The Rollamo 1962

Page 37

A "sideline" lecture.


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In keeping with the national statistics and in response to the many new opportunities in industry, graduate studies, and research, the Electrical Engineer!ug Department continues its expansion and is now the largest department on the 1\lS:M campus. The classrooms and laboratories of the new and efficient Electrical Engineering Building are busy with students ga ining nt>w knowledge in the following departmental divisions: network analysis and synthesis; electronics and electron devices; servomechanisms and automatic controls; fields, microwaves, and antennas and radiation ; energy conversion and transmission. Well equipped laboratories as well as analog and digital computing devices assist the students in their studies. ROGER E. NOLTE, Department Chairman, B.S., E.E. 1943, M.S. 1948, Ph.D. 1955, Iowa State; Bowdoin College, M.I.T., University Ill., MSM.


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