruts.


llirn Jv:NmryCI:ud Pm:x::lat6:l. Sb.rl:ntG a:~





Sb.rl:nt .Am::aatm a: ~t~


Olristopher Cardin

Christina Czapla

Business Management Systems

Business Management Systems ~Iota ruts.

J\mnm &:x:lel;yaQ.dty

J<iwl.rut& \~ ~<lmxmit<Y

URVEY What advice do you have for underclassmen?

What's your plans for the future?

In the words of Oprah, "I got self. It means know yourself first because it

Marrying an awesome man, starting my career as a consultant, and

will help you to find your path elsewhere.

never getting too old to have fun!

- Christina Czapla

- Charlene Baker



Maya GavinEllison Business Management Systems

Business ~dministration Clrdltn~~

Rtndn.e !-WI~

Stv.-.W Onn. :IDl{Y.) af.m ~ fer TJ l-WJ

~ram •




r;~,' ~ . ~ \'· l·,; ' : l

Suzanne Judd



Business Management Syst ems llln; ArlrB:ry <hrol ~

A\hl bta rutA SgmNu

Grant Mabie Business Management Systems KJwi. ~Chrol

'IM.a Tau cnq,




Chl!r cicnq,


.A\:M Tota ruta Mmlll!

R.oger Nugent

John Olle


Information Technology


.-. . .•i . •

, I


Whas has been the biggest change in your time here at UMR?

What's your plans for the future?

I have grown to be more patient.


· Maya Gavin-Bhson

honeymoon to O~ando, then spending the summer relaxing. I hoe to be a C PA someday.

married June

· Suzanne Judd

4, 2005 to Matthew Becker, taking a

.7\my Sanazaro

Sharon Sebastian

Business 7\dministration

Business Management 7\dministration

Matthew Shelton

Danny Thebeau

Business Management Systems


TSl.l B:ta S'tflll. ~&rd

Cl::rort Pm:l 1\p Pm:l

Jennifer Wlnkert 1ST


Mll-tellitl&, EMenqtl 8Eoor11t R u Genna Belt Geology Rs::&. Mamb::re am

.Tau rut&

Timothy Freeney Metallurgical Engineering


.Amn:xn h:lm &:xn:elni ~S:a:ty



Lettner Ceramic Engineering

Who was your favorite professor at UMR?

What advice do you have for underclassmen?

]ack Ridley.

Get involved in your professiona.l organizations and

- Genna Belt

department. Don't waste your time with residential government.

What has been the biggest change in your time here at UMR? The loo~ of the campus and the number of girb! Timothy freeney

- Scott Geer

Daniel Marschke

William Rowden

Mining Engineering


~dam Trusk.a Metallurgical

Tobyn VanVeghten



GeologyGeophysics and Elecbical

A\*& &am~


UR EY What will

be your fondest memory of UMR

in ten years?

Being champions of the 26th Annual International Intercollegiate Mining Competition. • Danie.l Marschke What was your hardest

dass at

UMR and why?

Met 385. Ever jump in over your head? I did. ¡ William Rowden

Who was your favorite professor at UMR? Dr. Scott Miler and Dr. Matt O'Keefe. -Adam Truska What are your plans for the future? Get a job playing with expensive toys at a geophysical instrumentation company. get married in May, and eventual~ go back to grad school. -Tobyn VanVeghten


Philip 1\.It

Stephanie 1\.dams

Computer Science Electrical Engineering

Engineering Management ~

Daniel 1\.nderson

Jennifer 1\.rora

Computer Engineering

Mechanical Engineering ~ruta

PtTauSasm TauSelaPt A.&~

What advice do you have for underdassmen? GET INVOLV拢D! Rolla is not to


What's your plans for the future?

the boring place everyone makes it out

]oin organizations, work to improve yourself and campus, and don't

Work 路 Research and Development. 路 Cameron Bahram-ahi

complain unless you are willing to do something to make whatever it is you're complaining



What's your plans for the future?

-William Atkins

be a Space and Missles Officer for the Ar f orce. -Chris Bal.sws I will




Cameron Bahram-ahi

Computer Engineering

Mechanical Engineering



Scx:lel;y cililpn:: Eiwtm: N!lmal Rmcbxe H:ift 1i:n:rsry Ela~l'b


Chris Balsters





Electrical Engineering

Ot1 rbretown: Moor, Johore, Malaysia Major/Degree: Computer Engineering Pions after grodootion: Look for a

job in any port of the United States and if I can't find anything, go

home to Malaysia to get o job. I om also ploming to tour Et.rope for two months. What will you miss about UMR?

The frierds.

Advice for UMR grads: Don't study too hard. relax, get to know It doesn't mean do not study at all just not all

the time!

people and hove frn in college.

&otty Black

Chad Beardslee

Engineering Management

Ovil Engineering

Ouistopher Borgmann

Michael Brower

Mechanical Engineering



l\4pi A\*a CPtudnt)

ArmyiimC lb Key Hn:r &x::aetur Mown Arcr:ry ~ Qad

UR EY What will be your fondest memory of UMR in ten years? Making fun of Tim L -Scotty Blacb What's your plans for the future? Worb at Boeing in St. louis. 路Matt Bruns


Stephen Breidert Computer Engineering

Computer Engineering

David Bryant Chemical Engineering

~rtCasey Mechanical Engineering ~ ~Wn:l:

.Mzz&ni rull:sl ClntmruraD


路s ~

Ryan Castor avil Engineering

Scott Oodfelter Olemical Engineering Amnm lrdrtllte ciChmrsJI

~ O:reg\ Ot f垄n



Nicholas Correnti

Davae Collins Mechanical Engineering

Ovil Engineering

OJrt Costello


Ovil Engineering

Davidson ~erospace

Engineering MRSA'T'

How do you think UMR can increase enrollment in the future? Two words:

Nursing College!

-Nicholas Correnti



Cody Dennis


Electrical Engineering



Katrina Dickmann

Damon Domer

Biochemical Engineering

Ovil Engineering


~~ lbKeylinr~

any.o.. Epom Amnm l:ltlb:lte a Ch:Jinl


Ot1 Lea~ ~ec~~e~ Hometown: Springfield, IL Major/Degree: BS in Mecranical Engineering Plans after graduation: Work at Boeing in St. Louis, MO in the Structural Definition Department What will you miss about UMR? Chi Omega and all my sisters. Advice for future UMR grads: Hold out for the job with the most money!






Ovil Engineering

Qvil Engineering

harem &net;y aCMI

~ harem <lnrete btatllte

0.. FpU:n

Jennifer Foster



Mechanical Engineering


PITau&gm harem &net;yaMdmal

~ UMRIJ.aam


Jacques Fransaw




Engineering Management


Ryan Gates

John Gillis

OviJ Engineering

OviJ Engineering

David Goben

Katherine Glee

Computer Engineering

Ovil Engineering Amnm Scaetyaaw


~ O.l?pnn

lhtid:l Mnrbl9l fa ~ E'dl.atm at. 1m Y.kiJey Ibm

O!rdm ~ Rb.mip Anroal.a:l G:rasl O:ntm:tcrn

Sb.xlnt <hn::d





Hiltet Rr Hlmmlt;y

UR VEY What's your plans for the future?

What advice do you have for underdassmen?

rd like to teach in a college or university.

Have fun!

路 Mahmut Ekenel

-John Gillis

How do you think UMR can increase enrollment in the future? Design the buildings and campus more attractive~...hire an architect! -Jason f ouraker

Who was your favorite professor at UMR and why? Bogan, he can entertain you for hours. -David Goben

What will be your fondest memory of UMR in ten years? Fun times traveling on school trips. -Kathrine Glee


Kathryn Goben

Jeremy Hagerman


O vil Engineering


Watg. Fnvnumnt Rdrllt.m

Arrrnm Scotty d CMl ~

Leon Hamilton

Nathan Hedden

Engineering Management

What will

be your fondest

Mechanical Engineering

memory of UMR in ten years?

My fondest memory will be working on the Miners in Space Vomit Comet welding project, especially the all-nighters, ~oating on the vomit comet, and aruguing with my male team members over appropriate acronyms for SPEW, PUKE, and REGURGITATE. -Kathryn Goben Who was your favorite professor at UMR? Dr. Burken -Jeremy H agerman What are your plans for the future?

rm going to be an airforce pilot. -~athan t1edden







Ovil Engineering


Amn:m ~aOIIIl ~~ SWnHu ~ CVm


ho:.aatB3 Gnnl1 O:ntroc-!utl <F'nD:mO

Theodore M.


Norman Hom

Engineering Management

Chemical Engineering Sb.dd too:ta- a<:H~:gun Miami 4th 1\r:.e <U BO:nta:t fu:t~ ~. Wntrg

.}911 •


Il:rW Ohnr fu:t~

Omm ~Sild!nt

What are your plans for the future? I will

be working for H erzog

Construction Company in Ste. Genevieve as a Project Engineer.

-Anthony H erzog H ow do you thin~ U MR can increase enrollment in the future? Appeal to the brightest students and show you can have lots of fun without drin~ing. -Norman H om






• •


8 !'!


t\ndrew Hufstedler

Darrel Jacobs Architectural



Engineering PtTsu. TsuPetaPt

ru K.adioglu






Engineering &a l<ig:a l'b <Thmm-)


John K.eeven Ovil Engineering

Engineering tvianagement Anm:m~a~


l<ig:a Mu f!pml OIUOl rutA fVw;

URV EY What advice do you have for underda.ssmen? Neve.r give up and take pride in what you believe in.

What are you plans for the future? Have a good job, good fami~ and make some good money. 路Trent Kraemer

. Andy Hufstedler What will be your fondest memory of UMR in ten years? All the fun times

with friends,

especial~ St. fats.

-John Keeven




Lettner Qvil Engineering

Tim Lorenz


Computer Engineering

Lneddecke Electrical Engineering

Hometown: Webb City, MO Major/Degree: Electrical Engineering



Plans after graduation: There is nothing set in stone os of yet. I would just like to get a

job where I enjoy waking Lp and and finally own my own

going to work every morning. Beyond that, I want to settle into a nice cornmL.nity with my family


What will you miss about

UMR'? I will clearly miss my duch. Over these lost few years, my wife

very involved with Ft. Wyman Baptist Chu-ch.


I have become

The people there are like no other and we will have great difficulty finding

another chu-ch like it. Advice for futu-e UMR grads: Get involved in the oommL.nity! Look beyond the activities offered on campus and become

the cornmL.nity will always need yo.s active participation to fL.nCtion yo.s neighborhood and city coo offer both you and yo.s family

a contributor to society because wherever you live properly. Don't ignore

the importance of what

Shawn Lynch

Paul Manley

Mechanical Engineering



haran &-aty r:l Mrlmral

~ <lm::olnttya Ue Ye~r - TJ


Johnathan McDaniel

Lori Miller Engineering Management

Electrical Engineering

~tC:unl Nw~tPtcpm

What are your plans for the future? full time job, and pursue Master's Degree. - Shawn Lynch

What was your favorite place on campus to study? The Grotto. -Paul Manley

Senior Will: M y fake sleeping mechanism - professors will never ~now if you are asleep or not. -]ohnathan McDaniel


Dana Mizener

David Middendorf

f.ledrical Engineering

Computer Engineering

Mei Mong

Matthew Morgan

Chemical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering -


~ t--..路






21 I

Megan Moms

David Neely


Mechanical Engineering


\"ntylmbll krarm htrtl.lte


PI T!IUStp. Fb.~Fb.


S:x::wJt;y a~t Tet ~

--~~ I 'Tl-d:a El:a.Stp.

Keith Norton




Engineering krarm lrlbtl.lte a

Engineering Management

1mrBI:J:x;s ali~

~ 1-W hlit:nJlm. ~ Ramm 1-W lbrrary R.5droli-W ~

WSA Mm:m !:PmGlnt Qnutnm

James Outland

James Parks Jr

Mechanical Engineering

Ovil Engineering

UR EY be your fondest memory of UMR in ten years? The time spent with my Chi Omega sisters. What will

What are you plans for the future?

rm going to graduate school, then hope to get a job doing aerodynamic

-Megan Morris

research and development. -Keith N orton

What was your hardest class at UMR? They were all hard.

What was you hardest class at UMR

.David Nee~

ÂŁMt6o - I high~ dislike 3-0 math. -James Outland


and why?

Meena Philips

Bren Phillips

Engineering Management

Nuclear Engineering

.Amnm &:aety fa: Q.Wrty

.Amnm N\xhlr~


&r.r Fada Qxnt<r at v'MR


&nlr• Mu EM. 7&T.,A4h ~aa.s.p.


~~~~~~ m~~~ stuint<hJ'Ol


Julie Portman

Chemical Engineering

Chemical Engineering

Arnrcallrdiute aamm

Amn:m lrditbte aamm



<hnxhill.fldmp em ()reg~. (h EpUn

~aWmn~ ~Chf!pUn




BpW. Sllrl::nt Ulrn


~~ ~~&wthm:Jstsn


Brian Rapini

Engineering Management





~Sip. RI-o

Tau IY.t.Pt



Sllrl::nt <hJ'Ol L;lTIIDtwn \~

Who was your favorite

professor at UMR?

Dr. Schramm · history · fun guy and great teacher. -A ddison Raine What do you intend to forget about UMR immediately

after leaving town?

The homework! -Asha Rao What advice do you have for underdassmen? Don't worry if you've put something olf til the last minute; your will come as a resuk of working under pressure. -Brian Rapini


best work




Sibila Ratnaraj

Shakila Ratnaraj

Computer Engineering

Computer Engineering F'bi.Rlo J.?ta IV«a Nu Y4P Mu.EpJb'l

John Reed ill

Christopher Riney

Computer Engineering

Electrical Engineering ~~cilk*'~ ~t<rlk*'~


Bid Mn: 'nft Tn lhmrc UMR'IIDG

Daniel Rodriguez

Daniel Rogers Mechanical Engineering



Electrical Engineering &x:d;y ci ~ PtWm.:n.l




ll'd ~

Julia Rosemann

Tessa Russel

Engineering Management



StuintCb.rol ~t VP

Ext.emal AllBim. 0m:p.ll lrr.d~llont Chl!r

Ooom ruts. IV«a Tau Pets. Pt ~ Onto-

Phi Eta Sem



Keith &haefer

Angela &hachner

Computer Engineering





Margaret &hlueter

Jeremy &hnurbusch

OviJ Engineering

Electrical Engineering Slam~ CPradnt)

Ot1 Hometown:

Liberty, M issouri

Major/Degree: Computer Engineering Plans after graduation: Someone hire me!! What will you miss about UMR'? l'll get

back to

you on that ore.

Advice for future UMR grads: Leave early. RL.Ul while you still can.


.tWne Scott

Jennifer Speidel

Architectural Engineering


Engineering 7.eta T(ll.l A\:hl.

I.sxrixla.Sip.PI Gmm A\:hl.llit:a Arn:n:m ht.rthte c{


Jason Stadt




Engineering Management A\*6. Fp;d::n PI

UMR'TB:H: Ongl. Chi Ep;U:n

1\b.v Sbxlnt~

Al!ElaS!p. UMR Chmhr Wad Ermn:i:.e




v~ ~000

Joy Stein

Reid Stephens


Ovil Engineering

Engineering OiA RHA RllldntJIJ! ~ Am::latr:n N1tmll Rmdn:e Hlllltn:mry


Jacquelyn Stroble



Electrical Engineering

Ontm~~ Olnmruta~

&J:JtJ:;ya\ilfmr:n ~




T8ll Blts.Pt


Fb~Fb Olnmruta~

R.ustan Stump


Engineering Management

&Itton Chemical Engineering

URVEY What do you intend to forget about UMR immediate~ after leaving

What was your hardest class at UMR?


Orbital Mechanics 路 the concepts were hard to grasp but I still

Dr. Nelson

enjoyed the class.

-Jennifer Speidel

-Abbie Stewart

What are you plans for the future?

What will

Start a life 路 buy a corvette (year undecided), get married and in the very

I was the on~ gi~ in the mosh pit at freaker' s Ball 2004

far future have a couple of kids.

-Jacquelyn Stroble

-Jason Stadt What advice do you have for underclassmen? Enjoy it to the most. -Matthew Stalling

Who was your favorite professor at UMR? lance Haynes. I've never known a prof to have so much fun in and out of class. -Joy Stein


be your fondest

memory of UMR in ten years?

Sofia Tan


Electrical Engineering

Thomas Chemical Engineering

7\..aron Ticknor

Erik Timpson Electrical Engineering

Aerospace Engineerrng I:hn:Ld;

AIJOOtJc Sc!-o1sr Sl@mPt Sl@mGmm Tau UMR'I'nd

Nathan Tool

7\..ngel Uruchima

Chemical Engineering

Electrical Engineering ~ <:[ 1-lEpn: Prciem:ml

~ M::d; ~ QJA Awtl!d CSHPE)










Engineering <lraece Orce Onq;cln Vsmty 1'nrk a-d Fd1


Archrtirlursl ~ hx.UOJta &Mu- A1hk::te ~ SantStid:nt ~

Xiaozle Zhang

Steven Ziegler

Ovil Engineering

Computer Engineering

What do you intend to forget about UMR immediately

Who was your favorite professor at UMR?

leaving town?

Dr. Carol Ann Miller


-Jayson V ucovich

-SoHa Tan What advice do you have for underclassmen? Who was your favorite professor at UMR?

Don't cross highway 63 at 9th street 路 there are crazy

Dr. Pemicka

Rolla drivers and one of them hit me and I had to go to

-1\aron Ticknor

the hospital and then wear a shng and brace for 2 months.

What are your plans for the future?

-Aubum Walker

Obtain an MBA while working full-time and create my own company. -Angel Uruchima



t/ 2

2004-2 005


I -



Co:n.gratula.tio:ns Y vo:n.:n.el

V\Te 're very proud of' youl

J en.:ny, ".lv.tom a:n.d "Dad







Tobyn VanVeghten

Brad Swaters

-rlttntk t1fHA

Angel (Patrick) Uruchirna

t1fHA1r hood W&trk 1hi.& tfelllr. We wi.dt llfHA 11te IJfUJfl ru-t J rlleld



We're very proud of'

I>addy vv-ould be so


proud- ~so are vv-e.

Love, ~ozn. and


.::::Jl!{attb E99 m to the journey. Con.gra.tula.tio:n.s

"W"e're proud aÂŁ youl



W e are all proud of'youl



Dad a:n.d. "lv.1:om


K.eith - you. d:id itl

We are proud of'youl

S:in.ce your f'i:rst St. Patrick's "Day in. l 983, you. w-ere destined to be a Rolla alurn:ni.


It w-as :Dad's

dream f'or youl I am so proud of'youll


Love, }\/.[om


~'tVn}J 2(. ~dmwtbu~ You. D:l.ake us so proud J erernyl ~tulations on. your

grad:uationl V\Te

love you. so

J ohn. Hi hoi Hi hoi

Now- it's off



Love and



'Mom and

Love, Dad, 'Morn,


and J en:na

Dearest I...eah.:


V\Te are all proud or you..


Love, V\Te love y ou. so,

'Morn, Dad and Ky1e

V\Te are so proud of' youl Good luck 8}'111/"ByS.

Cong-ratulations/ Love. ~om and Dad.

Stan, Pam and J en:na

E mily, vv-e're so proud aryoul

Love, ' Gary,

lv!icl:l.ael , Caleb







MAJEsnc EAGLE. PRoun OF YOU!!!!! MoM }liovlng Memory Dad 8/8/44- 9!5!02

From t1Je ÂŁt;liltr

I was plea.secl with t1Je talent d t1Je ~staff this 'JfW'- I ltJink I1Ja.t

our ]id'oga.]hnl dida.nexaellentjJb ca.phrrin.,[, hiBtcry m our ca.mpm. ~.~ tirne6 they did not ~et to f!.XJIY6II their~Bide

in their ~That

is why this ecJition dtfJe~

feslvrrul a.


J/ho!Nca.J1e. I

our ]id'oga.]hnl to submit their fa.vaw ]h*a1 fer this show'c:a.JJe. a..nt1 I hope I1Ja.t !Pl . them as much ha.w..



2 3

~]f)速 ttllii~llu{t 速llil




rnrr&cdl ~~&tt~rr~



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A Aaron &d 28 Aaron, Frank 23 Adams, Stfuhanie 198 Adkins, w路 169 Ag::e, An~la, 8 Agnes, Dr. Vo~a 178 ~ew, fulsha 34 en, Dln 148 Al~rt, Justyn 96 Allada, Dr. 177 Allen, Jen 97 Allen, Jenn 70 Allison, Christopher 170 Allison, Kathy 180 Alt, Philip 198 Amick, Diane 151 Anderson, Dlniel 198 Andrew, Comad 23 Arl, Kevin 167 Armbruster, Marc 14 Armstron, Herrman 162 Armstrong, Jake 149 Arnn, Aliron 100 Arora, Jennifer 198 Arrington, Kelley 151 Arrington, Kelly 168 Atkeisson, Rustin 167 Atkins, William 199 Au~ry Tuk 23 Audo, Anthony 167 Austin, Matt 162 Averett, Nathan 167 Aykroyd, Dln 173 Ayon, Anthony 110 B Badrul, Dr. Chowdhury 176 Bahram-ahi, Cameron 199 BailJ, Dln 148, 151 Bair , Adam 157 Baker, Charlene 193 Bales, Chris 77, 145, 147, 156 Bolsters, Chris 199 Balver, John 165 Barlxlra, Dr. Hale 178 Barbieri, Andrew 110 Barker, Dlvid 111 Barnard, Dlna 162 Batten, Kellee 149 Baughman, Andrew 199 Box, Dln 144 Bayne, Matt 151, 154 Beardslee, Chad 142, 166, 200

Becho, Ro~rt 168 Beck, Aaron 150, 162 Becker, Matthew 193 Bedoe, Ladonna 181 Bedwell, AJ 77, 154 Begm, Craig 151 Beiser, Erica 142 Belard, Hugh 151 Belt, C拢nna 194 Benhart, H~ 76, 77 Benito, Ben 'cto 168 Bennett, Travis 111 Benz, Steven 170 Berhe, Tesfom 152

Bertino, Dr. Massimo 178 Bettinfr, Sarah 157, 166 Bienie , Croff 173 Bieniek, Ronald 173 Bilbrey, Chip 111 Black, &otty 200 Blitz, ~nny 163 Bluelxlun, Kira 28 Blum, Anthony 163 &>b, Dr. Laudon 177 &>ne, Amy 188 &>rgmann, Chris 148 &>rgmann, Christopher 200 &>rgmeyer, Janet 188 &>wling, Bronson 110 &>yd, Alida 152 &>yd, Meghan 143 &>yll, Stephanie 162 Bra, Leo Kusurnoto 169 Brace, John 162 Brace, Jonathan 76, 77 Brackin, Emily Welch 230 Brad Hippisley 18 Brandon Landry 14, 16, 17 Bratenstein, Kevin 168 Breidert, Stephen 201 Bresnahan, Patrick 145, 149 Brewington, Lee 157 Bristow, Nick 101 Brower, Michael 200 Brown, ChristJher 110 Bruekner, Bra 140 Bruekner, Brad 142 Bruns, Matt 188 Bruns, Matthew 159 Bryant, Dlvid 201 Bryant, Dlvid 149


Bryant, eden 111 Bryant, Jeremy 110 Bryant, Tavis 111 Bu~nik, Dlvid 201 Buchheit, ~rek 188 Buehler, Tom 159 Buehler., Ro~rt 159 Buffa, Stephanie 148 Bundy, Brandon 9 Burks, Fermaine 32 Burks, Jermaine 30, 31 Bush, Dlniel 66, 67, 154 Bush, Mariola, 143 Byrum,Quis 168

c Colt, Reid 151 Cam~~ll, John 179 Cane os, Alida 70 Carder, Charles 144 Cardin, Christopher 193 Cardwell, Claire 143, 145 Carroll, Dr. 168 Carter, Nathan 166 Carter., Emily 159 Cosey, Al~rt 201 Castor, Ryan 201 Catherine Kuzmeski 26 Cawlfield, Jeffrey 110 Chad, CPT Pense 176 Chaloupek, John 157 Cham~rs, Evelyn 143 Chandler, Mathew 150 Chapman, Mark 165 Chasteen, Amanda 149 Cheerleaders 28 Cheng-Hsiao, Dr. Wu 176 Chiles, Anthony 162 Chaudhary, Akash 141 Chris Balven 28 Christian, Nick 165 ClaUS5en, Chris 101 Clawson, Andy 167 Clodfelter, Scott 149, 201 Cobb, Jason 149 Coleman, Monica 148 Colfax, Richard 167 Conte, Maria 142 Conti, Tom 163 Cooper, Dlniel 170 Correnti., Nicholas 159 Costello, Curt 165

Costello, Tom 165

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Cotter, Brandon 101 Counts, &met 159 Coustow, Jack 165 Cox, Mark 148, 151, 163 Cox, Ryan 154 Craig, Joseph 111 Cross, Jonathan 167 Crowell, Chris 76 Crawford, John 162 Cunningham, Qen, 141 Curt, Dr. 8more 177 Czapla, Christina 193 Czuoo, Ezra 149, 151

0 llilton, Rebecca 188 llin, Dr. Waddill 178 llincer, Mike 166 llinrus, William 110 llinielle Lyman 20 I:Xmnenberg, Alyse 150 t:Xlopu, Dr. Numbere 177 t:Xlryl, Dr. Beetner 176 t:Xlttilo, Emily, 150 t:Xlughton, Dr. 177 t:Xlum, Undsay 162 t:Xlvidson, Ryan 8 t:Xlvis, Nathan 167 t:Xly, Rachel 168 t:Xly, W~ley 168 OOue, t:Xlve 40 ~hr, Josh 170 ~lane Ingram 12, 17 ~mpsey, Alex 162 ~vine, Mathan 162 Dhillon, Malina 163 O'H<XXJ, Andrew 167 Diana, Dr. Ahmad 178 Dickmann, Trina 148, 149 Diechmann, Kyle 166 Dieckmann, Kyle 140, 142 Dierking, Nicole 35 Oifani, Ricky 144 Dimber~r, Simon 167 [))mer, IXunon 142 llin, Dr. Madison 178 llin, Dr. Sparlin 178 llinald, Dr. Ha~n 178 llinald, Dr. Oster 178 llinald, Dr. Wunsch 176 llinovan, Toni 76 [))u~as, Dr. Ludlow 149 Dr., and Lance Williams 178

Draker, Andrew 145 Drews, Paul 168 Driemeyer, Patrich 151 DrimaJim 67 Drunner, Joseph 144 Ouehning, Jam~ 140, 142 Ouffe, Andrew 142 Dunn, Chari~ 188 Dunnaway, Chris 140, 142 Durante, Andrea 35 Durbin, Michael 70 Durham, Katherine 156 Durnin, Jane 181 Dusheke, Ryan 159 E Edward, Dr. Hale 178 Edwards, Amy 28 Edwards, Brian 158 Edwards, Jenny 149 F.gJr, Matthew 228 Ekenel, Mahmut 204 Barn, Ryan 144 Ban, Ryan 165 Eliot, Dr. Atekwana 177 8meromex, Juan Pena 169 Emanuel, Marilyn 86 Emanuel, Marilyn, 67 En~and, Adrienne 164 Enke, Dr. 177 Enwemeka, Sombiri 167 Erdos, Abraham 167 Fstella, Dr. Atekwana 177 Fsther, Janely Griffith 169 Etter, Reg 143 Evans, Jeff 154 Evans, Jeffrey 151 F

Fahrenholtz, Jill 150 Fehr, Neil 31, 32 Ferrari, GJston 143 Fielder, Matthew 204 Fields, Joshua 110 Fink, Michael 167 Finley, lliug 168 Fiore, John 110 Fischer, Ben 167 Fischer., Ben 159 Fisher, Jim 140, 142 Fitzmaurice, Jennifer 150 Fla~lle, Zack 163 Flammer, Drew 167 Flavin, Rob 165 2~[]

Floyd, fino 170 Flynn, Adam 9 Follett, Matt 145 Forbis, Tim 164 Forbis, Tim, 149 Ford, Harrison 173 Forsberg, Jaime 37 Forsberg, Jamie 34 Foster, Cillrett 162 Foster, Jennifer 204 Fouraker, JCN:ln 204 Franca, Dr. Oooh-Ikuenobe 177 Frank, John 167 Fransaw, Jacqu~ 204 Freeney, Timothy 194 Frenz, Natalie 150 Fritz, Cody 163 Fugiel, Arnie 42 Fulk, Rachel 151 G Gabel, Mary 181 Gag?, Aaron 204 Gallagher, Benpmin 157 Galvan, Andrew 144 Gamache, Steve 111 Ganey, Paul, 142 Gantner, John 68, 70 Garstang, Randy 189 Gates, Ryan 205 Gaul, Bill 24 Gavin-81ison, Maya 194 Gebhardt, Caleb 141 Geer, Scott 194 Geiser, Zack 162 Gerald, Dr. Wilemski 178 Gholson, Paul 111 Qeraffa, Matt 167 Gil~, Melissa 145 Qllis, John 205 Gillis, John, Christopher Moll 148 Qtewatt, Brock 168 Qastetter, Aaron 151 Qeason, Katie 148 Qee, Katherine 140, 142, 205 Qenn, MAJ Kiesewetter 176 Goben, t:Xlvid 205 Goben,Kathryn 206 Goerg, Magtg 163 Goforth, Scott 142 Gold Miners 26 Golden, Nicole 189 Cooiwin, Charlie 167 Gordon, Bethany 143

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h :l l ·• ,,, .... J.· , . tttttl l· ,


~rdon, Oiff

162 GJska, Matthew 157 Gran, Ben 165 Grasman, Dr. 177 Grasman, Scott 141 Green., Courtney 101 Greene, Courtney 159 Greenwood, Jeremy 149 Greg, Dr. Story 178 Greg, Dr. Stratman 154 Grier, Joe 165 Griffith, Janely 169 Grodsky, Rachel 68, 70 Grodsky, Rachet 148 Gwyn, llivid 189 H Hagerman, Jeremy 142, 143, 206 Hall, Jaired 189 Hall, Justin 228 Hallam, Matt 77 Halli~, Gary 159 Hameed, Ahmed 145 Hamilton, Leon 206 Hammond, Matt 24 Hancock, M~ 167 Harman, Step anie 162, 163 Harris, Ryan 111 Hart, Adam 167 Hatfield, Kelly 163 Haupt, Trevor 167 Hayward, Beth, 150 Heavin, = 70 Hedden, Na an 206 Hefti, Josh 142 Heinemann, Jesse 163 Heintzelman, Mark 207 Heitman, Anson 110 Hendrix, Michael 167 Henke, llive 165 Hertenstein, Jake 167 Herzog Anthony 148, 207 Herz~ Anthony, 142 zootham, Mr. 177 e, Craig 70 Hill, Tim 144 Hines, Jonathan 170 Hinkle, Mark 164, 176 Hinton, charles 150 Hoan~ lliug 167 Hobbs, Ben 167 Hoecker, Thomas 167 Hoerr, Thexlore 207 Hofmann, Ro~rt 111


Joseph, LTC Herdade 176 Josegh, Michelle 158, 199 Jud , Suzanne 194 K Kadioglu, Ali 208 Kaiser, Krista 166 Kalaf, IXm 145 Katy MacMann 23 Katzer, lliniel 168 Kauzlarich, Phil 111 Keeney, Unda 151 Keeven, John 208, 229 Keeven, John, 142 Keith Bratton 28 Keith, Dr. Stanek 176 Kelly McCoy 26 Kelvin, Dr. Erickson 176 Kennedy, Justin 163 Kennedy, Sarah 150 Kerkemeyer, Matt 167 Kessler, Chris, 141 Khanep, Parul 141 Kilbourn, Nathan 158 King, Jeremiah 165 Kin~ Trini 179 Kladiva, Alex 157

Jacks, Amy, 148 Jaco~, James 110 Jacobi, Jennifer 159, 162 Jacobs, llirrel 208 Jaiswal, Rahul 141 James, Clayton 167 James, Dr. Drewniak 176 Jasper, CJJrey 164 Jerome, Likki 142 Jerris, Thomas 157, 164 Jessica Newman 28 John, Dr. Carstens 178 John, Dr. H~ 177 John, Dr. McManus 178 John, Dr. Park 178 Johns, Felida 37 Johnson, Ben 159 Johnson, Bryan 157 Johnson, Tim 110, 167 Johnson, Tim, 144 Johnson, Tishi 162 Jones, Charles 170 Jones, Matthew 208 Jones, Rob 144 Jones, Rusty 157 Jones, Sabrina 96 Jordan, Christopher 110 Jordan, Ro~rt Jr. 110

Kleiboeker, Geoffrey 151, 167 Klemmer, Jamie 159 Kopitsky, llivid 110 Kost, Phillip 167 Kovach, Joel 170 Krab~nhoft, Adam 110 Kraemer, Trent 208 Kraemer, Trent 141 Krerns, Matthew 189 Kristin Beckmeyer 26 Krueger, Chris 101 Kuelker, Lou 165 Kueny, Sylvia 150 Kuhl, Cory 110 Kunz, Al~rt 209 Kurt, Dr. Kosbar 176 Kuse, Matt 144 Kuzmeski, Catherine 156 Kylee Hyzer 23 L Lancey, Michael 148 Landoll, Drew 111 Laney, Mr. 177 Langefeld, Andrew 190

Hofstetter, Alex 167 Hofstetter, Raymond 151 H~camJ, Eliw~th 26 Ho ey, w路 168 Homco, Keith 168 Hopfer, Julie 167 Hom, Norman 207 Houseman, Valerie 163 Huerta, Louis 141 Hufstedler, Andrew 208 Hufstedler, Andy 150 Hummingbird, Kelley 154 Husman, Noah 166 Hutlman, Brian 163 I

Ibrahim, Dr. Adawi 178 Iffri~ Nick 70 Iqpr, Justin 150 Iniguez, Kelle 189 Irvin, Ryan 66 Irving, Ryan 67 Irving, Ryan, Peter Stossel 66 Irwin, Leah 158 Izyumin, I~r 164





oJ 2005 5wm l9wt UM9l alumni and atl 5/ie &np~ oJ ta tlie efa6"


Ph;lip A. Jozwiak; B.S. J 966, Prof. C. E. 2000 Dominic J Grana; 8 S 197 7, M S 1975 Ronald F. WH11c1ms; B.S. 1980, M.S. 1981 Dale M . Sr-nrtrl: B s 1981 Jeffrey P. Kre1n; R. S. l 987 Dennis F. Boll; B.S. 198 l, M.S. 1982 WiHiam C. Jones; B.S. f 986 Karen Arbert: B.S. J 99 2. ~v1 .S_ 1994 ,~icrlcii cJ M. Solor·nun; B.S. 1983. tvlS l994 Matthew H. McOual1ty; B.S. 199"3, M.S. r 996 Michael S. Roark; B.S. 1997, M.S. l998 Yingwei (Alex) Wu, M.S. f 995, Ph 0. 1999

Enc J. Ne _1ner; B.S. 199 I , IV1.S. 200 1 GJen L. Adams: B.~. 1997. IV1.S. 1998 Cra1g K. Kaibel; B.S. 2003, M.S. 2004 (.9~ lUd6tcuuling. opp~ ~~tanding guuU~ in

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Lanser, Yvonne 226 Larson, Abram 194 Lawrence, Dr. Orristensen 178 Lawrence, Josh 165 Lee, Jack 165 Lee, Sang 190 Letcher, Nick 110 Lettner, Jennifer 194 Lettner, Michael 142, 209 Lettner, Micheal 151 Lewis, Patrick 70 Uberrnan, M 167 Uefer, Joe 96 Likes, Amy 192 Likes, Justin 140, 142 Undsey, Forrest 170 Undsey Hoffmann 26 Upperd, Tova, 149 Lisa Smith 26 Liscombe, Joey 167 Loeback, Kevin 168 Loeffler, Jeff 66 Loket, Hal 151 Long, Erin, Rachel Struby 149 Long, Jessica (Advisor) 145 Longi, Melanie 70, 163 Lorenz, Tim 209 Lubiewski, Michael 156 Luechtefeld, Dr. 177 Lueddecke, Matthew 209 Lunn, Amy 148 Luttrell, llive 70 Lutz, Matt 111 Lynch, Shawn 210 M Mabie, Grant 165, 194 Magma, Brian 167 Maiden, Stephanie 168, 190 Maloney, Patrick 162 Manley, Paul 165, 210 Marincel, Michelle 150, 157, 159 Mark &der 14 Markpics, Sony 169 Markussen, Kevin 190 Marler, Kade 190 Marquez, Pablo 169 Marschke, lliniel 195 Martin, Amber 228 Martin, Ben III 166 Martin, Grant 166 Martin, Grant, 142 Martin, Jeff 156 Martin, Joey 66, 163 Martin, Lance 110

Martin, Peter 157 Martinez, Lane 169 Martinson, Ryan 167 Mortise Orris 167 Mastroianni, Mat 149 Matlag2, Nicole 151 Mattin~y, Leslie 150 Mattus, Kara 148 Maunus, Leah 229 May, Marla 169 McCord, Emily 34 Mclliniel, Johnathan 210 Mcllivid, Eric 110 Mdxmald, Rodrick 96 McGillivray, Sarah 156 McQ)uley, Jimmy 163 McKellips, William 170 Medina, Benpmin 169 Megm Weston 28 Meghan DJnnellan 26 Mehdi, Dr. Ferdowsi 176 Melg:rrep, Lynda 169 Melglza, Nano 169 Mell, John 110 Melsheimer, Rob 142 Memieville, CJJry 111 Meredith, Jason 150 11 Meteor", Brock Watt 156 Meyer, Andrea 163 Meyer, llive 162 Meyer, llivid 151 Michael, Dr. Meoqher 178 Michael, Dr. SchuTz 178 Michael, Joseph 170 Middendorf, llivid 211 Midha, Prem 150, 167 Mig2t, Luke 142 Migll, Luke 140 Miklovic, Jacob 151 Miles, llivid 70 Miller, lliniel 55 Miller, llinielle 57 Miller, Lori 210 Mills, Brian 167 Minghi, Mike 167 Minsu, Dr. Choi 176 Misak, Tawnia 148, 159 Miyamoto, Akinori 167 Mizener, llina 211 Moentnish, Jennifer 159, 162 Moline, Craig 170 Moline, Craig, 162 Moll,Christopher 148 Mong, Mei 211 Mongillo, Gina 190 I

Mon~er, Josh 149 Mooney, Joshua 170 Morgm, Matthew 211 Morre, Greg 163 Morris, Megm 212 Morrow, Tara 191 Morton, Robert 170 Moser, Matt 150 Moss, Randy 164 Moyers, Ryan 110, 165 Mueller, DJn 162 Munson, Justin 156 Murphy, Michael, Matt Voss 142 Murphy, Mike 140, 142, 166 Murray, Dr. 177 Murray, Mark 167 Murray, Mike 151, 167 Myers, Christopher 170 Myers, Dr. 177 N Nance, William 148 Neely, llivid 150, 212 Neuman, Karl 168 Newp:lrt, Thomas 110

Newton, Robert 165 Nguyen, llividtu 157 Nichols, Adam, 162 Niehoff, Mitchell 168 N~bett,Amanda 66 Nix, Anthony 168 Nolte, Jason 168 Norbert, Dr. Maerz 177 Norman, Dr. Cox 176 Norono, Jaclyn 169 Norton, Keith 141, 212, 228, 229 Nug2nt, R0g2r 156, 194 0 CXlkes, Tom 147 O'berry, Moya 191 O'Brien, Benprnin 212 aconnell, rxmiel 111 Ohara, Kelley 151 Qp, Michael 145 Olle, John 194 aNon, Emily 87 Orlich, Julie 23, 148 Oswald, llivid 209 Newton, Robert 165 Nguyen, llividtu 157 Nichols, Adam, 162 Niehoff, Mitchell 168 N~bett, Amanda 66

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Nix, Anthony 168 Nolte, Jason 168 Nor~rt, Dr. Maerz 177 Norman, Dr. Cox 176 Norono, Jadyn 169 Norton, Keith 141, 212, 228, 229 Nugmt, RCXJr 156, 194 0

Olkes, Tom 147 ~rry, Moya 191 CYBrien, Ben~ 212 aconnell, IXmiel 111 Ohara, Kelley 151 op, Michael 145 Olle, John 194 O'Nan, Emily 87 Orlich, Julie 23, 148 Oswald, llivid 209 Outland, James 212 Ovbig, Mike 163 p

Panackal, kpy Padathu 87 Parish, Ryan 156, 191 Parks, James Jr 212 Patrick, Or. Hu~r 178 Patton, Clint 168 Paul, Dr. Parris 178 Payne, Brian 157 Payne, Heather 179 Peetz, Adam 28 Pemicka, Hank 167 Perry, Amy 76 Perry, Eric 30, 33 Perry, Michael 157 Perterson, Opie 150 Pflum, james 166 Phil &hloss 18 Philips, Meena 213 Phillip Mulligm 28 Phillips, Bren 213 Phillips, Susie 167 Pie~r, Chris 168 Pike, Chris 111 Pitsch, Scott 111 Pitta, Kishor 149 Pol, Tom Partika 169 Pollack, llivid 168 Panzer, Phillip 168 Pooker, Mati, Erica Beiser 142 Portman, Julie 213 Potrafka, Mark 180 Poulard, Latisha 37 Prado, Luis 159

Prather, Stephanie 154 Prather,Stephanie, 96 Pratt, Jason 168 Price, &unrnie 166 Pyles, Kevin 163 Q Qualls, Tom 165 R R., Jason Wiloom 230 Race, Scott 167 Ra~n, Janet 145 Ragsdell, Dr. 177 Rain, Addison 213 Raine, Addison (President) 149 Raine, Addison, John Reed 148 Ralph, Dr. Alexander 178 Ramakrishman, Or. 177 Randol, Neil 168 Randy, SGT Harrison 176 Roo, Asha 213 Rapini, Brian 213 Rasm~, Christian 168 Rasnic, Ashley 26 Ratnarat Shakila 214 Ratnarat Sibila 214 Raum,Rene 191 Rea, Aimee 149 Rechner, Leah 148, 229 Reck, Jason, 149 Reed, john 148 Reed, john Ill 214 Reed, Rebecca 164 Reichert, Kevin 162 Reider, Laura 180 Reina~!, John 162 Rericha, James 110 Resnick, Maxwell 110 Rex Wallace 18 Reza, Dr. Zoughi 176 Ricca, Stefanie 145 Richard, Dr. Anderson 178 Richard, Dr. DuBroff 176 Richard, Dr. Sankovich 178 Richar速n, Eric 75 Ricke, Andrew 111 Riley, Dmiel 168 Riney, Christopher 214 Risley, CAlvin 163 Ro~rt, llinny 163 Ro~rt, Dr. DuBois 178 Ro~rts, Clinton 157 Ro~rts, Denver 167

Ro~rts, [X)ug 76 Ro~~n, Adam

167 Robillard, Timothy 151 Robinette, Paul 164 Rob~n, Am~r 151 Rcxielus, Jeff 151 Rcxiriguez, Dmiel 169 Rcxiriguez, Dmielllial 214 Rcxiriguez, Jose Puma 169 RCXJrs, Dmiel 214 Ronald, Dr. Bieniek 178 Ronald, Dr. O&>n 178 Rosemann, Julia 214 Ross, Phil 145 Ross, Philip 149 Roth, Eric 142, 166 Rouse, Erin 20 Rowden, William 195 Rucker, Stephen 150 Ruff, Laura 76 Rush,Samuel 163 Russel, Tes.<n 148, 168, 214

s &lleska, Joshua 111 Sampson, Kyle 167 Sanaz.aro, Amy 195 Sanchez, Willie 169 Sandefur, Kathryn 191 Sanford, Alisha 35 Sansing, Sandy 151 Sauter, Lee 167 Saygin, Dr. 177 Schachner, An~la 215 Schaefer, Joe 101 Schaefer, Keith 215 Scherer, Jacob 110 Scherer, Jake 165 &hlueter, Marg:rret 215 Schmidt, Dmiel 164, 168 Schmittzehe, Emma 191 Schnurbl&h, Ben 40 Schnurbl&h, Jeremy 215, 229 Schondelmeyer, Stephanie 150 mei~r, Larry 157 mei~r, Neil 167 moer, Michael 157 Schuchmann, Chris 110 Schuerman, Drew 163 Schuman, Adam 166 Schumer, Anne 26 Schweiss, Cameron 166 Schwiesow, Brandon 151 Scott, Anne 216 Seals, Jennifer 163





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~lxlstian,Sharon ~ly, Tori 162 ~iler, lline 140,

195, 228

142 170 Sever, Magje 166 Shank, Kevin 167 Shannon, Drorah 156, 166 Sharko, <kily 151, 159 Shaw, josh 30, 32 Shelton, Matthew 151, 195 Shelton, T<rll 157 Sheptor,Stephen 163 Shiarra, J~ph 170 Shipman,jeanne 150 Shreve, justin 167 Siburt, Ryan 165 Sie~rt, Drew 166 Simms, Kevin, 166 Sischer,james 142 Sitzes, Ryan 142, 157, 166 Sitzes, Ryan, 143 Slatier, Kevin 141 Sloon,Cameron 170 Smith,Ouistine 162 Smith, Erin 70 Sntdi2n,Andrew 163 Sommer, jonny 165 Sonny M<mrr 26 ~. Ja~cm 165 SJXlfks, Thomas 176 SJX1ulding William 170 S¢.leL jennifer 216 ~~ 227, 154. 174 173, 192 S~nce, 141 ~nee, Steve 172 S{X'Qrl, Fmily 170 Spinden, llive 149 Spurlock, Dr. 177 Stadt,jason 149, 216 Stalling Matt, 148 Stalling Matthew 110, 216 Stanley, SFC Love 176 Sta~nski, jace 111 Statler, Ben 70, 165 Steyn, lac 110 Stein,joy 141, 216 Stephan, T:ro 162 Stephens,R . 216 Steven,Dr.Clant 176 Stevens, Kelly 162 Steverron, March 162 Stewart,Abbie 217 Stewart, Olester Grohs 111 Stimemann, Mark 167 Stites-Tuttle,Carmen 176 Stolte, Chris 156 Stossel,Peter, 66 Strack, &ic 163 Strait, Tara 151 Stratman, Lance 163 Stroble,jacquelyn 150, 217, 228 Stroker, Graeme 157 Struby, Rachel 149 Struttmann, Mfu 168 Stump, Ruston 17 Sunderman, Jacob 39 ~nft, jarnes

Sutton, Will158 Sutton, William 217 Swafford, Beth 151 Swaters, Brad 227, 154, 164, 215 Swearingin, Rachel 166 T To~ [Xmiel 170 Taeg:L Dichelle 28 Taeme, Metteb 152 Taeme,¥ 152 Takir, Alexis 192 Tan,Sofia 218 Tanya Stephan 28 T~in, Michael141 Te,Kyle 170 Teague, Michael 111 Teame, Cffi2on 152 Teame, Mehari 152 Tekle, Hermon 152 Terry, Sondra 148 The~u,llinny 195 The~u, Nikki 170 Thomas, Oystal 218

Thomtron, Katie 148 Thomsen, Brandon 157 Thrailkill, Zechariah 111 Tiara Carr 20 Ticknor, Aaron 218 Tiehes, Adam 101 Timothy, Dr. Phil~t 182 Tim n, &ik 218 T:r&.Hubing 176 TOOd,J~ 110 Tohline, Andrew 151 Tokuhiro, Akira 150 To~n,Michael 170 Tomasek, 1~ 17 Tool, Nathan 151, 218 Trang, Undo 28 Travis Stensby 25 Trida Mattson 28 Trossbach,josh 170 Trujillo,Amy 169 Truska, Adam 195 T~, Dr.~ 178 Tumer, Tlinea 96 Turner, Trinea 154 Tyler, John 168

u Uruchima, Patrick 169,218, 227

v Valdez-~dlez, Leonor 143 Valdez., Leonor 169 Van, Ryan Proven 149 Vandemark, Audra 192 Vandemark, &ic 111 VanPutte, Matthew 170 VanVt9lten, Tobyn 227, 151, 154. 195 Vela.ijuez, Aaron 157, 170 Vene,Gual~o~ 169 Vick, ROO!rt 151


Vi~ William 170 Vi ·,Matt 163 Vitello, Matt 166 V~er, ~le 156 Vo er, ark 157 Vass, Lori 151 Vass, Lorri 162 Vass, Matt 142 Vass, Matthew 151, 159 Vurovidt, jaym 219

w Wachter,Adam 142 Wclher.~dy 86 W er,Aubum 166, 219 Walker,lliwn 163 Wallace, Rex 18 Wallain, Patrick 57 Walters, C£nny 154 Ward, fub 145 Ward, Tom 148, 163 Watkins, Conor 157 Webb, Jamie 96 Webster, &ic 17 Weidin~r, ~on 159 Wein~ 97 Weiss, 42 Weldon, llin 111 Welker,joonie 179 Wert:if Moore 23 Weng Patty 192 White, Ccxly 140, 142 White, I~ 150 Whiting Ross 168 Wiemann,Shea 31, 33 Wilburn, Candice 42 William, Dr. Parks 178 Williams, Chuck 66 Williams, jason 150 Williams, Nathan 96 Williams, Patrick 101 Williamson, Thomas 170 Wilson, Althea 168 Wilson, Colby 39 Wilson, Terry 182 Winkert,jennifer 195 Winklemann,Megxm154 Wittie,Jack 165 Wooth, jeffrey 170 Wolfe, Krista 96 Wolfe, ROO!rt 149 Woner,james 163 Wmls,Lori 180 Worley,joshua 110 Worman, Benpmin 170 Wright, Ben 167 Wright, Chris 76 Wright.,Chris 101 Wu,CH. 168 Wylie, FJiza~th 151 Wynne, Ron 158 y Yoclav, Vivek 157 YoungAaron 167 YoungOayton 162

z Zak, Andrew 157 Zhang Xiaozle 219 Ziegler, john 145, 147, 151 Ziegler,Lcx]m 167

Ziegler, Lori 141, 151 Ziegler, Steven 219 Zirnrner,Kyle 162 Zirnrnennan, Qenn 157 Zitterkob,m 168 Zuloo aime 169

CONSULTANTS in DEVELOPMENT, DESIGN, and CONSTRUCTION St. Charles • St. Clair • Arnold • Fairview Heights, Ill. William J. Green, P.E., President • B.S. '68, M.S. '69 Mark A. Harms, P.E., Vice President • B.S. '83, M.S. '85 Karl E. Ruhmann. P.E., Director of Environmental Services • B S. '84 William J. Guerdan. P.E., Director of Construction Services • B.S. '80

T. Michael McMillen, P.E., Director of Geotechnical Services • B.S. '67, M.S. '68



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